Chapter three ||세 장
3| Lia's Downfall 💢
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Taehyung parked his car in a deserted parking lot behind some buildings. We all got out of the car and the change in his and Jungkook's demeanour was startling.
They seemed to harden, their faces becoming serious and they both stood taller, looking more grown up, like they meant business.
Gone were the two boys who just argued over whether pineapple should be allowed to be put on pizza. In their place were two men, men that looked dangerous.
A/N: Pineapples on pizza is just wrong fight me.
I wondered what we were doing here and decided I would need to ask Taehyung some questions if I saw him again.
I couldn't just follow him blindly into situations, especially not if they involved seedy parts of town and shady clubs.
The chances were, I would probably follow him anywhere regardless, but I was still my father's daughter, and I knew nothing good could be going on, if 2 men, 1 girl and underage kid were about to walk into a club.
We went through a dank alley and came out onto a bustling street, there were clubs and bars lining both sides of the road, all of them playing loud music and people were hanging around outside, drinking and smoking.
I felt a little intimidated when some of them turned to stare at us but Taehyung threw his arm over my shoulder, pulling me into his chest and strode towards one of the bars.
He was so confident and composed, it was hard to believe he wasn't much older than me. Jennie and Jungkook walked behind us, neither one of them looked wary, they looked like they came here every day and they belonged.
They both had their heads held high and no one bothered us in any way.
We approached a seedy looking building and taehyung stopped and turned to me.
"Stay close to Jennie, do not leave her sight. You have your phone, call me if you need to." He instructed and I nodded, I had no plans to leave Jennie, I was already feeling nervous.
He put his hands to my cheeks and cupped my face. "I mean it Princess, anything happens or you feel uncomfortable, you call, I'll be back to you in a second." I nodded again, and he kissed me on the nose.
I didn't really want taehyung to leave me, but I knew he had things to do, again I wondered just exactly what he was up to that would involve him coming to places like this, but now wasn't the time for questions.
Taehyung walked into the building and a huge bouncer stopped him by standing in his way. "I.D" he said.
My heart stopped. Even if Taehyung and the others had I.D's, I didn't. I was going to ruin the whole plan.
"Dean." Taehyung laughed.
Dean, laughed along with him, "Good to see you V."
"J in the back?" Taehyung asked and Dean nodded. They shook hands and he let us through into the club.
The club was dark and musky, I looked around wide-eyed and trying not to openly gape, there were women in various states of undress all over the place, some sitting at tables talking to men, some serving drinks and a few dancing on a stage in the middle of the room.
"Here" Taehyung thrust some money into my hand. "Go with Jennie, have a drink, I won't be long, I promise." He kissed me briefly on the lips and with that Jungkook and Taehyung disappeared into the club.
"Come on, let's get a drink and find Lia." Jennie said.
We walked into the club and Jennie seemed to know where she was going, so I followed behind.
We got to the bar and she jumped up onto a high stool. I got up onto the one beside her. A barman appeared within seconds. "What can I get you?" He asked smiling at Jennie.
"Cosmopolitan." she smiled sweetly. "Make it two."
I handed the money Taehyung had given me to her and she handed one of the bills over. The barman went away and came back with two glasses.
Jennie turned to me and handed me a glass, clinking hers to mine. I took a drink and coughed, I'd had alcohol before but it was a sip or two of my dad's beer, this was strong and burned the back of my throat.
She chuckled. "You'll get used to it." She said taking a graceful sip of her own.
"What are Taehyung and Jungkook doing here?" I asked. She had been the most forthcoming today and I wondered if she'd tell me what I wanted to know.
"V will tell you when he's ready."
"I don't know if I'll see him again after tonight." I whispered sadly.
"You will." she said confidently.
"You think?" I asked hopefully.
"I know. I've never seen him act like he does when he's around you." She nodded, as a lovely brunette headed women came to stand at the other side of the bar. She had brilliant dark eyes and clear pale skin.
"Well look what the cat dragged in." she sneered at Jennie.
"Lia." she answered without looking at her.
"What are you doing here?"
"What does it look like? I'm having a drink with a friend."
"Is V with you?" I noticed how her eyes lit up when she mentioned Taehyung and I bristled.
I was feeling very possessive of Taehyung , even though he wasn't mine to possess, and in all honesty there was no way I could compete with this lovely woman, if this was the type taehyung went for then I didn't stand a chance.
Although he had kissed me, I knew that it didn't necessarily mean anything, but I was really hoping it did.
"Can you see him?" Jennie answered but didn't.
Lia noticed me beside Jennie and looked me up and down disparagingly, she obviously found me lacking as she sniffed and turned back to Jennie without speaking to me.
"Where's Jungkookie tonight? I've missed him." Lia asked smirking.
Jennie's nostrils flared and I could tell she was fighting to keep herself calm.
She gulped her drink down and slammed the empty glass back on the bar. "I'll have another please."
Lia disappeared for a while and returned with two more drinks, I still hadn't finished my first. I silently watched as the two girls were caught in a battle of wills.
Jennie was barely concealing her rage as she stared at Lia refusing to break eye contact.
She had promised Taehyung she wouldn't start anything before him and Jungkook were back and I knew it was taking a lot of effort for her to keep her word.
I took another sip of my drink and watched the girls dancing, they were lithe and graceful, and the men were eating it up.
"Hey pretty lady." A man came up and stood beside me, the other side to where Jennie was sitting.
He was handsome, I suppose, dark skinned with long dreads, but his eyes were glazed as he looked me up and down.
"Hi." I squeaked.
"Bye." Jennie leaned around me to say, rolling her eyes at him.
"No need to be rude, I just wanted to buy the pretty lady a drink." He leaned nearer to me but spoke to Jennie now. I tried to lean away from him without toppling off the bar stool.
"She's not interested." Jennie told him.
"She can speak for herself, no?" He smiled at me, but it wasn't kind, and he reached and took my hand before I could move it.
"Daniel." He introduced himself not letting go of my hand. "Would you like a drink?"
I shook my head no and tried to pull my hand out of his, but his grip tightened.
"I'd go careful if I were you." Jennie commented with a smile on her face.
I wondered what she was finding so amusing, seeing as I still couldn't prise my hand away and I was beginning to get a bit panicked as he bought it towards his lips.
Daniel chuckled clearly not threatened by her.
"You've got less than a second to let go." A chilling voice said from behind me.
I sagged in relief as Daniel's eyes flashed towards Taehyung and he dropped my hand instantly.
"V, good to see you." He stammered, wide eyed and terrified.
I glanced behind me at Taehyung and quickly looked away, his eyes were cold and hard, his jaw set tight and his hands were bunched into fists.
I hadn't seen that side of him before and he was truly frightening, I could understand why Mike and now daniel were reduced to being stammering idiots in his presence when he looked this way.
"I will kill you." Taehyung said simply, and I almost laughed because the whole thing was so absurd, I probably would have if he hadn't sounded so serious and daniel hadn't looked like he believed him.
"You alright Princess?" he whispered in my ear and I shivered as his warm breath hit my neck.
Daniel stood stock still, looking too scared to move, his glazed eyes darting between taehyung and me.
"I'm fine Taehyung." I said quietly.
"I'm sorry Taehy..." Daniel started, but quick as lightening, he grabbed his hair and slammed his head down forcefully onto the bar.
I shrieked and jumped off my stool towards Jennie, as Daniel stayed face down on the bar for a few seconds and then slumped onto the floor, blood streaming from his nose and looking a bit dazed.
"That's what usually happens when people use his name." Jennie said to me, unconcerned by what had just happened. "You see why it's such a big deal that he lets you call him Taehyung now."
I nodded dumbly, shocked by Taehyung's violent outburst over something that seemed so small.
I was shaking and more confused than ever. People had looked over when they heard the commotion but they had quickly looked away and no one seemed to care that Daniel was slumped on the floor bleeding.
"Princess?" he asked called softly and I looked up at him, he looked ashamed that I had seen that side of him.
"I didn't mean to scare you." He came towards me and Jennie gave me a little push in his direction.
"You didn't." I said shaking my head, it was only a small lie, but he knew.
"I'm sorry." he whispered as he pulled me to him, I went willingly, this was Taehyung , it was V I was scared of.
"Fuck V, what did Daniel do to piss you off, I was only gone a minute." I heard Jungkook's jovial voice before I saw him. He kissed Jennie on the cheek and looked at Taehyung for an answer.
"He touched y/n." Jennie answered when it was clear Taehyung wasn't going to.
Jungkook whistled loudly and shook his head. "Bad move my friend, bad, bad, move." He bent down and picked up daniel, helping him to his feet.
"I tried to warn him." she shrugged. "I'd go while you still can." She told Daniel, and he snapped out of his daze and turned to leave.
"I'll be seeing you." Taehyung said and it sounded more like a threat than a goodbye. Daniel nodded solemnly and stumbled away.
My mind was going at a hundred miles an hour, all these people knew Taehyung, most of them seemed scared of him, and I could see why now, but how could that be, it didn't make any sense to me.
"V! You're here" Lia giggled as she caught sight of him and rushed over. "What can I get you?"
"Nothing, we were just leaving." Taehyung replied.
"You're not still upset with me are you?" she asked pouting. "I can make it up to you." She licked her lips and smiled, her eyes lighting up.
"I doubt that very much."
"Oh don't be like that V, stay and have a drink. I'll make it worth your while." She winked at him suggestively.
"You ready to go Princess?" Taehyung asked me and ignoring her completely.
I nodded, Jennie was grinning like a fool and Taehyung winked at her.
I wasn't entirely sure what was going on but I think this was all part of Jennie's plan to rile Lia up and I think he was playing along.
"Who the fuck is that?" Lia screeched looking at me and glaring.
"That's y/n." Jennie said happily. "She came with V."
Lia looked at Taehyung and narrowed her eyes. "You bought one of your whores to my club."
I gasped, no one had ever called me such a horrid name, I know I'd lead a sheltered life but it shocked me that she would say that about me.
Taehyung grabbed my hand and turned to leave.
"You know he's only trying to make me jealous, don't you." She said to me, making me stop in my tracks. "And sweetheart you don't even begin to compare."
Taehyung let go of me and leaned over the bar until he was just an inch from her face. "Watch your mouth." He said through gritted teeth.
"Or what? You're not going to hit me V, I know the kim boys wouldn't stoop so low." She smirked.
"That's why they brought me." Jennie interjected and lia's face fell a little.
"Kai will hear about this." Lia threatened but she didn't sound so confident. "I'll bet J's on it right now." She looked around wildly.
"I'll bet J will be drinking through a straw, and not talking to anyone for quite some time." Jungkook laughed and Lia gasped.
"You fucking bastards. What did you do to him? You'll start a war." She hissed.
Taehyung shrugged. "You tell Kai to call me." He seemed unconcerned by her threat.
"V" she whined, seeming to change tact, going from angry to little girl in a second. Maybe she was bi-polar.
"We were good together, don't ruin what we had for that frigid little bitch. You know we can make it work, it's what Kai wants." She grabbed his hand across the bar.
"I don't give a flying fuck what Kai wants." He shook his hand from hers looking disgusted.
"You think you're special?" she asked me, changing tact again, definitely bi-polar.
"I'll bet you haven't fucked him yet. The minute you do you won't see him for dust. See how special you feel then. He'll be back with me before you can blink. The Little Miss Innocent look only works for so long. V needs a real woman." She smiled nastily.
"Lia, you need to shut the fuck up." Taehyung seethed. I didn't hear the rest of what he said because jennie pulled me over to her.
"Call him by his name and get out of here." She whispered.
I laughed and nodded. I hadn't planned on getting involved but hearing Lia say those things to me, had hit a nerve, I was jealous that she got to be with Taehyung, when I probably never would.
Taehyung was obviously well known and people seemed to look up to him, he was almost revered and tonight he was with me.
If I only had one night with him, I was going to make the most of it, being with him and knowing he and Jennie and Jungkook would look after me gave me a new found confidence to stand up for myself, to do something I never would have before today.
Being with Taehyung gave me a sense of power, and I liked it.
Lia had come around the bar now and was standing face to face with Taehyung, she was whispering furiously and he was looking murderous.
I tugged on his sleeve and he turned to me, his eyes instantly softening.
"Taehyung, can we go now?" I asked purposefully shyly, looking up at him and biting on my bottom lip.
I was good, and I gave myself a mental high five. I saw Taehyung's eyes darken as he looked at me, and I was only vaguely aware of lia gasping because the look he was giving me was so full of lust it made me light-headed.
He raised his hand and used his thumb to pull my lip from my teeth. "What are you doing to me Princess." He whispered.
"Tae.." Lia started but she didn't finish because Taehyung's head whipped round to hers and the look of lust in his eyes was replaced with fury.
"Don't you fucking dare." He warned her.
"You asshole." She screamed. "Fuck you, and fuck your little girlfriend, I'll get you for this Kim, you mark my words, I'm coming for you." She made to lunge at us but Jungkook got in her way and restrained her.
"It was nice meeting you Lia." I said brazenly and she screamed with rage.
"Watch your back y/n." She spat.
"Jennie, I believe this is your show." Taehyung grinned at her as he took my hand.
"That was fucking spectacular y/n." Jennie hugged me and then turned to Lia. I just heard the sound of a slap landing as taehyung pulled me out of the club.
Dean nodded as we passed and I waved, I was feeling high as a kite, whether it was from infuriating Lia, or from the way Taehyung had looked at me, or even if it was from Jennie's comment, I didn't know.
Maybe it was a combination of all three, but I couldn't help but giggle as Taehyung lead me back through the alley.
I, y/n, had just been to a club, seen Taehyung physically attack a man, got involved with a screaming nutcase, who was, right at this moment, being given what for by Jennie, and it was almost too much.
It was a heady feeling and I let myself enjoy it.
"What are you laughing at Princess?" he asked as we reached his car, he opened the trunk and put a briefcase in. I hadn't even noticed he was carrying one.
"This!" I waved my arms around hysterically. "Tonight! Things like that don't happen to me."
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have brought you. I..."
"No!" I shouted, cutting him off. "Don't you dare apologise, I've never had such a rush, my blood is pumping, my heart is racing. I'm alive. I can feel it. I'm finally alive."
Taehyung looked at me warily, and I realised I was acting like a lunatic.
I slumped against the hood of his car. He came over and stood in front of me. I wrapped my arms around his waist and he wrapped his around my neck and leaned his chin on the top of my head.
We stayed that way, neither of us saying anything. I wanted so badly to figure him out, I wanted to learn all his secrets and I wanted him to let me in. If I didn't see him again after tonight it was going to hurt.
I had spent the evening in a little bubble. No questions, no answers, no consequences.
Just one crazy night where I got to pretend that I could fit into his world, that maybe I could become part of it.
But now I'd had a taste of being with Taehyung Kim one night wasn't nearly enough time for me.
I knew he was attracted to me on some level, but it felt like more than that to me. The connection I felt towards him was too strong, too powerful, it went deeper than just simple attraction, and I could only hope he felt it too.
"What are you thinking?" he released me and tilted my chin so I had to look at him.
"If I asked you what was in the briefcase, would you tell me?" I asked him
"No, probably not."
I nodded, I had assumed as much.
"Who are you?" I whispered.
"I'm just Taehyung." He shrugged.
"No, you're Taehyung with me, you're V to everyone else." I told him and he nodded. "Why is that?"
He didn't answer, he just kissed my forehead gently.
"I don't want this to be over." I admitted.
"I'm no good for you." He said, and I knew he understood what I was saying.
"I don't care."
"I'll destroy who you are."
"You'll make me who I'm meant to be." I argued.
"You'll end up hating me."
"Never." I promised.
"I scare you." He mumbled, running his nose down my cheek and inhaling deeply.
"V scares me, Taehyung doesn't."
"I'm always gonna be V." he said sadly.
"Not always, you're Taehyung with me." I told him and he nodded.
"Why is that?" I asked him again.
"Because you're my princess." His lips ghosted up my jaw.
"Your Princess?" I asked as I ran my hands up into his hair.
"I want you to be mine." He whispered as his hands went to my hips and his lips brushed against mine.
"I already am."
I barely finished my sentence before he was kissing me.
He pushed me against the car, my body moulded to his as our tongues battled for dominance, I held his head to me and kissed him back just as forcefully this time.
He picked me up by the hips and sat me on the hood of his car and I automatically wrapped my legs around him.
He moaned as he ground his hips into me and I gasped when I felt him hard and ready between my legs.
I knew we were moving too fast, but I couldn't find it in myself to care. I wanted this boy, more than anything I'd ever wanted in my whole life.
I didn't care what his secrets were. I didn't care he was no good for me. I wanted taehyung and I wanted all of him, the good and the bad. If he'd always be V, then I wanted that too.
I moaned when his lips left mine and he moved down to kiss and suck at my neck, one of his hands wandered under my clothes and he was soon cupping my breast, his fingers finding my nipple and playing with it through my bra.
My body was on fire, new sensations and feelings coursing through me as taehyung moved back to my lips and kissed me deeply.
"V and y/n sitting in a tree. K I S..."
Taehyung groaned and pulled away from me, while I straightened my clothes.
"Seriously, are you five?" he yelled at jungkook who just laughed.
"How did you go?" he asked Jennie.
"She may need a new nose, but she bought the last one so maybe she'll get a good deal." Jennie smiled like the cat that got the canary.
"You should have seen my woman. So fucking hot." Jungkook supplied.
"And y/n, wow, didn't know you had it in you, you didn't even flinch when that crazy bitch came lunging for you."
I smiled, I had been pretty relaxed about the whole thing, but being with these people did that to me.
"So V, I see you finally got your shit together and got your girl." Jennie smirked at us.
I looked at Taehyung, who looked at me.
He kissed me and whispered. "Not my girl. My princess."
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