( warnings: blood, religious imagery, violence, yandere behavior, sin, purity, discrimination, drugs and alcohol, addiction, unhealthy coping mechanisms.
In general, warnings will be included at the start of every chapter if necessary. Please tell me if I leave anything out. The content inside might be sensitive to some so viewer discretion is advised.
Regarding the religious aspect, it is heavily based on Christianity, but it's written to be more of a cult than an actual religion. Only certain aspects are similar to Christianity, but the majority of it is made up and written to be slightly more diabolical.
Priests are called "Father [Name]", so the love interest [Anton] will be called as such, but he is only twenty six. Y/n L/n is twenty four. )
Service was held in a huge room that came with an altar and long rows of chairs. The room had stained glass that must have been expensive—and streams of light poured in from the windows. Strangely, the room was still cold; and Y/n suspected it had to do with some magic of sorts.
Second thing: it was absolutely crowded. It was so filled to the brim one would think it was a ticket to a pop star, but in fact...this was just service.
"What is he doing here...?"
"Apparently he's reforming," another muttered under their breath, "but he's so ignorant. He refused to accept God's word—can you believe he rebelled against him? Not to mention when he was being detained, he fought off all the guards! What can Father Anton possibly think?"
And are you sure gossiping isn't considered a sin? Y/n rolled his eyes. He supposed this was part of the quest—the whole stoning to death by loyal believers didn't sound too delightful, if he had to be honest. But this quest would determine if he would be able to level up in game; and get to spin the wheel of horrors of whatever it was. If he simply attended service without any obstacle, it would be too easy, wouldn't it? Perhaps this was the NPC's task: to defame Y/n L/n.
"Mindless chattering in such a holy place..." Anton's eyes grew dark, and a shadow cast over his face, "I suppose they're rather ignorant, aren't they? It's a place for worship, not gossip."
"Right." Y/n said automatically. He came to realize Anton was the only character who didn't repeat sentences. Helen did, though Y/n had to admit it was a tad bit forced sometimes. And those children—Y/n shuddered.
"Everyone. We have a new believer amongst us—shouldn't we make him feel more welcome, instead of being hostile?"
Y/n had grown used to fake smiles on people's faces, which probably spoke of his poor taste in friends. But this—this was immaculate, like he had practically studied human anatomy and had conducted every degree and angle of a perfect smile to memory.
No wonder Anton was such a...strange character.
"Oh—oh," The people ceased chattering, blushing, "forgive us, Father Anton. We did not see you there. We apologize—"
"Apologize to God, not me. You are in his presence." Anton said briskly, beckoning for Y/n to come, "you are to sit at the front."
The front? Great. So he couldn't even doze off!
"Why is Father Anton talking to the newbie?"
"I've no he that special?"
"He's taking a partial liking to him, I bet," Another chimed in glumly, "but that's sodomy. And Father Anton is a priest. He would never."
"Has the law really dictated that, though? I head Lady Lula and Lady Nerine are in a relationship," One gasped, "oh, are you saying we should report them to the church—"
"Hush, Freda. We don't know yet, but we can always seek guidance from Father Anton...oh, he's simply so dreamy...he's perfection personified."
"Huh! Only God can be perfect!"
"Well, yes, but Father Anton is practically God! I mean, he's his most divine messenger..."
Y/n tuned their annoying voices out. It was interesting to see them whisper so, even though he clearly could hear them. It was also an eye opening experience to assess their thoughts on Father Anton—obviously, they were seeing him through rose tinted glasses. Plus, the whole Father Anton is practically God was odd. Y/n has noticed a small pattern popping up, that everyone here idolized Father Anton. To an unhealthy amount.
That's probably adding to his god complex.
"—as his followers, we are to follow every whim he asks us to do. Divine perfection: that is what we seek. It's up to you whether you wish to tread the path—it requires dedication, unwavering belief..." He paused, "does anyone care to share the last one?"
"Shouting in the church is something to be frowned on," Anton said mildly, "but yes. Sacrifice."
Y/n swallowed.
"We can say all of these empty promises, pay lip service...but in the end, he will judge us based on our acts." The stained glass windows cast an ethereal, colorful glow that seemed to shine on the polished marble floor. Y/n blinked. He hadn't even noticed he was listening. There was something about the serene, smooth voice Anton had.
"To doubt or stray from this path is to court damnation. To hold sins in the palm of your hands. Our devotion to God and his guidance through me is paramount, and it is important we walk down the path of salvation."
"Oh, Father Anton," The woman Y/n recognised to be Freda sobbed, "if we—if we sin, but I confess in less than a day, will I be condemned?"
Anton's smile became more rigid.
"You must remember confessing for the sake of your own personal relief is not recommended. To begin with..."
His sharp, crystal blue eyes met Y/n's.
"To begin with, you shouldn't even sin. But that isn't to say we are perfect—for unlike God, we are humans with flaws. But confessing for the sake of it—Lady Freda, I'm sure you are not that foolish, right?"
The woman was in a love sick trance, and she nodded her head accordingly.
"Good." Anton lifted a small, golden box up, "and now it's time for the offerings."
The offerings. A little system all players absolutely hated. Y/n would rant about the unfairness of the system constantly, with the way it guzzled the player's money just to give it to the church, but soon less and less people became offline. It was like they disappeared, strangely enough.
To advance to level two, players were required to give fifty coins, and this was no measly sum, as they were only given a hundred default coins.
Y/n glanced at the ladies, who immediately whipped out their purses.
"I have five hundred with me!" one exclaimed joyfully.
"I have six hundred," another bragged, "me! Choose me, Father Anton! Let me go first!"
"No, me!"
Like a cult. Holy shit, it was like a fucking cult—not even worshipping God, but worshipping Anton!
"We'll see the funds needed to make him appeased," Anton shook his head, "if we happen to lack..."
"I'll—I heard organs sold for a lot! I'll see my kidney!" Freda said desperately, "I don't smoke, that's against God's word, so I'm sure I'll be able to function with one—"
"Excellent suggestion." Anton's smile told Y/n he got exactly what he wanted, "will you get the money by today?"
Y/n wanted to be sick. Think about leveling up, leveling up..the only way he could rationalize this or keep himself sane was to tell himself that this was a game. A stupid game he would escape soon, and delete it off his PC. He just has to survive.
"I heard the procedure is um, pretty long."
"I'm sure it can be faster," Anton said briskly, "so I suppose your offerings will have to wait?"
"It's alright. Patience is a virtue we must all have." Anton replied calmly, "everyone, thank Lady Freda for teaching us that."
That's backhanded.
Yet Lady Freda seemed to revel in the applause she got. Again, cult-like.
"And Y/n," Anton turned to face him, and Y/n instinctively flinched, "you are a new person at the church, are you not? Then please familiarize yourself with this. It is customary to give offerings to the church."
"I—" Y/n paused, digging into his inventory while pretending to search for his pockets, "I have fifty coins I can give. It's all I have," He lied.
Technically, he had a hundred. But he needed it for emergency purposes, and the game only needed fifty, right?
"Wonderful." Anton tilted his head, "it's rare to see someone take such initiative out of the sheer kindness of their heart."
Um, there were those ladies...who threw themselves at you.
"Emphasis on sheer kindness," Anton shook his head, "and not some twisted, exploitative method. The church needs a good cleaning, to rid itself of the evil that has managed to stain its pristine reputation."
"A little extreme, isn't it?" Y/n asked carefully.
"Extreme? Why, no, not at all."
"...You burn people—alive."
"That is the cleanest way to proceed. Their ashes tumble away, and it makes it much easier for the people, too. If we were to use magic, or beheading, or even hanging—it would be much messier, no? And I believe fire is such an awfully beautiful thing. It can make death look inviting; and even though the heavens might cast them hell, all they will see is the fiery pits. This is their punishment. To feel sorry for them is strange, Y/n."
Basic empathy that you so obviously lack, Y/n thought slowly. How could Anton even be a priest? His morals were corrupted, his soul was dark, and his smile was as fake as it could be. Yet his looks—his damned looks—were so angelic, his voice so sinfully smooth and sultry, that he had everyone wrapped around his finger. Y/n almost found himself falling under the spell of his voice multiple times. Players had warned each other that Anton was dangerous; yet it contradicted whatever the game said: that he was benevolent, sweet, caring.
Again, this was a horror game. Y/n learnt that the game had an unreliable narrator which didn't serve any purpose.
Two can play the game.
"I suppose it's strange, Father Anton," Y/n answered slowly, "but I thought that kindness was a virtue to be found within one's own self. I was—I was merely trying to follow the readings..." His meek voice didn't pull off that well. Y/n was certain those blue eyes could read right through him.
"Excellent deduction," Anton hummed, "a quick learner you are. Then if so, might I ask: how did you find service today?"
Horribly terrifying. Twisted. Disgusting. Something fitting of a horror game. But Y/n had to swallow all these words back into his throat, and in a raspy, choked voice, he uttered out: "it was wonderful."
"You will be coming back next time, I trust?"
"Oh, yes."
Please let me be dismissed, Y/n prayed (prayed! How funny!), let me be dismissed, let me be dismissed—
"I wouldn't want to take up most of your time," Anton sighed, "but I do hope you'll find it easier when you are in the confession room next time, Y/n."
"Oh, I will, Father Anton" Y/n said fervently.
Satisfaction crossed Anton's face.
"All right, then. I'll see you tomorrow."
Tomorrow? Was there service everyday, or something?
"I do expect we will be seeing each other plenty, now that you are such a loyal follower. One day, God will forgive you for your sins."
"Ah...yes." If god is real, he better—because I'm not getting burned alive.
Anton looked longer at Y/n, and Y/n was beginning to feel distinctly uncomfortable. Weirdly enough, it felt his tongue was tried in front of him—in front of Anton, like he was a different entity altogether with that presence he had.
"You are dismissed."
Y/n rushed out of the church immediately, gulping down fresh air once he reached outside.
[ Quest completed!
190 XP
Wheel of horrors [One spin]
Immunity to Fear [x1 use] ]
Y/n chose the spin option.
[ Ding! A < B Grade > item has been obtained!
Poisonous Lily: this flower releases a scent that can alter a person's mental state. Be careful while using. ]
..A flower, huh? Y/n quietly stored it in his inventory.
Who knew, it might be useful one day.
Favorability points: for each character in the game, they have a meter associated with them. Every choice made by Y/n influences this, and high favorability can lead to supply, while low favorability may lead to disdain and betrayal.
Redemption points: Y/n must earn this to prove his worthiness in the eyes of the church and avoid being sacrificed. This can be earned through various tasks, quests, and interactions with the other characters. It also serves as a progression system, allowing Y/n to advance through the levels and unlock new abilities or privileges,
Time and Resource Management: Y/n must complete tasks and quests within the game's constraints. Failure to do so will result in unfavorable outcomes. Y/n will have limited resources—energy, good, and items, and his "bar" will deplete as time goes by. If resources are not allocated properly, it will lead to a knock out.
Knockout: where the player essentially goes AFK for two days, and is unable to progress.
Psychological Elements of the game include: distorted graphics, religious imagery, human sacrifice, violence, gore.
I hope all of you enjoy! Leave a comment if you liked it 💕💕
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