↳ chapter eighteen
" we could've had it all "
a few minutes before they landed, steve held his final speech.
"ultron knows we're coming. odds are we'll be riding into heavy fire. and that's what we signed up for. but the people of sokovia, they didn't. so our priority is getting them out. all they want is to live their lives in peace. and that's not gonna happen today. but we can do our best to protect them. and we can get the job done. we find out, what ultrons been building, we find romanoff and we clear the field. keep the fight between us. ultron thinks we're monsters. that were what's wrong with the world. this isn't just about beating him, it's about wether he's right."
when they landed, evi followed pietro and wanda. pietro informed the authorities that they should evacuate the city, while wanda manipulated different peoples mind, so they would leave the city immediately. evi helped where she could. she flew around and helped elder people leave their homes and tried to bring little kids who got lost back to their parents.
suddenly robots came from everywhere. "get off the bridge" wanda told the people, before she used her powers to protect them from the robots shooting. evi stood next to her and helped to build a shield.
suddenly wanda was hit and fell to the ground. "wanda" evi screamed, she bent down next to her sister, while creating another shield.
they were able to get away from the bridge, but before they could try to help somewhere else, loud sound erupted from everywhere and the city took off in the air.
"pietro" evi screamed, her brother nearly fell down the edge, but she caught him with her powers in the last moment. he ran towards his sister and held them both close. "thank you" he breathed and kissed evi on top of her head
loudly, ultrons voice rang out throughout the city. "you, avengers, you are my meteor. my swift and terrible sword and the earth will crack with the weight of your failure. purge me from your computers, turn my own flesh against me"
next to them barton hit one of the ultrons with his arrow. "it means nothing, when the dust settles, the only thing living in this world, will be metal"
the siblings nodded at each other. each knowing what to do. pietro started running around and destroying as much robots as possible. while wanda and evi used their powers to tear them apart, one after another.
"stark, you worry about bringing the city down safely" steve spoke into the comms. "the rest of us have one job, tear these things apart. you get hurt, hurt them back. you get killed, walk it off"
"wow" evi spoke from behind steve. while he was talking she had changed her position. "these speeches really seem to be your thing. lyrical masterpiece if you ask me" she jokes "especially the killing part"
"haha" steve laughed sarcastically. "I'm trying to motivate the team and you make fun of me"
"everyone has their strengths" she shrugged "at least I'm efficient while I talk" at that she let three robots explode next to her, without turning her head.
steve raised his eyebrows. "wow" he said "you don't seem to need that motivational stuff I guess"
they fought next to each other.
"evi" steve started to run, while he pointed at two cars at the end of the bridge. evi understood immediately and followed him, holding both cars.
but they grew heavy in her hold, she wasn't used to holding such heavy objects with her powers.
before she let them go, she screamed into her comms "thor!"
gladly, thor heard her and with his help, evi and steve could get the people back up.
"what, were you napping?" steve asked thor sarcastically
"wherever you were, I'm glad you heard me" evi laughed, while following the men.
"I need to get back to wanda" she apologised, before taking off in the air without another word.
evi landed on the ground, next to clint, who hid on a car side.
"where's wanda?" she asked
"she's" before barton could finish his sentence, the doors of a building next to them opened and wanda walked out. she took apart all the robots easily. "..there"
barton and evi stood up from behind the car.
"that was amazing" evi told her sister. barton walked next to wanda "all right we're all clear here" he spoke into the comms
"we are not clear, we are very not clear!" steve answered. "all right, coming to you"
blue light rushed and suddenly pietro appeared, taking both his sisters on each arm. he turned to barton "keep up, old man" and ran.
pietro stopped in the middle of a street, he gave both his sisters a boost and they immediately started to take the robots apart.
"hold your fire" the police man behind them advised his men.
while they were fighting, pietro suddenly was shot in the shoulder, if he had stood a a little bit further to the right, the bullet would've hit evi in the head.
"man, you nearly shot my sister" pietro called while he send the nervous and apoplectic looking police man a tired look.
"everything alright?" he asked evi, to which she just nodded. "sorry" she pointed at his wound. "it's okay, much better than your head. it already started healing, look" thanks to his fast metabolism, the wound would be gone in an hour.
evi layed both her hands on his arm and her veins turned black.
"what are you doing?" pietro asked irritated.
"I'm taking your pain, I can do that now" she grinned proudly.
"cool" a big smile erupted on his face and he watched his sister, being the proud big brother he was.
their laughter stopped, once the city reached the clouds and dark smoke took in everything.
"the next wave is gonna hit any minute, what do you got, stark?" steve asked.
"huh? nothing great. maybe a way to blow up the city. that'll keep it from impacting the surface if you guys can get clear"
"I asked for an solution, not an escape plan"
"stark, you aren't seriously suggesting leaving all the people here, are you? and here I thought you were supposed to be a hero" evi spoke sarcastically, anger evident in her voice.
"shut it, maximoff. the impact radius is getting bigger every second. we're gonna have to make a choice"
"well, not that one" evi protested
"cap, evi, these people are going nowhere. If stark finds a way to blow tho rock..."
"not till everyone's safe"
"everyone up here versus everyone down there? there's no math there"
"I'm not leaving this rock with one civilian on it"
"me neither" evi adjusted her position next to steve
"I didn't say we should leave" evi and steve turned to look at natasha. she nodded "there's worse ways to go"
evi looked in front of her. the bright blue sky, wouldn't suggest that anything was wrong. but there was. thousands of people and her family might die.
"where else am I gonna get a view like this?"
suddenly another voice erupted on the comms. evi wasn't much familiar with him, but even she could recognise who was speaking.
she jumped down the rock she was standing on and ran to her brother.
"glad you like the view, romanoff. it's about to get better"
a gigantic ship rose in front of them
"fury you son of a bitch"
"ooh, you kiss your mother with that mouth?"
smaller carriers flew out of the ship and arranged them self at the edge of the city.
"this is S.H.I.E.L.D.?" pietro asked in astonishment
"this is what S.H.I.E.L.D. Is supposed to be" steve explained
"this is not so bad" pietro smiled
"we're gonna save everyone and we're gonna go home, pietro"
pietro smiled at his younger sister and hugged her. relief playing on his features
"yes" he spoke "we're gonna go home"
wise words from ELLIE !
guess who's not going home
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