Chapter 29
Chapter twenty-nine ||스물아홉 장
29| Detective Eunwoo Must Die🔪
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By the time we arrived home I was in a complete panic; nothing Taehyung did or say made any difference. I had almost convinced myself that I would arrive home to Eunwoo and Detective Park waiting to arrest me; hundreds of news crews present and broadcasting the whole thing live.
Taehyung had the audacity to laugh at me when I rambled away about being on the evening news and my friends and mother finding out I was a murderer via the TV.
I rushed out of the car eager and anxious to see my boys. The whole family were gathered in the living room and I waved a brief "hi" at them before scooping TaeHyun into my arms. Taehyung grabbed TaeJung and told his family that we were going to spend some time with the boys before we did anything else.
I was grateful that we could put off reality for just a little while longer. I needed to see my children, I had missed them and I needed that time to reconnect as a family, before I faced whatever it was that life was about to throw at us.
TaeHyun and TaeJung were full of smiles for their father and me; they seemed to have grown in the ten short days we had been away. We played and laughed and reveled in them for a couple of hours, until it was time for them to be fed and we made our way back downstairs.
As it turned out my fears were unfounded; all the family knew at this stage was that Kai's body had been found and that police were treating his death as foul play.
While Taehyung went to talk business with Jimin, Jungkook and Mr. Kim in the basement, I filled Rose, JaeIn and Jennie in about the honeymoon giving them all the exciting details, well, the appropriate ones of course.
When the Kim men came back upstairs they explained that the best course of action was to wait for the police to make the first move. Until we knew what their next steps would be, it would be wisest to lay low and figure out an action plan.
I spent the next few days with my boys; catching up on lost time with them and enjoying married life and being a full time mom.
Several times over the next week I walked in on Taehyung having hushed conversations with the men in the family, but as soon as they noticed me they would change the subject.
Eventually I had just about enough, I knew Taehyung was trying to protect me, but I needed to know what was going on.
It was during dinner one evening that I finally broke my silence and confronted the family head on. Jungkook was busy telling everyone about the house he and Jennie had found in Seoul when I rudely interrupted him.
"So what's happening with Kai's investigation?"
There was a moment or two of awkward silence, as glances were exchanged before Jimin spoke.
"Y/n, there isn't much to share at the moment..."
I shook my head, "I don't believe you. I'm supposed to be a part of this family. It was me that shot Kai, and I'm fed up with walking into a room just to have the conversation stop. I deserve to know what's happening."
Again there were shared looks and I lost my temper.
"Just tell me!"
"We won't let anything happen to you Little y/n," Jungkook told me earnestly.
"I know that Jungkook, but I still want to know what's going on."
"It's nothing to worry about y/n," Jimin tried to soothe me.
"Bullshit!" I yelled, and they seemed to realize that I wasn't going to let it go. "You all know something and I deserve to know the truth."
Again there was a moment of silence before Mr. Kim spoke.
"Feel free to jump into this conversation at anytime son, seeing as we're all following your orders."
Rolling his eyes, Taehyung finally looked at me.
"Look Princess, they are sure that we had something to do with Kai's death, they are assuming that it was me that killed him and they are trying to gather evidence to frame me for his murder."
"But you didn't do it!" I cried.
"I know, but if they can place me in the city on the date of Kai's murder then they have probable cause to bring me in for questioning given the history between our families."
"But surely they can't just assume because you were in the same city that you killed him!"
"They will try anything, and that's ok, I'll keep you out of this Princess, they can come after me, but I won't have you involved!"
I sat there absorbing everything Taehyung was telling me. That the police were so desperate to take down Taehyung and his family that they would stoop to such low standards necessary just to gather the evidence needed to place him at the scene of the crime.
"Princess, really there is no need to worry! Don't you see, by us knowing their game plan, we can stay a few steps ahead of them, never allowing them to gain what little control they think they have. They won't get me for this, especially as I didn't actually do anything this time," he stated smugly, like the over confident cocky bastard he was.
Although when I thought about it he was right, he knew what he was doing and there was no point me worrying unnecessarily.
"Fine, you boys keep your secrets, we'll keep ours," I said, looking pointedly at Jennie and Rose as I pushed away from the dinner table leaving Taehyung with a confused look on his face. Over the last few days I had enlisted the girls help in order to give Taehyung a sexy surprise for his birthday.
I went upstairs and sunk down on my bed, I knew he thought he had everything handled, but I also knew how determined the organized crime division was to get him for something. They would stop at nothing to put him away, and I didn't want to lose my husband.
I must have fallen asleep before Taehyung came to bed so I didn't get a chance to talk to him but it actually worked in my favor as the following morning I jumped out of bed, waking up for once before him and the boys. I showered quickly and dressed before heading back over to the bed to wake Taehyung.
"Where are you going?" He asked groggily reaching with half closed eyes in my direction.
"Places to go, people to see," I quipped, leaning over to kiss him quickly."Happy Birthday," I whispered in his ear.
"No," he groaned, "you're supposed to stay in bed and make it a really happy birthday Princess."
"No can do I'm afraid," I laughed. "I'm going out for the day with Rose and Jennie, I'll be back for your party."
"What the fuck!" He sat up. "You're not spending the day with me? Are you still mad at me for last night? Because I swear I'll tell you everything from now on if you want, but please don't avoid me, you can..."
"Taehyung!" I interrupted him before he went off on a ramble. "I'm not mad, I have to get your present so we're going to Seoul for the day."
"Oh," he nodded looking relieved. "What if I said I don't want a present? I just want you to get back in bed?" He raised his eyebrows hopefully.
"Sorry, I can't keep Jennie waiting, you know whats she like!" I smiled.
"Fucking cockblocking bitch," he mumbled just as Jungkook arrived outside the door to sing happy birthday, which woke both the boys"
"Have a great day!" I laughed opening the door and letting Jungkook through before going downstairs to meet the girls.
Jennie, Rose and I had a lovely time being pampered at the spa in Seoul, then it was off to Agent Provocateur to buy what was the most revealing bit of lingerie I had ever owned. It was going under a very tight, very sophisticated black dress that Jennie had found for me and I knew Taehyung would be unable to contain himself once he saw it.
Once home, I showered in Jennie's room despite Taehyung's protests and emerged only once I heard the guests arriving. I had arranged for the boys to sleep in JaeIn's room for the night and my plan was to drive Taehyung mad for a little while before we could be alone.
Taehyung had made us all swear that there would be no big hoopla for his birthday this year, especially after last year's fiasco. The only way JaeIn would agree was if she could hold a small celebration with just a few close family and friends. Of course Taehyung knew he couldn't say no to his mother, so that was how we ended up with about twenty or so guests in the Kim house celebrating his 26th birthday.
When I arrived upstairs the house had been decorated beautifully, because lets face it, JaeIn could never host a simple party. I had been very excited to learn that Embry would be making an appearance as well, seeing as I hadn't seen him since the incident in Seoul. He was still not back to full health but he was making good progress from what I had heard.
I caught sight of Taehyung talking to someone whose name I'd forgotten but recognized from our wedding, and I let him be, I wanted him to notice me so I decided to sought out Embry.
I was chatting with him about the twins when I felt eyes on me. I turned and sure enough Taehyung had spotted me and was stalking towards me like a man on a mission.
He grabbed me from behind, swinging me around and kissing me passionately.
"Nice to see you too V," Embry chuckled as Taehyung pulled me tighter against him seemingly not caring that we were in a packed room, as his hands began to wander.
Eventually he broke away and just stared at me.
"Princess, what..., are you..., holy fuck! You look incredible!"
I smiled, glad I had elicited the response I wanted from him.
"Wait until you see what I'm wearing underneath," I told him and his eyes went wide as his eyes scanned my body as if he might see my lingerie through sheer will.
Embry cleared his throat and Taehyung and I were brought back to our senses.
"Good to see you Embry," Taehyung said patting him on the back and recovering before me.
"Good to finally be back," he smiled. "Another few days and the doc says I'll be good as new."
"I'll be a lot happier once you're back watching the Princess and the boys," Taehyung told him and I turned to stare at Taehyung, this was news to me.
"I thought with Kai gone, I wouldn't need protection."
Infuriatingly they both laughed at me, before Taehyung explained.
"Princess, you and the little dudes are still Kims, Kai wasn't the only threat to us, you'll always be guarded and I thought you'd prefer Embry."
"Oh." I was stunned, but it made sense and he was right I would prefer Embry. Knowing what he'd done to try and protect us before, I knew my boys and I would always be safe with him.
I nodded and he looked really quite pleased. Although I felt like I had only really got to know him that day in Seoul, he had been an almost constant presence in my life since I met Taehyung, so having him around again would be nice.
We chatted with Embry for a while before Taehyung and I left to talk to some of the other guests.
I went up with JaeIn to help settle TaeHyun and TaeJung for the night before returning to the party. Drink was flowing, the food was amazing as always and everyone was enjoying themselves.
The boys were doing shots of god knows what seeing who could out drink the other later on in the evening. Who ever won tonight sure wouldn't be feeling like a winner tomorrow.
Of course, Taehyung couldn't keep his hands off me and honestly I was losing my mind. If I didn't get him upstairs soon I might combust.
"Princess, do you know have any idea what I am going to do to you once I have you alone tonight?" He whispered standing behind me and kissing up my neck.
I turned, smiling what I hoped was a sultry smile, and leant in close to whisper, "do you have any idea what I'm going to do to you tonight Taehyung."
I wanted to be in control tonight but with Taehyung in such close proximity my brain was feeling foggy and I knew it wouldn't take much for him to turn the tables. Luckily we were interrupted by the music being turned off and Jungkook yelling "Speech!"
Taehyung composed himself and turned to face the crowd.
"Thanks for coming, I appreciate it, but what I'd really appreciate is getting upstairs to my fuck hot wife who has been teasing me relentlessly all night." He turned and grinned at me while I blushed bright red, he really was something else.
"So have a great night, I know I'm gonna." And with that he took my hand and all but pulled me up the stairs while Jungkook and Jimin wolf whistled.
"Taehyung!" I turned on him as soon as we got to our room.
"What?" He asked looking innocent.
I threw my hands in the air instead of answering him. While I was mortified he'd basically just told everybody what we were about to do, I couldn't help but be glad that we were finally alone. The last few hours had been nothing but teasing and foreplay and I was just as ready as Taehyung obviously was to get some relief.
He didn't waste any time, his hands and lips were on me and I lost myself in him for a moment before remembering what my plan was. I pulled away from him and he frowned.
"Sit." I directed leading him over to the sofa and pushing him down.
His eyebrows rose in surprise and they almost shot off his his forehead as I reached behind me to unzip my dress. Pulling it down slowly and peeling the dress off to reveal my racy underwear.
"Fuck!" Taehyung whistled, eyes wide as I stood before him.
"You like?" I asked turning slowly in front of him and smiling to myself as I heard his breath catch while I had my back to him.
I walked the few short steps towards him and not breaking eye contact I knelt before him and reached for his jeans.
"Holy fuck Princess!" He gasped as I unzipped him, he was hard and ready and I freed him from his boxers before licking him from base to tip.
I swirled my tongue around the tip before taking him fully into my mouth still watching him.
I bobbed up and down, loving the look on his face. He was panting, his fists clenched at his side as he got lost in the pleasure.
I took him further and further finding myself enjoying the act more than ever.
I was so caught up in what I was doing that I yelped when Taehyung suddenly pulled me off him, lifting me up and almost throwing me onto our bed. He stripped out of his clothes in record time and climbed up the bed between my legs. His mouth was on mine before I'd come to my senses and he pulled my panties down my thighs before reaching behind me to unclasp my bra.
"I love you so fucking much Princess." He told me before thrusting into me. He set a punishing rhythm taking me hard and fast, his hands seemed to be everywhere at once and I wrapped my legs around his back, enabling him to push deeper, harder and he reached up to grab the headboard changing the angle and enabling him to thrust more powerfully.
"Taehyung!" I cried out as I felt my orgasm approach, clinging to him desperate for him not to stop.
I fell apart around him, crying out as he continued to pound away, and just when I thought I couldn't take the sensitivity anymore he came with a roar, spilling inside me and collapsing on top of me.
We lay that way panting and breathless for several minutes before Taehyung pushed himself up and lay at my side.
"Happy Birthday Taehyung." I smiled at him as he pulled me onto his chest and that was how we woke up in the morning.
-The P and the V-
The next couple of weeks were blissfully drama free. Embry was back at work, although it was rare that I went anywhere without Taehyung. It was on a weekend to Seoul that reality came back to haunt me.
Taehyung had gone to talk with Yoongi about work and I was out shopping with the twins when I heard an annoyingly familiar voice.
"Y/n," I turned and was horrified to come face to face with Eunwoo.
"What are you doing here?" I asked him, it couldn't be a coincidence.
"Are you ok?" Embry asked, beside me in a second.
I went to answer him but Eunwoo beat me to it. He pulled out his badge and flashed it at Embry.
"Miss Y/n is wanted for questioning in a police investigation."
"What the hell!" I yelled as Embry looked stunned.
"I need you to accompany me to the station y/n, now will you come willingly or do I have to arrest you?" Eunwoo raised an eyebrow at me and I glared at him, we had attracted a crowd of onlookers and I didn't know if I was more angry or embarrassed.
"Can you take the boys and call Taehyung?" I asked Embry and he nodded, grabbing hold of their stroller and pulling out his phone.
"What precinct are you taking her to?" Embry scowled at Eunwoo, who reeled of the address of a police station and gestured for me to walk towards the exit.
I was so stunned I didn't even say goodbye to my boys.
"I'm sorry y/n, but we need to talk to you," Eunwoo said as he put me in the back of a police cruiser and got in the front.
"Go fuck yourself. I can't believe you're doing this."
"Wow, you've changed, do you kiss your mother with that mouth?"
"No, but I kiss Taehyung with it all the time," I smirked at him and he looked more than a little pissed off and I smiled knowing I'd got to him.
We arrived at a small police station, somewhere in Seoul, I didn't know the city well enough to even hazard a guess at where we were.
Eunwoo led me straight through to a small interrogation room and I took a seat.
We sat in silence for about ten minutes before Detective Park swept into the room followed by Joy, which was just wonderful.
"Miss y/n," He nodded. "Do you know what we tell our new recruits about Taehyung Kim?" He asked as he sat down opposite me.
I shook my head, how was I supposed to know and he looked at Joy.
"That one day he will be the most dangerous man in South Korea." she informed me.
I didn't respond, I knew they were looking for some kind of reaction from me.
"From what we hear," Detective Park continued "he could shoot you before you even had time to think about drawing a weapon, and then we show them this." He took a photo out of a file and I kept my face neutral because I didn't know what he was going to show me.
I almost let out a sigh of relief, when he handed me a snapshot of Taehyung, the twins and I.
"And nearly all of them are shocked, because look," he pointed at Taehyung, "this is a picture of an 25 year old man, carefree, happy, in love, with a beautiful family." I nodded.
"How can this be cold, hard, ruthless Taehyung Kim? A man who will effectively run all organized crime in the future?"
I narrowed my eyes, because I had seen this photo before, in the album that Kai had sent me. If the police had a copy too, it had to have come from someone working with Kai, and that meant there was a dirty cop in Detective Park department. It was entirely possible that Detective Park himself was working with them, after all the Kim's seemed awful close with the commissioner, despite their supposed opposing views on legal matters.
"And then recently I received some interesting information," he continued, and I looked up at him shaking my head and concentrating on what he was saying. "It helped us to realize that we had been going at it all wrong. We've been trying for years to pin something on him, but Taehyung Kim is almost infallible. He is intelligent and quick, and I doubt we'd ever catch him doing anything criminal; the Kim's are far too powerful to let something like that happen."
"But…," he looked at me. "Thanks to my informant we now know that when it comes to you, he's hot headed and impulsive, it's the one area of his life where he's not ruled by his head and doesn't always think clearly. You can see it in this photo, he adores you, and we believe he will act rashly to always keep you safe. You are his one weakness, his Achilles heel. And that, Ms y/n, is how we will bring down Taehyung Kim," he nodded at me and I gasped.
"So let me tell you what I think happened with Kai. His death was always going to be big news, and I have no doubt that, given time, Taehyung would have found a way to kill him and not been caught, but something made him act that night without concern for the consequences. The killing was sloppy, not Taehyung's usual style at all. In fact, Mr Kai had four bullets in him instead of one, making me think Taehyung had to act quickly, and I think the reason for that, was you. I think Kai was coming after you and Taehyung was forced into taking action to save you."
"No! You're wrong," I cried.
"Am I? Well how about you tell me what really happened and maybe we can come to some sort of arrangement that doesn't see you sent to jail along with your boyfriend," he said smugly.
"I have no idea what happened," I said trying to sound as bored and uninterested as I could, they clearly had no proof of anything if they needed me to tell them what happened.
"Let's stop beating around the bush. I know that Taehyung is involved in the death of Kai and you can either help me bring him to justice or you can rot in jail while Taehyung does the same, because mark my words Ms Y/n, I will get him for this." He leveled me with an intense stare, as it became clear that I wasn't going to give them anything.
"It would be an awful shame to see those boys grow up without either of their parents," Joy added snidely, and I wanted to slap the evil grin right off her face.
"y/n, please, just tell us what happened," Eunwoo begged me and I narrowed my eyes at him.
We stared at each other for long moments before the door buzzed and Eunwoo went to answer it.
"Enough!" Yoongi stormed through the door, with Taehyung hot on his heels, they were followed in by another man in a suit.
"Kim," Eunwoo spat
"Princess. Are you ok? Did this fucker hurt you?"
"Mr Kim, both of you," Detective Park greeted them, "perhaps when I'm finished with Miss y/n, I could have a word with the both of you."
"You're finished here now," Yoongi told him. "Should you wish to speak to her, or us further then I suggest you contact our lawyer, unless we are all under arrest?" Yoongi asked calmly.
Eunwoo sighed as the man in the suit handed Detective Park some documents.
Taehyung put his arm around me and glared at Eunwoo. "One day, I will k….,"
"Taehyung!" Yoongi said sharply.
"Seems I was right," Detective Park winked at me. "You're all free to leave, I'm sure I'll be seeing you soon."
We didn't wait, I hurried out of the station with Taehyung and we jumped in his car and sped towards the hotel.
Once we were back in our room I told Taehyung rather hysterically what had been said at the station, and about the picture that I had been shown. Taehyung swore a lot, in between placating me and making phone calls.
The following day the rest of the Kims arrived in Seoul and I was surprised when Taehyung told me that he had to stay on in Seoul while I returned to Busan with his family.
"But why?" I asked not wanting to be away from him.
"It's just for a few days Princess, I'll be home as soon as I can, but I need to work, and I'm going to be gone at all hours and you and the boys will be safer in Busan," he reassured me.
"Working on what?"
"Well for one thing we need to find out how they got hold of the photos Sam and Lia took. If there's a crooked cop in the department we need to know who, and we also need to know what else they have on us. We also have a meeting set up with Liam; he's controlling a lot more of the territory now Kai's dead. It'll be a week at the most, I promise." I let him kiss me and knew I had to trust him.
Taehyung spent the rest of the day loving me, and while I didn't want to acknowledge it, at times when he kissed me slowly and loved me gently, I could almost feel his anxiety and I knew that things weren't quite as under control as he wanted me to believe and it was with a heavy heart that I packed up mine and the boys things to head home with Mr. Kim and JaeIn.
Taehyung and I hadn't been separated often and I just hoped he came home with good news.
I tried not to miss him too much once I returned to Busan, I had the boys to occupy me and Jennie tried to keep me busy. But after a few days I was going stir crazy and so I took TaeHyun and TaeJung out for the morning. Embry tried to insist on coming but JaeIn convinced him that an hour or so with the boys at the park was unlikely to cause any trouble so he let me go alone, I put the boys in their stroller and just wandered for a while before stopping to get a milkshake from the diner.
A few old faces stopped and chatted, cooing over my boys and making pleasantries. It was a nice way to spend the morning so I thought nothing of the police car that parked alongside me as I was putting the boys back into their car seats.
"Miss y/n?" I turned automatically and found the two officers out of their car and walking towards me.
I frowned knowing this could not be good.
"Can I help you?" I asked.
"You're under arrest for interfering with a police investigation," one of them told me and I stared at him aghast as he began reading me my rights and took out his handcuffs.
"You can't! I have my boys," I said hurriedly, beginning to panic.
"Officer Gilmore will personally oversee that your children are taken to the station and cared for until arrangements can be made for a family member to collect them." He told me. "Now if you'll come with me."
With no other option I reluctantly handed my keys over to Officer Gilmore. If my children were going to be escorted anywhere without me I wanted them safe in their own car seats.
Arriving at the station, I was booked in and taken to the small room that served as Busan Police departments interrogation room. I was then left alone, probably as some sort of scare tactic to make me nervous.
I had nothing to do but hope that Taehyung got here as fast as he could, and that the twins were being looked after.
"y/n?" I turned to the door as it swung open, I'd been in the room for a little over four hours and apart from the guy who bought me a nasty cup of coffee when I got here, this was the first time anyone had spoken to me.
I gave him a blank stare as he sat down at the table opposite me. He was the last person I wanted to see.
"y/n, talk to me."
"Where are my kids?" I asked him.
"They're safe," he nodded. As if that was the answer I was looking for. I narrowed my eyes at him and he met my stare evenly.
"I promise they're safe," he repeated and reached out his hand to take mine.
I swiped my hand back off the table. "Don't touch me," I hissed. "Where are my fucking kids?"
He sighed and sat back in his chair. "What can you tell me about the whereabouts of Taehyung Kim?"
I shrugged.
"Have you ever heard him mention Kai's organization?"
"Don't play dumb y/n."
"I have no idea what you're talking about," I sighed.
"I can help you, if you're stuck in this situation, I have people that can protect you."
"Fuck you. Why am I here?"
"I just wanted to ask you some questions, no big deal, think of it as a friendly chat."
"You sent your officers to arrest me and take my kids god knows where, because you want a friendly fucking chat?" I stood up. "I'm leaving. I have nothing to say to you, so tell me where my kids are and next time you want a chat pick up the damn phone."
"Sit down y/n," he shouted angrily, before resigning his temper in and softening his voice. "I'm trying to help you here. How many times are we going to go through this? What will it take y/n? Are you prepared to lose your kids?"
"Is that a threat Detective?" I arched my eyebrow at him.
"No, please sit down, I know you're not involved in any of this, but Taehyung is knee deep in shit. You need to get away from him; if you knew the half of what's in the file sitting on my desk, you'd be running for the hills. I'm trying to look out for you."
I said nothing, but sat back down.
"Y/n please. Just give me something here. Anything, it doesn't even have to be something big, just a name you've heard or a location?."
I didn't answer, he knew I wouldn't.
"No one's seen him for days. Including you," he said smugly. "Are you're expecting him to waltz in and rescue you like last time?" He laughed nastily. "Not going to happen this time y/n, I made sure that fucker was gone before I brought you in."
We sat in silence for several minutes until there was a commotion outside the door.
I jumped as someone pounded on the door. "Police, open up," a muffled voice shouted. I laughed loudly.
"You were saying Eunwoo?" I looked up and smiled victoriously.
"What happened to you?" Eunwoo whispered, pushing back in his chair knocking it to the ground as he stood up and stormed to the door throwing it open.
"What's up Princess," Taehyung said nonchalantly as he pushed forcefully into the room and grinned at me. "How many more times am I gonna have to bust your sweet ass out of jail?" he laughed.
"Taehyung," I cried jumping up into his arms and kissing him passionately, his hands went straight for my ass as he held me up, moaning as I pressed my hips against him. He turned, still kissing me and walked out of the small interrogation room.
"The boys," I gasped as I pulled back for breath.
"My mom and dad have them. He didn't tell you that?" I shook my head no.
Taehyung put me down and pulled me under his arm. He smiled softly and kissed my forehead, before his face hardened, his eyes cold as he turned to Eunwoo, who had followed us out.
"Do not fuck with me."
"You don't scare me Kim," Eunwoo spat.
"No?" Taehyung chuckled darkly, letting me go and stalking towards Eunwoo, who swallowed noisily and backed up a few steps. "You're a fucking pussy. You waited until I was out of town to pick her up, because you knew damn well you wouldn't get her back here if I'd been around. You want to come after me, fine, you do that, but leave y/n out of it." Taehyung glared down at him, standing a good few inches taller than Eunwoo. Taehyung looked every bit the dangerous man he was capable of being as him and Eunwoo stared each other down. Eunwoo finally looked away and Taehyung smirked.
"You ready to go Princess?" he asked cheerfully, his mood instantly changing as he held out his hand for me.
"You'll fuck up one day Kim, and I'll be waiting," Eunwoo shouted as we headed out of the station.
"Ooh scary," Taehyung pretended to shiver. "Fuck, I missed you Princess." He pulled me to him once we were outside and kissed me again.
"Take me home," I whispered.
"Y/n," Eunwoo called after me as we reached the car. He was standing in the doorway of the station looking at me pleadingly. "I know you're in a difficult position here, but you've got to trust me. If you ever need anything, call me, I'll be there. Don't let him drag you down with him."
"Eunwoo," I warned.
"Alright, I'm sorry. Look why don't you come stay with me and Joy for a bit, bring the kids, clear your head."
"Are you out of your tiny fucking mind?" Taehyung scowled at him.
"I was talking to y/n, not you," Eunwoo approached me slowly.
Taehyung shrugged and leaned against the hood of the car looking at Eunwoo passively. "Go for it."
"Give me a sec." I winked at him and he nodded, smacking my ass as I walked towards Eunwoo.
He smiled at me, his old friendly smile that I used to see all the time before he found out about Taehyung and everything changed, then he glanced over my shoulder and smirked at Taehyung. I laughed as Taehyung gave him the finger.
"Listen y/n," he said, quieter now, so that Taehyung couldn't hear. "I can protect you, I promise."
"I don't need protecting, Jesus, its Taehyung. I love him, you know that. Just leave us alone."
"Damn it y/n. He is not who you think he is, he's into some serious shit, he's no good for you or your kids, you need to leave."
"I'll never leave him," I told him honestly.
His eyes widened. "Let me help you. Go get your kids and leave, as soon as you can. I've already said too much, but I'd never forgive myself if something happened to you. I'm your best friend, trust me please."
"Trust you! You just had me arrested."
"It was the only way I could talk to you, warn you, without Kim being around. Listen to what I'm saying." Eunwoo grabbed me by the top of my arms and shook me a little.
"Leave him now, before it's too late. If you get caught up in the shitstorm that's about to go down, I don't know if I'll be able to keep you out of it. Not if you won't help yourself. Please y/n, take the kids and go." His eyes were desperate for me to agree, but he knew I never would.
"Take your fucking hands off my wife," Taehyung said quietly, his tone deadly. I hadn't even seen him approach us but he was right beside me.
Eunwoo gasped and let go of me, Taehyung promptly put his arm around my shoulder and lead me back to the car.
"You married that son of a bitch?" he shouted angrily.
"That's handsome Son of a Bitch to you," Taehyung called, opening the passenger door and helping me inside, he kissed me sweetly.
"You ok?" he said cupping my face in his hands.
"Yeah, I could do without all of this," I waved in the general direction of Eunwoo and the station.
"Ah come on, you know you love it Princess. I think you do it on purpose, so I'll come get you. It's like your idea of romance or some shit," He laughed standing back up and pushing my door closed. Eunwoo was still hovering as Taehyung jumped into his seat.
"Is this motherfucker for real?" Taehyung asked me as Eunwoo started tapping on his window. I laughed and nodded as Taehyung pressed the button to lower his window.
"How can I help you detective?" Taehyung asked straight faced.
"Save your bullshit Kim," Eunwoo was getting desperate. "Y/n, he's our prime suspect in a murder investigation."
"He didn't do it," I told him emphatically.
"Why are you protecting him? We know it was him, we just can't prove it."
I shook my head. "It wasn't him."
"I can't believe you. Your dad would be spinning in his grave if he could see you now."
Taehyung threw his car door open, Eunwoo only just managed to jump out of the way as Taehyung leapt out of the car.
"You're on thin fucking ice. Watch your mouth."
"Worried she might finally realize the truth about you," Eunwoo said as he got in Taehyung's face.
"Back the fuck off," Taehyung warned.
"Or what?" Eunwoo challenged. Taehyung just shrugged his shoulders. "Come on Kim," Eunwoo pushed him in the chest.
Taehyung laughed loud and long. "You think I'm going to put my hands on you right outside the fucking precinct so one of your little deputies can come out and arrest my ass for assaulting an officer. You think I'm fucking stupid," he arched his eyebrow. "Now, run along back to work. I need to get my wife home," he smiled and got back in the car. "Catch you later."
"Y/n think about what I said. Please," Eunwoo poked his head in the still open window.
Taehyung pressed the button and the window went up, almost catching Eunwoo's head in it.
"Fuck you Kim," Eunwoo screamed as Taehyung started the car and pulled away laughing.
We didn't say much on the ten minute drive home. Taehyung seemed lost in his thoughts and I left him to it. I was busy thinking over what Eunwoo had said. Something was happening, something big that he felt the need to warn me about. If anyone found out he'd given me information his job would be on the line. But he'd done it anyway, which meant it was serious.
-The P and V -
I worried for the next few days, every time the phone rang I jumped, I knew the police were coming for Taehyung, it was just a matter of time. Taehyung was more concerned than I had ever seen him and while he tried to hide it from me when we spent time with the boys I knew him better than that. He was working all hours and I knew he often snuck out of bed once he thought I was asleep.
It had been a week since my arrest when the police showed up at the Kim's door. Of course Eunwoo was there, looking far too pleased with himself as he asked Taehyung to come in for questioning. I fully expected Taehyung to refuse but after some sort of silent communication with Jimin, Taehyung agreed.
"I'm coming too," I told them, not giving Taehyung or Eunwoo a chance to argue as I grabbed my coat and took Taehyung's hand. As he hadn't been arrested and was going to the station voluntarily we drove in Taehyung's car.
I once again found myself in the small interrogation room as Eunwoo swept in looking full of himself.
"We've had some new evidence come to light," Eunwoo said, glaring at Taehyung . "Uh, y/n, maybe you should step out of the room for this."
"What, I'm not going anywhere. Get to the point," I snapped
"Fine. It seems we've got some CCTV footage taken the night Mr Kai was found murdered."
I felt Taehyung stiffen beside me.
"What?" I gasped.
"It clearly places Taehyung in Seoul on the day Mr. Kai was murdered.
"Show the tape," Taehyung demanded.
"Now? I thought…"
"Play the damn tape," I told him and he put the DVD in the player and pressed play.
A grainy image appeared on the screen. It wasn't very clear but you could see it was Taehyung, recognizable mostly by his messy hair, he was laughing as he entered an elevator and he was talking to someone.
I turned towards Taehyung who was watching the monitor intently his hand on my thigh twitching.
I watched the screen as Taehyung leaned down and kissed whoever he was with, walking her into the elevator without breaking the kiss. He pressed her against into the wall blindly reaching for the top floor button as he ground himself into her, I watched them make out and as the elevator halted Taehyung turned to get out and let her down gently, his hand traveling up and under her skirt and I gasped and put my hand in front of my mouth as I saw a tiny pair of panties and a lot of ass on the screen.
The woman stepped backwards out of the elevator, I hadn't even got a chance to see her face. Taehyung hesitated, just for a few seconds and then he licked his lips, smirked and followed her out.
Eunwoo turned the tape off and turned to us, "This is dated the 12th of June, the day we found Mr Kai."
"But…." I was cut off by Taehyung gripping my thigh painfully.
"Who is the woman on the tape?"
"I don't know," Taehyung shrugged and I gaped at him.
Eunwoo scowled at Taehyung. "Nice Kim. We need to speak to her, she might have information pertinent to our inquiry. She's the only person who can give you an alibi for that night."
Taehyung narrowed his eyes. "Is that so?"
"Do you have a name, a contact number, anything?"
"No. She's just some whore I picked up in Seoul."
"Taehyung!" I gasped at him shocked. "What …."
"Don't say a word Princess," he said to me firmly and I nodded confused.
"What the fuck!" Eunwoo shouted "y/n, what is the matter with you?"
"I… uh," I stuttered.
"Are you going to tell me who that is on the tape?" he asked Taehyung again.
"How can I tell you if I don't know?" He looked at Eunwoo blankly and his nostrils flared.
"Taehyung Kim, I am arresting you on suspicion of the murder of Kai."
"Eunwoo! No!" I cried.
"I'm sorry." He pulled Taehyung up and pulled his arms behind his back and handcuffed him.
"Don't let him fool you Princess," Taehyung said. "This is not about me. It never was." He stared me straight in the eye and I frowned not understanding what he was trying to tell me. I hated when Taehyung was cryptic. "I'm sorry you had to find out this way."
"But …"
"I know what you're thinking and I'm begging you. Don't."
"Quiet Kim," Eunwoo said as two uniformed officers came into the room to take Taehyung away.
"I love you Princess, so fucking much."
I slumped into a chair and watched as they jostled Taehyung out of the room.
"y/n?" Eunwoo asked. "You ok?"
"Freaking peachy." I gave him a fake smile. "You show me that tape, arrest him and now you have the audacity to ask me if I'm ok!"
"y/n, you know who he is, you've always known, I know that. You might have tried to convince me that he was innocent, that he wasn't involved with his family's business, but you knew. And I get that. You love him, you want to defend him. But how after seeing that tape can you still sit here and think he's Mr. Fucking Wonderful. He just admitted he cheated on you! Surely you know you're worth more than that!"
It suddenly hit me what Taehyung was telling me as they took him away. He was right, this wasn't about him, this was about me.
"Why would you let him humiliate you like that?" Eunwoo asked and I finally saw through the outrage he was faking and realized what he was doing. He wanted me so mad that I said something stupid or admitted something I shouldn't. Detective Park had all but told me they would use me to get to Taehyung, but I was stunned that Eunwoo would be involved.
"If Taehyung cheated on me then that is between us. He is my husband and I love him," I said calmly and his eyes widened as he realized I was on to him.
"Don't you y/n me. I will never forgive you for this," I glared at him.
Detective Park stormed into the room, and Eunwoo sunk into his chair defeated.
"Mrs. Kim, your husband is a very intelligent man."
"I know," I told him. "Maybe you should offer him a job," I smirked at him as I stood up. "Are you charging Taehyung?" I arched my eyebrow at him.
"No," he sighed and shook his head, "but we will get the proof we need eventually; it's up to you if you help or hinder us. I would urge you to consider your children and the implications this could have on you and them if you are found to be guilty of a crime."
"I'll wait out front until he's released." I got up and left the room.
I went outside and called JaeIn to check on the twins and she assured me they had been angels and that they were both tucked up in bed for the night.
I sat around for a couple of hours before they finally released Taehyung.
"You ok Princess?" He asked as he strolled into the room.
"Yeah," I sighed and he put his arm around me and we walked out of the station toward the car.
"Did you call my mom, are the boys alright?"
"Yeah, she said they're fast asleep and that they can stay the night in her room."
"In that case," he smirked, as he pushed me against the side of his car and pressed his body into mine, leaning down to kiss me. "I say we head home and find that sexy little dress of yours." He raised his eyebrows at me.
"Taehyung!" I said looking to see if anyone was around.
"Come on Princess, did you see that tape? It was hot as fuck. You think if I ask nicely, they'll let me have a copy."
I shook my head at him and laughed as he kissed me again.
"You have a one track mind!" I gasped as I broke away.
"Only when it comes to my wife Princess," he smiled. "And everybody, including that fucker Eunwoo, knows that."
"How did you know what he was up to?" I asked him on the way home, his mind worked so much quicker than mine, he'd seen his plan coming ages before I did.
"You really think he interested in finding me an alibi? That was purely for your benefit. I knew as soon as he said it that he was trying to get you to admit being in that hotel with me."
"But he already knows it was me."
"What he knows isn't worth shit if he can't prove it. You can't see your face at all in that video. Your ass, yes, your face, no. Ass shots don't stand up in court." He smirked and I rolled my eyes at him.
"But why does it matter? Why didn't you just tell him that it was me on that film, and that it wasn't the night that Kai was murdered."
Taehyung looked at me like I was a complete idiot and I began to feel like one, but it seemed simple to me, however I realized this was why he had repeatedly stopped me from saying anything at the station.
"How do you know it wasn't the night Kai was murdered?" Taehyung raised an eyebrow.
"Because….oh." God I really was an idiot.
"Exactly," he nodded, "It was a trick Princess, they know full well that Kai wasn't killed on the 12th, forensics are better than that. They wanted to trip you up into giving them something that would give away that we know more than we should about the murder."
"Ok, I understand that, but why not say that it was me in the elevator?"
"You know what would have happened if you admitted to being with me on the night they are saying Kai was murdered?"
I shook my head.
"They'd have charged you with all sorts of bullshit, anything from failing to report a crime to accessory to murder. Cops are a crooked bunch of fuckers, they'd have thrown the book at you for anything and everything they could think of to try and make a deal with you. They are convinced I did it, but they can't prove it, so they'll try anything."
"What are we gonna do Taehyung, they're not gonna stop. I've spent more time in the police station in the last two weeks than I have in my entire life, and my dad was a cop!"
"We'll talk to the lawyers tomorrow Princess, I'll sue that fucker Park for harassment. As for Eunwoo, well…. one of these days, you're going to have to accept that I need to kill him."
"Only if you take Joy out too," I said amused, but Taehyung's eyes lit up like I'd just given him the best news ever.
"I'm joking," I sighed, although if I was honest I was getting to the point that I might just agree with him, obviously I didn't want Eunwoo dead, but if he was going to continue to meddle in our lives, then he needed to go.
So there you have it. Finally!
I hope you enjoyed.
There are only a few more chapters for everyone that asked, then this story will be finished. Thanks for reading. x
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