Two weeks later
Charli:Were here!!
she squealed as she got out of the car
K0ver one of charli's friend asked her to come by the "hype house" to film a video for alex's channel aka K0ver's boyfriend,And well of course charli said yes and brought me and dixie along as well
Dixie and charli chuckled
Charli:yeah i know now let's go!
She says as she grabs my hand and basically pull's me inside
K0ver:My baby's!!!
She gave charli and dixie a hug before turning to me
K0ver:You must be layla?!
I smiled and nodded
K0ver:well nice to meet you
Layla:nice to meet you too!
I've been here for about an hour now,I've also met the other's they all seem pretty chill and cool people
We were currently chilling while alex,thomas,mia,and K0ver came back from the store
Ryland:So layla,You single?
The boy's chuckled
Charli:Yes she is now go away simp
Ryland raised his eyebrow
Ryland:Who's the lucky guy?
charli looked over at me,i shrugged
Me and blake haven't announced it to our fan's yet or anybody except dixie,charli,and the sway boy's since charli told them but other than that nobody knows and we aren't planning on telling anyone soon
Layla:Somebody who isn't you
charli and dixie chuckled
Nick:And that lucky guy is me
Nick says putting his arm around me
Layla:No with a heart
I say taking his arm off
He says with a pout
???:Guess who here!!
A voice calls out
everyone turns to where the voice was coming from
A girl with light blue eye's and blonde hair came out,She was stunning nobody could compete with her,especially me right beside her was a girl with dark-ish brown hair and purple highlights she was also stunning...once they saw me the blonde one gave me a "friendly smile"
It was more like a "bitchy" smile like if she didn't like me but was trying to act nice around everybody you know...probably
Charli:Oh this is layla,Layla this is amelie and avani
She points to the blonde haired girl when she says amelie and points to the brown haired girl when she says avani
Amelie:Oh uh hi...
She said not even looking at me
Avani just looked at me and smiled but then looked away when amelie looked at her
Avani:hey im avani nice to meet you,I couldn't introduce myself earlier sorry
She smiled at me and said
Layla:Oh hey nice to meet you too
We ended up talking for about thirty minutes before amelie came over to us
Amelie:what are you doing here
She says to avani,Who was looking down
She grabbed avani's hand and left with her inside
Nick:Don't worry that's how she is..
he mumbles taking another sip from his white claw
nick looked over at me
Nick:She doesn't like when people just come into the house and take all the attention from her but she'll come around that's what happened when mia joined it her a while to get used to her
he explained,I nodded
Layla:What about avani?
I asked,He shrugged
Nick:Avani is her bestfriend im pretty sure she thought that you were going to "steal" her away from her
He mumbled
I just nodded
Charli:Ok so you're birthday is coming up!!
She says
Layla:I don't want a huge party this year
I exclaimed
Mia:Oh c'mon i wanted to plan it
Nikita:Same girl let me plan it!!
Larray:Yes with a heart bitch you better let us plan it
They all say
I finally gave in thats when it all goes downhill
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