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THE NEXT MORNING, Leah walked into the living room after breakfast to see Amber being Alfie's nurse maid, bringing him tea, food and just her being sweet
"Would you like another sugar in your tea Alfie?" Amber asked, leaning over the sofa, which Alfie had now claimed as his own for the day
"Yes please" He handed her the cup
"What about some toast?" Amber asked
"Toast would be nice," Amber started to walk into the kitchen to make Alfie's toast, "Oh Amber, with peanut butter"
"-and Amber! A little bit of honey... honey" Alfie spoke. Amber nodded as Leah held back a laugh as she watched from the kitchen
"So Amber and Mick are definitely over then?" Fabian asked as Jerome collected the breakfast dishes
"Looks like it" Jerome spoke
"I can't believe she went on a date with Alfie. I mean, what's next cats and dogs living in harmony?" Fabian asked. Leah entered the room with her tea when Mick came in
"I hope you're pleased with yourself. Alfie is in a lot of pain this morning because of you" Amber spoke, as Mick collected the fruit bowl
"Oh please" Mick retorted as he left, almost knocking into Nina. Leah went to sit near Alfie as Jerome joined them, giving Alfie a high five. Leah shook her head as she should've known it was all fake
"How's that ankle, Alfie?" Fabian asked. Leah sniggered at the comment, knowing Alfie had been caught in his lie
"Really bad!" Alfie winced as he flopped back down on the sofa. Jerome moved around and sat next to Leah on the coffee table. They spoke before Leah cleared her throat as Amber walked over with Alfie's breakfast. Alfie flopped down onto the sofa and hissed quietly at the fake pain he was creating to get sympathy.
"Here you go, Alfie" She spoke, handing him his plate and cup
"Thank you Amber. You're so sweet" Alfie spoke, receiving the plate and cup from his blonde girl of dreams
"Amber told me what Mick did. I think it's pretty terrible" Nina spoke from the table, closing her book and folding her arms across her chest
"After what Alfie and Amber did, I'm surprised Mick didn't do more damage" Fabian reasoned
"Why? What did they do?" Nina questioned
"They went on a date" Fabian whispered
"What? Hows that possible? Are we talking about the same Alfie?" Nina exclaimed
"It was the night we went up into the attic and we bumped into her in the corridor and she was all dressed up"
"Yeah, for her date with Mick, not with Alfie. She got a message from Mick or so she thought it was him, arranging to meet in the laundry room but he never showed up. She had me look at least 40 outfits"
"Really?" Fabian questioned
"Yeah, I'm not exaggerating... 40 outfits" Nina spoke as Fabian looked both shocked and understanding at Nina's comment about Amber's outfit choices as he knew that the girl owned a lot of dresses, mainly in pink.
AT SCHOOL, Nina and Fabian were practically glued to the hip and Amber walked with Leanna, arms linked
"So," The blonde started, "Do you think you and Ethan would become an item?" Amber asked. Leah let out a really quiet, frustrated sigh behind her locker door
"Look Ambs, I really like Ethan but-" Before Leah could get the rest of her sentence out, Amber cut her off with a loud shout down the corridor, "-Ethan!" Leah turned around to see Ethan making his way over to the girls
"Hey Amber, Hey Leah" He spoke
"Hey Ethan" Amber spoke. Leah only gave him a smile before turning back into her locker
"Have you seen Mick anywhere?" Ethan asked Amber as Leah continued to gather her stuff
"Erm.. No I haven't. Me and Mick aren't really talking much but.. try Sports, he may be there"
"Thanks.. See you girls later" Ethan headed off to find Mick as Amber turned and gave her brunette friend a scowl
"What?" Leah questioned
"You didn't even talk to him" Amber protested
"Look Amber, I really appreciate that you're trying to get me and Ethan together but I might not feel the same way about him, well, not like I did in the eighth grade"
"Well, do you like someone else?" Amber asked
"It's..." Leah started as she saw her two prankster friends walking down the corridor, "It's complicated.. I mean, really complicated"
"Oh," Amber looked down, rather upset before perking back up, "Come on, let's go to class and then we can go to the cafeteria for a caramel latteccino"
"Deal" Leah smiled as they linked arms again and walked off to English
SCHOOL WAS OVER and everyone had made their way back to the house. Jerome and Alfie were sat on one sofa, play wrestling each other, Patricia was sat on the chair with her laptop and Nina and Fabian were at the table.
"So, you said you would explain the whole sneaking away business and stuff to do with Nina's locket" Leah whispered, sliding into the chair next to Nina. They both looked at each other, "Oh come on... please" Leah gave them puppy eyes, pleading with them both. They gave in and explained everything to Leah, the attic panel, the old lady called Sarah and her possible connection to the house.
A gasp was heard from the chairs, "Yes! I've got an email from Joy!" Patricia spoke, moving to sit in between Jerome and Alfie as Leah and Fabian left the table to read it
"What does she say?" Jerome asked, running his hands through his hair
"Hi Patricia" Alfie mocked. Leah slapped him on his shoulder as Mara joined them
"Hang in, I'll read it" Patricia opened the email "Hi Patricia-"
Alfie clicked his fingers, "That's it, I'm psychic!"
"Sorry I haven't been in touch. It's been hectic since I left anyway just wanted to let you know that I'm fine. I know it probably seemed odd of me disappearing like that but dad's business went under and he needed to get me out of there ASAP. I was a bit shocked myself. Hope you're all okay and not missing me too much. Love Joy"
"Well, at least now we know she's okay" Leah spoke
"There's no smiley face at the end! Joy always puts a smiley face and theres no text speech.. it's all written normally"
"Joy's finally learnt to spell.. Hooray!" Jerome celebrated lifting a pillow into the air before moving to the table, next to Leah
"And it's from a new email address" Patricia added
"Sometimes I use text speak in emails and sometimes I don't" Mara spoke
"And a new email makes sense if she's moved" Fabian tried to justify to Patricia. She sighed before turning to everyone on the table
"Yeah I suppose you're right.. sorry I bet I've been driving you all mad"
Mara disagreed as Alfie agreed, "Especially you Nina"
"Nothing a few years of counselling won't solve" Nina spoke. Leah looked confused. Did Patricia Williamson just be nice to Nina and apologise?
"Hey guys, guess what-" Amber spoke as she and Mick entered the dining room, smiling and holding hands, "-Mick and I have made up"
"Aw that's great guys" Fabian congratulated them
"And we're having a party to celebrate, tomorrow night and you're all invited!" Amber spoke, becoming very giddy with her news
"Great!" Alfie spoke, sarcastically, placing his head on the table in his hands.
LEAH LAY AWAKE as the clock downstairs chimed midnight. Nina had disappeared and Patricia was softly snoring. Leah turned on her side and closed her eyes when an image flashed in her head along with a voice
'The ring and locket bond together and form one unity. Protect this unity from evil that lies within the house and your bloodline, Leah'. The voice caused Leah to gasp and jolt out of bed, causing Patricia to do the same
"Leah? Are you okay?" Patricia asked, rubbing her eyes
"Huh? Oh yeah, I'm fine" Leah lay back down and refused to fall asleep. She looked up at her blank ceiling of the bedroom she shared with the other two girls. Questions ran through her head all night, what evil did she have in her family? And why did the voice mention Nina's locket? She heard the door of the bedroom open and Leah quickly turned to her side, facing the wardrobe as Nina entered again before climbing into bed and falling asleep. She picked up her phone and snuck out of the room, heading into the bathroom and dialling her mum's number. Her mum was usually awake at this time since she worked late a lot and never normally got home for hours
Leah hadn't slept that entire night after calling her mum. She brushed through her hair, pulling it up into a messy bun and changed into her uniform, pulling one of Jerome's jumpers on that she stole from him and headed downstairs, not bothering to put makeup on or put her jewellery on
"Good morn- You look terrible Leah" Fabian spoke
"Wow, thanks I hadn't noticed" Leah spoke, sitting herself in her seat as Jerome, being generous for once, poured her a cup of tea. She gave him a smile before taking a sip of her tea
"More eggs, anyone?" Trudy asked as she entered the dining room with her saucepan
"Yes me please!" Fabian exclaimed
"Did anyone hear about Victor? He fell down the stairs last night and broke his leg" Patricia spoke, causing everyone to laugh
"Don't exaggerate, Patricia" Trudy spoke
"Egg-xaggrate. Nice on Trudy" Alfie spoke
"Terrible yolk Alfie" Jerome spoke
"Don't get eggcited, you two" Leah spoke, who felt a bit better now she had drank some tea
"Its a sprained ankle, that's all" Trudy tried to justify as their limping caretaker entered the room
"A very painful sprained ankle" Victor spoke, giving Trudy a bit of a fright
"Victor! How do you do that? And with a limp"
"Someone sabotaged that floorboard on purpose" He spoke, looking around the table which the Anubis residents sat at, looking between each other and Victor. Leah looked at Nina and Fabian as they exchanged guilty looks
"Oh no, that floorboard has been like that for ages. I remember telling you about it last year" Trudy disagreed with him before heading back into the kitchen
"Yeah that's right! I've tripped over it myself a few times" Fabian spoke up
"Someone is up to something! And I intend to find out what it is and who!" Victor stated before leaving the room. Everyone finished their breakfast and Nina and Fabian rushed out of the room. Leah stood and followed them out
"Okay, spill!" She spoke, causing them to snap their heads towards their friend
"What are you talking about?" Fabian questioned
"Don't play dumb with me, Fabian, I've known you far too long. You two were exchanging looks at that talking and you," Leah pointed to Nina, "you keep disappearing at nights for at least 1 hour and a half so, talk, what's going on?" Leah crossed her arms as Nina and Fabian looked at each other then back to their friend.
"Fine," Leah shrugged, "Don't tell, but I will find out sooner rather than later" Leah went to walk away when a voice spoke
"Okay! We'll tell you!" Nina spoke, finally giving in
Leah walked into school and found Jerome and Alfie, who wore his ridiculous monkey mask and kept speaking absolute rubbish, causing Leah to roll her eyes and Jerome to smile.
Leah bumped into Amber who walked with her head down
"Hey Ams, are you okay?" Leah asked, stopping Amber in her tracks
"No, I overheard Mara and Patricia in the girls bathroom talking about me and Mick and Mara fancies him! She doesn't think me and Mick are right for each other"
"What? Of course you're meant for each other" Amber smiled at Leah's words. She linked arms with her and they headed off to classes before school ended. Amber decided to sit with Leah during Mrs Andrew's English class, moving herself away from Mara. Amber quietly went on and on about her party tonight, basically trying to make Mara feel bad for everything that had happened between Amber and Mick
Leah was busy getting ready for Amber and Mick' party. She wore a black leather skirt with a pink t shirt which she tucked into her skirt. She placed her black heels on and tied her hair up. She wore her signature hoop earrings and a chunky gold necklace.
"Hey Leah, are you ready?" Amber asked, entering the room
"Yeah, all ready!" Amber and Leah headed downstairs to where everyone had joined and the music started playing. The party was in full swing. Amber was dancing with Mick while Leah joined Alfie over next to the table
"Count Dracula" Leah spoke, bowing slightly at Alfie. Jerome joined them and he kept his eye on two girls that he became intrigued. Leah rolled her eyes after following his gaze
"Which one do you like?" Jerome asked Alfie as he stood dancing
"Both of them. Should we ask them to dance" Alfie spoke. He started moving his arms around in the air, almost hitting Leah on her face. Jerome luckily saw this and grabbed Leah's arm, pulling her away from Alfie and next to his shoulder
"Alfie stop it! Stop dancing" Jerome exclaimed. Alfie stopped what he was doing, "We're not going to ask them to dance"
"Okay, no sweet moves. So what do I do?" Alfie asked, looking at the two girls
"I want you to come up with an irresistible pick up line"
"Such as?"
"Babe, if I could rearrange the alphabet, I'd put U and I together" Jerome spoke in an awful accent. Leah couldn't help but snigger at the comment.
"Hey man! You are good! That's like poetry" Alfie exclaimed
"Go on then" Jerome spoke, showing Alfie the way to the girls.
"Wait for it" Jerome whispered into Leah's ear as he stood behind her. He grabbed something and walked over to them, whispering something in the brunettes ear. The brunette slapped Alfie, knocking his fake vampire teeth out, onto Patricia's lap
"Ew! Alfie!" Patricia exclaimed, holding his fake teeth up and giving them to him as he sulked over to Leah and Jerome who had burst out laughing.
"What did you say?" Jerome asked
"Fancy a bite" Alfie spoke, holding up his fake teeth. Jerome started to laugh as Leah walked off, shaking her head.
Leah sat on one of the sofas as she watched everyone dance and talk and just enjoying the night when Victor appeared in the room. Jerome turned the music off and everyone went silent as Victor scowled at everyone in the room. He left the room and Jerome played the music again as everyone resumed dancing and talking. Amber joined Leah and they went upstairs to find Nina
"There you are!" Amber spoke as she and Leah bundled into the bedroom, "I wondered where you were. You missed the cake"
"Oh yeah! Sorry. Was it good?"
Amber gasped, looking down at the box that sat on Nina's lap, "Is that a jewellery box?"
"Um.. Sort of" Nina looked down at the box
"I LOVE jewellery, can I see?" Amber exclaimed, sitting herself next to Nina. Nina disagreed, shoving the box back under her bed. Amber expression changed, realising that Nina was possibly keeping secrets and avoiding showing them
"I hope you're going to be a bit more friendlier when we become roomies"
"What?" Leah questioned. This was the first she had heard of this and she guessed that Patricia was the reason behind it
"I'm swapping rooms with Patricia. We'll be sharing from now on!" Amber spoke excitedly
"Really? That's great... Wait, was this Patricia's idea?" Nina questioned
"No.. Mine. I've fallen out with Mara" Amber spoke, her tone of voice changing. Nina looked between Leah and Amber before changing the subject, "So, about that chocolate cake. Any leftovers?" Nina asked, taking Amber's arm in hers and standing up from Nina's bed
"Trudy's cake is to die for" Amber responded before the 3 left the room and headed back downstairs for more dancing and especially cake leftovers
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