Chapter 16
Chapter sixteen || 열여섯 장
16| Uncovered Secrets🗝️
There was a few seconds of silence around the table, my heart rate was going through the roof and my body seemed to have malfunctioned, so I was still stood crouched over in the same position I'd been in since Joy had pretty much ordered me to sit down and now I wasn't sure whether to fully get up and run or sit back down.
"Is that true Y/n?" Eunwoo asked looking ashen as he tried to get his head around this new information. If I hadn't been so panicked I would have felt sorry for him.
"Holy shit, you didn't know!" Joy looked at him incredulous. "Yes it's true, I just sat here and watched him drop her off, I didn't realise it was your precious y/n he was dropping off until she got to the table." She turned to me and scowled.
Well, Joy seems just lovely. I sat back in my seat and sighed.
"I asked you about the Kim's." Joy said angrily to Eunwoo. "How could you not know she was dating one?"
"You asked about Jin and Yoongi Kim, then you mentioned a Taehyung. How was I supposed to know it was the same Taehyung. I've never met the others."
"What about Jennie, Jungkook, Jimin and Rose?"
"They're Kim's too! I've met them all." Eunwoo said stunned.
"What!" Joy shouted loudly.
"Why the hell didn't you ask me about them, I would have put it together if you'd given me all their names. Jesus Joy I've had dinner with them!"
"They aren't as interested in them, and I figured if you didn't know the big guns you wouldn't know the rest of them. Shit what a massive fuck up." Joy shook her head. "We need to take her down to the station Eunwoo. Detective Park will want to talk to her, she might have information that will break his case, you know what's been happening these last few weeks."
"I'm not sure about that." Eunwoo said looking indecisive.
"Are you serious." She glared at him. "There's dead bodies turning up left, right and centre, clubs being shut down, the docks are a fucking war zone, and I'd bet my last dollar it's the Kims doing and she's had direct access to that family."
"I'll take her home and you can speak to Park, if he wants to talk to her then he can arrange that with the chief."
"Uh, hello, I'm not going anywhere with either of you." I decided to make my presence known because frankly I was fed up of the pair of them.
"y/n, I'm taking you home. How does your dad not know about this? Christ, I need to call him."
"No! I'll tell him. Please let me tell him."
Joy laughed. "Yeah right, like you told Eunwoo? Your supposed best friend. Eunwoo, phone her dad and get his permission for us to take her to the station. Seoul PD have been after the Kims for years and she's been hanging out with them, this might be their opportunity to finally get some solid evidence and we need to do that before the Kims can coach her on what to say."
Finally my fight or flight instinct kicked in, I needed Taehyung to come and get me as soon as possible because Joy was right, I would no doubt say something incriminating by accident if they took me to the station now. I don't know when or how it had happened, but my loyalty was to Taehyung and the Kims. I would do anything to protect them, even if that meant lying to my best friend and the police.
"I need to use the restroom." I stood and bolted from the table. Eunwoo was hot on my heels and he grabbed my arm just before I got to the bathrooms.
"Y/n!" He pulled at me and I tripped but managed to right myself. "I can't believe this, what are you playing at? What do you think your dad is going to say when he finds out, he has no idea who they really are. How could you lie to us like that?"
"Eunwoo I really need to pee." I said and tried to pull my arm away.
"No you don't, stop lying to me y/n!" his nostrils flared and he looked really mad.
"Sorry, can I just get passed." Embry shrugged apologetically at Eunwoo who had no choice but to let me go so that Embry could get through to the men's room.
As soon as eunwoo released me, I ran into the bathroom and pulled out my phone, pressing two and dancing around whispering 'pick up, pick up, pick up' until he did.
"Princess, you either ate really quickly or something's wrong." He answered and I heard the blare of several car horns in the background before he yelled "Yeah, fuck you too, you motherfucker!" at someone, I assumed he wasn't talking to me.
"What's going on?" I frowned momentarily distracted from the situation at hand.
"I might have just executed a hugely spectacular but never-the-less highly illegal U-turn at a busy intersection and it may have upset one or two other motorists." He laughed. "I'm on my way, what happened?"
"Eunwoo bought Joy, you know that girl he's been seeing from his course with him to lunch and she saw you drop me off and she knew who you were and she just told him that you're all Kims and now I'm hiding in the bathroom calling you." I rushed out without taking a breath.
"Shit…, ok, she's probably already done her placement in the Organised Crime Division."
"Huh!" That made sense. I'd been so shocked by her telling Eunwoo the truth I hadn't really stopped to consider how she knew Taehyung and the Kims.
"What are we going to do?" I asked urgently.
"Well I can kill them." He offered glibly, like it was an acceptable solution.
"I was serious, but I was fairly confident you wouldn't go for it."
"Oh my God!" I whisper yelled at him down the phone. "Could you be even the tiniest bit helpful right now?"
"Alright, relax."
"Relax! Taehyung, Eunwoo's about to blow a gasket and is probably on the phone to my dad right this second and Joy wants to take me to the station so I can tell them all about you and your family."
"Did you get her surname?"
"Uh no."
"I should imagine there's only one Joy on the course, I'll get Jimin to look into her. You know the story Princess, just stick to it, we don't see Jin and Yoongi, you've never met them and as far as you know we all live good, law-abiding, boring as fuck lives in Busan, if you don't know what to say, just say nothing."
"Ok." I nodded furiously even though he couldn't see me.
"y/n!" Eunwoo shouted through the door. "You have to come out eventually."
"Is that Eunwoo?" Taehyung asked.
"Yeah." I sighed. "He wants to talk to me."
"So he followed you to the bathroom?"
"Uh, yeah."
"What aren't you telling me?"
"Try again Princess."
"Fine, he tried to stop me coming in here, so he could talk to me, but Embry was there and everything was fine."
"He put his hands on you!"
"What. No!"
"If Embry intervened it means he put his hands on you."
"No, it wasn't like that, he was just shocked and he reached out to grab my arm that was all."
Taehyung growled out a long stream of profanities.
"Taehyung, focus, we've got bigger problems right now!"
"Sorry. Did Eunwoo realise that you knew Embry?"
"No I don't think so."
"Good, it will only raise more questions if he knows you're being watched, but they're there if you need them. I'm sorry Princess, but I've got to go, I need to make some calls before I get to you. Stay where you are if you can. I'll be there in a few minutes." He hung up and I stared at the phone for a few seconds before tucking it back into my pocket.
I took a few deep breaths which did nothing to help me calm down and then I stood against the wall and waited.
"Y/n, if you don't come out I'll send Joy in." Eunwoo called through the door.
I groaned, talk about being stuck between a rock and a hard place, I really didn't want to go out there before Taehyung arrived, but I really, really, didn't want Joy coming in here. I banged my head against the wall a few times, just on the off chance it might help, but it didn't.
"y/n please, I just want to talk to you."
I reluctantly pulled the door to the bathroom open and stepped out, Eunwoo instantly put his arm around my shoulder in what looked like a friendly gesture but his grip was just a little too tight and I knew he was really stopping me from running off again. As we passed their table, Sam raised an eyebrow at me discreetly and I smiled to let him know I was alright. Embry was on his phone, and I just knew he was talking to Taehyung.
I thought Eunwoo was taking me back to the table but he led me outside where Joy was already waiting by a squad car.
"What…., I'm not going with you Eunwoo, Taehyung's coming to get me and I'm leaving with him."
"You are not."
"I am."
"y/n, get in the car."
"I can't get hold of your dad, and until I do, I'm keeping you with me, you are not going anywhere with that boy. He is seriously bad news."
"No. Edward doesn't have anything to do with any of this."
"Really, because I've got a whole file from organised crime that would suggest otherwise." Joy said nastily. "You, little girl, can't imagine what he might be capable of." She sneered.
I'm pretty sure I could, Taehyung had killed at least ten people in the time I'd known him and they were only the ones I knew about, but I didn't think I ought to tell her that.
"Now get in the damn car." She said as I saw Taehyung pull up and park haphazardly by the restaurant. He jumped out of his car and ran over.
"Princess, you ok?" He asked scanning me from head to toe and scowling when he caught Eunwoo's grip on my shoulder.
"Princess, how cute." Joy said in a tone that suggested she didn't find it all that cute.
Taehyung looked at her for a moment before he smiled. "You ready to go?" He asked me.
"Yeah." I tried to move towards him.
"You are not going with him." Eunwoo said firmly and tightened his hold on me.
"You can't stop me." I fought to get out of his grip and eventually managed, rushing to Taehyung's side. He threw his arm around my shoulders and I sunk into him.
"Y/n!" Eunwoo shouted coming towards us and making a grab for me. Taehyung twisted so that I was out of reach and put his other arm in front of me to stop Eunwoo, who walked straight into it before stumbling backwards.
Joy pulled out her handcuffs and Taehyung sighed. "So fucking predictable." He muttered quietly, rolling his eyes and I looked at him confused. I saw him give Sam, who was now standing outside the restaurant smoking, a subtle nod.
Taehyung let go of me and I stared in shock as Joy pushed him up against her car and pulled his arms behind his back and put the cuffs on him. "Taehyung Kim, you are under arrest for assaulting a police officer." She frisked him, and I was shocked when she found nothing, I had never known Taehyung not to have at least one gun about his person.
I think I had been expecting V to turn up and get me out of this situation so I was surprised he was being so passive.
"Eunwoo, stop her."
"I can't."
"He assaulted me."
"No he didn't! You're just making that up so I can't go with him."
"Y/n, he pushed me, you saw it."
"Why are you doing this?" I gaped at him.
"Oh, is Eunwoo not doing what y/n wants now he's found out she's a little mob princess." Joy sneered and Taehyung growled. Christ, she was a real gem of a girl.
She pushed Taehyung into the back of her car and I went to get in beside him but Eunwoo stopped me, getting in first and sitting between us.
"You're awfully calm Kim." Joy said as she drove. "I heard you're usually rather hot-headed."
"It's not the first time I've been arrested on some bullshit charge because my surnames Kim." He shrugged.
"There's no record of any previous arrests in your file." She frowned.
"Oh, in that case, I'm shitting myself, this is all really new and scary." He said. "Kudos to you Officer Jung for being the first person to ever arrest me. Maybe you'll get that promotion you're after."
"How do you…." Joy said wide-eyed.
"Although discussing what is and isn't in my file with me probably won't help your cause, but I won't tell if you don't." He smirked.
Joy narrowed her eyes at him and the remainder of the journey was spent in silence.
We arrived at a big building in the heart of town and Eunwoo jostled Taehyung out of the car and led him towards the station. I got out of the car slowly, I didn't know what was going to happen and I was in no rush to find out.
Joy grabbed the top of my arm and started pulling me quickly towards the station. "Get a move on Princess." She spat.
"Get your fucking hands off me." I shook her off and both Eunwoo and Taehyung swung around to stare at me. Eunwoo looked thoroughly shocked, taehyung looked thoroughly impressed and he smiled and winked at me. I don't know why he was so blasé about this whole thing, but he looked incredibly unconcerned for someone who had been arrested.
Joy took Taehyung off to 'book him' as she put it, and Eunwoo took me up in the lift to the office of a Detective Park.
He asked a lot of questions about Jin and I repeated again and again that I hadn't ever met him and I knew nothing about him. He had just started asking about the Kims in Busan when a man poked his head through the door. "Uh, Detective Park, I have a rather irate JaeIn Kim in reception, should I let her thorough?" He asked.
"Yeah." Detective sighed and less than ten seconds later JaeIn flew through the door looking furious.
Eunwoo and Detective Park stared at her stunned.
"Y/n sweetheart come on, let's go." She beckoned to me and I got up.
"Wait, you can't just take her." Eunwoo said.
"Watch me, Chief placed her in my care while we were in Seoul, and as I understand it you have been unable to contact him, so I am responsible for her and unless you are arresting her for something, you have no right to keep her here." She pulled me into her arms. "Now, where is my son?"
"He is under arrest, he assaulted one of my officers and he is not a minor so you cannot just take him." Detective Park smirked at JaeIn.
"Please, that is a jumped up, nonsense charge if ever I heard one. I have already spoken to the commissioner about getting this arrest expunged from his record. I have also spoken to him about having your officer's reprimanded for their indefensible actions today."
"You called Commissioner SeoJoon?" Detective Park choked out as his and Eunwoo's eye's widened.
JaeIn smirked. "I am not a criminal, but I am a Kim and we all have friends in high places. Did you know I was at school with him?" She asked conversationally.
Detective Park scowled and picked up his phone. "Officer Jung, can you bring Mr Kim to my office please…., yes now." He hung up and we waited for a couple of minutes until Joy led Taehyung back into the room.
"You called your mom!" Joy asked Taehyung incredulously. "How? You haven't made a phone call."
"I might have called her on my way to the restaurant, I had a funny feeling that we would end up here." He shrugged.
Joy narrowed her eyes at him. "Well played Kim."
"Do you think this is a game young lady?" JaeIn asked her haughtily. "It's officers like you that give the police force a bad name. My son has done nothing wrong and yet you arrest him simply because he's a Kim!"
"He assaulted a police officer." Joy argued.
"Of course he did dear, tell me, did you take an eye exam when you joined the force, because I think you may need to schedule another."
Joy had just opened her mouth to respond when the door opened and a smart looking man came into the room.
"Commissioner SeoJoon." Detective Park stuttered.
"Detective." He nodded sternly before turning to JaeIn. "JaeIn." He smiled, kissing her cheek. "I'm so sorry I couldn't make the wedding yesterday."
"SeoJoon." JaeIn smiled. "Me too, you missed a wonderful day, but Jennie did change the date rather last minute."
"Gotta love Jennie." He chuckled. "I'll be at the next one, with all those children of yours there's bound to be another wedding soon."
"I hope so." JaeIn said looking at me and Taehyung.
"Taehyung, how are you?"
"I'm good." Taehyung smiled and I had to bite my lip to keep from smiling at the priceless look of shock on Joy's face.
"Don't worry, I'll sort this mess out, I'm sure it was all just a misunderstanding." he patted Taehyung's shoulder.
"What are you…." Joy was cut off by a sharp look from Detective Park and Taehyung coughed to hide the fact he was laughing at her.
"Can we go? We've had a busy week and I think we all need some down time now Jennie has left the country." JaeIn chuckled.
"Of course, I apologise for the inconvenience, enjoy the time off." He winked at her. "Next time you're in town you must come to dinner."
"I'd love to, I'll let you know when. Come on kids." JaeIn herded us out of the room.
"Y/n." Eunwoo called after me. "I'm telling your dad, just as soon as I can get hold of him."
I nodded and turned away from him. There was no point trying to reason with him, I knew he'd do what he thought was best.
"What the hell do you three think you were playing at?" I heard Commissioner Seojoon yell, as I walked down the corridor with Taehyung and JaeIn.
"You ok Princess?" Taehyung asked wrapping his arms around me once we were in the elevator.
"Yeah." I sighed.
"Jimin checked the surveillance from your house, it looks like your dad left to go fishing early this morning, I think it would be beneficial for you to head back to Busan immediately and speak with him, before Eunwoo manages to get hold of him. I'd come with you but Mr. Kim and I have to be in the city tonight." JaeIn told us both.
JaeIn drove us back to Taehyung's car and we got out at the restaurant. "I'll see you soon Y/n." She hugged me and I nodded. "You're going to have to give your dad a bit of time to get his head around all this sweetheart, especially once he speaks to Eunwoo, so it might be a while before he's comfortable with you being around us, I'll try to talk to him when I get back if I need to. Remember, it's not only Taehyung that loves you." She kissed my cheek and released me.
"Taehyung." She rubbed his arm. "You did good son, things will work out." She smiled sadly at him and got back in her car, driving away and leaving us on the sidewalk.
"You hungry Princess? You wanna eat before we head back?"
"I don't think I could stomach anything right now." I told him, I felt sick at the thought of finally telling my dad everything. Especially now it was a race against time to get to him before Eunwoo managed to speak with him.
We went back to the hotel, packing up our stuff as quickly as possible before getting on the road back to Busan.
"We don't have much luck in Seoul." Taehyung said ruefully as we drove out of the city.
I snorted. "That bodes well for next year."
"So we'll go to Florida or Alaska or any of those other faraway places you applied to." He shrugged.
"You'd still come with me?"
"Of course, if you wanted me to."
I rolled my eyes at him and he smiled.
"I don't care where you go Princess, as long as I get to go with you."
I smiled and he took my hand. The journey home was sombre, both of us thinking about the reaction we could expect from my dad.
The house was dark when we arrived and I let out a relieved breath that we had beaten my dad home. I didn't know how he'd react to the news but I wanted to be the one to tell him, not Eunwoo. The phone was ringing as we went inside and Taehyung raised his eyebrows in question and I shook my head, I knew it would be Eunwoo.
I put the T.V on and Taehyung sat on the sofa and watched me pace.
"Princess calm down, what's the worst that can happen?"
"Er, he can ban me seeing you and ship me back to Ilsan to live with my mom."
"Oh, shit that would be bad." He agreed which didn't help my nerves.
When the phone rang again we both turned to stare at it but I had no intention of answering it. Taehyung eventually got fed up with my pacing and pulled me down next to him on the sofa.
"Princess, whatever happens we'll be ok. If he sends you to Ilsan, I'll come get you and bring you right back." He leaned over and kissed me and I let myself get caught up in kissing him.
We jumped apart when we heard my dad pull up on the drive and waited for him to get inside.
"Hey kids." He said surprised when he caught sight of us. "I didn't think you were back until tomorrow."
"Oh yeah we decided to head home early." I told him.
"How was the wedding?"
"It was amazing, Jennie looked lovely and the whole day was just perfect."
"Good, I'm glad you had a nice time. Let me just wash up and I'll catch up with you properly." He headed off for the kitchen to drop his fish off and just as he was on his way upstairs the phone started ringing again and he headed back towards the kitchen.
"Don't answer that!" I yelled at him, jumping up and he looked at me strangely.
"Why not?"
"Because it's Eunwoo." I said as Taehyung got up and stood beside me.
"Ok Y/n." He laughed and picked up the phone. "Hello…, Eunwoo! Y/n said it would be you. How are you?….uh huh, sure, she's right here with Taehyung, they came back early…..,no…, of course I did, they've lived here for years, but we've never had any trouble with them…., yeah, but they're all at school in Seoul…."
In a moment of panic, I grabbed the phone from my dad and hung up on Jake. My dad stared at me in shock.
"What are you doing y/n?" He asked as the phone started to ring again.
"Dad, Eunwoo about to tell you something he found out today and I think it's better if it comes from me." I blurted quickly before he could answer the phone again.
"Ok, go on." He nodded and thankfully left the phone ringing. I took a few steps back so I was next to Taehyung again and he immediately took my hand.
"Well, um, I'm pretty sure that Eunwoo just asked you about the Kims in Busan right?"
"Yeah, how do you about them." He frowned and then his eyes widened and he gaped at Taehyung. His jaw seemed to tighten and his cheeks pinked up and he got redder and redder and his eyes got wider and wider and I think he stopped breathing.
"Dad, are you ok?" I asked after what seemed like ages, but I got no response from him.
"Fuck! Is he going to have a heart attack or something Princess?" Taehyung asked quietly. "Should I call my dad?"
"No, he's just shocked. We have to give him a moment."
"I hope you're right, because you're on your own if he keels over."
"I'm just saying, he doesn't look well at all, and keeping people alive is like, right at the opposite end of the spectrum when it comes to my area of expertise." He whispered in my ear.
"Sorry." He mumbled. "I'm just a little freaked out by the fact your dad just turned fucking purple all by himself. I mean, I've choked a few fuckers in my time, but I've never seen anyone go that colour without…."
"Shut up!" I laughed incredulously at his nervous rambling.
"Dad!" I shouted, because it had been a really long time since he took a breath and he was looking an odd shade of purple.
My dad seemed to snap out of it and his eyes darted between me and Taehyung for a few seconds as he regained his senses and returned to his normal colour.
"You're a Kim?" My dad asked eventually.
"Why the hell wasn't I informed that you lived in town?"
"Uh, I wasn't aware that I had to do that." Taehyung said confused.
"I don't mean by you!" My dad scowled at him. "Seoul PD are meant to keep me up to date. Why wouldn't they tell me this?"
"Oh, ok, um, I can't really answer that." Taehyung looked at me for help.
"Dad…" I started but he held up a hand to stop me, I could almost see him working things out in his head.
"The Kims, they have five kids. Your friends, they're all Kims, the whole damn lot of them. Mrs Platt is really Mrs Kim. You've spent all summer over at their house with Jennie." My dad shook his head, thinking out loud until he turned slowly to look at me. "It's not Jennie you've been going to see, it's him!" My dad said angrily.
"I'm sorry, I…"
"Out!" My dad barked storming over to the front door and throwing it open. "Get out of my house."
"You're throwing me out?" I gaped at him.
"Not you!" My dad said like I was an idiot. "Him. Get out. Now!"
"I appreciate that it's a bit of a shock Chief, but….."
"Get out! And stay the hell away from my daughter." My dad bellowed.
"I can't do that I fucking love her." Taehyung stated, looking at my father like he was crazy.
My dad's eyebrows nearly shot off the top of his head they raised so quickly and he spluttered something indecipherable as his eyes literally bugged out of his head, the word apoplectic came to mind.
"Uh Taehyung, I think maybe you should go, I'll talk to him once he's calmed down." I don't think my dad was ready for Taehyung's matter of fact bluntness. Add in the cursing and I was fairly certain that I needed to get Taehyung out of the house and away from my dad as quickly as I could. Diplomacy and tact were not Taehyung's finest attributes and I'm not sure he realised that saying exactly what you thought at any given time was pretty unique to the Kim family.
"Really Princess? You want me to leave you here with him, because he looks about ten seconds away from having some kind of fucking breakdown and I don't…"
"Taehyung please." I looked him in the eye. "Let me talk to him." He let me pull him out of the door and towards his car.
"Get back in here Y/n!" My dad shouted.
"Are you sure you want to do this on your own?" Taehyung still looked a bit concerned.
"I'll be fine." I reassured him. "I'll call you later ok. Now go, before my dad shoots you!" I said smiling.
"I love you Princess." He leant down to kiss me.
"Y/n, get back in the house this instant!"
"Shit, he's proper mad!" Taehyung snickered.
"Go!" I laughed and he winked at me and got in his car. I watched him pull away and turned to face my father who was glaring at me.
I had always known that the time would come when I'd have to tell him the truth, so I squared my shoulders and walked back into the house.
"What the hell are you playing at young lady?" He yelled as soon as I was through the door. "The Kims are the most notorious family in South Korea, they're criminals, dangerous people and you've been hanging out with them all summer!"
"Dad it's not like that, Taehyung and the others aren't involved with that stuff."
"They all live in the same house Y/n. You've been practically living there all summer and you never told me that it was Taehyung's house. You never told me they were Kim's, you let them come over here and lie to me. How am I supposed to believe a word you say?"
"Why do you think that was?" I shouted. "Maybe because as soon as people find out who they really are, they react exactly like this! I just heard you tell Eunwoo you've never had any trouble with them and you still acting like they've done something wrong!"
"We might not have any trouble with them here in Busan, and there might never be any evidence of wrongdoing, but it's common knowledge who they are and what they do. You are not to see them anymore, none of them."
"You can't do that."
"Yes I can."
"No! I won't let you."
"I am your father and while you live under my roof you will abide by my rules."
"Then I won't live here anymore." I screamed at him, in a moment of total teenage brattishness.
"If that's how you're going to be, then I'll pack my stuff and be gone by tomorrow."
"Don't be ridiculous, where are you going to go y/n?"
"Uh…" He had me there.
"Give me your phone."
"What!" I gaped at him.
"You heard me y/n. Give me your phone, you are not to contact that family again." He held out his hand expectantly.
"No, you can't…., No! I need it." I knew Taehyung and Jimin would go mad if I gave up my phone.
"Not anymore you don't, you're grounded until school starts, you can use the house phone in an emergency."
"It's my phone."
"I pay the bill!"
"Actually dad you don't."
"I've got a new phone, I cancelled my old plan, you haven't paid the bill for two months."
"So who pays the bill?"
I hesitated because I knew he wasn't going to like the answer.
His eyes widened. "He pays your phone bill! Just exactly how involved are the two of you?"
"I love him." I said simply and my dad groaned.
"Give me your phone."
"I…., can't."
"If you don't give me that phone right now, I'm calling your mother and putting you on the first plane back to Ilsan." He yelled.
"Fine!" I took my phone out and handed it to him. "Happy now?"
"No! What's gotten in to you y/n, you were always such a sweet girl, and now look at you, keeping bad company, fraternising with known criminals, sleeping over at your boyfriends house, lying to me, arguing and yelling at me. I thought they were good for you those kids, I can see now what a terrible mistake I made trusting your judgement. What were you thinking getting involved with that family."
"That family, are the kindest, most welcoming, loving people I've ever met." I told him and that was the truth. "Before I met them I was bored and lifeless and miserable, meeting them was the best thing that ever happened to me and I know finding out they're Kims is a shock, but sharing a surname doesn't automatically make them bad people."
He sighed and not taking his eyes off me, answered the still ringing phone. "Eunwoo, I need to know everything they have on Taehyung Kim and his family."
I stormed up to my room, and stomped around a bit. Partly because I was angry but mainly because I was hoping it would annoy my dad. When I got bored of that I got out my computer and booted it up, I looked up the admissions department for Seoul University and requested an application form. It was a rather pathetic act of rebellion on my part, but there was no way my dad could keep me away from Taehyung forever and I wasn't going to stop planning the future I wanted with him.
My dad spoke to Eunwoo for a good long time and eventually he knocked on my door and said that Eunwoo wanted to talk to me.
"Tell him he can go to hell." I shouted. I was too annoyed with Eunwoo right now to have a civil conversation with him.
"Y/n!" My dad said shocked. "Is this the influence the Kims have had on you?"
"If I was influenced by the Kims I would have said something far worse than 'go to hell'." I muttered under my breath.
"Eunwoo told me you swore at Officer Jung earlier."
"Did he also tell you she's a hateful cow who deserved it?"
"Are you going to talk to him?"
"No, go away." I told him and I heard him retreat back downstairs.
I got into bed and spent a long time trying to sleep, I didn't know how I was going to change my dad's mind about Taehyung, especially now he had spoken to Eunwoo. I eventually slept fitfully and dreamt of a different, far more comfortable bed that I felt I belonged in far more than my own.
When I got up in the morning, I showered, dressed and almost skipped down the stairs, my dad was on a long shift and I was planning to phone Taehyung and get him to come and pick me up.
"Morning y/n." My dad said as I skidded to a halt in the kitchen.
"What are you doing here?" I frowned.
"I know you clearly think I was born yesterday y/n, but I'm not an idiot and I knew the first thing you'd do if I went to work today was call that boy, so I took the day off. I meant what I said, you are to stay away from him."
"Dad please, he's not part of all that. Just because his grandfather is a criminal doesn't mean he is."
"I know it doesn't y/n, but I've spoken to Eunwoo, I can't really divulge anything he told me because it's confidential information, but Taehyung Kim is not the boy I want my daughter dating." He said firmly. "I won't be changing my mind." He added.
"You can't do this."
"It's for you own good y/n." He said and I snorted at him. "If I even get an inkling that you've been going behind my back and contacting him, I will not hesitate to put you on a plane back to your mother. I don't want to, but I will if it means it'll keep you away from Taehyung."
I growled at him and stomped back up the stairs, throwing open my bedroom door and shrieking with shock when I came face to face with Rose.
"y/n, you ok?" My dad called up.
"Just freaking peachy." I yelled at him, slamming my door shut as hard as I could, just in case he hadn't picked up on the fact I was still really, really, cross with him. "Rose? How did you get in here?" I whispered at her.
She smiled and shrugged, holding out a box for me.
I opened it up and found a brand new phone. It was turned on and the message light was blinking.
*I love you Princess.* was all the message said, and I felt tears wet my eyes.
"What are we going to do?" I asked Rose in a crushed whisper, this was my worst nightmare come true.
Rose put her hands on my cheeks and looked me in the eye for a couple of seconds before she smiled.
Of all the Kim's, I felt like I knew Rose the least, but I understood perfectly that this was her way of telling me things would be fine, I'm not sure how she did it but she managed to communicate loud and clear without using words and she seemed to know I got it, because she nodded once, then walked over to my window, threw it open, waved at me and disappeared through it.
Once I was over the shock at her climbing through a window on the second floor I ran over to the ledge, but she was nowhere to be seen.
I waited impatiently until I heard my dad put the T.V. on before I called Taehyung.
"Princess." He answered on the first ring.
"Taehyung." I sighed.
"You ok?"
"Yeah, how did you know he'd take my phone?"
"When you didn't call I figured that must have been what happened, plus it's fairly standard angry dad behaviour. I take it things didn't go well last night?"
"Understatement, he grounded me until school starts and actually took the day off today to stop me calling you. He said I couldn't see you anymore, talk to you, have anything to do with you." I felt myself getting upset. "I don't know what to do Taehyung."
"Do you think once he's calmed down and is over the shock he'll change his mind?"
"I don't know. He spoke to Eunwoo for ages and he seems pretty set on his decision. I can't …, I don't …" My breath hitched as I tried to fight off tears, when the reality of what it meant if my dad stuck to his decision hit me.
"Fuck Princess, don't cry, please."
"I'm not." I said and then pretty much sobbed incoherently down the phone at him for a full five minutes while he tried to console me. "I'm sorry." I said as I eventually pulled myself together.
"Don't apologise, what can I do?" He asked.
"Nothing, we're just gonna have to wait for him to calm down."
"How long do you think that will that take?"
"I don't know, he's never really been mad with me before." I took a shuddering breath and fought off more tears.
"You gonna be ok Princess?"
"I'm going to be fine." I sniffed, wiping my eyes and feeling bunged up.
"You sure?"
"Uh huh."
"You know what might cheer you up?"
"Phone sex!" He laughed.
I giggled and snot bubbled out of my nose.
"Trust me, sex would be the last thing on your mind if you could see me now, I'm a right state." I reached for the tissues and wiped my nose.
"Princess, you're beautiful, always."
I snorted.
"It's true."
"Yeah, yeah, you just want phone sex." I laughed.
"That is also true, but I was right, it's cheered you up already and we haven't even done it yet."
"I love you Taehyung." I smiled.
"I love you too Princess. We'll get through this. I promise."
"I know." And I did, we had survived everything that had been thrown at us so far, and while I knew it was going to be hard, I had no doubt that we could survive this as well.
Well this is rough, but i promise things will get easier soon... Or is it?
Ill update soon. xo
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