My guardian Devil 🐿️🐧
------------------->>My Guardian Devil <<----------------
Warning: Bullying and Abuse.
Having a Guardian Angel is common. They will protect you, take care of you and help you in your life. Everyone has their own Guardian Angel. But that doesn't applies to Taehyun, he doesn't have a guardian Angel, instead he has someone more amazing. He has a Guardian Devil. Yes a cute devil.
[Taehyun POV]
It was a usual day for me. A typical day of me going to school, studying, getting bullied for something i can't control, come back home, get hit by my amazing dad and then cry myself to sleep.
The same cycle repeated every single day, i would have a lucky day if dad chose to ignore me or if he wasn't home. Honestly i would rather get bullied by the bullies than being beat up by him. Atleast they don't beat me up when i listen to them. Dad is worse.
Just like any other day i was again here, infront of the school canteen, running an errand for the one and only Park Minhwan and his minions. I was buying the food when i saw him. The guy everyone adores and why wouldn't they? He's the moodmaker and the nice guy who is always friendly and nice to others and his smile is like a ray of sunshine. Many have a crush on him, including me too. Yes he's the class captain Choi Beomgyu. I could not help but admire him from a distance. I'm just a outsider and he's the popular guy. So yeah that's what i could only do. Admire him from afar.
[End of Taehyun POV]
Taehyun was looking at Beomgyu from behind the door. A small smile present on his face. The only reason school was worth coming was seeing Choi Beomgyu's smile. It made him feel giddy whenever the other talked to him, even though it was about Studies or asking for Homework submission.
But right now it was not the time to swoon over him, he had to supply the lunch to Minhwan and his group.
He walked up the stairs to the rooftop where the group was waiting for taehyun to show up. Just as their eyes laid on the said boy, they started their work.
"What took you so long huh? You aren't even capable of being our servant huh?" Minhwan spat out walking towards Taehyun who just kept his head low, already used to their shitty behaviour.
"Yeah oppa i was hungry!!" Sumin said clinging to Minhwan, and throwing a disgusted look at Taehyun.
Taehyun could do nothing but bear it all. Minhwan took the food from his hands and pushed him, which resulted in him falling to the ground with a thud, resulting in his glasses falling on the ground. He tried to pick it up but one of Minhwan's minion picked it up and started teasing Taehyun.
"Here take it if you can you coward. What are you going to give up? How will you see then? Aren't you blind without it? Tsk poor guy."
The guy said laughing at Taehyun, throwing the Spectacles infront of him. Taehyun picked it up, and ran away from there, feeling humiliated. He had enough. He entered one of the bathroom stalls and tears started spilling out from his eyes, and sobs escaped his lips. He was so tired of all this.
"Hmm looks like i need to teach these fucking bastards a lesson huh?"
A smirk formed in the his face.
Right now Taehyun was walking to his so called home, getting ready to face his Dad. Hopefully he will not take an interest in him today. His fists were clenched as he opened the door of his house, entering quietly to see his father sprawled on the couch, with a bottle of alcohol in his hands and some splattered on the floor. He seemed like he wasn't awake, good for Taehyun. He sighed and got into the kitchen, to cook himself some ramen. He didn't had lunch today so he was pretty hungry. He hurriedly cooked it and started walking upstairs to his room, only to see his drunk father standing infront of the door of his room. Shit.
"How dare you ignore me and eat food you ungrateful child! Is this why i raised you? Huh? Answer me you useless piece of shit!!"
Taehyun's father screamed at him, slapping his cheeks.
The ramen fell from his hands. Guess he will stay hungry today. He did nothing while his dad was throwing every kind of hateful words at him.
"Seems like it's my time to shine!"
Taehyun's dad held his collar and raised his hands to slap him again, he closed his eyes in fear but nothing happened. He opened his eyes again, surprised to see a guy holding his father's hand from behind.
"Who the hell is this kid- ahhhh arghhhh!!! Leave me!! Yahhh"
His father screamed in pain, while the boy behind him twisted his hands, making him scream in pain. He smirked seeing the other man screaming in pain.
"That's what you deserve you asshole of a father."
The unknown guy hissed and pushed him from the stairs resulting in Taehyun's dad falling down and he could do nothing but groan in pain. Glad he wasn't dead or bleeding.
Taehyun just stood there frozen, processing everything that just happened. He realised his father was fallen and he was going to walk towards him when the mysterious guy held his wrist, prohibiting him to go further.
"Leave him there, he doesn't deserves your kindness Taehyun. He's a dick and he deserved that."
Taehyun looked at the boy, and he noticed that he was taller than him and he had a much bigger body frame than him. He looked small infront of him. He was also quite handsome, which made his gay heart weak.
"You like my face that much huh? You can stare at me whole day but first let's get you some food and treat your wounds sir."
The mysterious guy chuckled and Taehyun snapped out of his trance, blushing in embarrassment. Just then he remembered that he didn't knew who this guy is and how did he get inside. He immediately got away from him and asked him a bit scared-
"Who are you? How did you come inside my house?"
Taehyun said eyeing him suspiciously.
"Me? Well I'm your Guardian Devil to protect you. And I'm here to save you from any danger."
The guy, who introduced himself as his guardian devil stated, smiling [more like a smirk.]
Taehyun stood there perplexed. Guardian Devil? What the heck is that? He has heared of Guardian Angels but Guardian Devil?
Observing Taehyun's confused expression, Kai again said "I know you must be confused about why a devil is here. Well I'm here to protect you. I know it's the work of an angel, but i was keeping an eye on you from several weeks, and i have nothing better to do here in earth plus those bastards make my blood boil.
Taehyun saw Kai's eyes turning red talking about the bullies. So this guy really is a devil....and to protect him? Should he consider himself lucky? He did save him from his Dad though.
"So what are you thinking about? Let's go inside and eat something! I'm hungryyy." The devil said whining.
"Is this guy really a devil? Cuz he seems like a kid to me." Taehyun thought to himself smiling. He liked this devil already.
[Timeskip to next day]
Taehyun was ready to go to school (hellhole). He didn't see his father since last night. He must have left. Good for him. He sighed and ate his breakfast.
"Ready to go?"
Taehyun jumped at the sudden voice and looked around to see the Devil hanging upside down above his head.
"What the- what are you doing there?"
Taehyun asked putting a hand on his chest from surprise. What is this guy? Oh yea he's a devil....Right.
"Nothing, just devil things you know. Btw i haven't told you my name yet, how did i forget! I'm Huening Kai! You can call me Kai" The devil said smiling innocently at him.
Taehyun nodded and continued eating. Huening kai...hmm that's a unique name for a devil. He thought it would be something scary. Well the devil himself doesn't looks scary so.
Taehyun reached his class only to see Minhwan sitting on his bench, laughing with his minions as always. Great way to start a day huh? He have to deal with them again.
He slowly walked towards his place and stood there without uttering a single word. Sumin noticed him and said in a mocking voice-
"Oh look who's back! Our dear Taehyun!"
Minhwan looked at him and smiled.
"Disgusting, he looks like someone who deserves to be in a sewer bro" kai spoke from behind. Taehyun supressed his will to laugh at what Kai said.
Minhwan couldn't hear that though, so he decided to do his usual shit, well bully Taehyun.
He stepped forward and held Taehyun's wrist and dragged him towards their usual place. The "inventory room".
They got inside and threw Taehyun on the ground and started making fun of him as usual. Taehyun thought "why isn't Kai doing anything? Did i actually expect him to help me?"
One of Minhwan's minion was going to throw milk over his head, when suddenly he screamed and the milk spilled over him instead. Taehyun looked up in shock to see Kai holding his hands and twisting them from behind . Kai looked at Taehyun and smirked sending a wink at him. Taehyun didn't know why but his heart skipped a beat.
The bullies were weirded out at their friend's behaviour. Minhwan walked towards him only to trip and fall on his face down.
"Aishhh what the heck?" He got up but got pushed again resulting in him falling down with a thud. He groaned in pain and his another attempt of getting up failed as he felt someone punch his face very hard. His nose started bleeding.
Taehyun was sure Minhwan's nose broke. He could see the fear in all of their eyes. He has never seen them this scared before.
"O-oppa i think t-there is a g-ghost here. Let's g-go. Leave taehyun and let's go!"
Sumin picked up Minhwan and they all ran away leaving Taehyun alone.
Kai laughed in a scary way, he really did look like a devil this time, his eyes red and smirk plastered on his face. Even taehyun felt scared. Right then, Kai turned towards Taehyun and his gaze softened.
"Are you fine Taehyun?" He asked giving a hand to him. Taehyun took his hand and stood up, brushing the dust off his uniform.
"Did you see their faces? They looked hilarious ahahah... that's what they get for hurting you! Hah serves them right." Kai said laughing and looking at Taehyun.
His heart skipped a beat again. Why was it happening? Maybe because the way kai's gaze softened when talking to him, or the way he protected him, which nobody has ever done for him. He doesn't knows.
"Why aren't you saying anything?" Kai was now crouched infront of Taehyun's and he could feel his hot breathe on his face. He became flustered and backed off.
"I-its nothing, I'm getting l-late for class, i have to g-go." Taehyun stammered, feeling flustered from their closeness.
"Wow not even a thankyou huh? Fine let's go! I'll teach them a lesson later." Kai said and followed behind Taehyun.
Even in class Kai was disturbing Taehyun from studying. He was sometimes hanging infornt of him, or sometimes he was making funny faces which had taehyun getting in trouble for once. Also his stupid heart wouldn't stop beating irrationally when the other was too close or when his eyes started into his. This all was confusing. At some moment he was annoyed and another he was having weird feels.
Finally it was the end of the day and they were walking out from the class when Minhwan blocked Taehyun's path again and hissed angrily.
"Where the hell do you think you're going after this all happened to me?"
"Not my fault your nose broke because you fell down." Taehyun said without any fear. He was shocked at himself, where did this confidence came from? Just then he realised he wasn't the one saying it. It was Kai's work. His eyes widened in shock. He's dead now.
Minhwan was absolutely in rage now. "How dare you piece of-"
Just before he could say anything, Kai kicked him and he fell down again, groaning in pain. Oh he was fucked. He tested Kai's anger and now he will have to deal with it.
He launched on Him, punching the daylights out of him. His minions stepped behind in fear.
Taehyun stepped up and stopped kai before Minhwan could die.
"Kai stop! It's enough!" He pulled Kai back and ran away dragging Kai with himself. They left Minhwan lying there.
"Kai you were about to kill him! You can't do that!" Taehyun exclaimed, panting from all the running.
"So what if he died? He can't do that you! I had enough... you're MINE no one can hurt you Taehyun." Kai said, annoyed.
While Taehyun was stunned. Kai was ready to kill someone for HIM? And did he just say "you're mine?" He blushed at that and said-
"B-but still!"
"Still what Taehyun? You've been hurt enough, i can't see that." Kai held Taehyun's shoulders looking at him worriedly. Taehyun gulped and his face was red like a tomato now. Kai's gaze was captivating. His heart was beating so loud, even others could hear it.
"Why are you red taehyun? Ahh are you blushing? Do you like me" Kai said happily, shaking Taehyun's arms. He liked his reactions, it was so cute. He always found the boy cute and his heart felt weird whenever he saw him hurting. That's why he decided to protect him. After he was kicked out of hell because of his non-devil like nature, he was all alone. Then he saw Taehyun and he immediately fell for the cute boy. That's why he decided to keep an eye at him, but when he saw people hurting him, his blood boiled. That's why he was here and now seeing him act so cute was making him feel so happy and giddy.
"S-shut up k-kai, i don't l-like you." Taehyun stuttered, looking away from Kai. His ears and cheeks said otherwise though.
"Are you sure taehyunnie?" Kai said cupping Taehyun's cheeks and looking at him in the eyes. Taehyun's whole body felt like there was a electricity flowing Through it. The devil was surely very attractive and he made him lose his mind since yesterday. Was he falling for him? No way no wa-
Suddenly he felt something soft touching his lips. His eyes widened in shock. It was kai kissing him. He pulled out quick though smiling at him. Taehyun was frozen for a second but then he realised what happened and he pulled Kai again, and this time he kissed him properly. Kai was shocked for a second but then he smiled and kissed him back.
They both felt the electricity flowing and fireworks exploding around them. Butterflies wilding in Taehyun's stomach. Their lips fitted perfectly with each other. They didn't wanted to stop but they had to pull away for air.
Kai looked at Taehyun and gave his heart-stopping smile again, making Taehyun smile too.
"You still don't like me Taehyun?" Kai giggled.
"Shut up idiot, do you still need an answer?" Taehyun said hitting Kai lightly.
Kai wanted to tease him so he said again-
"How can i know unless you tell me?" He said mischievously.
"You- " taehyun kissed Kai's cheeks and looked away.
"Now do you understand?"
Kai stood there, now him feeling shy. He smiled and hugged Taehyun almost crashing his bones.
"Yes i understand. Now you're stuck with me!"
Taehyun only smiled at the cute devil. Who was his devil now. His guardian devil.
-------------- ----->>End<<---- ----------------
Hello Luvs!! I'm back with Tyunning again. These days they are living rent free in my brain fr! I had this plot in my mind for a lomg time so i finally finished writing it. This is probably the longest oneshot i have written till now hehe.
Hope y'all like it! Also thanks for 800 reads😭😭i never tght ppl withh read this omg I'm so happy I love y'all!💙💙
Take care then!
-Rin 💗
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