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"So, you all saw Rufus visiting this old lady, Sarah?" Patricia questioned, looking around at the 4
"Yes, she's the one who gave me the locket" Nina responded
"The locket that Rufus is so interested in" Fabian spoke. Patricia looked down at Leah's hand as she twisted her ring around her finger as they spoke
"Maybe Rufus is a jewellery trader and Victor collects diamonds?" Amber suggested as the whole gang looked at her
"What if the second voice on the recording is Victor?" Fabian spoke, looking at the Sibuna gang and Patricia
"That would make Victor... at least 120 years old?" Nina spoke
"That is a good point. Sarah did record them when she was a little girl" Leah added
"Sarah talked on the recordings about the experiments in the cellar and what was Victor toasting to when he drank that strange coloured liquid?" Fabian spoke
"Life," Leah muttered
"So are we trying to suggest that Victor has some sort of... Elixir that can keep him from growing old?" Nina asked
"This is mad," Patricia spoke up, "What does this have to do with Joy or Rufus?"
"We don't know" Fabian responded
"And the cat..." Amber added. She had explained earlier that she had fallen asleep and the cat had disappeared that afternoon
"10 O'Clock is fast approaching. I shall, of course, want to hear a pin drop so I suggest you all get ready for bed, immediately!" Victor's voice boomed as he stood in the door, looking into the dining room where the 5 sat. They quickly made an exit, with the girls heading upstairs and Fabian going to his room. Leah sat up in bed most of that night, reading. She had become more fascinated in Egyptian Mythology and she was intrigued in the book
Sibuna got no further into figuring anything out as they sat in Mr Sweet's science lesson. Fabian and Nina sat next to each other, Amber across from them, Patricia and Mara next to each other and Leah sat on a table with Jerome and Alfie
"Can anyone tell me, what is the relationship between electrical current and charge flow?" Mr Sweet asked as he scribbled on the whiteboard. He turned around and saw Alfie had raised his hand, "Yes Alfie?"
"I thought we were going to be dissecting a rat this week, Mr Sweet?" Alfie voiced his question which caused Leah to turn her face in disgust
"Ew gross!" Amber spoke up, "I think experimenting on animals is cruel and unnecessary, especially on cats" Amber spoke, causing the whole class to look at her
"I don't think anyone experiments on cats anymore, Amber" Sweetie spoke
"Isn't there an animal welfare law against animal experiments?" Leah spoke up, joining Amber and Mr Sweet's conversation
"I mean, what if someone was trying to make something... like, just off the top of my head.. an elixir of life or something" Amber spoke which caused Fabian, Nina and Leah to look straight at her, to tell her to stop before everyone knows that we could be onto Victor and they held their breaths.
"Strange idea" Mr Sweet spoke
"It was something I read in a book, that's all" Amber spoke, which allowed Leah, Fabian and Nina to breath as she had typically forgotten that Victor could've drank an elixir
"Well, an alchemist in the Middle Ages did devote his life to searching for an 'elixir of life' and I'm certain they experimented on animals as part of their quest" Mr Sweet spoke, "But can we now please get back onto the electrical charge flow?" He resumed the lesson then the bell finally rang for the end of the lesson
Nina, Leah, Fabian, Amber and now Patricia with them walked out of the lesson and over to the lockers, "What were you doing?!" Patricia questioned, rather annoyed at the blonde
"Research," Amber started, "Didn't you hear what he said about experiments? That's why Victor owns a cat. He's running experiments on it.. I'm a genius" Amber spoke
"She does have a point.. about the cat" Nina spoke
"We have to tell someone" Fabian spoke up, "We can't keep doing this by ourselves"
"Who can we trust? Who isn't involved with this 'elixir of life' crap" Leah added
"What about Jason?" Fabian suggested
"No!" Patricia immediately shut him down with that suggestion
"Andrews?" Fabian suggested again
"I'm not sure"
"Trudy?" Leah suggested
"Possibly.." Patricia spoke
"We need proof though.." Fabian mentioned
"We really need to rescue the cat from the cellar... Before Victor makes it a part of his evil, pointy-faced scheme" Amber spoke
"Let's go find the cat then" Leah spoke.
"Hold upโ" Fabian spoke, stopping the girls from going to the house, "โwon't it look suspicious that all five of us have disappeared from school... in the middle of day?" He pointed out
"Oh, I forgot about that..." Leah spoke
"Amber, you know what the cat looks like, you should go" Nina suggested
"Okay, but can't someone come with me? I hate going down there and I don't want to be alone" Amber spoke, whispering the last part of her sentence
"Yeah... Patricia, you could go with Amber" Fabian spoke up as the purple haired girl looked at him
"Fine" Patricia spoke
Patricia and Amber headed back to the house and headed down to the cellar, thankfully Victor had gone out for that afternoon so they were in the clear
"This is weird" Patricia spoke as she shone her torch, following Amber close behind
"I know. And a lot of weird things have been happeming to me latelyโ" Amber stopped her sentence as she turned the corner and spotted the cat, sitting on top of a barrel, "โthere you are, Kitty Spice!" Amber gasped as she moved towards the cat.
Patricia moved over with her and Amber moved her hand to stroke the cat, soon realising that it wasn't moving or even alive! She let out an ear-piercing scream, "Get out of here! Get out!" Amber screamed, running back towards the secret door they had came in from
"What's wrong?!" Patricia questioned
"Its stuffed!" Amber screamed, grabbing Patricia's wrist and pulling her out of the room. They crawled out of the oven door as Amber tearfully muttered, "How could he? How could he?"
"I thought I heard something" Trudy spoke, making an appearance in the kitchen where a heartbroken Amber stood with Patricia, "What's going on?" She questioned
"Oh, Trudy! There was a cat in the cellar but then it escaped and I was looking after it but then Victor took it back" Amber spoke, as she continued to cry, "And he used it for his experiments and now it's dead and I'm really, really scared" Amber spoke, "Please can you help?" Amber pleaded as she embraced Trudy in a hug
"Hey, it's alright" Trudy spoke, comforting Amber before looking at Patricia, "Patricia, what's going on?" She asked the brunette
"I think you need to ask Victor that." Patricia simply told her housemother
"What is all this about Victor? And please don't start again with the Victor's a vampire thing!" Trudy spoke
"You're either very good or they haven't got to you yet" Patricia spoke
"Who hasn't got to me yet?" Trudy questioned, "Oh, Patricia. What on earth are you talking about?" Trudy spoke
"Will you please help us?" Patricia pleaded
"Yeah, please, Trudy. Will you? We need you. You're the only one we can trust" Amber also pleaded, tearfully
"Oh, darlings. Of course, I will" Trudy spoke, as she wiped away some stray tears from Amber's percent face
Leah, Nina and Fabian stayed at school to cover their sudden disappearance from school. They sat in the student lounge as they waited impatiently for the girls to arrive back from the cellar and from the house.
Fabian sat on the sofa, looking at their latest puzzle piece they found while Nina paced the floor and Leah listened to her music
"This is frustrating" Fabian spoke, as Leah took her headphones out of her ears
"You think?" Leah spoke
"It has nothing to do with prime numbers, square roots, even sudoku" Fabian spoke before looking at his American friend who nervously paced the student lounge, "Are you okay Nina?" Fabian asked
"I'm just worried that Amber, as well as Patricia, and the cellar equals a mass amount of trouble" Nina spoke
"We should've gone with them.." Leah spoke
"All five of us, sneaking out during school hours in the middle of the day is far too risky" Fabian spoke when Jerome walked into the student lounge
"What's too risky?" Jerome spoke, walking up behind Leah. Fabian quickly shoved the puzzle piece into his bag, "What's this?" Jerome questioned, looking at Fabian's notepad he was using to work out what the numbers meant
"Its- Its just a..." Fabian stuttered, trying to come up with an excuse, "Its just a maths problem. You won't understand"
"Can I have a try?" Jerome asked as he took his bag from over his shoulders and placed them gently onto his best friend's feet
"No" Fabian spoke
"Okay" Jerome snatched the notepad out of Fabian's hand and began to work the numbers out
"We uh-" Nina began to talk but Jerome shushed her, holding his hand up
"One, two and nine" Jerome spoke
"What did you say?" Nina asked
"One, two and nine?" Leah questioned
Jerome looked at her and nodded, "Yeah.. I have no idea what the problem is but they are numbers that are featured the most so..." Jerome held his hand out, "5 pounds please"
"Get lost, Jerome" Fabian spoke. Jerome crumbled the piece of paper up and threw it towards Leah before heading to the other side of the room
"Hey guys! Guess what!" Patricia and Amber raced into the student lounge and over to Leah, Fabian and Nina, "Trudy's going to help us"
"Help you with what?" Jerome questioned.
They had forgotten he was listening to the conversation from the stage. They all stand and sit in silence, "And the plot thickens, as they say"
They all gathered in the drama studio for their class with Jason as Leah and Sibuna took their seats while Jerome kept a very watchful eye on them, upon knowing they were hiding something
"So you told Trudy everything?" Leah asked, leaning over to her friends
"Well, not everything obviously," Patricia whispered as Jerome was still watching them, "But enough about the cat, the experiments, Victor... We are going to make him open the cellar and show us what's down there"
"Good afternoon everyone!" Jason spoke, walking over to the class
"Afternoon" The class spoke
"Time marches on and we need to decide on a subject for our school play!" Jason announced, "I was thinking we should write our own.. Ideas anyone?" Everyone stayed silent, "No? Okay, I'm thinking we do a play about Egypt?"
"Egypt?" Leah spoke up, causing the attention to fall on her
"I know!" Amber's voice spoke, "How about we do a story about a young girl who loses her parent through mysterious circumstances when they go to steal treasure from an Egyptian pyramid?" Amber spoke, catching Jason's attention. Leah looked at Amber then to Nina as she realised the story would be about Sarah.
"And then! This girl is brought up by a weird guardian in a big, old house" Amber continued with her story idea, "Then the guardian tries to steal the treasure and the girl has to stop him" Everyone sat, looking confused especially Jason and even Jerome, "But then, she gets help from some friends from the future and they find the treasure and they all live happily ever after! The end!" Amber spoke
"Well done, Amber" Jason praised her, "That sounds promising. Do you want to have a go at writing up an outline in time for the next session?" Jason asked
"I think I might need some help with that.. Leah!" Amber's voice speaking Leah's name loudly caused her to jump slightly in her seat, "Leah is amazing at creating stories and scripts as well as decor and props" Amber spoke.
"Would you be able to do that in time for our next lesson, Leah?" Jason asked
"Yeah, of course" Leah smiled at Jason before turning to Amber and giving her a 'seriously' expression. The lesson ended which also meant school was over.
Leah put on her blazer and flung her bag over her shoulder and she headed off back to the house.
She had changed out of her uniform and she headed downstairs when an arm grabbed hers and she was pulled into a familiar looking room, "Hey!"
She shouted as the door closed and she looked up to see Jerome standing in front of her, "Jerome! What the hell?!"
"What's going on? You've been awfully distant with me and Alfie this past week" Jerome asked, as he stood in front of his best friend's body
"Nothing's going on, and it's you and Alfie who's been distant with me! Whispering when I'm around, acting weird when I greet you in a morning before we head off to school" Leah retorted
"What's this secret Patricia was threatening to expose the other week?" Jerome questioned
"Uh.." Leah looked away from Jerome's eyes
"Lee, you've never kept a secret from me and Alfie, well me more, because we are best friends and have been for a very long time. And I know when you're lying to me!" Jerome spoke
"She threatened to expose an old secret I told her and Joy a few years ago!"
"Oh! That's all? What about you and your little gang out there?"
"Look, nothing's going on and even if something was, I'd tell you. Jerome, you're my best friend.. my number one, just don't tell Alfie"
Jerome chuckled with a smile, "Okay" Jerome stepped back from Leah and she left his room as Amber grabbed her wrist and they headed into the living room to wait for Victor and Trudy
"Okay, Victor's on his way" Trudy spoke. She had the five of them sat in the living room, "Look, I've been thinking about what you two said and I think it all sounds very far fetched to me"
"I know," Nina spoke, "But soon as you see all the weird stuff down in the cellar..."
"And the dead cat!" Amber added
"We are telling the truth to you, Trudy." Leanna spoke, looking at her housemother
"You lot wouldn't know the truth if it jumped up and hit you in the eye" Victor spoke, approaching the five and Trudy in the living room, "Now, Trudy.. What is this all about? What did you want to see me about?" Victor asked, taking a seat on the empty sofa, facing the Sibuna gang.
"Oh, it's not really much for me.. but the students. They were worried about this cat Amber found" Trudy spoke
"A cat?" Victor questioned
"Well, they all seem to think... that.." Trudy started, "That you've killed it"
"Killed it?" Victor asked, acting clueless, "You think I've killed a cat, Trudy?"
"No! No, I don't," Trudy spoke, "Well, it's just.. they do"
"And why on earth would I kill a cat?" Victor asked, looking between Fabian, Nina, Patricia, Amber and Leah, who he held his scowled gaze upon
"For your experiments in the cellar" Patricia spoke up
"Ask him about the scratches on his arm, Trudy!" Amber spoke
"Clearly visible cat scratches" Nina added
"Well, where did you get those scratches, Victor?" Trudy asked calmly
"There was a cat," Victor started, "A stray, which I put in the cellar for safekeeping as I intended to call the animal sanctuary. However it escaped and I have absolutely no idea where it is now" Victor spoke
"Liar! You killed it!" Amber shouted
"What about you, Miss Jones? Awfully quiet over there" Victor asked, looking again at Leah as she had stayed quiet throughout the interrogation
"I agree with my friends... You killed that cat. You have a load of stuffed animals, you knew one more wouldnt hurt"
"Children, they have such vivid imaginations" Victor spoke, looking over at Trudy
"Well, perhaps we could put all this behind us by popping down to the cellar and taking a look" Trudy spoke, her smile faded as Victor looked at her
"Are you questioning my version of events, Trudy?" Victor questioned
"No! No.. its just" Trudy stuttered
"I am shocked," Victor began, "I am shocked and hurt by your obvious lack of trust"
"Well, if it puts the students' minds at restโ" Trudy spoke
"โyou want to see down in the cellar?!" Victor stood, growing increasingly annoyed, "Very well! I'll show you what is down in the cellar! Come with me!"
Victor walked out into the hallway, grabbing his keys from his pocket as the 5 with Trudy followed behind him. They all walked down the steps to the cellar to find it completely empty, not how it was the night before. Everything was gone and no sign of the cat, until a meow echoed from under the table.. The cat was alive
"Aha! The cat, I presume" Victor spoke, "Looks very alive to me"
"Victor, I am so sorry" Trudy began before turning to the Sibuna gang, "How could you set me up like that?"
"We didn't set you up, Trudy" Patricia spoke
"But... I saw it" Amber spoke, "It was dead"
"There were a lot of things down here," Nina began, "A lot of creepy stuff"
"We couldn't make up things that creepy or stuffed!" Leah spoke
"Silence!" Victor's voice boomed, "Trudy, it has been nice working with you over the years however after this fiasco, I'm afraid I can no longer continue to do so" Victor spoke looking at Trudy
"What?" Trudy asked
"You're fired" Victor spoke, without any care in his words. Trudy's heart had fully split in two and the Sibuna gang felt extremely guilty.
The next morning, the Anubis housemates gathered in the entryway, preparing to say goodbye to Trudy, as she stepped out of the kitchen, pulling on her coat
"Trudy, we're really sorry" Fabian spoke as Trudy tearfully pulled her coat on
"We didn't mean to get you into trouble" Leah spoke
"I know.. It's my own fault for believing your silly stories" Trudy responded
"I'm going to miss you" Mara spoke, as her eyes filled with tears
"And I'm going to miss you too.. All of you" Trudy said, looking around the Anubis Housemates who she practically raised for a long time
"Your taxi's here" Victor walked into the entryway, not caring. Trudy gave Amber a quick hug, "How can you do this?! Trudy hasn't done anything wrong!" Amber snapped at Victor who simply held his hand up to stop the girl from talking
"Goodbye Trudy" Victor waved Trudy off as she ran out of the house, crying and lugging her suitcase behind her. Victor closed the front door and looked at the house residents who were upset at Trudy's departure.
Now that Trudy had been fired, it meant Victor had to cook breakfast and supper for everyone. He served them mushy play doh like oatmeal for breakfast instead of Trudy's infamous pancakes or toast. Amber took a sip of tea, only to spit it out and turn her face into disgust.
"I'm not eating this" Mick stated, which spoke for everyone else
"Trudy always gave us toast with our choice of jam andโ" Mara started. Leah looked over to Alfie who had piled a slop of the oatmeal to his plate and stuck a mug onto it, he lifted it up, proving that the oatmeal was that bad
"โForget Trudy," Victor spoke, entering the dining room, "And if you don't like my cooking, you can always do it yourself" Victor spoke before heading into the kitchen.
"How about we go and get breakfast from the vending machines at school, guys?" Amber asked. Everyone at the table agreed, collecting their bags and jackets before heading out into the hallway to see a man stood on a ladder,
"No way! They are installing security cameras!" Amber exclaimed, looking at the camera
"They can't do that! That's a total invasion on our privacy" Fabian added
"And the camera adds an extra twenty pounds!" Amber complained, causing Leah to roll her eyes
"The school is always striving to improve your personal security" Victor spoke, standing behind the group, this time wearing oven mitts and holding a wooden spoon, "This is our latest measure to make you feel safe and secure" He vanished back into the kitchen again
"This is a joke!" Mick complained as they headed out of the house
"Safe and secure?" Jerome questioned
Leah stood at her locket as she piled some files into it as her blonde best friend ran up to her, happy, despite their housemother's departure earlier that morning
"I need your help" Jerome spoke. Leah turned and looked at him as he smiled
"With what?" Leah questioned, raising her eyebrow
"Mick and Mara are going up against each other in a sports quizโ" Jerome began
"โAnd what does this have to do with me?" Leanna questioned
"Well, I want you and Alfie to be my helpers with the quiz" Jerome spoke
"You're joking," Leah spoke, turning away to close her locker before looking back at Jerome, who stayed quiet but continued to have a smile on his face, "right?" Leah asked.
"Please" Jerome asked, practically giving her puppy eyes.
Leah let out a deep sigh, "Fine but if I have to wear any ridiculous outfit... I'm coming after you" Leah spoke.
"Thank you! I will love you for all eternity!" Jerome spoke as Leah laughed and rolled her eyes. Jerome led her to where Alfie was, who was already dressed in a blonde wig, a pink maxi dress and Amber's heels.
"Nope!" Leah went to turn away when Jerome's hands were placed on her hips and he pulled her back round
"You agreed to help now... Get changed" Jerome spoke, handing her the outfit for her to wear. She walked out from the small room which connected to the drama studio. Jerome had her wear a dress, which Leah hated wearing, some heels and a pink wig. Jerome was wearing a moustache and a circus master costume which was hung up in the store room
"I hate this" Leah huffed. Jerome gave her a smile before leading them out to the stage where everyone gathered.
"Welcome ladies and gentlemen! Boys and girls" Jerome started, "to! Sporting Challenge"
"Da doo"
"Da doo"
"Da dee"
"Da da"
"Sporting Challenge!" Alfie sung. Everyone clapped
"I would like to introduce my two beautiful assistants, Fifi and Gigi" Alfie did a small twirl while Leah just smiled at the audience as everyone clapped and wolf whistled, "And our two lovely contestants, Mick and Mara" Everyone clapped again
"Go Mara!" Patricia shouted
"First questions please, Fifi" Jerome spoke. Alfie walked over to give Jerome to question cards.
"Over which three distances is the sprint run?" Jerome asked. Mara rang the bell on her contestant stand before Mick could
"100, 200 and 400 Metres" Mara answered
"Correct!" Jerome called out. Leah flipped over Mara's point score
"I knew that one" Mick claimed as the crowd cheered at Mara. The scoreboard quickly changed from 4-0, 5-1, 6-1 then it soon was 13-1 with Mara being in first place
"And now for the final category.. Football," Jerome spoke, "English football, Mara"
"Yes!" Mick exclaimed
"Questions please, Fifi" Jerome asked. Alfie walked over and almost tripped over Leah's foot
"Alfie, if you stretch my shoes!" Amber exclaimed from the audience as everyone chuckled and Alfie simply rolled his eyes at the blonde
"Who beat England in the semi finals of the 1990 world cup?" Jerome asked
"Oh! Portugal on penalties!" Mick called out his answer
"Incorrect" Jerome spoke as the crowd gasped
"No no! I know it.. I just got the wrong year, that's all" Mick tried to reason with Jerome. Mara pressed her bell
"Mara?" Jerome turned to her
"Germany" Mara spoke
"Correct!" Jerome exclaimed, which meant Mara had won the whole challenge
"She's cheating! She has to be cheating! Did you give her the answers?" Mick exclaimed, causing the applause to die down very quickly
"No" Jerome said, innocently.. well as innocent as Jerome Clarke can be.
"Yes you did! To make me look stupid," Mick spoke, "Well haha everyone, very funny" Mick stormed off out of the room, leaving an awkward vibe.
Leah felt happy to be out of the awful outfit Jerome made her wear. She flopped down on her bed as Nina, Amber, Fabian and Patricia entered
"How are we supposed to keep searching the house with cameras everywhere?" Nina spoke, "Its like we're on a really dull reality show"
"I don't know why I keep trying," Patrica spoke, sitting herself down on Leah's bed, "Rufus is never going to pick up. This is like Joy all over again!"
"Except we know who took Rufus, we don't know who took Joy" Fabian added
"Of course Victor took her!" Patricia spoke
"But where does he take them to?" Amber questioned, "And why?"
"Okay, we need to stick together more than ever now" Nina spoke
"Sibuna?" Leah raised her arm up
"Sibuna" the other 3 followed causing Patricia to look at them, confused
"Si-what?" Patricia questioned puzzled
"Welcome to the club" Nina spoke
"Together, we are invincible!" Leah joked
"Okay, I've had an idea about the cameras," Patricia spoke, "But it means enlisting the help of our favourite comedy trio"
"Who?" Amber asked
"Me, Jerome and Alfie" Leah smiled. They rushed down the stairs and Leah tapped on Jerome and Alfie's door. It swung open to reveal Jerome
"What do you want?" Jerome asked as he looked at his brunette best friend and the other four stood behind her
"I helped you this afternoon... Now you help me" Leah spoke
"With what?" Jerome asked
"Cameras.. and Victor" Jerome looked down at Leah intrigued as Alfie jumped off his bed. They all collected chairs from the storage cupboard and placed them under each camera that Victor had installed. Leah, Jerome and Alfie were stood in the entryway, Mick and Fabian in the corridor of the boys bedroom, Nina and Amber in the living room and Patricia and Mara upstairs.
"Get away from those cameras!" Victor's voice boomed through a microphone which was connected to the camera.
Everyone ignored his request and he stomped down the stairs, "Clarke, Lewis, Jones! Get down from there at once!" Victor demanded
"What's wrong Victor?" Alfie asked, as the three turned to face a rather annoyed Victor on the stairs
"We're only doing the same as you.. We're watching you... watching us!" Leah spoke as she, Alfie and Jerome laughed
"You impudentโ" Victor started
"โit's a peaceful protest" Jerome interrupted
"Fine! You stand there on your little chairs until lights out. You'll soon become bored" Victor spoke before stomping back upstairs. Leah, Jerome and Alfie high-fived each other, knowing they had wound Victor up.
Leah sat on her bed, under her covers as she messaged Alfie and Jerome through their group chat as they informed her of their ghost prank downstairs which caused them both to be grounded. Nina had snuck downstairs to show Fabian something and Amber was in the bathroom, doing her evening skincare routine.
Nina returned shortly after, holding her laptop. She rushed over and sat on Leah's bed
"What is it?" Leah asked
"I found this article about Howard Carterโ"
"โwasn't that the man who discovered Tutankhamen's tomb in 1922?" Leah questioned
"Yes! There were 23 people in his expedition party and me and Fabian reckon two of them use to live in this house"
Leah gasped "The Frobisher-Smythes! Like Sarah mentioned about her parents going to Egypt!"
"Exactly! And look," Nina spoke. Leah sat up and moved next to Nina as she zoomed in on a newspaper clipping photo, "They were involved in a high profile court case later on.. They were accused of stealing items from Tutankhamen's tomb and smuggling back over to Britain. They were found guilty but only a majority verdict. Following the trial, some of the jurors reported that they believed the couple hid the items"
"Did they ever find the items?" Leah asked
"I checked.. to this day, the items have never been recovered" Nina responded, "Me and Fabian reckon that the items we've found so far could've came from Tutankhamen's tomb"
"Holy sh-" Leah spoke in shock
"Exactly" Nina agreed with her, smiling.
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