Layla's POV
I yell at the black haired boy sitting in front of me,He turned his head to face me
Blake:you don't have to yell loser im right here!
He stated,i playfully rolled my eye's and jumped on top of him
I yelled over and over...and over again
Layla's mom:LAYLA MAY MILLER!!
blake started laughing his ass off,I flipped him off
Y/n:Can we get food though?!
I asked
Blake:sure let's go loser
I giggled and put on my shoes
I smirked before jumping on blake's back
Blake:fuck you dumbass
Layla:ok but like food is the best like i could literally marry it
I stated
He laughed
Blake:i wuv you
Layla:aww i wuv you.....not more than food of cource
He pouted,i laughed
Blake:dumbass,stupid ass,umpa lumpa looking ass,fat ass,rat bitch looking ass,uhhh i can't think of anything else
I put my hand chest and looked away as if i was hurt by what he just said
He chuckled
I scream as soon as i saw it,When the car stopped i idmedetly ran out of the car all the way inside
I smiled at the ship comments..
Blake:what you looking at?!
He asked,I looked up at him and put my phone away
Layla:nothing..anyways wanna go to the spot tommorow is the first day of school so..
Blake:yeah sure,Thank you
He turned to the lady that worked at Chick-fil-A
Blake:let's go now!!
He grabbed my hand and basically dragged me into the car
Layla:My hand hurts blakeyyy
I whined dragging the "Y"
Blake:im sowyy
He says in a low voice and pouted
He's cute
Layla:Uhh let's just go now...
He looked at me confused and slowly nodded
Blake:Did i do something?
He asked,I looked over at him and shaked my head no
Blake:You've been quiet this whole ride so far
He pointed out,I shrugged and continued looking out the window
Ugh he really said that
LayMay, Layla.May. and well miller i guess.. was my nickname he gave me that i HATED but with a passion,When ever he says it i feel butterfly's in my stomach,Besides that i fucking hated whenever he said that,Whenever HE said that he made it sound like he was so innocent...ugh why me
Blake:LayMay?You alright,What did i do...
He says in a sweet innocent voice
He's so cute
Layla:nothing blake
Blake:blake....what did i do now!
He asked in a worried tone
He know's when i call him Blake i was etheir mad or sad
But i wasn't etheir of those to be honest i don't even know why i was mad at him...Why am acting like this
Blake:LayMay pwease
He begged,I looked back at him
He makes me feel different around him
Layla:im going home
I say as i get out of the car followed by a blake from behind
Blake:What did i do now!?
i rolled my eyes and started walking
We were close to my house so i could just walk from here
Layla:nothing im going home...
Why am i even mad
A/n:yOu'Re iN lOvE bItCh
20 minute's later
After walking for about twenty minuets i finally got home and went straight upstairs,I grabbed my towel and went into the shower...
After a while of just thinking in the shower,I got out and put on some short-short's and a hoddie blake probley left here,I sighed and thought about why blake made me feel the way i feel about him when he was with me and gave me those cute little faces and how his lips looked,Lowkey felt like kissing but im a pussy and didn't
fuck i fell for him didn't i?
A/n:SHE FELL FOR HIM ALERT SHE FELL FOE HIM BHDHDUHDHD anyway stay safe you dino nugget
👁👄👁 peace
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