Chapter five || 다섯 장
5| Family History 🀄
Hello! This one is a little short but the next ones are gonna be longer i promise x
Happy reading! 🎋
Jennie and I sat in silence for a few moments. She reached into the backseat and got the laptop Taehyung had been using, studying it for a while.
"Quite a day, huh?" she asked.
"You could say that." I agreed, it was a gross understatement. "Is this an everyday occurrence for them?"
"Not everyday." She laughed as her phone rang. "Jimin?...,yeah, I got them." She hung up.
"Jimin has trackers on all their mobiles, and surveillance cameras inside the warehouse so we can keep up with what's going on." She explained.
"So, you're all involved in this, the whole family?"
"Uh huh." she said absent-mindedly, she was busy concentrating on the screen. It finally dawned on me just what I had gotten caught up in.
"Like the mob?" I felt my breathing speed up, I felt dizzy, no wonder taehyung had been so upset that my father was the chief of Police.
He wasn't dealing a bit of pot in high school, we were talking organised crime, the mafia, guns, drugs, money laundering, illegal gambling.
It suddenly all made sense, that's why everyone had been so fearful of him at the club, he was part of the underworld, something I didn't think even existed in small towns like Busan.
I could hear her talking to me, but her words weren't registering. I couldn't get my breathing under control.
A sharp slap brought me crashing back to reality.
"Sorry, but you were hyperventilating." she said apologetically.
"Look V should really be the one to tell you all this, but you're here and you're involved whether you like it or not, and you're obviously not stupid."
I nodded, although I was feeling pretty stupid for not realising all this earlier.
"The Kims are a respected crime family, probably the most respected in South Korea.
Jeong gyu is the boss, that's V's father. He had 3 sons, Jin, Namjoon and V. Namjoon was killed years ago. Jin run things these days, then you have V and Jungkook, Jungkook is like a son to Jeong gyu, Jungkook's father was his bestfriend and the man took a bullet to save Jeong gyu, but Kook doesn't have what it takes to be boss, you've met him. you can see why, he's just the muscle. V, he has the brains, but he can also be cold and cruel and he's just as strong as Jungkook, he's also quicker. When Jeong gyu steps down, it will be V that takes over. He's perfect for the position, Jin trained him, it's like it's in his blood. He's a natural. He turns the right age soon and he'll be initiated into the family. But that's just a formality, he's already made a name for himself."
Great, just great, I finally find a boy that I'm attracted to, that I want more than anything and after one night I find out that not only is he a criminal, he's in the freaking mob, and not just in the mob, he's all set to be boss.
I know I wanted to know all his secrets but I'm beginning to think I was better off in the dark. "So what do you do?"
"Not a lot, I help handle the paperwork, make sure all the accounts look legitimate, sometimes I'll act as a decoy or a lure, a getaway driver, but Jungkook mostly keeps me out of it. I'm his girlfriend, it's supposed to make me untouchable, no one can come after me, some old fashioned criminal code that they are all supposed to follow, no one touches the wives or girlfriends. Doesn't always work and some families don't honour it. But that's what V was talking about earlier, he told Jin that you're untouchable."
I knew it was wrong to feel even slightly flattered by that, but I couldn't help myself, it was sweet, in a massively screwed up way.
"Jimin is the tech guy, he can hack anything, he can change your grade card as easily as he can get into the pentagon files. He deals with all the electronics, surveillance when it's needed, phones, computers, destroying electronic records, anything like that. And Rose.."
"Rose!" I couldn't imagine sweet little rose I had met in the diner having anything to do with all this.
"Yes Rose. Silent but deadly, she's tiny, so she can get in and out of almost anywhere, she's almost as good as her brother V. She's another one who seems made for this life. Despite Jeong gyu's best efforts both his children seem to embrace this lifestyle."
"Wow!" I mean what else could I say? It was all a bit much to take in.
"Now, I shouldn't have told you any of that. It's not my place, but if Kai is going to kick off because of tonight, he's going to know about you. Lia will have told him everything, and you have a right to know if you might be in danger. Kai is boss of a rival family, the Choi's, he is Lia's cousin. If kai suspects V has feelings for you it's going to make you even more vulnerable. They will come after him any way they can, he's that good and if they take out the next in line the family will crumble, no one else can run the Kims after Jeong gyu, it has to be Taehyung. Kai will think nothing of coming after you, if he thinks it will get to him. So you can expect a heavy Kim presence in your life for the time being. V won't let anything happen to you."
"Wonderful." I muttered.
"It's a lot to take in and I know you haven't known us very long, but it feels like you fit."
She was right, I had thought earlier that I felt a sense of belonging with these people, but that was before I found out who they really were. A few short hours ago I had been desperate to fit into Taehyung's world but knowing what that world involved now, did I still want that?
"I don't know if I can be part of this." I told her honestly.
"That's for you to decide, you haven't run away screaming yet and I don't think you will, but y/n, I have to warn you, you discuss anything I just told you with anyone outside of the Kim's, I will personally hunt you down. This is my family, and I won't have anyone fuck with it, you don't have to become part of it, but you do have to keep our secrets. Don't make me regret letting you in. I like you y/n, I really don't want to have to hurt you."
I shuddered, I had no doubt she meant what she said, not that I would ever tell anyone what she had just told me. She went back to watching the computer screen and I rested my head against the headrest of my seat and shut my eyes, trying to process everything she had told me.
I jumped when I heard a gunshot ring out through the night. It was almost immediately followed by several more.
"Jennie?" I cried. I wasn't worried about myself, I was too busy panicking that something was happening to taehyung.
"We're fine, they're fine." She assured me, not taking her eyes off the computer screen. "It'll be over soon."
"How do you know?"
She pushed the computer between us. "V will finish this in three shots." She said confidently. "Watch this." She said almost proudly. She showed me on the screen where Taehyung was, crouched down behind some boxes, then to three men hidden around the room.
I held my breath as I watched Taehyung stand. He shot three times in rapid succession and I heard the shots echo outside the car a second before I watched them on screen. Taehyung put his gun away, smirk on his face as jungkook and Jeong gyu rushed into the room. "I told you he was good." she said.
I merely nodded. Somewhere it registered that I should be horrified that I just sat and watched him kill three people, but all I felt was relief that Taehyung wasn't hurt.
"And you can't tell me that didn't get you all hot and bothered." She laughed.
As much as I didn't want to, I had to admit he had looked damn fine. My dad carried a gun, I'd seen him shoot, we'd been to the range together, I'd even had a go myself once.
But Taehyung with a gun, that was different, he was powerful, controlled and focused , he really had been quite impressive.
Jennie was right it did get me a little hot and bothered, and that was worrying, what kind of girl was I if watching people get shot turned me on.
We waited another five minutes before we spotted taehyung , Jungkook and Jeong gyu coming towards the car.
They were laughing about something, looking like they didn't have a care in the world. They looked like they had just been out to a football game or a party, not that they'd just taken part in a gun fight.
"Still not running y/n?" Jennie asked, rather smugly in my opinion.
It was almost like she knew that I'd already accepted this, and I didn't even know myself if I had or not yet.
She jumped out of the car and ran to them, she said something to taehyung and then threw herself into Jungkook's arms.
Taehyung opened the driver's side door and poked his head into the car. "Hi." He said simply.
"Kook and Jennie are going with my dad, I'll take you home, if that's alright with you."
I nodded, and Taehyung looked relieved. He went to sit and moved the computer off his seat, shutting it and throwing it into the back of the car. He hung his head, concentrating on adjusting his seat and starting the car.
"Were you watching?" He asked quietly.
"Only at the end." Taehyung didn't say anything, just nodded once and waited for me to continue. He still wasn't looking at me. "I'm glad you're ok." I told him softly.
"Yeah?" He looked up and gave me a small smile.
"Yeah." It was true. I couldn't deny that I would have been devastated if something had happened to him.
Taehyung drove out of there in silence, he was speeding, but it was the only way I was going to get home before my dad so I didn't mind much. The silence wasn't necessarily uncomfortable, but I had so much I wanted to say to him and I didn't know where to start. I decided to go with the truth.
"Jennie told me." He glanced over at me confused. "Who you are." I explained.
"I told you I was no good for you." He sighed.
"And I told you I didn't care." It wasn't until I said it that I realised how true that was.
"You don't hate me?"
"Why do you keep asking me that?"
"Because you will Princess. One day, you'll look at me and you'll hate me."
"Never." I vowed. Even knowing what I knew about taehyung, having seen him in action tonight, I couldn't ever imagine hating him.
He took my hand in his and we rode that way until his phone rang.
"Dad?" He answered. "Yeah, why?..., what!..., Fuck, why would you do that?" He listened for a while. "You tell Jungkook I'm gonna kick his fucking ass..., Jennie can shut the fuck up as well..., Fucking Hell!..., It's not funny!.., Fine!" He hung up angrily.
"Motherfuckers." He muttered under his breath. "You have any plans after school tomorrow Princess?" He asked glancing sideways at me and I wondered what I was going to get involved in now.
"No, why?"
"Because my mom wants you to come over for dinner."
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