☆ミ ☆彡
Warning: A little bit of internalized homophobia (nothing crazy though)
NIGHT HAD FALLEN NOT LONG AFTER. The five were inside the bus, waiting for Dart to take the bait they had laid out and come to the junkyard. Challan wasn't sure if this plan would work. She had a feeling that it wouldn't work at all. It was a bad plan, in her opinion. It was a dangerous plan.
Her parents were probably wondering where she was. Well, her dad was still at work but her mom should be off now. She had told her parents in the note that she left that she was hanging out with her friends. She didn't tell them how long she would be out but she did say that she might be staying over at Max's house. That was a lie but what else could she say? "I'm going monster hunting with my new friends. Don't worry, they've done this before."
She was sure that they wouldn't be okay with her just staying over at a new friend's house without talking to them first. They didn't know Max well, didn't know her parents, and didn't have her home number or even her address. When all was said and done, Challan would definitely be in a lot of trouble. Assuming she survived the night.
No negative thoughts. Challan would survive this. They all would. Yes, the plan had its flaws but things would work out. Things worked out the last time for the party. They would work out again.
They decided to take turns taking watch. Lucas was first, climbing up the ladder Max had placed in the bus and making his way up to the roof, binoculars in hand. Challan, Steve, Dustin, and Max remained inside the bus. Dustin was pacing back and forth anxiously; Steve was sitting on the ground, flicking a lighter open and closed; Max was sitting in one of the bus's seats; Challan was sitting on the floor on the opposite side of the bus.
The two girls kept sharing awkward glances every now and again. Challan hated that she was so awkward. She wasn't weirded out by the compliment or anything. She just wasn't used to getting compliments from anyone outside of her family. She didn't understand why Max was being so weird about it nor did she understand why butterflies filled her stomach at the thought of the redhead's compliment. The feeling was familiar; it was a feeling she had when she had a crush on Toby McCallan in the sixth grade. But surely this wasn't the same thing. She didn't have a crush on Max. She couldn't. That wasn't normal.
Besides, Max was her friend. Challan was probably just happy to have a friend, that's all.
Max was having a similar dilemma. She knew that what she was feeling wasn't friendly but she also knew that having feelings for a girl was wrong. So she refused to believe that that's what it was. She didn't have a crush on Challan. Challan was her friend, that's all. She just liked having Challan as a friend.
The redhead's gaze left the side of Challan's face and turned to look at Steve, who was still flicking his lighter open and closed. Her arms were crossed over her chest as she spoke. "So you really fought one of these things before?" Steve looked over at Max and nodded his head after a moment. The redhead continued, "And you're, like, totally, 100% sure it wasn't a bear?"
Dustin stopped pacing and turned to look at Max with unprecedented annoyance. "Shit. Don't be an idiot. Okay? It wasn't a bear. Why are you even here if you don't believe us? Just go home."
Max was extremely taken aback as was Challan. That was mean, it was just a question.
"Geesh. Someone's cranky. Past your bedtime?" Max snarked, crossing her arms tighter against her chest. Dustin frowned and continued moving back and forth. The bus was filled with silence, none of the teens knowing what to say. That silence was disrupted by Lucas's loud shout from the top of the bus.
"Challan, it's your turn to be on watch!"
Everyone inside the bus jumped, not prepared for his shouting. All eyes turned to the girl who looked over at Steve. Steve looked down at his watch and nodded at her, indicating that it was in fact her time to keep watch. Challan pushed herself up to a standing position and made her way over to the ladder, climbing it quickly but carefully.
She pulled herself up onto the roof and on the opposite side of the opening from Lucas. "You know, you didn't have to yell. What if your monster dogs heard you?" She stated.
Lucas rolled his eyes and held out the binoculars for her. She reached to grab them but he pulled them out of her reach. "Remember, if you see anything you let us know, okay?"
"What like I'm gonna go fight one of those things on my own? I'm not stupid," Challan scoffed and Lucas smiled.
"Good, I'm glad. We need more smart people in our party. I mean, no offense to the others but sometimes I'm not sure there's much going on up there." Lucas tapped his temple and Challan giggled. His smile widened and she took the binoculars from his hand once he held them out for her again.
"Good luck." And with that, Lucas was climbing down the ladder and back into the bus. Challan took a deep breath and put the binoculars to her eyes. She scanned every inch of the area in front of her with difficulty as a thick fog lay ahead. She lowered the binoculars from her eyes and placed them down, immediately becoming bored.
She continued to scan the area with her eyes though she couldn't see much of anything over the fog. After a minute of squinting, she looked through the binoculars again and kept them over her eyes, her head moving in every direction as she searched for a creature that looked like Dart. She only lowered the binoculars when she heard footsteps coming up the ladder.
"You've been gone for like two minutes, Lucas. I haven't gotten eaten yet or anything," Challan turned her head to the ladder, and instead of seeing the boy she was slowly becoming friends with, she saw Max. The redhead sent her an awkward smile as she pulled herself onto the roof, situating herself where Lucas once resided.
The two sat in silence for a while, looking out across the foggy junkyard. Challan looked over at Max, examining the side of her face curiously, trying to figure out what it was she should say. Max could feel her eyes on her but said nothing, just continuing to stare out at the fog.
"Sorry," Challan blurted.
This caused Max to turn to her, eyebrow raised. "What for?"
"If I was being awkward before. I'm not used to compliments," she mumbled.
Max bit her lip and looked out over the junkyard again. "No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."
"You didn't," Challan denied, shaking her head. Max turned to look at her, the two's gazes locking on one another before she nodded. They both returned their attention to the surrounding area. Challan began examining the junkyard through the binoculars again.
"It's kinda awesome," Max spoke up.
Challan hummed in question, lowering the binoculars and looking over at her again.
"The fog, I mean. Looks like the ocean," Max clarified. It did kind of look like the ocean. It was pretty, Challan realized.
"Do you miss it?" She asked the girl beside her.
"What?" Max questioned.
"The ocean. California? Your old life?" Challan elaborated.
Max looked away as she thought of a response.
"I'd probably miss it. I mean, compared to Hawkins, California seems awesome. Hawkins is pretty lame, huh?" Challan continued when Max didn't speak.
"No, no, no, it's not that. It's just..." Max trailed off and Challan turned to give her her full, undivided attention. "My dad's still there. So..." She trailed off again.
"Why?" Challan inquired.
"It's this legal term called 'divorce.' See, when two married people don't love each other anymore—"
"Yeah, got it."
"My mom and my stepdad, they wanted a fresh start away from him. As if... As if he was the problem, which is total bull. And things... are just worse now. My stepbrother's always been a dick, but now he's just angry... all the time and... Well, he can't take it out on my mom, so..." Max didn't finish her sentence and Challan put the pieces together.
"He takes it out on you?" It was a question but also not a question and Max's lack of response was answer enough. Challan couldn't help but feel extremely angry at that moment. Why would he do that? Why would he hurt his stepsister? Max didn't deserve that. Nobody deserved that. She hated him. She didn't know him but she hated him.
Challan pushed herself closer to the opening on the bus's roof. She reached over to Max and took ahold of one of her hands. Max's eyes flickered down to their now intertwined hands and just stared at them.
"Do you remember when you asked me what my biggest fear was?" Max asked.
Challan's mind went blank for a moment as she tried to remember asking Max that question. It felt like such a long time ago. Slowly, she nodded her head, remembering the awkward conversation about her own fear of thunderstorms.
"I'm afraid that I'll be like Billy," she admitted quietly. Challan's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Max opened her mouth as if she was going to say something before shaking her and closing it, only to say something else.
"I don't even know why I'm telling you this. It's just... I know that I can be a shitty friend and I know I can be a jerk like him sometimes, and I do not want to be like him. Ever. I guess I'm angry, too, and... I'm sorry for how I was acting earlier." Challan didn't say anything as Max looked back up at her. They stared at each other briefly before Max was wiping a stray tear from her eyes. "Jesus! What's wrong with me?"
"Nothing," Challan was quick to respond. "Nothing is wrong with you, Max. And you have nothing to be sorry for." The look in Max's eyes told her that she didn't believe what Challan was saying. The shorter girl moved closer, squeezing Max's hand. "Look, I don't know your brother all that well but I know people like him. And I know that you're nothing like that, okay? You're nothing like Billy. You're kind, funny, smart, and just so genuine. You were the first person who ever tried to be my friend—"
"And even then I managed to mess that up. I suck," Max interjected.
"You don't suck," Challan frowned, "I mean, yeah it sucked at first but, I told you how I was hurt and you made it your mission to make things right, even though Abigail lied and you technically didn't do anything wrong. I don't think a sucky person would do that. A terrible person like your stepbrother wouldn't do that," Challan stated.
Max sat quietly, letting her words resonate.
"You're like, the best person I've ever met. And that might not mean much to you, I don't know a lot of people and all, but it means so much to me. You mean so much to me. My friend Max Mayfield is not like Billy Hargrove and I don't ever want to hear you say that you are because he's an awful person, no offense. And you're... incredible," Challan went on.
A smile began to spread across Max's face, her eyes squinting at how big it was.
"And if you ever need to talk, about anything, I'm here. I'm probably not the best at giving advice because I don't have a lot of experience with much but, I'm a pretty good listener. And I'll always be here for you," Challan finished.
Max nodded her head, her smile softening a little. "Thanks, Challan. You're a good friend."
A part of her wanted to take those words back as soon as they left her mouth. Friend. Could she even still say that? She wasn't sure she thought of Challan as just a friend. Not anymore. That very thought terrified her. She couldn't like Challan as more than just a friend. She just couldn't. It wasn't right. It didn't feel wrong but people around her would tell her that it was so it must be. Right?
But Challan just smiled, looking down. "No one's ever said that to me before." It was silent for a moment before Challan groaned, "That's so pathetic. I'm such a loser." She hid her face in her free hand and sighed.
"No, you're not," Max quickly objected. "You're not a loser. You're... you're amazing. You're funny, and like a genius, and you make living in this stupid town worth it. And all the people here who never took the time to get to know you are the losers. And it's their loss. They don't deserve you. I'm lucky to know you."
A smile replaced the frown on Challan's face, making Max smile too.
"You always know how to make me feel better, Max Mayfield," Challan said.
"It's a gift, Challan Logan," Max responded.
As the two stared at each other, Challan felt an unfamiliar swell of emotions in her chest along with the familiar sensation of butterflies in her stomach. There was a fleeting thought in her mind that told her that this would be the moment to kiss the redhead. She quickly pushed the thought from her mind but it sprung up again, even louder.
She had never felt this way before about anyone. Sure she's had crushes but those would never be reciprocated because no one in that town would ever give her the time of day. Until Max. Not that Max would ever reciprocate her feelings. This whole thing was stupid. She didn't like Max and Max didn't like her. It would never happen.
Besides, Challan wasn't sure if what she was feeling was because Max was the only person who was nice to her. She didn't know if what she was feeling was friendly or because she actually liked Max in that way. She just didn't know. She had no experience with these types of emotions and still couldn't discern them all. She needed to figure it out. She needed to understand what it was she was feeling. But she didn't know how. She didn't know who to talk to. She couldn't talk to Max for obvious reasons. She couldn't talk to Lucas or Dustin because their friendship was still fresh and she didn't know how the boys would react. It also didn't help that they seemed to have crushes on Max. Maybe she could speak to her parents but even then, she wasn't sure that they would be supportive. She just didn't know what to do.
"You okay?" Max asked, sensing that something was off.
Challan didn't get a chance to respond as the two were interrupted by loud growling. The girls jumped and their eyebrows furrowing simultaneously before Challan let go of Max's hand and lifted the binoculars to her eyes. She looked around in every direction, not seeing anything.
"Do you see it?" Max breathed.
"No," Challan whispered.
"Challan, what's going on?" Dustin called from inside the bus.
"Hold on!" Challan called back.
She was on her knees now, binoculars moving every which way before she finally spotted it. She couldn't see the creature well as it hid behind the fog but she was sure it was what they were looking for. And it definitely wasn't a regular animal.
"What the fuck is that?" Challan mumbled.
"Did you just curse?" Max asked as she took the binoculars from Challan's hands, holding them to her eyes as she looked in the direction she had. It was supposed to make the tense situation lighthearted but Challan couldn't even focus on what was said.
"Ten o'clock. Ten o'clock!" She called down to the others. She wasn't even sure if that was the right direction. But then she heard Steve say "there" and she figured she must have been close enough.
"Are we sure that's not a dog?" Max asked, removing the binoculars and looking at Challan.
"Does that look like a dog to you?" Challan retorted, taking the binoculars back and looking at the creature again through them.
"Kinda," Max replied. Challan looked at her incredulously and Max shrugged. "I don't know!"
The next thing Challan knew, the door of the bus was opening and Steve was walking out. In his hands was a baseball bat that had nails sticking out of it. He swung the bat around before holding it up in a defensive position.
"What is he doing?" Challan hissed. He was going to get himself killed. Max could only watch for a moment before turning to Challan.
"We should go back down," she suggested.
"You go. I have to watch Steve's back so that he doesn't get killed," Challan replied, her eyes glued on Steve's form through the binoculars.
The shorter girl looked over at Max, "I'll be fine up here. You go back down with the others."
"No, I'll stay with you," Max proposed and Challan shook her head.
"Just go, it's okay," Challan nodded reassuringly. Max hesitated, eyes holding worry before slowly nodding her head.
"Scream if you're in trouble," she said.
"Aye aye, captain," Challan saluted. Max began to make her way back down the stairs. Challan watched as Steve walked closer to the creature. After a moment, Lucas was making his way back up the ladder and onto the roof of the bus.
"Binoculars," he stated, holding out his hand. Challan placed the binoculars in his hand and he began peering through them. It was eerily silent. The only sounds that could be heard were Challan and Lucas's labored pants.
Suddenly, low chittering could be heard and Challan felt goosebumps erupt throughout her body. Another creature that looked like Dart appeared behind Steve and Challan gasped. Lucas also noticed it and the two shouted a warning to the unsuspecting Steve. "Steve, watch out!"
"A little busy here!" Steve yelled back at them.
"Three o'clock! Three o'clock!" Lucas warned.
Steve turned his head to see another one of the creatures. Dustin ran to the bus's door, opening it quickly. "Steve! Steve! Abort! Abort!" He yelled.
The creatures growled before charging at Steve. "Run!" Challan yelled. Lucas pulled her arm and the two rushed down the ladder and back into the bus before running to the open door.
Steve dodged out of the way of one of the creatures as it pounced, rolling over a car before landing on his feet. As the second jumped to attack him, he smacked it away with his baseball bat before sprinting towards the bus.
"Steve, run!"
"Steve, hurry!"
The shouts from the kids were frantic as they urged him back onto the bus. As soon as he leapt through the open door, Dustin slammed the door shut and one of the creatures slammed into it. Challan was panting as she pressed herself into one of the bus's walls, squeezing her eyes closed in fear. She was quick to open them though, too afraid of what might happen if she wasn't looking.
"Are they rabid or something?" Max yelled.
"They can't get in! They can't!" Lucas screamed as Steve kept the door closed by pushing a piece of scrap metal up against it with his feet. A strong shove from the other side of the door made his feet slip and the piece of metal fell. They all screamed as an arm burst through.
Dustin turned to Challan, his breaths coming out in pants as he shouted, "You being an actual witch would be really helpful right now!"
Challan's wide eyes turned to the boy in shock, her fear halting for just a moment, "I just can't win with you people!"
The four younger teens ran to the opposite end of the bus as Steve used his bat to hit the creature that had managed to get through.
Challan slid to the ground, her hands covering her ears as she closed her eyes again and attempted to block everything out. It was no use though as she could still hear the growls and shouts of fear but that only made her press her hands into her ears even harder.
"Is anyone there? Mike? Will? God! Anyone!" Dustin yelled into his walkie-talkie.
Claws sunk into the metal slab by their heads causing more screams. Challan, whose eyes were still closed, remained on the ground next to it and another set of claws ripped through the metal, latching onto her scrunchie. Lucas grabbed her arms and yanked her away, her hair being pulled by the creature as it latched on. Her eyes flew open as he pulled her again, her scrunchie ripping in half as the creature refused to let go. Lucas pulled her in the direction of Max and Dustin.
"We're at the old junkyard, and we are going to die!" Dustin continued into his radio.
Pounding footsteps on the roof made a terrified Challan look up. The steps left dents in the metal roof of the bus and Challan's breathing picked up. This is just a dream. Yeah. This wasn't happening, she was just sleeping. She would wake up soon. Just wake up!
Max, who was standing right underneath the opening of the roof, looked up. One of the creatures peered down at her and growled. Max let out a terrified scream and without thinking, Challan lunged for her, wrapping her arms around her from behind and yanking her backward as Steve yelled, "Out of the way! Out of the way!" He squared up with the monster, "You want some? Come get this!" The monster screeched in his face before its attention was drawn away. It growled loudly into the night and ran off.
Challan couldn't breathe, not even with the monsters retreating. Her forehead rested on the back of Max's shoulder as she struggled to catch her breath, her arms tightening around the taller girl for a moment. Max's hands were gripping tightly onto Challan's arms as everyone tried to get their bearings. Challan was frozen in fear, her eyes tightly shut with no intentions of ever opening again. She felt like crying, her eyes welling with tears at the terror she was facing. This was real, it was all real.
She didn't even register what the others were saying around her. Didn't realize that her grip around Max had loosened and that her arms were back at her side. Didn't realize that she had slumped onto the ground, her knees up at her chest as she curled herself up and tightly wrapped her arms around her legs. She couldn't hear Lucas's words, or Max's or Dustin's, or Steve's. She couldn't see Max crouched in front of her, an immense amount of worry in her eyes as she called the shorter girl's name over and over. Everything was moving around her and her brain and body just weren't catching up to it.
This wasn't a dream.
Poor Challan is already regretting her decision to accept the risk.
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