viii. history
EVER SINCE her return home, Raven had one goal: to adapt. She aimed to fill the shoes of her past self and live the way she was supposed to---before the accident that killed her parents and the following events that killed her. So far, she'd been successful. Except for one thing.
Raven used to love car rides. She loved the windows rolled down, the breeze that carried away her troubles, and the music blasting through the radio. Riding in the backseat of her mom's SUV had been the best part of her day. Then the accident happened.
Now, every time she climbed into a car, she couldn't help but feel her heart sink to her toes. Her lungs would falter and it felt like she was drowning all over again. It was only when she stepped out that she could fully breathe again.
But as she exited Bonnie's car, the feeling never left her. It'd been a week since Bonnie learned her secret. For the first time since then, they were alone together. Bonnie didn't know the circumstances behind what happened. She didn't even ask. I know you had a good reason, She'd said. Don't tell me if you're not ready.
It'd made you wonder exactly how much she saw.
When she picked Raven up for school earlier that morning, she'd acted like nothing even happened, and segued the conversation to Stefan. Unfortunately for Raven---but not exactly new to her---Bonnie did not approve.
"I'm not saying don't date the guy," Bonnie was saying, her voice tinted with exasperation. She slammed the car door shut. "I'm just saying take it slow."
"I am taking it slow," Raven argued, trying to look strong. She was out, breathing the air her parents couldn't, but it felt like she was clawing her way to freedom only to fall again and again. Like trying to beg her bleeding parents to unlock the doors, but choking on water every time her lips parted. Her chance at normalcy was slowing waning. But she couldn't think about that. She couldn't think about her parents or her secret. Right now, this was about Stefan. "All we do is talk. And weren't you and Caroline the ones who practically begged me to go for it?"
They leisurely walked across the school lawn. The morning sun beat on Raven's skin, but the crisp November air balanced the heat. "Yes. But now I'm saying take it slow. You're single for the first time in your high school career. It's the perfect time to play the field."
Raven almost laughed. Play the field? Bonnie had always seemed uncomfortable by her jumping around from guy to guy---the her a year ago would've rejoiced that Raven finally found a good guy she could trust. "Okay, that's how I know something's wrong."
Bonnie sighed, casting uncertain glances her friend's way. "...It's stupid."
"Then talk to me like I'm an idiot. That shouldn't be too hard," Raven reasoned, stopping with a shrug and smile. Bonnie gave her an even more tired look and walked faster but Raven grabbed her arm and pulled her back. "Bonnie."
"Fine." Raven smiled triumphantly. Bonnie hadn't flinched at her touch. She didn't hate her. She wasn't afraid of her. She still saw Raven as the same girl she always was.
Bonnie rolled her eyes. She'd been friends with Raven long enough to know that arguing with her was a hassle and losing was inevitable. When Raven wanted something, she got it. Bonnie couldn't tell if that was a blessing or a curse. "I accidentally touched Stefan and I got a really bad feeling," Bonnie explained.
Raven stared at her a moment, contemplating the chances of her being a witch. She couldn't ignore the thing with the crow---except a crow did crash into their car the day before. Either away, assuming Bonnie really was...supernatural, this knowledge would only lead to a path of darkness. She had no doubt that Bonnie could become the greatest witch to ever live, but she didn't want a life of suffering for her. Bonnie deserved normalcy. She deserved happiness. Being a witch would take that all away.
"Okay..." Raven sighed. "Um, a really bad feeling as in 'holy shit I just drank some milk and I'm lactose intolerant' or a really bad feeling feeling as in 'Okay I'm psychic now and got a bad vibe'?"
"This isn't about that," Bonnie said dismissively. Raven frowned with uncertainty but didn't argue. "I'm just concerned. This is me expressing concern about my friend's new....something."
Something. A word so meaningful yet so painfully vague.
Raven didn't know how to feel about Stefan...she liked him. A lot. More than she'd like any other boy. Ever. He understood her pain...most of it anyway...and more importantly, he understood her. Unlike in her relationship with Matt, who'd she known since forever, there was no pressure or expectations. She and Stefan were just two people who'd crashed into orbit.
They could talk for hours and...she couldn't forget how she'd smiled at the first text. But how could she be sure he felt the same way? What did these feelings even mean? It was too early for a romance...there was so much she didn't know about him, except his favorite books and music taste and that he had an unhealthy love for Lucy Ricardo (which was unbelievable---Donna Reid was right there).
During their talk, she'd told him almost everything about herself...including her incident with Tyler Lockwood in the third grade. She'd even clued him in about her failed relationship with Matt and the few times she'd been picked up by Sheriff Forbes. To Raven, she and Stefan were more than friends but...definitely less than lovers. Where did that leave them?
Raven had already made it clear at the festival that she didn't want their relationship to go beyond friendship. In a way, that wish was coming true, and she wasn't sure whether to be scared or thankful.
"Tell you what," Raven started, smiling thankfully. Even if she liked Stefan, she couldn't fault Bonnie for trying to look out for her. "If you promise to lay off and keep being the super supportive bestie you were when I was dating Matt, I'll continue to take things sloth-level with Stefan. Deal?"
Bonnie looked down at her best friend's extended hand. Reluctantly, she shook it and offered a matching smile. "Deal."
"So..." Bonnie said as they strolled around the courtyard, waiting for the day to begin. The hiss of a buss engine and the scent of gasoline cut through the air. "Did you hear about the body in the woods?"
Raven inhaled sharply. Of course she did. It'd tortured her mind all week, more than she cared to admit. "Yeah, I heard." She didn't mention that she saw the body being rolled away or that she knew who it was. Bonnie had already learned her deepest secret...and if Raven told her about Ryder, she'd have to tell her so many other things.
"Apparently he's not from here."
Raven snapped her head up to meet Bonnie's wandering gaze. She narrowed her eyes. Did Bonnie know who Ryder was? Had she seen him when she touched Raven? Was that why she changed the subject? "How do you know it's a he?"
Bonnie raised her eyebrows in surprise. Then she frowned, recomposing herself. "I didn't. I just...I don't know, them, I guess. Are you okay, Rae?"
"Fine," Raven muttered, her cheeks burning with embarrassment. She didn't have the right to be suspicious. If anything, Bonnie should be suspicious of her.
Before Bonnie could pry into her mind, a new voice split through the morning. "Good morning, Raven," Stefan greeted cheerfully as he approached the duo. Raven grinned at the sound of his voice...just when she'd thought the day couldn't get any brighter, there he was. In his leather jacket and baggy jeans. And he carried a shoulder bag instead of a backpack---just like she did. She'd never cared about men's fashion before, but God, he looked so hot...which were thoughts she definitely shouldn't be having about her new friend. "Good morning, Bonnie."
Bonnie was careful to avoid his gaze. "Hey, um, I gotta find Caroline," She suddenly said, looking at Raven. "She's not answering her phone so...I'll catch you guys later."
She scurried away with hunched shoulders. Raven sighed quietly. Stefan watched Bonnie go and slowly looked at Raven. "She doesn't like me very much."
"Is it that obvious?" Raven asked playfully, but that didn't seem to amuse him in the way she hoped it would. "I'm kidding. She just needs time. And a chance to know you like I do. Unless there are more secret siblings that I don't know about?"
"Uh...let me check," Stefan responded.
Raven laughed. A smile tugged at his lips. "Seriously, I am one-hundred percent sure that sooner or later, she is going to love you."
Bonnie was an amicable person. It didn't take much for her to like someone. All she needed was to Raven and Stefan did that night on their way to the Grill. It was one of their first one-on-ones and set the stage for their future encounters. Suddenly, a lightbulb went off in Raven's mind.
"You know what? Let's make that sooner. Are you free tonight?"
"Perfect," Raven beamed. "What do you say? Dinner at my place, eight o'clock, just you, me, and Bonnie. Not only will you get to spend some quality time together, but I get to be a third wheel for the first time ever!"
Stefan smiled. "I think that's a great idea."
Raven's heart fluttered. The way he looked at when he spoke...he was so calm and understanding. No one had ever looked at her like that...not even Matt. His voice was rough and oftentimes dismissive, even though he had a kind heart. He never really understood Raven; his goal was only to appease her. He often did things without understanding the meaning behind it. But Stefan...he got it. He smiled like the dinner was as important to him as it was to Raven.
A glare of light broke Raven out of her trance. She'd been staring at Stefan like an idiot...not that he seemed to mind. She glanced up at the light---but it wasn't a light. It was a football. And it was flying their way. Before she could say anything, Stefan spun around. The ball slipped perfectly in his tight grip. Raven looked at the source of the throw. Unsurprisingly, Tyler was staring at them from across the lawn, shocked. Matt was at his hip, staring at him knowingly as if to say That's what you get. Raven scoffed. She should've known better. Reason #587 she and Matt broke up: Tyler Lockwood, the living tool.
Without a word, Stefan returned the football through the air. Tyler caught it, but the force of the toss sent him stumbling back. The surprise on his face made Raven laugh. She smirked and flipped him off. He opened his mouth to say something, but the first bell screeched across the lawn, making the nearby crows jump into the air and fly away. Raven's classmates rushed for the door entrance, and Raven followed them.
"You gotta teach me where you learned that," She said to Stefan as they sauntered down the hallways to history class. It was like he'd felt the air of the ball coming toward him---she'd never seen anything like it. Those instincts...for a human, they were so unnatural...and quite impressive.
"Oh that's just beginner stuff."
Raven scoffed, astonished by his humility. Tyler Lockwood was a terrible person, yes, but he had an arm like no other football player, despite the countless fights he'd been in. And Stefan had a way better throw than Tyler did. "You're being modest. Not only did you feel that like a friggin psychic, but that throw was insane! I didn't know you played football."
"I used to. It was a long time ago."
The way he said it sounded so...depressing. How could he sound so down when he had a reputation to look forward to? She could see it already: Stefan Salvatore, Mystic Fall's star football player. He had the looks, the charm, the skill. If he wanted, he could be the most popular guy in school. But it seemed like he didn't want that...which only intrigued Raven. "Why don't you try out for the team?"
"Yeah.... I don't think so."
"So you don't like football?" She asked, confused. She turned to open her locker and load her history textbooks into her bag. As soon as she slipped the book inside, her shoulder ached.
"No, I love football," Stefan said, leaning against the corner of the wall. That was one upside to Raven's locker being at the end of the hall---she never worried about disturbing anyone when she was with a friend. That and it was so much easier to get to class when the bell rang. "I think it's a great sport. But in this case, I don't think football likes me."
"Are you talking about Tyler?" Raven scoffed. "He's a dick to everyone...except Matt, I think. Wait, no. He's a dick to him too." After all, what kind of person would kiss his best friend's ex-girlfriend? Raven had been drunk out of her mind trying to cope with her parents' deaths. She could barely stand up straight. And there Tipsy Tyler was, ready to swoop her away, post her very fresh breakup with Matt. Maybe they were both terrible people.
Stefan smiled uncomfortably. "Well, we both know how Matt feels."
"Matt will get over it once he sees how amazing you are," Raven replied, waving away his concerns. He wasn't in a good place now...the breakup had definitely taken a toll on his sensitive heart. But Stefan was great. And he and Matt could be great friends if not for Raven. "And what better way to show him than score a home run in his favorite sport?"
Stefan fought back a laugh. "Touchdown."
"...Sure," Raven responded. She was never one to catch up with all these sports terminology. The only sports she ever enjoyed playing were soccer and badminton. "You just gotta break out of your shell, show them you're more than mysterious loner guy."
"Says the girls who spends her alone time writing in a cemetery," Stefan pointed out teasingly.
Raven's mouth dropped open in mock pain. "Okay, that was a personal attack. Just for that comment, I'm ignoring your existence for a week."
She slammed her locker shut and strolled away with her nose in the air. Stefan's laughter rang behind her, which brought a grin to her face. "Oh come on, don't be like that." She kept walking. "Raven? Raven, come back!"
When he caught up to her, she giggled. He rolled his eyes playfully, and couldn't help but laugh along.
As she sat in Mr. Tanner's history lesson, semi-listening to him drone on and on about World War II, Raven couldn't help but let her mind drift to her conversation with Bonnie. A bad feeling...about Stefan. If Bonnie was a witch and she sensed something dangerous in him, this could be a sign of impending doom. What did Shania call it? An omen. But even if Bonnie wasn't a witch...she'd never had bad feelings about any of the guys Raven had been with. Why was Stefan different?
Raven turned around to glance at Stefan, who was watching Mr. Tanner. He noticed her immediately and smiled. She forced a smile and faced the board but Mr. Tanner had seen her focus shift. One look in his eyes and she knew it was over; he'd found his next victim.
"Miss Gilbert," He called. She stiffened. All eyes wandered into her. She glanced at Bonnie, who was doodling in her journal. The student in front of Bonnie stared at her expectantly. Sweat slid down her palms. Her chest beat so loud she could feel her head pulsing. What had he asked? Something about dates? World War II? But the date of what? The Battle of Midway? The Battle of Stalingrad? The Battle of The Bulge? Was it even a battle?
"Um is not an answer," Coach Tanner interrupted harshly. Raven gulped. He gazed at her with sharp, beady eyes. She wanted to crawl under her desk or run to the restroom. Any more of this and she might lose it in front of the class.
It was bad enough dealing with stares all day because of her parents. The last thing she wanted was to be humiliated by a teacher because he wanted to prove that he was done letting her off the hook. Because he wanted to give a message: Last year, I gave you a pass. But now you get no more chances. And she got that message loud and clear. She sighed quietly, preparing to ask him to repeat the question, knowing it would cause more scrutiny and contempt, when a voice cut in.
"December 7, 1941."
Mr. Tanner's eyes darted over her head and to the speaker. Raven slowly spun in her seat. Stefan. He nodded at her. She smiled gratefully.
"Thank you, Miss Gilbert," Mr. Tanner replied. Loose laughter scattered throughout the classroom. Raven breathed a sigh of relief, feeling every nerve in her body calm.
"Any time."
"Very well," said Mr. Tanner. Raven frowned. Now he was going to humiliate Stefan too. All because he'd saved Raven from embarrassment. "The fall of the Berlin Wall."
"1989," Stefan answered without missing a beat. Raven's eyebrows raised in surprise. He was hot...and sweet...and smart? Stefan smiled modestly. "I'm...good with dates, sir."
"Are you?" Mr. Tanner asked in an unusually challenging way, though not out of character for an asshole like him. His eyes wandered and he smiled as he thought of a way to torture his student. "How good?" He met Stefan's stare. "Keep it to the year."
"Is this really necessary?" Raven piped up. He was their teacher...his job was to teach them, not humiliate them for his own entertainment.
"It's alright, Raven." Raven met Stefan's reassuring smile with a look of uncertainty.
"Civil Rights Act," Tanner chimed.
Stefan tore his gaze away from her and looked dead into their teacher's eyes. He took a moment. "1964."
"Oh," Tanner exhaled with a smirk as if to say that was an easy one. He glanced away, thinking. "John F. Kennedy assassination."
"1963," Stefan answered, this time without missing a beat. Raven raised her eyebrows, impressed. It seemed like Stefan had just been warming up, but now...
Tanner blinked. A serious look came to his eyes, all traces of his smug demeanor gone as he watched Stefan with laser-beam focus. "Martin Luther King."
"Lincoln." Tanner stepped close to his student.
Raven watched in anticipation as they went back and forth. Names of court cases, battles, and wars flew across the room, and Stefan counter-attacked perfectly---the best part was he didn't take a moment to think. He was like a machine shooting the perfect dates, and Mr. Tanner seemed irritated that some random boy was beating him. His voice got more and more sharper, and Stefan deflected with ease.
"Korean War."
"1950 to 1953."
"HA!" Mr. Tanner exclaimed, now in front of Stefan's desk, and bending down as if to say in your face. "It ended in '52."
He chuckled. Loose laughter scattered across the classroom. Raven frowned. What the hell was his problem? Mr. Tanner spun on his heel and charged for his desk with a shit-eating grin.
"Uh, actually, sir, it was '53," Stefan said. Tanner slowly turned around, his smile fading. Stefan nodded...and Raven glanced between the two of them. If Stefan was wrong...Mr. Tanner would never let him hear the end of it. If Stefan was right, then...unless he kicked some ass on the football team, Tanner would try to make his life a living hell...and get a taste of his own medicine.
"Somebody look it up," Tanner barked. Textbook pages flipped rapidly. "Hurry up!"
Jordan, a boy who sat beside Raven, pulled out his phone. "It was 19...53."
Raven laughed. She couldn't believe it. Mr Tanner...had been the new kid. She glowed as she met Stefan's eyes. She'd been humiliated, sure, but not more than Mr. Tanner. His heart was made of pure ego...which had just been shattered. A satisfying chorus of ooh sounded throughout the classroom. A round of applause broke out and Raven clapped the hardest of them all. Stefan seemed to fight back a smile as Tanner gazed at him in a stunned, defeated silence. But when he saw Raven grinning ear-to-ear, it seemed like Stefan had lost that battle.
The bell rang. And to Raven, it was the sound of victory. A perfect way to end this class, She thought. She shoved her belongings in her bag, unlike Stefan, who carefully slid everything inside, and excitedly accompanied him out of the door, not missing the deflated manner that Tanner flopped into his chair.
"Up top!" You exclaimed, holding up your hand. Stefan reluctantly slapped his palm against yours. You beamed with excitement. "How did you know all that?"
"Years and years of crossword puzzles," He replied. "It's, uh...a loner thing."
"Ha ha," You said sarcastically, giving him a pointed look, which he met with a smug smile. You rolled your eyes. "I gotta go catch up with Bonnie for cheer tryouts. Wish me luck!"
"Good luck!" He called after you as you skipped down the halls.
I have so many mixed thoughts about this chapter's been a while so I thought I owed y'all an update 😩
There's more coming tomorrow (or maybe even tonight) soon so stay tuned 😉
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