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HER COSTUME SUDDENLY LOOKED STUPID to her. The black long-sleeved white-collared dress didn't look right on her anymore. The dark black wig that her mom braided into two braids looked stupid. The black shoes felt uncomfortable and everything just looked wrong.
"I hate it," Challan spoke as she looked at herself in the mirror.
"What, since when?" Her mother asked. The woman had gotten off of work early because it was Halloween and the bank was closing early. As soon as she got home, she helped Challan with her costume and helped her put on a little bit of makeup that would complete her costume. "I thought you wanted to go as Wednesday Addams."
"I did. But now it just looks stupid," Challan muttered.
"Is this about that girl you're going trick-or-treating with?" Hadiyah asked, causing Challan to sigh.
"No," she lied. Challan had told both of her parents about Max and how the girl would be coming over so that they could go trick-or-treating together. To say they were surprised would be an understatement. Challan had never gone trick-or-treating with someone her own age, always going with one or both of her parents. They were thrilled that she finally seemed to have made a friend.
"Let's try that again," Hadiyah suggested, unconvinced, and Challan sighed again.
"It's just, I don't want her to think I'm lame," she admitted.
"And why would she think you're lame? I thought you said she told you you were cool," Hadiyah replied.
"She's allowed to change her mind," Challan muttered.
Hadiyah pulled the small girl into her arms and hugged her. "You, my sweet girl, are the coolest kid in this whole entire town," she said, kissing her cheek.
"You're my mom, it doesn't count when you say it," Challan grumbled.
"I'm your mom, it counts the most when I say it," Hadiyah retorted. Challan sent her a small smile and the woman kissed her cheek again.
"Okay, I'm gonna go make sure your dad has the camera ready for pictures. You look amazing, okay?"
Challan nodded and the woman smiled before exiting the bathroom. The younger girl looked at her reflection again, readjusting the wig on her head. She still didn't know how her mom managed to fit all of her hair under that wig.
With a final look she made her way out into the living room where her parents were standing. Her father was fiddling with the camera as her mother directed him on what to press. The two looked over at her when she walked in.
"Whoa, you nailed that costume. She looks just like her," Theodore said as he looked at his wife. Hadiyah smiled before looking over at Challan.
"Ready for pictures?" She asked.
Challan groaned before nodding. Her parents took so many pictures with their Polaroid camera. They did this every year and she was hoping that they would finally stop the madness but it didn't seem like they ever would. The stack of pictures that came out of the camera were piling up on the table. She was relieved when the doorbell rang.
Her mother walked over to the door, looking through the small glass window before opening the door.
"Hi, I'm Max. I'm looking for Challan," she heard the familiar voice say. Challan's eyes widened and her father looked over at the door, a smile coming to his face as he made his way over.
"No, dad—" Challan tried but to no avail.
"Hi there, I'm Theodore Logan, Challan's father. And this beautiful woman here is my wife, Hadiyah. Why don't you come on in?" The man greeted.
Challan groaned quietly. "It's nice to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Logan," Max said as she walked into the house. Her blue eyes swept across the house as she took in its interior design, a feeling of warmth spreading through her as she took in the cozy home. It was a lot different than her house. You could actually feel the love here. Her eyes then looked over at Challan and a smile spread across her face. "Wednesday Addams?" She recognized.
"Yeah," Challan confirmed.
"I love the Addams Family! Great costume," Max complimented.
"Thanks," Challan replied.
The redhead was wearing all black, a Michael Myers mask and plastic pumpkin in one hand and a plastic knife in the other. "Michael Myers," Challan said in recognition and Max's smile widened.
"Yup," she said before raising the knife and stabbing it downward twice, "Eee eee, eee eee." The two girls began to giggle and Hadiyah smiled over at her husband.
"Pictures?" The woman suggested.
"Mom, no," Challan groaned.
"Aw, why not?" Hadiyah said.
"Yeah, Challan. Why not?" Max teased as she walked over to where the girl stood. She then turned to Hadiyah, "I don't mind taking pictures, Mrs. Logan."
"Great! Stand together," the woman said, waving her hand so that Max would move closer to Challan as Theodore put more film into the camera, lifting it up when he was done. Max sent Challan a smirk before wrapping an arm around her shoulder and smiling widely at the camera. Challan shook her head and smiled for the camera, her father snapping multiple pictures as the two changed poses.
"Now with the mask," Theodore said to Max who put the mask on. He snapped more pictures of the two.
"Now hold the knife up like you're going to stab Challan. Challan, act scared," he directed.
"Dad, no," Challan shook her head.
"Please," he pleaded and she sighed, looking over at Max who shrugged. The redhead held up the knife as if she was about to stab Challan and the shorter girl pretended to be scared.
"Perfect!" He snapped more pictures.
"Okay, that's enough. We're leaving now," Challan said, taking Max's hand and pulling her to the door. Max pulled the Michael Meyers mask up onto her head as Challan grabbed her designated candy bag on her way to the door.
"Just one more picture," her mother requested.
"Nope. Love you, bye!" Challan opened the door and pulled Max out of it.
"Stay safe!"
"And be back by 9:30!"
"We love you!"
"Have a spooktacular night!"
Max waved goodbye to the two adults with her semi free hand before Challan closed the door and the two began walking down the street.
"Your parents seem cool," Max said as the two began walking to the first house, their hands still connected.
Challan scoffed, "They're not." She then noticed that she was still holding Max's hand and dropped it, a sheepish look coming onto her face. "They took way too many pictures, sorry about that."
"It's fine. I didn't mind," Max shrugged as they walked up to the front door of a house. Max rang the doorbell.
"Trick-or-treat," the two said once the door was opened. They were given their candy and they were off to the next house.
The two walked in a comfortable silence. Challan honestly didn't know what to even say to the redhead. She glanced over at Max before looking away. She did that a few more times until Max's head turned and her gaze was on Challan.
"Hi," Max chuckled.
"Hi," Challan replied nervously.
Max turned back to face ahead of her and the two continued down the road. Challan pursed her lips and wracked her brain for something to say. Eventually, she blurted out the first thing that came to her mind. "You know, my parents almost named me Salen, which is one letter off from Salem. As in, the Salem Witch Trials. Which, considering our family history, would've really sucked, you know? Like can you imagine? Oh my god, why am i still talking?"
Max chuckled lightly at her nervousness, "Random Challan fact. Good to know." She looked over at Challan thoughtfully. "I like Challan though, it suits you better." Her words made Challan smile, her cheeks heating up mildly.
"Alright well it's only fair if I tell you a random Max fact in return. Um..." Max thought of something to tell the shorter girl. "I learned to do an Ollie in just a few hours."
"An Ollie?" Challan questioned, unfamiliar with the term.
"It's a skateboard trick. I'll show it to you if you want," Max answered.
"Yeah, I need a visual to go along with the word," Challan nodded.
The corner of Max's lip lifted up into a half smile as they walked up to the next house.
"So I was thinking that maybe we could meet up with the stalkers tonight. If you're cool with that. They said they know where to get the full-sized candy bars," Max said as they made their way to more houses.
"Stalkers?" Challan questioned, still not knowing who Max was talking about.
"You know those four guys dressed up as the Ghost Busters," Max explained to which Challan nodded.
"Yeah, that's fine I guess." Challan didn't have a problem with Mike Wheeler and his friends. They didn't participate in bullying her but they weren't exactly lining up to be her friend either.
"Cool." The two continued walking and Max spoke again. "You know, I didn't take you for an Addams Family fan," she said, referencing her Wednesday Addams costume again.
Challan shrugged, "Well, there's a lot about me that you don't know."
"Yet. We're going to change that," Max said.
Challan broke out into a smile at her words.
"I honestly thought you would've gone as something lame like a dancer," Max admitted, as the two kept walking. At the look on Challan's face, she was quick to correct herself, "Not that dancers are lame. Dancers are cool. You're cool I just meant it would've been lame if you went as one just because you're a dancer in real life, you know?" Good job, Max, you offended her. The redhead wanted to slap herself. That was definitely not a good start to their new friendship.
"Like, if I had gone as a witch because I'm a witch," Challan joked, looking up at Max. It must have not sounded like a joke because Max looked startled by her words. "I was kidding," Challan said slowly.
Max huffed, "Yeah, I knew that. I don't believe in witches, remember?"
"So you say," Challan replied.
"It's the truth. I mean come on, no one actually believes in witches," Max denied.
"People here do," Challan said quietly. Hawkins was a fairly religious town and anyone that the residents deemed "different" was immediately labeled as a devil worshipper or something similar.
Max looked over at her, noticing her change in demeanor, and decided to change the subject. "So, I think we should scare the stalkers when we meet them," she suggested.
"Why?" The dark-haired girl asked, appreciating the change in subject.
Max shrugged, "It'll be fun."
The two walked to where Max knew the boys would be, making light conversation. They spotted the four boys walking away from a house and Max pulled Challan behind a bush. They could hear their conversation about 3 Musketeers as the boys approached.
"You stay here, and I'll jump out and scare them," Max instructed in a whisper to which Challan nodded. Once the four were close enough, Max jumped out in front of them, voice deepening as she screamed, waving her fake knife around.
The four boys jumped back and screamed. One of them had a particularly high-pitched scream, making Challan laugh quietly. Max was laughing hysterically. She took off her mask, looking over at Challan and beckoning her over as she continued laughing.
"Holy shit! You should have seen the look on your faces," Max laughed as Challan reached her. The redhead turned to Lucas, "And you? Who screams like that? You sound like a little girl."
The four looked at the two girls in confusion and Max grabbed Challan's arm, beginning to pull her down the street. When Max realized the boys weren't following, she turned back around. "Hey, you guys coming or not? Oh, I heard we should hit up Loch Nora. That's where the rich people live, right?"
Dustin and Lucas looked excited as they quickly began following the girls, Will and Mike coming after, the latter was less than pleased.
"Do I know you? You look familiar," Lucas said as he walked beside Challan.
"It's Challan," the girl spoke.
"Challan Logan?" He asked in surprise.
Challan honestly didn't understand the confusion, it's not like this costume concealed her features all that much. She still looked like herself.
Max rolled her eyes, "What're you blind? How could you not recognize her?"
"She looks different," Lucas defended, causing Max to scoff.
"Oh please, I'd recognize her face in an instant costume or no costume. That's any unforgettable face," Max said, pointing at Challan's face. Challan's cheeks warmed. Was that a compliment?
"I recognized her," Dustin spoke, smiling over at Max.
"Good for you, stalker." Max then grabbed Challan's hand and began to pull her up the driveway of a big house. "Come on guys, keep up," the redhead called over her shoulder.
"Another full-size. Like, seriously, rich people are such suckers," Dustin spoke as they walked away from another house. Challan was having a really good time. She had never really spoken to the four boys all that much but was having actual conversations with them. Well, all but Mike who seemed upset for some reason. By the glare he kept sending her and Max's way, she was sure that he didn't want them there at all.
Dustin, as if realizing something, turned to the two girls. "Wait. You're not rich, right?" He asked them. Max was new so he didn't know her well. Challan on the other hand, though not new, was still a mystery to him. He knew absolutely nothing about her except for what he's heard. But surely what he's heard couldn't all be true. Or maybe it could be. He honestly didn't know.
Max shook her head no, "No, I live up Old Cherry Road."
"Oh," Dustin muttered.
"No, it's fine. I mean, the street's good for skating," Max waved him off.
Dustin looked at Challan who shrugged, "Cedar Way Lane."
"Hmm," Dustin said, his eyes not leaving her.
"What?" She asked back.
"N-nothing, nothing. I just thought you'd live in a big old house in the woods or something," he said.
"And why would you think that?" Challan's tone was accusatory and Dustin wanted to shrink away into nothingness under her gaze.
"Y-you know. Because you're a, you know..." he trailed off, looking to Lucas for help. The boy offered his friend none.
"No, actually. I don't know. Please, enlighten me," Challan crossed her arms over her chest, an eyebrow raised. Max smirked, crossing her own arms over her chest as she watched Dustin suffer.
Dustin sputtered and let out a nervous laugh, "I-I, you know, a wi- p-person who, you know, with the hat and the broomstick..." he trailed lamely and Challan scoffed.
"Wow. You can't even say it! You believe those stupid rumors but you can't even say the word. It's witch, Dustin. And I'm not a witch," Challan said, trying, and failing, to keep the anger out of her tone. She was having such a good night, and now it was ruined.
"That-that's cool. Very cool. Good to know," Dustin stuttered, his cheeks tinted red in embarrassment as Max snickered. "Yeah, totally tubular."
Varying levels of confusion were on Challan, Lucas, and Max's faces after the words left Dustin's mouth. The dark-haired girl looked over at Max who shrugged. "What? Did I say that right? Or is it, like, tubular," Dustin repeated in a different voice, attempting to diffuse the tension he had caused.
Lucas decided to jump in and help, "It's, like," he changed his voice to imitate a surfer, "totally tubular."
"Totally tubular!"
"What a gnarly wave, dude."
"Totally brodacious, bro!"
"Stop. My ears are hurting," Max laughed as the two boys continued.
Challan started to fall behind the three, her annoyance not leaving despite Dustin and Lucas's attempts. She was tired of this and tired of having to pretend that she was okay with all of this going on. She shouldn't have to deal with this. She was only thirteen years old, the biggest things she should be dealing with are school, puberty, dance, and crushes. Not all of the horrible things that she dealt with on a daily basis. She hated this.
Max noticed her fall behind, calling out her name. Challan's eyes lifted from the road and up to the redhead who smiled over at her before waving her to come back up and join them. Challan sighed softly and picked up her pace until she was standing beside Max. The taller girl looped her arm through Challan's and jumped back into her conversation with Dustin and Lucas. Challan wasn't listening.
My poor baby Challan just wanted to have a good night on her favorite holiday. Let's hope the night can turn around for her. Please vote, comment, and support, it gives me the motivation to actually write.
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