Chapter 6
Chapter six || 육 장
6| Meet The Parents 🎎
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Taehyung managed to get me home ten minutes before my dad came in.
He walked me to the door and was adorably nervous when he asked if he could pick me up from school the following day.
As soon as I told him yes, he gave me a searing kiss that left me breathless on the doorstep as I watched him drive away.
I ran upstairs, and by the time my dad opened my bedroom door to check on me, I was lying in bed pretending to be asleep.
I didn't fall to sleep for a long while, my mind whirled with the events of the night.
For years I had lived, going through the motions, never really feeling much, I was dull, lifeless, a little disconnected, sure, I enjoyed things, or got upset, but nothing had prepared me for the range and depth of the emotions I had experienced tonight.
Happy, confused, terrified, exhilarated, powerful, concerned, overwhelmed, I'd felt it all, and although I was nervous about going to dinner, if I was honest, I was looking forward to what tomorrow with the Kim's would bring.
I had agreed to go to dinner with Taehyung's family, he was obviously not impressed that he had been railroaded into inviting me and I worried that he was only asking me because his family was forcing his hand, but he assured me that he'd like me to come, he just didn't want me to think that it was all too much too soon, he was worried that it might 'scare me off'.
I laughed in his face, when he explained this to me, after the night we'd just had, it was comical that he thought dinner with his family would be what pushed me over the edge.
I woke to my alarm in the morning, I hadn't had nearly enough sleep after my late night, and I dragged myself wearily to the shower, this bought me to my newest dilemma, what did one wear to dinner with..., whatever Taehyung was to me..., parents.
I had already met his dad but the circumstances weren't exactly optimal for making an impression.
I finally dressed in my normal school get-up, jeans and a hoodie and went downstairs. I munched on a bowl of cereal, as I made sandwiches for lunch.
"Morning y/n." My dad said gruffly from behind me.
"Hey dad. I made you lunch." I smiled handing it over to him.
"Thanks, you're a good girl y/n. You have fun last night?"
"What time did you get in?"
"Not long after you called." I kept it vague, no need to tell him I stopped off at a quick gun fight in between his call and getting home.
"I'm on a late again tonight, but I think you should be home by ten in the week, at least until school gets out."
I nodded, we'd never really had to have this conversation, I was usually home and if I went anywhere, I was always back well before my dad, so it hadn't come up before.
"And I don't want you neglecting your homework." My dad added.
"I won't dad. I'm going over to Jennie's house after school tonight for dinner, but I'll make sure I'm back by ten."
"Who is this Jennie, I didn't hear of any new people in town. Does she go to school with you?"
"Oh, um, no. I met her at the library. She's really nice."
"Uh huh." He was interrupted by the sound of a roaring engine.
"What the.." he looked out of the kitchen window. He pulled the curtains back and there in my drive was a massive jeep.
Jennie jumped out of the passenger door and walked up the path to the house.
"That's Jennie." I told my dad.
"I thought you said she didn't go to school with you." My dad said as the doorbell went.
"She doesn't."
"So why is she here?" I shrugged I had no clue what jennie was doing at my house.
My dad answered the door and let her in.
"Hey y/n, you left your backpack in the car last night and I thought you'd need it." She smiled at me.
I hadn't noticed that I'd left my backpack behind, but looking around it was obvious it wasn't at home.
"Thanks." I said genuinely. "Dad, this is Jennie. Jennie, my dad."
"Nice to meet you Chief." Jennie said politely and my dad smiled, pleased that she had addressed him so formally.
"You want a ride to school?" she asked me.
"Sure. Give me two minutes." I put my bowl in the sink and ran upstairs to brush my teeth. I came downstairs to find my dad and Jennie chatting amiably and I stood around awkwardly until they noticed me.
"Yeah, see you tomorrow dad."
"Ten 'o'clock y/n." My dad reminded me. I kissed him and left for school.
After my third attempt at trying to climb into the jeep, jungkook finally stopped laughing long enough to get out and lift me in.
"How are you little y/n?" he asked still chuckling.
I huffed.
Jungkook sped through the streets, getting me to school in record time. He pulled into the parking lot and blasted his horn.
"Jungkook!" I yelled "This car's ostentatious enough, without you beeping the horn."
"I have no idea what that means, but it's good right?" He grinned at me in his mirror.
Jennie rolled her eyes at him. "I feel like a proud father dropping his kid to school on her first day." He parked up and turned to me. "Now you have a good day honey. Have you remembered your lunch?" He smiled and I gave him the finger.
God help Jungkook's future offspring, they really didn't stand a chance. "Is Mike here yet." He looked around the parking lot.
"Why?" I asked suspiciously.
"Don't panic woman, I just wanna have a little chat with him."
"What's going on with you and him anyway?"
"He owes V money and he can't pay it back. But V's prepared to make a deal with him."
"This is about money? How much money can he possibly owe him?"
"Twenty Dollars! This is over twenty dollars, that's....that's....freaking ridiculous!" I shouted, throwing my hands in the air in frustration.
"You tell Taehyung I'll give him the money myself. You can't go around terrorising people for twenty dollars. Jesus Christ! What is wrong with you people?"
"You are too funny Little y/n, it's gonna be fucking awesome having you around." he laughed loudly at me and jumped out of the car in the direction of a rather scared looking Mike who had just pulled up.
Jennie stopped me from going after him. She was also laughing at me and I was beginning to get annoyed. "What's funny?"
"Nothing, don't worry." She waved me away. "Jungkook's not going to do anything to hin. He really is just going to talk to him. I promise."
"Fine." I sighed and grabbed my backpack. "Thanks for bringing my bag."
"Oh please y/n." She scoffed. "That was just a handy excuse, we were coming anyway."
"You remember I said to expect a heavy Kim presence for the time being?"
"Well this is it, don't expect to go very far on your own anytime soon."
"Until V gets all this sorted with Jin, you're stuck with us. Just be grateful it's me and kook taking you to school. Rose drives like a fucking maniac."
I didn't even have time to think about what this meant. I know Jennie had said that this Kai guy might come after me, but I hadn't really taken her that seriously, I mean, I was a schoolgirl, I didn't have anything to do with whatever Taehyung was in to. Wasn't all this a bit of an over-reaction.
"So, I'll see you after school." I sighed, I would process this information later.
"Yep, dinner with the Kim's, I hope you know what you're getting yourself into." I nodded and jumped out of the car, very nearly landing on my ass, it was further to the ground than I anticipated.
I walked towards school, more than a few people were staring at the jeep.
I sat down next to my friend Angela, who very kindly didn't ask why I had been driven to school in the monstrosity that was Jungkook's car.
I watched Jungkook and Mike across the lot, Mike was nodding furiously, Jungkook was talking and finally they shook hands.
Jungkook jumped back into his jeep wound down his window, beeped his horn and waved at me, grinning like a fool.
"Bye Little y/n." He yelled and everyone turned to stare at me, I could feel the blush already.
"You behave yourself at school today. Play nice with your friends, share your crayons, try to colour inside the lines, listen to your teachers, oh and no kissing boys." He laughed, beeped his horn again and tore out of the parking lot, leaving me cringing in his wake.
"So..., that was Jungkook." I said to Angela when I could finally look her in the eye again.
"Uh huh." She laughed. "He" She asked more than stated.
I made it through morning classes with very little fuss. I noticed Mike seemed to be behind me an awful lot throughout the day and by lunchtime I had the distinct impression he was following me.
I grabbed a drink and headed over to sit with Angela.
Mike joined our table seconds after I sat down.
When I went to my locker towards the end of lunch, I rounded on him when I caught him lingering a bit further down the hall.
"What's going on Mike?"
"You could have told me y/n." He said looking a bit hurt.
"Told you what?"
"That you're with V. I mean I know we weren't serious or anything, but I did think you were my girlfriend."
Oh...., awkward.
"Yeah...., um, sorry...., I mean..., um, I'm not sure that...,wait, who told you that?"
"Huh!" I had kinda hoped I was with Taehyung, but we hadn't really defined it, he said I was his Princess, but did that mean we were together.
"Whatever y/n, I always knew you weren't that into me."
"Oh, ok." I wasn't going to deny it, it was true. "So, why exactly have you been following me around all day?"
He shook his head and he took out a bag from his locker and handed it to me.
"What's this?" I asked confused.
"It's V's money. Jungkook said I should hand over what I had of it to you and V would let me work off the rest of it by keeping an eye on you at school."
"What!" I gasped. "What do you mean keeping an eye on me?"
Mike shrugged. "Something about making sure you were safe and letting them know if I see anyone strange hanging around."
I felt the need to sit down, had taehyung really sent jungkook to make a deal with Mike to watch me at school, that was....insane?
On top of what jennie had said yesterday and this morning, it was all too much, and suddenly I was nervous.
Was Taehyung actually expecting some mob guy to come after me? Was he that concerned for my safety. Could I really be in that much danger? And to be honest, if I was, did I want Mike to be the one looking after me? He could hardly look after himself, let alone anyone else."
"So he's effectively paying you to stalk me?"
"Um, yeah." Mike had the decency to a least look a little embarrassed.
"I don't understand. You only owe him twenty dollars, just give taehyung the money."
"Thousand y/n. I owe him twenty thousand dollars."
I really did sit down then. I slumped to the floor and bent my legs to rest my head against my knees.
God! I was so naïve, Jungkook laughing his head off at my little tirade in the car suddenly made much more sense.
"What the hell did you get caught up in Mike?" I groaned.
I know I wasn't always that nice to him, but I considered him a friend and I hated to see him in trouble.
"I just did a couple of things for him, I had to deliver some shit."
"I don't know. I just handed the packages over and picked up the money."
"It could have been anything!" He really was a moron.
"I know, but I needed the money. I was supposed to keep two grand and give twenty to V, but I bought my car, and I needed some parts for it, so I started borrowing from the rest, I thought if I had a little time I could make the money back, but it didn't work out like that."
"So how much is in the bag?"
"So you get two grand to follow me around! For how long?"
"Just until school gets out for summer."
"That's less than two weeks away, that's, like, a thousand dollars a week!" A thousand dollars! That's almost my whole years allowance.
"Yeah I know, he must think you're pretty special."
I was beginning to think it might be taehyung who was a bit special, in the head.
"Just be careful y/n, I don't know how much you know about him, but I've heard things about him, and to be honest, he scares me shitless, I would have done what he asked for nothing, just to stay on his good side. Make sure you know what you're doing before you get in too deep." Mike said genuinely, and I almost felt bad for using him all year.
"Thanks Mike." I smiled at him, and he wandered off.
I eventually got up off the floor and went to afternoon classes, carrying around eighteen thousand dollars in my backpack.
My life was officially crazy.
As the final bell rang, I knew that the best thing to do, was to go outside, give Taehyung back his money, and tell him that I couldn't possibly see him or the others anymore.
However, the sight of him, leaning against his car waiting for me, wearing black jeans, grey sweater, sunglasses and a smirk, threw that plan straight out the window.
I wanted him, badly. The thought of never seeing him again was too painful to even consider.
I couldn't help myself, I smiled like an idiot and I had to force myself not to run to him.
Instead I retained a modicum of dignity and walked over, albeit really, really, quickly.
"Hi yourself." He pulled me into his arms. "Good day at school Princess?"
"Informative, I had an interesting conversation with Mike."
"Don't you 'oh' me taehyung kim, you know exactly what we talked about. You can't make deals like that, that's just stupid."
"You asked me to stop beating him up yesterday!" he laughed.
"Yeah, so?"
"So it's one or the other Princess, you decide." He shrugged.
"That's not fair." I whined. "How about you take what he gave you and forget about the rest?" I asked not that hopeful that he'd agree.
"Yeah, that's not gonna happen."
"Why not? I don't want him following me around all day."
"Tough. If he thinks I've let him get away with fucking me over, people will think I've gone soft. They'll start taking liberties. I might have stopped threatening Mike because you asked me to, but that doesn't mean I'm going to let people fuck with me." His voice had taken on a hard edge and I knew V was making an appearance. But he sighed and seemed to rein it in.
"Are we done talking, because I really want to kiss you."
"Oh." I blushed. I wasn't nearly done talking.
I needed to ask him about this Kai, and about Jennie and Kook taking me to school and his deal with Mike.
I needed to know if I really was in serious danger, and what he thought might happen.
I had so many questions and needed so many answers from him.
But I also really, really, wanted him to kiss me. It was a conundrum. Luckily Taehyung solved it for me.
He smiled and leant down, brushing his lips softly against mine and pulling me closer to him. It was at that point I became aware of the audience that had gathered.
"Everyone's staring." I whispered against his lips.
He looked up briefly and noticed all my fellow students gaping at me. "So they are." He agreed, before crashing his lips back to mine and kissing me passionately.
My hands flew to his hair and I let him kiss me until I needed air and had to pull away. "There, now all these fuckers know you're mine."
"Wow, possessive much?" Is it wrong that I liked that?
"Incredibly." He said unapologetically. "You ready to go?" He asked as he opened the door for me.
We pulled up to Taehyung's house, or mansion, should I say and my nerves kicked in.
I know I'd already met everybody except Taehyung's mom, but it was still a big deal.
As soon as Taehyung opened my car door, Jungkook was rushing down the steps to meet us.
"Baby y/n, I missed you, it's been dull as fuck round here all day." He swept me up into a hug.
"Come on, come and meet Mrs. K. She's been waiting for you to arrive." Jungkook lead me into the house. "Mrs. K." He bellowed as we entered the lobby.
A beautiful woman came from around the corner, smiling graciously. She had Taehyung's eyes and hair. colour.
"It's nice to meet you Mrs Kim." I said politely.
"It's lovely to meet you too y/n, Jungkook's told me a lot about you." She surprised me by coming over and hugging me tightly "And please, call me Jae In."
"We're not eating for a while, so you kids go and have fun. Taehyung why don't you give y/n a tour of the house. I'll call you when dinner's ready." She ushered us into the living room and disappeared.
Taehyung showed me around the house, it was massive, all tastefully decorated, courtesy of his mom he informed me.
Jungkook and Jennie had their own room in the basement and Rose and Jimin shared a room on the second floor, it surprised me that his parents were so liberal. When we finally made it to his room, he held the door and let me go in first.
"So, this is my room."
"It's nice." I told him taking a look around.
"I've never had a girl in here before." He admitted, and I was secretly pleased. It was obvious he was far more experienced than me, but it was good to know he didn't parade a steady stream of girls through his door.
His room took up the whole of the third floor. He had hundreds of books, CD's and DVD's lining the walls, a flatscreen TV hanging above a fireplace and a black leather sofa sat in front of what looked like a pretty fancy stereo system.
He had his own bathroom and a walk in closet, it was like his own mini apartment up here, but the main focal point in the room was his bed, his freaking massive bed!
My eyes kept getting drawn back to it, no matter where I tried to look.
"What are you thinking Princess?" he asked after a few minutes of watching me in silence.
He came towards me and wrapped his arms around me. I couldn't tell him I was thinking about his bed, or more specifically, him and me in his bed.
A thought that both thrilled and terrified me in equal measures, so I settled on telling him the other thing that was bothering me.
"I don't know. Just…, do you really think it's necessary for Jennie and Kook to take me to school, and then to have Mike follow me around while I'm there. I mean, what do you think is going to happen to me?" I needed to know just how serious this situation I'd found myself in was.
He ran a hand through his hair and sighed. "Kai is one nasty motherfucker, he's been after me for a while, ever since he realised I wasn't going to get with Lia. I know what he's capable of, and I'm not gonna take any chances with you Princess."
I sat on his bed still taking in all that information and trying to get my head round it.
I must have looked a bit shell shocked because Taehyung's face softened and he knelt in front of me, taking my hands in his.
"I won't let him get near you Princess. I'll kill him before he ever lays a finger on you." He vowed and I knew he meant it. "I'm sorry that you got caught up in all this." He said sincerely. "Do you hate me yet?"
"Never." I shook my head and he kissed my temple. I turned my head, and he captured my lips, it was a softer kiss than I had experienced before. More tender. It was slow, leisurely, but no less passionate.
"So, I'm your girlfriend?" I asked breathlessly as we parted.
There were a thousand questions I should have asked him about all he had just said, but for some reason my mind decided that one seemed the most pressing.
"Uh, yeah?" He said uncertainly, like a shy boy. "I mean, if you want. You know you're my Princess."
"So you're my Prince?" I teased him.
"Fuck no! I'm the King."
"Doesn't that make me the Queen." I asked playfully.
"No." He kissed me on the nose sweetly. "You're the Princess."
"If you say so." I shrugged.
"I do, and I'm the fucking King, so what I say goes." He laughed and I rolled my eyes at him, amused.
It amazed me how he could go from being cold, hard, dangerous V to funny, kind, affectionate Taehyung in seconds.
I got up off his bed and wandered over to his books.
I ran my hand over the titles, he had classics, gritty crime novels, comics, text books, all shelved in no logical order that I could work out.
I laughed, because it summed him up perfectly, he was so many different people mixed into one Taehyung sized package.
I was aware of Taehyung watching me curiously from the bed, but I took my time.
I went through his CD's and films, trying to get a clearer picture of who he was and what he liked, but they were just as eclectic and disorganised as the books. I wasn't sure if I'd ever figure him out.
I turned around and met his eye's, he was simply looking at me, but the atmosphere in the room changed and I was caught in his gaze.
I recognised the look in his eyes, I'd seen it last night at Lia's club.
I couldn't look away. I didn't know what Taehyung expected from our relationship. I didn't really even know what I expected from our relationship.
It was all still so new. But the tension in the room was almost palpable. We merely stared at each other, each of us waiting for the other to make a move.
The moment was broken by Jungkook shouting "Dinner is in five minutes people! I repeat, five minutes till dinner, you've had fair warning!"
Taehyung sighed and rubbed his hands over his face.
"What's the matter?" I asked worried he was having second thoughts about inviting me over.
"Nothing, Jungkook's timing just really fucking sucks."
"Why?" I asked shakily as he stood up.
"I've been sitting here for ten minutes thinking about how much I like having you in my room Princess." His voice was husky, deeper than normal, as he walked towards me.
"And I was about thirty seconds away from throwing you down on my bed and giving the words 'having you in my room' a very different meaning."
Oh! Well, I guess that clears up what he's expecting from our relationship.
I think I squeaked. Was I ready for that? I wasn't sure. He couldn't be serious anyway, could he?
My mind still hadn't caught up, and he didn't give me time to react to what he said, his mouth was already on mine, kissing me hard.
One hand on the back of my head, the other at my hip holding me to him. He sucked on my bottom lip and bit down on it, causing me to gasp, allowing him to swirl his tongue into my mouth.
My body reacted to him instantly, even if my mind didn't and I threw my arms around him and kissed him back.
He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around him, it turned out he was deadly serious, because he turned and walked us to his bed, where we both fell onto the mattress, without breaking our kiss.
He situated himself in between my legs, and we both moaned when he moved.
I know my actions were spurring him on and he continued to grind himself against me while I fisted my hands in his hair.
He was all consuming and I found myself moving my hips along with his, tightening my legs around him, and throwing my head back while he kissed down my neck, sucking and nipping at my throat.
"Dinner! V, Chim, Rosie, Little y/n, stop getting it on and get on down here. Don't make me come get you. I'm fucking starving and in no mood to wait for you fuckers. Ow! Shit mama K, what was that for?"
I froze and Taehyung groaned before pulling away. "Princess." He gasped. "You have no idea how tempted I am to stay here and fuck you in my bed. Believe me, I want to, but my mom will go ape shit if we miss dinner." He kissed me quickly, jumped up and ran into his bathroom, leaving me panting on the bed, shocked, turned on and unsure whether to be relieved or disappointed.
A/N - sorry for the tease.
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