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The gang made it back upstairs from the cellar and headed to bed where not a single one slept after that incident. Nina had been awfully quiet during getting ready and breakfast.
Leah was sat at the table, pouring herself a much needed cup of coffee as her two best friends walked in
"Good morning. Good morning. Good morning" Alfie spoke as he and Jerome walked in, "I trust everyone slept well last night"
"And what's it to you?" Patricia retorted
"I just care. Sleep is an essential part of life" Alfie spoke, taking a slice of toast from Patricia's plate
"Tell me, did anyone hear that cat last night? It sounded like a combination of a very old goat and a screaming baby" Jerome spoke
"That was not a cat. It was me. And you'd scream too if you were cornered by a pair of zombies!" Amber spoke
"Amber!" Leah, Nina and Fabian snapped softly at the blonde
"Sorry" Amber apologised
"And once again, we enter the strange and unpredictable world that is Amber's mind" Jerome spoke
"But Jerome, you must have heard the rumours of what's buried down in the cellar" Alfie spoke
"Yes I have. The two teachers that were buried alive?" Jerome spoke
"You can hear their stomachs rumbling and at night, they come out and eat your brains!" Alfie spoke, moving around the table.
"Alfie!" Amber exclaimed as Jerome chuckled, taking a seat next to his brunette best friend
"Think we found our zombies" Fabian muttered to Nina
"You idiot! I've never been more scared in my life!" Leah screamed at both of her best friends, slapping their arms as they stood behind her
"Hold on... Leah Penelope Jones, the girl who finds nothing scary was finally scared? YES!!" Jerome exclaimed happily
"Why is that such a happy thing?" Nina asked
"Jerome and Alfie have been trying to scare her for years but they've always failed..." Fabian responded for Leah as she continued to slap Alfie and Jerome's arm
"Until now!" Jerome and Alfie both manically laughed
"Anyway, what were you doing down there?" Jerome asked. The five lowered their heads and didn't respond
"Ooh! Haven't they gone quiet all of a sudden, Alfie?" Jerome spoke
"Morning, Mick! And others" Mara spoke, crashing the awkward silence that was now around the table
"Hi, Mara" Mick responded, continuing to eat his cereal. Leah had finished her breakfast and headed up to her shared bedroom to finish getting ready for school when Nina walked in
"Leah... Can I ask something?" Nina spoke
"Yeah, sure" Leah responded, placing her eyeliner pen back in her makeup bag and moving to sit next to Nina, "What's up?" She asked
"I'm just wondering... Are you into Fabian?" Nina asked, without hesitation.
Leah looked stunned at Nina's question, "What makes you ask this?"
"Its just... I saw you holding his arm last night and he didn't seem to push you away" Nina spoke
"Nina... You don't have to worry. There's nothing between me and Fabian. He's completely single and uh... So am I but I like someone else but you can't tell anyone I said that because only Patricia knows" Leah spoke
"Okay... Might I ask who?" Nina asked
"He lives in this house.. That's all anyone needs to know because its extremely complicated" Leah spoke
"Ohโ" Their conversation was cut short as Amber, Fabian and Patricia walked into the room. Leah stood and finished off her makeup by applying some mascara as Nina collected some books
"I really thought they were Victor-related zombies" Nina spoke
"Me too" Amber spoke as she did up her tie
"Part of his... experiments" Nina said, sitting down next to Amber
"Or family members" Patricia added
"I never really thought they were zombies" Fabian spoke, standing up off the floor
"Yeah, right. You were screaming louder than us" Patricia spoke
"We still need to get the elixir analysed" Fabian spoke, holding the bottle they had stolen from the cellar
"I say we give it to the police. And the photos, and the recordings" Amber spoke
"We can't. They're in it with Victor and his spooky friends"
"We need to hide it" Fabian added
"I know," Patricia spoke. She turned to grab a orange plastic bottle from her bag, "Give it here" She took the elixir bottle from Fabian and poured it into the empty orange bottle before screwing the lid back on and shoving it in her bag. Fabian put the bottle back in his bag and they all headed off to school
The gang sat in an empty classroom, surrounding Fabian and his computer which he had done some research on for the analysis.
"Okay, here's a list of all the British universities with Major Chemistry Research departments. Take your pick" Fabian spoke
"Justโjust stop for a second" Patricia spoke, "What are we going to say exactly? "Hi, we're a bunch of school students who think we've got the elixir to eternal life. Will you test it for us?""
"Patricia has a point, they'll think we're insane" Leah spoke
"This is freaking me out. We have the thing but we don't know what to do with it" Fabian spoke
"Drink it?" Amber spoke. Nina shook her head in response, "Just an idea" Amber muttered
"Okay, look. I'm going to go see Sarah this evening. Maybe she'll be able to give us a lead?" Nina spoke
"Ask her about Rufus. They obviously know each other if he was visiting her that time"
"Yeah, maybe she knows why Victor's taken him" Amber spoke
"I'll come with you" Leah spoke
Jerome and Alfie went around the school and stuck up posters for talent auditions
"Okay, Alfie, this is a no brainer. The 7th graders are young, stupid and desperate for fame. But we are bright, but broke and desperate for cash"
"It says on here that Simon Cowell will be coming to watch the school play?"
"And your point is?" Jerome asked
"Its a lie!" Alfie spoke
"Of course it's a lie but it's their own fault if they believe it" Jerome spoke
"Good point! They brought it on themselves" Alfie spoke. He and Jerome continued to stick up posters and then it was soon time for the auditions to begin. Each student auditioned and Jerome and Alfie hated the auditions without giving any of them a chance
The lines outside kept filling up as Mr Winkler walked down the corridor
"What's going on here?" Mr Winkler asked one student
"Auditions for the musical" The student spoke
"I spent hours practicing my Leona medley and they crushed my dreams before I could even open my mouth!" Another student spoke
"What auditions?" Mr Winkler asked. The girl pointed to the sheet that Jerome and Alfie had put up. Mr Winkler looked at the poster before storming off down the corridor towards the drama studio where he found Jerome and Alfie
"Alfie! Jerome! I think you've got some explaining to do" Mr Winkler spoke, stopping the audition as the two pranksters snapped their heads around
"I thought you said it was his day off" Jerome muttered to Alfie
"Alright guys, time for a taste of your own medicine" Mr Winkler spoke. He gathered all the students who had auditioned or planned on auditioning to gather in the drama studio as he got Alfie and Jerome to dress up in big inflatable costumes and dance across the stage.
Leah walked down the corridor to collect some props for pictures she was taking when she was stopped by the amusing sight of her two best friends dancing across the stage. She hid at the back of the room and grabbed her phone to record the moment to embarrass them both forever
"Okay boys! That's more than enough" Mr Winkler spoke
"Hopeless" One girl spoke
"No stage presence, no talent, nothing" Another girl spoke
"That's clear then! No roles for you in the play but what shall we do with them?" Mr Winkler spoke
"Couldn't we use them as scenery?" One girl asked
Mr Winkler laughed at that suggestion, "That is a fine idea. You guys can be in the play as live props. Plus, you're on probation for a month and you'll repay every penny you have embezzled with 50% interest to be donated to a charity" Mr Winkler spoke
"Oh, no way! Not charity! What a waste!" Jerome exclaimed
"Well, now that's up to you. Its either that or Mr Sweet's office" Mr Winkler. Both boys looked at each other and walked off the stage, well Jerome limped after hurting his ankle.
Everyone was back home after school as Jerome and Alfie walked in, "Don't blame me. It was your idea" Alfie spoke
"Well, if it isn't our two resident comedians. Heard about your latest failed scam" Mick laughed
"Yeah, laugh it up" Jerome spoke
"Listen... The me and Mara stuff. It's not funny, okay? I mean, I don't want to give her the wrong idea so quit with the comments, yeah?" Mick spoke
Jerome chuckled, "Yeah, cos you're really going to turn down a girl who worships the turf you walk on"
"Seriously, can you see me and Mara together? Shes straight and sensible and into books, I'm a fitness freak. It's never going to happen" Mick spoke. Little did he know that Mara was sat on the top step and heard everything.
Leah and Nina headed off to the care home to see Sarah as planned. They sat around the table that was in her room and Nina poured Sarah a cup of tea
"Sarah, did your mum and dad ever talk about an elixir?" Nina asked, "Not just any kind of elixir like the kind you buy at a health food store.. but the kind that gives you eternal life?"
"I don't want to live forever"
"Right but.. do you know people who do?" Leah asked
"IโI had a visitor the other day. Erm, now what was his name?" Sarah spoke
"Rufus?" Nina spoke
"That's it. Rufus"
"How do you know Rufus, Sarah?" Leah asked
"Oh, we used to play together when we were small" Sarah spoke
"I think you're getting confused. Rufus is much younger" Nina spoke
"He was such a sweet boy" Sarah spoke
Nina went into her bag and pulled out the photo of Victor that they found, "Do you recognize this man, Sarah?"
Sarah's face turned to horror, "Its him!. Its him. No, no, no, no, no! He means to do it! He wants to tip the scales of life!"
"Its okay, Sarah. Calm down. Okay, I'm sorry. I'm sorry" Nina spoke
"Your friend looks like him! You're both aren't safe, he's dangerous!" Sarah spoke before rocking in her rocking char as she began to sing Hush Little Baby nursery rhyme
Leah, Nina, Amber, Patricia and Fabian sat around the table, the next morning and Nina informed the other 3 about her and Leah's trip to see Sarah the day before
"Sarah totally recognised Victor. It was terrifying" Nina spoke, "She was so scared of him... She said he killed them"
"Her parents?" Fabian asked
"I think that's who she meant because after that she started singing this lullaby and it all got very weird" Nina spoke
"Its just too creepy to think," Fabian started, "Victor alive when Sarah was a little girl"
"Yeah, like its not bad enough he's alive now" Nina spoke
"Did she mention anything about the elixir?" Fabian asked
"Not really, just the same thing about tipping the scales of life... Then she sort of freaked when she got a good look at Leah"
"Why?" Amber asked
"It doesn't matter..." Leah interrupted, shaking her head at Nina as Victor walked into the room
"Shouldn't you all be getting off to school?" Victor questioned. The five collected their stuff from their rooms. Leah adjusted her tie and changed her shoes into some black knee high boots before grabbing her bag and walking down to Jerome and Alfie's room as usual.
"Oi! You two! Hurry it up!" Leah shouted through the door, kicking the bottom in the process
"Alright! Alright! Miss Grouchy Pants!" Jerome exclaimed as he opened the door. Jerome, Alfie and Leah headed off to school.
Leah placed her bag next to Amber before moving to sit on the table in front of Nina and Fabian as they discussed the book, "Okay, so I've read every single line. I've looked for underlined passages, secret codes, false spine... Nothing"
"It hasn't got a clasp for a start" Amber stated
"Oh yeah! Wasn't that part of the clue?" Leah spoke
"Yeah, that as well.. It was just the only place where "yesterday always follows tomorrow" Fabian spoke. A pair of heels stepped into the classroom and Leah watched as Fabian dropped the book and his jaw, she turned to see Mara... Dressed like Patricia
"oh my god..." Leah muttered
"Whoa! Didn't you use to be Mara?" Jerome asked as he and Alfie gobsmacked, watched Mara take her seat next to Patricia
"I did not see that coming" Nina spoke
"You didn't have to put all your makeup on at once" Patricia pointed out
"I was in a rut. Time for a change" Mara spoke. Another pair of heels walked in, this time being Mrs Andrews. She stopped behind her desk, upon noticing Mara chewing.
"Mara, are you chewing gum?" She asked. Mara didn't answer and only continued to chew, "You of all people should know that chewing gum is not allowed in class. Get rid of it, please" Mrs Andrews spoke. Mara removed her gum and stuck it behind her ear, gaining a disgusted look from Jerome
"Right, collecting homework assignments, please" Mrs Andrews spoke. Leah got out her homework as Mrs Andrews went around and collected each piece of homework before stopping at Mara and Patricia's table
"Haven't done it" Mara spoke
"that's a first" Leah whispered as Fabian looked on, surprised
"What is going on here?" Mrs Andrews questioned
"Don't know what you mean. I just, like, don't have if, or whatever" Mara spoke
"Mara? Are you all right? You don't seem quite yourself" Mrs Andrews asked
"Good! Success!" Mara exclaimed
"Okay, see me at lunchtime, please" Mrs Andrews spoke before continuing with the lesson.
Leah had completed the first draft of the school play, with some help from Nina, and had handed it in to Mr Winkler and now Jerome and Fabian were performing on of the scenes
"Tutankhamun's burial chamber lies just through here" Fabian read from the script
"I wonder what artefacts we will discover within" Jerome then read
"They enter the tomb" Mr Winkler read. Jerome and Fabian began to laugh as Mr Winkler stopped the music
"Remember what we said, everyone. Constructive criticism. So, let's hear what you like about these first few scenes" Mr Winkler spoke
"Rough scenes! Really, incredibly rough scenes" Leah pointed out
"Well, actually, its a very accurate account of how Howard Carter and his team first broke into Tutankhamun's burial chamber" Fabian spoke
"Yeah, but it's a bit boring.. Sorry Lee" Amber spoke as Patricia nodded. Leah began to attempt to scribble down some more interesting ideas
"Yeah, shouldn't someone kiss someone or kill someone or something?" Alfie spoke up
"Okay, how can we help Leah? Ideas anyone?" Mr Winkler spoke
"Girls in bikinis" Jerome spoke. Leah looked up and threw her pencil at her best friend in disgust
"Alfie, I think you said you wanted to see more action" Mr Winkler spoke
"And more of the stuff Sarah told us" Amber spoke up. Leah and Nina hit Amber's arm
"Uh, who's Sarah?" Mr Winkler asked
"Oh, basicallyโ" Amber began to speak as Leah lowered herself down in her seat.
"โShe's a woman who works part time at the museum" Fabian interrupted
"Yeah! Sarah, from the museum" Nina spoke, "She's a research assistant and a tour guide. Red hair, Gemini, I think..." Nina spoke. Fabian and Leah both mouthed the word Gemini at their friend
"Okay, and what sort of stuff are we talking about here?" Mr Winkler asked
"Just things like plagues of locusts and stuff like that" Fabian spoke
"Sounds interesting. Leah, why don't you go back to the museum and talk to this Sarah woman again?" Mr Winkler suggested
"Yeah! Sarah, from the museum" Leah spoke, scowling at her blonde friend
Class had finished and Patricia, Amber, Fabian, Nina and Leah gathered next to the girls' lockers, "Amber, I don't know what goes on inside your head" Patricia spoke
"What did I do this time?!" Amber asked, "I thought we agreed that we were going to use Sarah's story to get a reaction from Victor"
"We are, but we don't want people to know she's still alive and living a mile down the road from here. Especially people who might be suspected murderers" Nina spoke
"or possibly related to one..." Leah muttered
"Oh, sorry! I'll do better" Amber apologised.
The gang had headed home after school and Leah was stood in front of her dresser, changed out of her school attire as she looked in the mirror. Nina was sat on her bed, flicking through a magazine
"Can I ask a question and I need you to be honest" Leah spoke
"Sure, go ahead" Nina spoke
"Do I look like him?" Leah asked
"Look like who?" Nina questioned
"Look like... the man Sarah freaked about" Leah spoke
"Leah, Sarah had got all frantic yesterday and she probably didn't know what she was saying. You look like your mum, from what I've seen so no... you don't look like him" Nina reassured Leah, as she nodded before she headed downstairs to the living room. Leah pulled out her phone and dialled her mother's number
"Hey sweetheart"
"Hey mum... Uh, I'm wondering. Did you keep any photos of dad after he died?"
"No, we didn't have many, why?"
"Just wondering..." Leah spoke.
It was now dark out and the gang hadn't planned to go down to the cellar that night. Jerome was the only one in his room since he left Alfie to find his mask down in the cellar from the previous night, scaring the Sibuna gang.
Jerome grew increasingly worried so he went to wake Fabian and the gang up
"Fabian?!" Jerome shook Fabian, waking him up out of his sleep, "Alfie's trapped in the cellar, dude. You've got to help me" Jerome spoke
"Ha-ha, Jerome. Go away" Mick spoke
"He's been down there for hours. I'm not lying. I swear I'm not... Dude, come on. I'm really worried" Jerome spoke. He managed to get Fabian out of bed and they snuck upstairs to wake the girls up.
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