i yell
Noah:That's me,What do you want now?!
i gave him puppy eyes
Layla:Can you pwetty pwease take me back home like right now PWEASE!!!!
i say trying to look the cuttest that i could ever be-Yeah no
Noah:Ugh c'mon dummy!
he says grabing his keys
He mumbled
Guy:Hey noah and layla
Noah and i just smiled
Guy:So layla the fans wanna know are you and blake dating?
Layla:No were bestfriend's
I smiled
Hollywood fix guy:oh cool,people are starting to ship you and jaden what do you think?
He asked
Bitch since when!
Layla:Oh uh i don't know
I mumbled
Noah:I ship it
He says,I looked over at him he shrugged
Does he know?!
Noah:I know about what you did layla!
He whispered yelled
I turned back to look at himnos
Layla:Can we talk about this later!
I yell,He rolled his eyes but nodded
Guy from hollywood fix:i ship it too not gonna lie! He agreed with noah
Thanks a lot noah!!
TiktokRoom:Layla and jaden were together last night...Noah beck was also asked if he shipped,and he said yes #jayla #baewatch
NoahBeck:It was a joke bitches-
CharliDamilio:No ✨BLAYLA✨and ✨BLAYLA✨ only
Layla_Fann:Notice how the light's were on red...
BlaylaShip:I-Hunny no❤
ShipJayla:I've shipped for wayy to long
JoshRichirds:I dont think so-
KioCyrr:Ha ha ha no❤#Blayla
RandomFan:Notice blake's comment...
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Thanks so fucking much noah!!
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