"Can I go where you go?
Can we always be this close?
Forever and ever, ah ha."
"OK so, Sleep well, Y/N. Me and Joon are on the ground floor. Call us if you need something or this brat irritates you. I'll be there for the rescue," Jimin smirks teasing Taehyung. You mumble a small of course with a giggle.
"That won't happen. Stop calling me brat and just go and sleep with your boyfriend... And yeah, keep it low," Taehyung winks at Jimin and was soon hit with a kick on his ass.
"Shut up! I'm going. Bye Y/N. Good night," With this he leaves the room after glaring at his best friend.
"So... Is this for real? Are Jimin and Namjoon dating?" you ask.
"Yeah... We made a rule of not getting women involved in the clan. So, they kept it in the clan only," Taehyung chuckles and you laugh.
"And by the way Yoongi texted that the party is almost over. They'll leave from there soon," he tells you.
"OK. Did you talk to Jungkook?"
"Oh God Jungkook? He's been spamming me since he left the mansion. Wait, let me show you...," Taehyung takes his phone out from his pocket and turning it on, he shows it to you.
What you see are texts messages from other side that included big notes while Taehyung was only replying with 'yes' 'no' or 'ok'.
The texts were from Jungkook...
" Get your ass up there to her room. If you're really guilty. Go fucking apologize and don't rant it to me"
"Did you talk to her? What did she say?"
"You're not replying! What is happening? Is she OK? Don't tell me you again fucked it up"
"I swear if you made my love cry again, I'll rip your glands out"
"Did she eat anything? What did she eat? How much did she eat? Send me a picture"
"Is she OK? Is she sleeping? Eun Jae is alright, right? Answer me mf"
You laugh at all the texts. It's so funny to see this side of him. It's kinda adorable too.
"Trust me I've never seen him act like this. You really put a spell on him," he speaks and you hand his phone over to him. "Also, it's almost midnight. You should take rest."
"Yup. I feel like sleeping too," a yawn escapes your mouth and your eyes feel droopy.
Taehyung helps you with laying down. He adjusts Eun Jae on your side too. After draping the blanket on both of you, he switches the lights off. After saying a little Good night, he leaves the room. The door is wide open though because just in case, if you feel something bad then you can call for someone easily.
With satisfaction in your veins, you close your eyes and think of what Jungkook must be doing in the party. You just hope he and everyone are fine. You just want him by your side right now but you can understand the situation. It's just better to sleep than overthink.
"why would you do that to me? You don't love me anymore," a man speak with pain in his voice.
"That's not it, Young Chul. I love you. You're always with me. I had to move on," you explained with tears in your eyes.
"Stop Y/N. Just stop. I can't let you be happy. I'll kill him. And it would be your fault!" Young Chul yelled and pulled a gun out. The room is dark but you can feel Jungkook's presence somewhere behind you.
"No please! No!" but nonetheless, the bullet was fired and it hit Jungkook behind you.
Young Chul laughed maniacally as you run towards your boyfriend. This can't happen. He can't die and leave you alone.
"Wake up, please....," you pat his cheeks but then right in front of your eyes blood starts to come out of his mouth and eyes.
"No! No! Please God no!" you shout and hug him closer while Young Chul is still laughing.
Your body jolts awake and you figure out that it was just a dream. You try to sit up but wince due to pain in your shoulder. Your skin is sweaty, heartbeat is rapid and lips quivering. It was the worst nightmare.
Suddenly you feel like crying. Why did you see this dream? Was it a message? No, you had told yourself to not look back anymore. You have your beautiful present and a good future ahead. You need to let go.
You come out from the aftershock of the nightmare and look at the clock besides the bed. It says 10 in the morning. You slept a lot. Sighing, you look at your side to see Eun Jae but he wasn't there.
The sheets are ruffled from that side and clothes are scattered. The clothes belonged to Jungkook. The ones he wore to the party last night. So, he must've come back after you slept. It's strange you didn't wake up when he might've entered the room. You're a very light sleeper.
Suddenly you hear muffled and echoing giggles coming from the bathroom. You listen closely to figure out that those giggles were your son's. You furrow your eyebrows as to what he was doing in there. Carefully standing up from the bed, you steadily walk towards the bathroom.
Opening the door you see a sight you wouldn't believe it was real. You see Eun Jae in a bathtub with big and small bubbles around him, while he is playing with them. His hair are wet and a big mountain of foam is set cutely on them. He giggles as he splashes the water on a big muscly man crouching in front of him, outside the tub.
The said big muscly man is your boyfriend. He's in his boxers only. His hair seems kinda wet too. It felt like he was bathing with him. Tiny droplets of water can be seen all over his milky skin.
"Kookie uncle, hahaha" your son laughs looking at his face after he did something on it with his fingers.
"You look like Santa!" Eun Jae claps splashing water out if the tub.
"Ho Ho H-," he stops mid track because you suddenly giggled at what they were doing.
Hearing you behind them, they both looked at you.
"Mommy look bubbsh!" Eun Jae shouts.
When Jungkook turns around, you see a big foam formed beard and mustache on his face. You laugh at how adorable they both look, looking with smiles on their faces at you. The big man with muscles was looking exceptionally cute.
" Yes mommy, look!" Jungkook teases you in his rusky voice but the beard on his face makes him look so laughable.
"What are you doing?" you look towards them.
"After waking up, Eun Jae was hungry. So I made him eat his breakfast-"
"Eat pancakes!" Eun Jae excitedly shouts.
"Yes, he eat pancakes. And got all his clothes dirty along with his legs and hands. So I decided to bathe him. He's such a messy eater!" he furrows his eyebrows in disbelief and chuckles.
"He is. I'm sorry i didn't know when you came," you go and sit besides him, wiping off the reciding foam beard.
"No it's OK. The medicines are strong. Anyways, how is my lady feeling?" he asks.
"Way better. It hurts in shoulder though."
"It will. You shouldn't be here. Don't let the water touch your wounds."
"No, I need to brush and clean up too. The bandages are water proof. The nurse told me, don't worry."
"Wooshhhhh," Eun Jae lands his tiny toy aeroplane onto the water and then make it collide with the duckling toys. He makes tiny noises on it hitting them as a small string of saliva lines down his chin.
"Who brought him these?" you snicker.
"I don't know. Probably Seokjin hyung. He's grown so much fond of him," Jungkook answers while ruffling Eun Jae's wet hair.
You look at them admirly. This looks so perfect. You, him and Eun Jae. What would happen if this stays like this forever? You and him forever? Life would be so much better and beautiful.
If one day God decides to make all of your wishes comes true then the only thing that'll come true is your forever starting and ending with him in every lifetime.
This is love.
This is what you've always wanted.
"What if this stays like this forever?" you ask him, making him look at you. "I mean us three. What if this is the starting of a forever?"
"Y/N... Baby, there's no 'what if' in this. You're the only one. You're The one for me. This is the starting of our forever."
"So like... If you... Like... Ever kind of... I mean I don't know if you... Ever...," you try to say it out but you can't find the courage to say it all. He won't say no but still this is such a big step. You can feel your heart pounding.
"What is it, love ? Are you OK? Is there anything?" he asks and leaves the playing Eun Jae to cup both of your cheeks turning towards you.
You keep both your hands on his hands to feel his warmth. Leaning more into his touch, you kiss the palm of his one hand.
" Will you.. Like ever want to seal this? Like God! Would you like to marry me?" you blurt it out and close your eyes shut.
"What?" Jungkook is awestruck at how you asked him this all of the sudden.
"I know this is sudden but I just th-"
"Did you actually mean what you said? Would you really like to marry me?" he asks.
"I mean why not? I love you and you love me. I know it's been just some months since we met and all but I just want to spend my whole life with you. I am sorry if it startled you but yes I would really like to marry you and-"
Before you could finish, his mouth was already on yours. Your eyes widen at first due to the sudden kiss and then you realised that you both are in bathroom in front of your almost 2 years old son!
You quickly push on his chest and cover your agape mouth with both your hands, eyes wide open. Looking at your reaction, Jungkook throws his head back laughing out loud.
"Why you kisth mommy?" Eun Jae asks with an angry pout because he didn't like that someone else kissed his mother.
"Because your mommy is cute," Jungkook answered and chuckled.
"Mommy say I am cute," your son further says.
"You're also cute. You're her son and guess what, you deserve a kiss too for being so cute," saying this, Jungkook leans forward towards Eun Jae and kisses his forehead as you watch.
Your son giggles, making you snicker too. Your eyes locks with Jungkook and he blows a small kiss to you making you blush.
" OK. Eun Jae has bathed enough. Let's put on some clothes, yeah?" you say and Jungkook carefully lifts him out of the tub.
Rinsing him off, he wrapped a towel around him. Taking him out, he messily tried to dress him up. After 15 minutes of great struggle, he was finally ready.
"I wanna take a bath too. I'm feeling sticky but it's hard to move my arm," you mumble as Jungkook tied the lace of your son's shoe.
"I'll help you," Jungkook suggests and starts wearing his clothes too.
"Are you this free today? You took bath, made Eun Jae bath and now you're willing to help me bath too. You don't have any work today?"
"No. Work can wait. I want to be with you today," he smiles at you and goes in front if the mirror to set his hair and out on some cologne.
"Jungkook?" a knock echoed in the room.
"Yes hyung?"
"Ah jumma and ah jussi are here," Seokjin answers from other side.
"You called them here?" you ask him.
"Yup. They were worried sick about you," Jungkook answers.
"Let's go," he cheers Eun Jae who jumps down from the bed and runs towards the door. Putting a small bandage on your forehead, you also follow them downstairs.
"The water is warm now. Come in," Jungkook instructs you. He's sitting naked inside the bath tub. You're still standing outside waiting for the tub to get filled with warm water.
Eun Jae went with your ah jumma to the apartment as she made his favorite cake for him. After sending him off, you came back to the room and like Jungkook suggested, he's now helping you bath.
On his instruction, you take your robe off revealing your bare body inside. Your cheeks flush as you slowly walk towards the tub. Holding out your hand for help to him, you carefully step inside the tub. With his assistance, you sit down while your back is facing him.
The water level is little above your breasts, protecting the wound. The soap bubbles cover your body around and the warm water soothes your muscles.
"You're literally bathing for the second time in an hour," you lean back on his chest.
His rough hands lie flat on your stomach while his fingers draw small circles. He kisses the back of your shoulder, flaring goosebumps all over your body.
"It's nothing unusual. I'm doing many silly things since I've fallen for you."
Your hands cups his hands on your stomach and you slowly take them up to your breasts so that his hands are cupping them now.
"Are you aroused right now?" he rasps in your ear,making you almost moan but you shake your head as 'no'.
His hand snakes downwards towards your intimate area and as he scissors between your lips, you feel your breathes turn into pants. His one finger goes towards your hole and inserts it inside you.
"You again lied, Y/N," he pulls his finger out and then adds another one to thrust inside you making you moan.
After a few slow thrusts, he stops.
"Why did you stop?" you ask with red cheeks burning with lust.
"If I don't stop, I'll end up hurting you further. You need to get fully healed first and on top of that, your body is fragile right now. I don't want you to pass out," he explains and you nod even though all you want is him to fuck you right now.
"Anyways, did Taehyung talk to you?" he asks.
"Hmm. He told me everything about Jasmine. That was so cruel of her. What he said to me was wrong but I guess past always reflects your character. I forgave him and he's literally a nice guy... I mean he helped me eat and took care of my medicines and took care of Eun-"
He keeps his finger on your lips to make you shut your mouth and look back at him. He grabs your jaw softly and pulls you forward towards him so that his lips are touching yours. Against your lips, he speaks, " I might not want to hurt you, love but open your mouth to again praise some other man in front of me and I'll make sure my cock is deep inside your throat. "
You gulp as his breath fans over your lips. He takes your bottom lip between his teeth and softly nibbles on them. Leaving them, he licks your lips making you moan softly.
" Do you understand, my lady? "he asks, threat clearly visible in his voice. You nod softly and he captures your lips with his.
You close your eyes and with his help, slowly turn around to face him. You wrap your uninjured arm around him as both of your legs wrap around his waist
You can feel his semi hard dick against your thigh. To feel some friction, you move a little not breaking the kiss.
"No. Don't you dare move," he grabs your hips keeping you in place. He also wants nothing but to fuck the daylights out of you but he needs to control his monster inside.
He kisses you again. The kiss was harsh and rough. The teeth clanking with each other as your lips move in a perfect rhythm. You dart your tongue inside his mouth, making him smirk at you taking dominance over him.
You stop when you feel like your Jaws were hurting due to all the kisses. It was satisfactory but now you both are horny.
"I... I guess we should get dressed," you mumble, trying not to whine because of your arousal.
Jungkook complies and helps you to get out of the tub with him. He carefully rinses the soap off you and helps you put on a robe. Then he takes care of himself and puts on his robe. You can see his dick hard as rock.
"You're hard," you tell him.
"Of course, what do you expect? Don't worry I'll take care of it. You can go dress up," he sighs.
"I wanna do it," you tell him.
"I told you I can't let you do it, Y/N. Please don't compel me."
"I can uh.. Give you a hand job though... My one arm is perfectly fine."
"Y/N...," he warns.
"Please trust me. If you don't find it OK, tell me to stop and I will," you try to convince him.
Instead of answering, he walks towards where you're standing and holds your hand in his. Kissing the back of it, he pulls you towards him to the bedroom.
Leaving you standing, he sits on the bed and opens the robe. The sight before you almost made your mouth drool and nose to bleed. He sits there, his legs wide open, big hard dick reaching upto his belly button almost making you cum untouched. His godly body looking buffed up and smooth that you want to rub your palms over his sculpted abs.
You look up at his face to see his lips tipped up in a small smirk. His hair wet and wavy making his face look like he's the son of Aphrodite.
"Come 'ere," he commands and tiny goosebumps like spikes cover your body.
You walk towards him and get on your knees. His dick, leaking precum already, stands tall in front of you. When you look up at him, he gestures you to take it.
You hold your hand up and trace a vein protruding out of his member with your finger, making him sigh. A smirk blossoms on your face due to the satisfying reaction. You again trace it up his dick making him release a struggled breath.
"Don't play with me, Y/N," he growls and you finally wrap your hand around his throbbing dick.
"Fuck yes...," he hisses out and throws his head back.
Using your thumb, you smear the precum on his red tip. His breathing turns shallow. You trace the skin under his tip and see more precum leaking down. Smearing it properly on him, you start to move your hand.
Moving your hand up and down, you lock your eyes with his. His head is tipped back a little but his gaze is directly on you. You bite your lip at his dark gaze making your arousal flow out. His mouth is a little agape giving out small breaths.
You want to use your other hand too but you know it'll just make him stop you. So teasing his tip while palming him, you try to penetrate him the best you can.
"You look so hot, baby," he whispers. His voice dark.
"I want to use my mouth," you tell him, thumbing his tip,drawing circles on it.
"Keep your movements slow," he agrees in the heat of lust and desire.
Biting your lip, you lean forward to softly kiss his tip, making him twitch in your hand. Darting your tongue out you swirl it around him tasting him. A moan escapes your lips as you continue French kissing his tip while pumping your hand up and down.
"Y/N don't fucking tease me," his hands clutch the bed sheet underneath to control his urge to grab your head and fuck your mouth mercilessly.
"Yes sir," smirking you open you mouth to engulf him whole.
He moans out at the warm sensation. The world spins in front of his gaze, making him close his eyes. It's been so long since he received a blowjob and now that it's you who's giving, he's just levitating.
Swirling your tongue on his tip, you feel the velvety texture of his skin. Slowly you move towards the base by inches. When he's halfway in you stop, because he's already touching the back of your throat.
"It's OK... Take as much you can...," he whispers and leans back with the support of his hands.
Using your hand for the remaining part, you suck him as good as you can. Hollowing your cheeks, using your tongue efficiently and grazing the foreskin with your teeth, you make him go feral within few seconds.
"You're taking my cock so good, love...," he praises boosting your confidence.
Bobing your head up and down his length along with your hand, you penetrate him so much he was groaning and cursing time to time. You yourself can feel your arousal dripping down your thighs.
" I'm cumming..., "he indicates and you don't stop your movements.
In a few seconds, he comes in your mouth spurting his seeds inside you. The thick liquid touches your tongue but before you could swallow, he stops you.
" Don't swallow. Show me first,"his chest rising up and down frantically. Beads if sweat covers his whole body.
You take him out and open your mouth to show him his semen sitting on your tongue. His eyes shine as he commands you to swallow now. You did as told and he wipes the dripping remainants from the corner of your mouth.
"Good girl," he caresses your lower lip with his thumb.
Holding your shoulders, he carefully pulls you up to his level and kisses you hard and long.
"I wish I could fuck you," he murmurs against your lips. You're also panting by now due to arousal.
"It's OK. I can understand," you smile and kiss him again, harder than before.
He grabs your waist and steadily pulls you up on his lap. Your one arm hooks around his neck as you settle down on him. His dick brushing against your thigh.
"Fuck.. We should stop this," he pulls away from you.
"No.. I want more," you lean in but he grabs your face pressing your cheeks.
"Please Y/N, don't," his eyes looking helpless as if he was controlling himself.
You nod and he sweetly pecks your forehead.
"I hope you get well soon," he pulls you in his arms, gently carrassing the back of your head.
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