Chapter Twenty
It was only warm whenever they're near the fire, it was always cold everywhere, further and further into the north, they were just beyond the Wall. Not one person has been sighted, not even a living thing, or anything that moves. Just the wind, and the snow. They sleep with empty stomachs, Lyanna had recently dreamt of Visenya, she was the wolf, hunting for some food and it did quite seemed there was nothing around.
Lyanna was sitting next to Bran, Jojen and Meera sat next to each other, they all gathered around the fire they made and Hodor was Hodoring as usual. They all thought there was nothing around... until now, Lyanna heard it, she heard a crying, a wail... she thought it was some kind of animal squealing, but it became clear that it sounded like a baby crying. The others finally heard it too, Lyanna got on her feet, so did Meera and Jojen.
"Do you hear that?" Bran questioned, Summer and Visenya moved to Bran.
Lyanna moved to Meera as they glanced the dark woods, Meera was thinking the same thing as Lyanna did. "Is that the baby?" Meera questioned. The cry became loud, it sounded like it was coming.
"It's what I think" Lyanna said and she and Meera exchanged looks.
"It's coming" Jojen said.
Bran insisted to investigate, "I'm going out there"
"No," Lyanna retorted, "We need to stick together"
"I'm going" Bran said, he didn't need to listen to Lyanna anymore, but she let him go anyways only because he was going to warg into Summer's mind. Bran closed his eyes, when his eyes opened, they were white as snow and Bran was now inside Summer.
"Visenya, stay" Lyanna ordered.
They watched Summer running into darkness as the baby crying continued. Lyanna wished it wasn't a baby they're hearing, but she couldn't help but to believe that it is a baby. Lyanna wanted to go and see and help the baby. She had to wait for Bran first to see if it's safe to go.
Bran yelled out, he jumped, he panted, "Hodor," Hodor said, "Hodor"
Lyanna quickly went to him and asked "Bran, what happened?"
"It's Summer, he's hurt!" Bran said worriedly, "someone trapped him"
"Who?" Meera asked, she calmed Bran down.
"I didn't see," Bran replied, "but I saw Jon's wolf, Ghost"
He looked up at Lyanna, she felt an urge of wanting to investigate herself, Bran saw Ghost.
"Lyanna, they have Ghost" Bran said looking disbelieved.
She looked at the direction where Summer went, Ghost was locked up out there, Lyanna wanted to go, free Ghost, and Summer. Lyanna walked around the fire, she stopped and stared at the direction where Summer went. Before she could pick up her sword and Bran's bow and arrows. Jojen immediately got up and grabbed her arm.
"I know what you're thinking" he said, "Don''s too dangerous,"
"Ghost is locked up," She said, "Summer is trapped"
"You might get caught as well by the traps" He told her, "it's too dark, wait until dawn and Meera will help you"
Lyanna hated to admit that the green boy was right, he was always right, Bran also begged her to wait, and so, she did. Once dawn arrived, they all left together to investigate, Lyanna lead the way while Meera was behind the group and Visenya whimpered as if she knew about Summer and Ghost. Bran can't warg into Visenya's mind because she was Lyanna's. Jojen said so. Instead of finding Summer and Ghost, there were people nearby, they heard clinging and chattering. They found a place, like a house, it was filled with men and women. Women were looking all dirty, they seemed to be working like slaves.
"The Night's Watch?" Bran guessed, "look" if they're from the Night's Watch, maybe they will know Jon Snow, Lyanna's half-brother.
They watched, Lyanna had to make sure it was safe to go there. "If Jon is there--" Meera began, "why is his wolf in the cage?"
They could see a big bald man coming out the house, dressed in Night's Watch black clothing, approaching towards one of the women and began to sexually harassing her. Lyanna immediately felt her skin crawl, and horrified. Even Meera's reaction was the same as Lyanna's.
"Night's Watch, or not" Lyanna murmured, "Jon is not there"
"She's right" Meera said, "These men of the Night's Watch are not anymore. We're not safe here, we need to go"
"No" Bran blurted.
"Bran...We need to go now" Lyanna demanded.
"We're not leaving without Summer" Bran said.
Lyanna sighed, she forgot about Summer who was trapped somewhere out there, she was thinking Visenya could be out there looking for her brothers. Lyanna nudged Meera to come, she nodded, "Can you remember where the cage was?" Meera asked Bran.
"East side of the Keep" he answered.
Lyanna got up, Meera followed, "If we're not back soon--" Lyanna looked back over her shoulder at Bran and Jojen, she looked where she was going, "--meet us at--" A black figure swung at her from behind the tree, something metal struck her and then there was blackness...
Next thing she knew, she was being carried on someone's shoulder, then they put her on the hard floor without being careful. Lyanna felt being shaken, it was Bran who shook her. Lyanna slowly sat up, she felt a small pain on her head where they struck her.
"You okay?" Bran asked. Meera was kneeling beside her and Jojen beside Meera. Jojen was looking feverish than ever.
She nodded weakly as she held her head. She felt her cloak being pulled from behind, and they forced her to get on her knees.
"Help him up" A man Lyanna couldn't recognized, but she knew this man dressed in black was the leader of the Keep, and he looked like he was in the Night's Watch. One man helped Bran to sit up, he leaned back against the pillar. The leader got up from his seat, approaching towards the prisoners, he crouched down in front of Bran to look at him. The leader examined Bran's collar under his cloak, "This is nice..." the leader said in taunting tone, "fine leather... you're not a Wildling" He said to Bran, "Highborn... who are you?"
Bran meet Lyanna's eyes over the leader's shoulder, she slowly and weakly shook her head telling him not to tell. Bran did not replied, he didn't say anything, but eyed at the leader. The leader stood up slowly, and then slapped Bran so hard that his lip bled. Lyanna couldn't help but to gasp and fiery rage had taken over her. "Stop!" She growled.
The leader paid attention to Lyanna now, he looked more interested in her, "Look what we have here, three of you--" he looked down at her, then to Meera and Jojen, "--fancy looking folks, North of the wall, creeping through the woods..." he leaned close to Jojen, "isn't that a bit odd?"
He then moved to Meera, touching her hair.
"I like your curly hair... beautiful brown curls..." he leaned closer to Meera face, she did not flinched but she eyed at the fire. The man turned to Lyanna, "But you... you're prettier" He touched Lyanna's cheeks, he examined her like he examined Bran, the leather she wore, "'re also a highborn, aren't you? The lady......" he crouched down in front of her, he slightly grabbed her cheek, forcing her to look right at him, ", why would you drag a crippled boy all the up here?" She dared not to say anything to him.
He aggressively let go of her cheeks. He walked behind them, Lyanna dared not to look back, she kept her eyes on the fire.
"I see you never played this game before" the leader said, "Highborn hostages..."
Lyanna knew he meant Bran and Lyanna.
"That's valuable... but the three of them--"
Did he meant Meera, Jojen and Hodor? Where is Hodor? Lyanna wanted to ask Bran.
"That's a lot of mouse to feed"
That's when Jojen collapsed to the floor, and he began to shake violently. Meera said that was how Jojen was when he has visions. "What the fuck is wrong with him?!" another man questioned. Meera and Lyanna attempted to comfort Jojen, but Lyanna's hair was grabbed and got shoved back to Bran and the leader grabbed Meera. He had a knife on her neck and Lyanna didn't know what to do anymore.
"Please, Please!" Meera cried out, "Let me help!" she wanted to comfort her brother. Lyanna was scared for Jojen as she watched helplessly at the green boy.
"Please, let us help him!" Lyanna begged.
"Who are you?" the leader asked with his knife on her neck. Bran shook Lyanna desperately. "Who are you?!"
Foam came out of Jojen's mouth, still seizing,"I'm Brandon Stark!" Bran blurted, Lyanna nudged his arm to stop, but it was too late, "I'm Brandon Stark of Winterfell"
He left Lyanna out of it. Another man came closer to Bran and Lyanna, "It's Jon Snow's brother" he said to the leader.
The leader again, examined Lyanna, he looked at both her and Bran, that's when they found her mother's necklace. A wolf sigil and motto Winter is Coming. "Well..." the leader gave her a twisted smile and laugh as he looked at the necklace, "my lady... you look like nearly a woman... I now know who you are... Lyanna Stark, is it? The King in the North's twin..." the leader gets up again. "I thought this was going to be another boring day"
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