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LEAH, NINA AND FABIAN hid in the secret room as Victor looked around the attic, after hearing the deafening screams. It felt like hours they sat there, waiting for Victor to leave when it had only been a few moments. Nina had started shivering as Fabian took his jacket off and placed it around Nina's shoulders. Leah had practically curled up next to Nina as she gripped her phone and powered off flashlight
The coast soon became clear now that Victor had left the attic. Nina opened the door and they all peered out
"Can we go back to our rooms now?" Leah asked. Fabian and Nina nodded their heads and they headed off downstairs to their rooms. Leah slipped into her room while Nina and Fabian stood and talked
"Where have you been?" Amber whispered, rather violently which caused Leah to jump slightly
"Uh, I was with Alfie and Jerome" Leah spoke as she moved back to her bed and climbed under her covers. She knew Amber would believe that lie considering Leah was always with the two pranksters. The door opened and Nina appeared. Amber stood behind Nina with her hands on her hips
"Can't believe you got away with what?" Amber asked almost as soon as Nina closed the bedroom door. Nina looked between the blonde and the almost asleep Leah,
"What? No... Nothing" Nina stuttered as she moved over to her own bed, watched closely by Amber who clearly didn't believe a word from Nina.
"You've been sneaking around, you were with Fabian in the middle of the night, your heart's beating really fast and you can't believe you got away with it..." Amber started, trailing off her thoughts as to Nina's comment from the other side of the door when Amber gasped and almost leaped into the air, "You were having a secret date!"
Nina's facial expression changed as Leah turned over to one side and Amber giddy flapped around the room, "No!" Nina started, bringing Amber's excitement to a small end, "Not exactly..."
"Oh this is so exciting! You and Fabian, Me and Mick and Leah and Ethan too!"
"Ethan?" Nina questioned. Leah stayed quiet, lying on one side. Amber looked between Leah and Nina, "There's this boy Leah has liked for years but she just won't admit she likes Ethan" Amber spoke, loudly enough for Leah to hear
"I always thought she liked Jerome but Amber, you can't tell no one about tonight! Absolutely no one.. Promise?"
"I get it. Secret love... so romantic!" Amber smirked at her American friend, "Don't worry Neens, your secret is safe with me" Amber informed Nina before heading over to her bed and climbing under her covers, with Nina going the same. They assumed Leah was already asleep now but Leah stared at her darkened phone screen which showed her screensaver as her, Jerome and Alfie at the start of the term. Leah was stood in the middle between the two boys as she smiled brightly, clearly laughing at something the boys had said.
THE NEXT MORNING seemed normal as any other morning. Leah stood in front of her mirror as she drew her eyeliner on as a knock sounded on the door, "Come in!" Leah shouted from her mirror as her bedroom door opened and Alfie and Jerome appeared
"How do you not hurt your eye doing that?" Alfie questioned as he walked into Leah's room, sitting himself down on her bed
"Years of practice, Alfred. What are you two doing up here?"
"Waiting for you" Jerome spoke, now entering Leah's room as she placed her hoops in her ears.
"Oh right, I could've met you downstairs"
"We also wanted to apologise for the prank the other day... I told Jerome I hated pranking you but he insisted!" Alfie vented
"Don't blame me! You were involved too! You said to put the superglue on Lee's hairbrush!" Jerome shouted
"Hey, hey.. It's okay. I'm sorry too. I didn't mean to cover you guys in purple dye and glitter" Leah spoke, "Are we at least even?"
"I suppose so" Jerome shrugged
"Okay, well, shall we go and get this day over with?" Leah and the boys walked out and over to the school. They had drama together so they headed to the drama lounge as Leah flopped down on the sofa and put her feet onto the table for a bit before the lessons started. Patricia rushed in and pulled Jerome and Alfie to one side
"I couldn't sleep. What if we've woken some sort of evil spirit?" Patricia spoke
"Yeah, and what if it comes and possesses you in the night" Jerome joked as Alfie scoffed before pulling Jerome away
"Okay, as far as this may be Trixie. I was making it up"
"Uh I know, your acting stinks but you didn't make up that screeching noise, did you?"
"Patricia, Jerome and Alfie! Pairs, please" Mr Winkler spoke. Everyone gathered into pairs. Jerome went with Mara, Alfie stayed with Patricia, Fabian with Mick, Nina and Amber which left Leah with Ethan
"3 little words! I love you" Mr Winkler spoke. Leah caught a glimpse of Fabian and Mick move apart from each other in embarrassment, "See, it's not what you say.. Its how you say it. In your pairs, I want you to tell a story but you can only do it having a conversation using those 3 words, I. Love. You" Leah and Ethan looked at each other as everyone began the ever embarrassing task.
"Mara and Jerome," Leah turned her head as Mr Winkler spoke, "Great acting, yeah I can almost feel the hatred" Leah turned away and back at Ethan when Alfie's voice shouted through the room
"Hey Patricia! I said I love you!" Alfie shouted but Patricia was not paying attention to him, only to the window
"Did anyone see that?" Patricia questioned in a panicked tone
"That man, he was staring at me" The class moved to the window as Leah, Jerome and Alfie stood next to Patricia to see what she was talking about, "Trix, there's no one there" Leah spoke
"I saw him... I did" Patricia said, looking back out the window to the trees.
Leah had joined Amber in the hallway where she had started making a scrapbook for Nina and Fabian since she still was convinced they were dating. Fabian had walked out of the classroom when Amber clocked him,
"Hey Fabian!" She shouted as Fabian wanted to walk the other way. Amber ran up to him, holding the scrapbook
"Look! I made you and Nina a scrapbook to put all your photos and tickets and stuff in. Mick and I have got 10 of them already, he's so sweet. He lets me hang onto them but I know he loves them-"
"-Amber! Me and Nina.. there is nothing going on"
"What? But if you weren't on some secret date then what were you sneaking around for?" Amber questioned.
Fabian glanced between Leah and Amber, "I would tell you Amber but.. I'm pretty sure you'll make something up anyway" Fabian spoke before leaving the two girls in the hallway.
"So, how are you and Ethan?" Amber asked, moving away from what just happened, "Do you like him?"
"Ams.. I-" Just before Leah could speak, someone called her name
"-Leah! Can I talk to you a moment?" Ethan shouted, running down the hall towards her and Amber
"Uh, sure" Leah stood and moved to one side of the hallway as Ethan stood in front of her
"What's up?" Leah asked
"I really like you, Leah and after getting to know you more over these last few weeks, I was wondering if you would be my girlfriend?" Ethan spoke
"Oh.. Uh... yeah, sure!" Leah smiled.
LEAH AND NINA walked down to Fabian's room, after returning from school as she apparently had something to tell us
"I can't believe you told Amber..." Fabian spoke after Nina explained what had happened at school, "She has a mouth the size of a black hole"
"She caught me with the puzzle piece. She knew something was up" Nina spoke
"And you couldn't lie?" Fabian questioned
"I know I know! It just came out! I'm an idiot, okay!" Nina spoke, moving over and sitting on Fabian's bed
"Hey no no, don't say that.. Everything will be fine, I'm sure" Fabian spoke, standing up.
"I agree" Leah added. She left the two to talk when Amber squealed, running out of the living room and hugging Leah and jumping up and down
"Mick told me that Ethan asked you out! I'm so happy for you!" Amber squealed
"Thank you Mick!" Leah spoke, walking into the living room and sitting down on the sofa
"We could go on double dates! I can't wait!" Amber spoke
"Amber, calm down.. I've only been with him a few hours" Leah spoke. Jerome and Alfie stood in the kitchen as they were on chore duty that day. Jerome seemed down upon hearing Leah and Amber talk about Ethan.
"Dude? Are you okay?" Alfie asked, noticing his best friend's sudden change in mood
"Huh? Yeah I'm good" Jerome spoke, lying to his best friend
"Its Leah, isn't it?"
"No- I mean I'm happy for her if shes happy" Jerome spoke before shutting down the conversation of Leah. Truth was... he wasn't happy...
ONCE THE LIGHTS WERE OUT and Victor had moved to office again for the night, Leah, Nina and Fabian had snuck out of their rooms and back up into the attic to try and listen to the cylinders again
"Thank goodness you're all here!" Amber's voice spoke, interrupting then listening to the cylinders, "I thought I was going to get eaten by a ghost"
Amber made her way over to the 3 sitting on the cold, dusty wooden floor, it was clear that she was holding a pair of her red heels and she wore a garlic necklace around her neck
"Shh! Amber," Nina whispered, "What are you doing here? And why do you have a pair of heels?"
"These are my lucky heels.. I didn't want to miss out on anything" Amber spoke.
"So why aren't you wearing them?" Fabian questioned
"Well I can't exactly run away in them, can I?"
"And the garlic?" Leah spoke the one question on her mind, "It isn't Twilight"
"The Bible says to always be prepared" Amber stated
"That's the boy scouts, Amber" Leah spoke
"Oh.." Amber whispered, lowering her arms
"Can we focus please?" Nina asked. The 3 turned to face the gramophone sitting in front of them. Amber knelt down and joined them on the floor
"What if it makes that noise again?" Nina asked Fabian as she worried slightly
"Don't worry, this should do the trick" Fabian spoke, lifting up a can of oil and carefully pouring it onto the phonograph, "But if it doesn't work... Leah, be ready to pull the horn off again"
"I'm always ready to destroy this thing" Leah spoke. Fabian pressed the switch and wound the handle and instead of the horrible screeching noise, a voice sounded.. a little girl's voice
"Mother and Father have given the house a name... Anubis"
"Its a girl.. " Nina whispered to Leanna, Fabian and Amber who looked puzzled at the gramophone
"They're going away again soon.. To Egypt.. I think. Father says he has to, for his work and when they go, I'll be on my own... with him"
"Why is she crying? It's so.. " Amber asked
"Sad.." Leah spoke
"I don't want to stay here.. I'm frightened of what will happen to me" The voice spoke again
"I don't want to stay here either, can we go?" Amber asked, standing up but as she went to leave, she knocked a few things over, creating a loud bang
"Amber!" The 3 whispered violently at the blonde. They were quite surprised that no-one from downstairs heard the clatter.
"This is getting too risky!" Fabian spoke, "I vote that we get out of here and find a more sensible and safe way to listen to these things"
"I agree with Fabian" Leah spoke as she stood and helped Fabian move the gramophone away
"Amber," Fabian turned to the blonde, "Quietly" The 4 made their way back down the staircase to the attic door. Amber was the first out of the door, with Leah and Nina linking arms behind her and Fabian at the end. Amber quickly stopped when she caught a glimpse of Victor's shadow walking into the corridor, she pushed the 3 back and closed the door behind her
"What are you doing?" Victor's voice sounded, "You know you aren't supposed to be sneaking around after lights out"
Amber lifted her arms in front of her and spoke in a deeper voice to hers, "Hello Trudy, ice cream, brownies! Yum yum!"
"Unlike you, Miss Millington, I was not born yesterday" Victor spoke, "Now what are you doing?"
"I'm starving and I don't care about your stupid rules. I'm on a fridge raid!" Amber spoke, running away from Victor and from the attic door
"Amber Millington! Get back here now!" Victor spoke as he walked after her. Nina slowly opened the attic door and she saw to see the coast was clear.
"Impressive" Fabian whispered
"Shes full of surprises" Leah spoke, heading over to the bedroom door
"Maybe she can be trusted after all" Nina whispered. The 3 of them all vacated to their rooms and Nina and Leah climbed into their beds, waiting for Amber to return.
Leah must've fallen asleep when she was awoken by the sound of a scream echoing through the house. She thought it was a dream but then the bedside lamp turned on and Nina and Amber sat up in bed, indicating it wasn't a dream
It turned out to be Patricia who had screamed. Everyone had gathered in her and Mara's room as Trudy and Mara comforted her while Leah, Jerome and Alfie stood in the doorway
"I saw him outside the door and he was staring right at me" Patricia explained to Trudy about the man she saw
"Are you sure?" Mara asked Patricia
"You believe me, don't you?" Patricia questioned
"Of course" Trudy responded. Victor led the policeman down the stairs
"Perhaps we should assume it was a typical dormitory prank, Victor"
"A reassuring theory, Sergeant Roebuck. You'll understand my desire to be absolutely sure" Victor opened the door for the policeman. The policeman left and Victor locked the front door
The next morning, Leah walked into school with Amber and Mick, as he complained about not getting enough sleep
"I could do with another 3 hours of sleep" Mick spoke
"Do you really think she did see a G-O-S-T?" Amber asked, whispering as she wrongly spelt out ghost, causing Leah to let out a little giggle.
"No, nothing could get past Victor, the death watch beetle" Mick spoke, "He'd scare a ghost to death, where do you wanna sit?" Mick asked. Amber decided to sit next to Nina as Leah sat herself down at the table in front of the 2 girls
"Hey Lee, Neens, I've got something that is going to help us find treasure" Amber spoke, rifling through her bag as Leah and Nina exchanged looks. Amber lifted her hand up to reveal an MP3 player, "Tada!"
"An MP3 player?" Nina questioned, throwing Amber a confused look
"A state of the art MP3 player which also works as a digital recorder" Amber spoke, "My dad thought I might use it for homework revision, like that would happen"
"Amber, I'm sorry but you've lost me" Nina spoke
"Sometimes you are so slow, Nina" Amber spoke, "We can record the stuff from the sphericals onto this"
"Cylinders" Leah corrected her blonde friend
"That's what I said," Amber claimed, "It will save us going up and down to the attic every night"
"I'm not going to say this a lot, but Amber you're a genius!" Nina spoke
"What was that, Nina? You think I'm a genius!!" Amber spoke loudly to the room. Nina pulled her back around
"Shh! Until now" Nina spoke
"Morning everybody!" Mrs Andrews voice spoke as she walked into the classroom, "I have your French test papers to hand back" Leah slid down her seat, knowing she probably failed the test
"I got an A!" Mick's voice sounded. Leah looked up at Mick who stood up and hugged Mara as he celebrated his A.
"I knew you could do it!" Mara spoke as Mick sat back down
"What's going on?" Amber questioned, upon seeing the hug which Mick gave Mara
"I got an A" Mick turned to where Amber was sat
"What?" Amber stood up and looked over Mick's paper and then Mara's paper
"I'm sure I didnt get all of these but I guess I did really good guesses"
Leah looked down at her paper to see she got a B- which was an improvement for her. They sat through French and then the bell rang. Everyone scattered and Leah piled a few things into her locker when a presence joined her and two arms wrapped themselves around her waist
"Hey" Ethan spoke
"Hi" Leah spoke, closing her locker and turning to face her new boyfriend as Jerome and Alfie passed them in the hallway
"What you up to this weekend?" Ethan asked, looking at his girlfriend
"I have an essay to do and then relax" Leah spoke, "Why?" She questioned
"I can get tickets to a concert this weekend if you fancy coming? I can invite Mick and Amber" Ethan spoke
"Yeah sure. I'd be up for that"
"Cool, I'll text you later" Ethan kissed Leah on the lips before heading off with his football friends. Leah walked down to the student lounge, when she stopped at Jerome, who kept his head in his locker.
"Hey J! Do you and Alfie fancy a movie night tonight?" Leah spoke. Jerome closed his locker door and turned to face the girl
"I have stuff to do but see if Alfie will" Jerome spoke before moving off towards the student lounge, when he spotted Mara
"Ah! Mara!" Jerome spoke as he went to sit down, "I need this gum off my shoes"
Mara began to pick all the gum off Jerome's shoe as Leah sat in the chair next to the stage
"I just don't how I managed to get all that stuff on them"
"It doesn't even make sense that one shoe could step in so much gum!" Mara spoke
"Just unlucky I guess"
"Has anyone seen my gum?" Alfie questioned as he walked into the student lounge. He spotted the ball of gum on the table and picked it up and chewed it, despite Mara telling him not to. Amber walked in and threw her bag onto the floor
"Hey Mara, what's going on with you and Mick? You are acting very strange earlier"
"Nothing! Amber, please, just let it go! I'm not even tutoring him anymore" Mara pleaded. Amber looked at Mara's bag and found Mara's french test paper, "Hey! That's private!" Mara screamed
"Funny, you and Mick must be like psychically linked or something"
"Busted!" Jerome spoke
"You creep! You did this"
"I never said a word" Jerome surrendered
"Why are you calling Jerome a creep?" Leah spoke up, standing up and joining Amber's side, "You're the creep, stealing Amber's boyfriend by helping him cheat!"
"I'm not stealing her boyfriend! And Mick doesn't know anything about it"
"What? I don't get it" Amber spoke, looking between Leah, Jerome and Alfie
"I love this part," Jerome started, "She did it for him secretly" Jerome spoke.
Amber looked at Mara, "You are unbelievable. Did you really think you could get Mick by doing that?"
Amber slammed the two papers down and started to grab Mara's hair, resulting in a cat fight. Mick ran in and tried to pull Amber and Mara apart, "Let her go!" Mick spoke.
He looked over at Jerome, "Don't just sit there, you idiot"
Jerome shook his head before moving over and pulling Mara away from Amber, "Get off me!" Mara screamed, pushing Jerome away from her
"What are you doing?" Mick questioned Amber
"That's right. Take her side. Just because she cheated for you, doesn't mean you have to defend her" Amber spoke, picking up the two identical papers and showing Mick
"Is this true?"
"I was just trying to help you! Your answers were so wrong" Mara tried to justify
"Do you really think I'm so thick that I cant do anything without your help?"
"No! Of course not! Not anything!" Mara spoke
"I could get kicked out for this" Mick threw the papers down and walked out with Amber.
"Mara," Jerome started, "You missed a spot" He spoke.
Following Amber and Mara's cat fight in the drama lounge, Leah was happy to be away from school and back at home. She sat on her bed on her phone as Amber knocked on the floor and Nina sat and read a book
"Amber" Nina spoke, stopping Amber from knocking
"What?" Amber spoke
"Its kind of annoying and you're not going to find anything by knocking" Nina spoke. Amber shuffled forward and pushed Leah's bedside table out of the way and began to knock on the wall when she found a loose bit of wallpaper. She peeled it off to reveal writing
"Nina! Leah!" Nina and Leah looked up and saw the writing. They moved over to Amber
"Help me, Sarah Frobisher Smythe!" Nina read
"Good knocking Amber!" Leah praised her blonde friend
"The Frobisher Smythes are those miserable couple from that picture in the living room, aren't they?" Amber questioned the 2 girls, "Sarah must be their daughter"
"The old lady at the house.. She's called Sarah!" Nina spoke
"No way! Sarah Frobisher Smythe is still alive?" Leah spoke
"Let's go and talk to her, she might know something!" Amber spoke, attempting to stand up but Nina stopped her
"I've tried Amber but shes not quite with it"
"Oh, sad.."
"She said there was evil in this house" Nina spoke
"Poor Sarah.. What was she afraid of?" Amber asked
"I know one way to find out" Leah spoke
Of course Leah's way to find out was to go back up into the attic, now with Amber, to listen to the cylinders more and record them
"Mother and Father have given the house a name.. Anubis. I think its Egyptian"
"Nina," Amber's voice spoke, causing Leah to jump a little, "Can you tell me a story about something nice, please?"
"Okay," Fabian spoke, turning off the recording, "Amber, these are the rules.. we sit and record every single cylinder in silence. Even though its fuzzy, we need total silence to be able to clear it later"
"Okay.. Sorry!" Amber spoke. Fabian switched the cylinders back on and began recording again
"I wish my parents could come back. Sometimes I see their faces in the mirror but I know they aren't there and I know it wasn't an accidentโ" Sarah's voice spoke as Fabian, Leah, Nina and Amber exchanged looks, "He did it! He murdered them!"
"Did she just say 'murdered'?" Leah asked, looking between her friends in shock and horror.
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