Ahyun swept her long raven hair behind her shoulders as she gazed out the window of her interior design studio. The city skyline glimmered in the early morning sun, promising a day of possibilities. But Ahyun's mind was already drifting a week ahead, to the day she would become Mrs. Kim Ahyun.
It was kind of rushed; the venue, the dresses, food, everything! But it was worth it.
As an up-and-coming interior designer, Ahyun poured her heart and soul into her work. Her was gaining quite a buzz these days. But even with her growing success, Ahyun knew that love alone wouldn't put food on the table or pay the rent. So, she tried to focus on the project at hand.
Her assistant Jenna tapped on the door, drawing Ahyun back to the present. "Good morning! I brought you a coffee, extra sweet just how you like it."
Ahyun smiled, accepting the steaming mug. "My saviour! Set up the fabrics and swatches for the Henderson project. I want to knock their socks off with this one."
As the day flew by in a whirlwind of meetings and design decisions, Ahyun found her thoughts constantly slipping back to Seojin and their impending wedding. But when her phone buzzed with a text, her heart skipped a beat.
"I can't wait to call you my wife. Seven days and counting! Love you."
Ahyun's smile shone brighter than the summer sun. Maybe love wouldn't pay the bills, but it certainly made all the long hours worthwhile. She couldn't wait to see what the future held for them.
With renewed energy, Ahyun turned her attention back to her work. After all, she wanted to give him and their future together the best possible start. And for Ahyun, that started with building her business.
One more week until happily ever after.
She turned away from the window she had been staring out of and lifted the bridge of her nose even higher with her delicate silver eyeglasses.
Another knock on the door seemed to ask for her.
"Come in," she said taking her left hand out of her denim pocket.
"Hello, Ahyun."
The arrival of the stranger brought forth a voice that resonated sourly, leaving an indelible mark on her psyche. Her gaze instinctively fixated on the profound monotony of this newcomer, triggering a cascade of harrowing thoughts. Consumed by distress, she clenched her teeth and subtly curved her smile, purposely veiling the fear that had gripped her.
She counted. One. She could hear the steps coming closer. Two. Puffs of breath could be seen coming from his mouth. Three. He stopped right beside her. Four. She pulled the trigger of her rambling thoughts.
"What the heck are you doing in here?"
"Feisty, I see," the deplorable visitor had a sickly aura making Ahyun's insides churn.
"Cut the shit and tell me why are you here, Norton? As far as I remember, we have no unfinished business between us. None at all."
He merely smirked at the rattled comment, pretty sure how his next move could make her beg right at his feet, but that wasn't for this very moment. It could wait for a better opportunity. Yes, he had to be patient.
"Your mouth didn't take you far now, right princess? Remember the old time we spent at-"
"Shut up!"
Ahyun couldn't help but tremble at the sound of her own voice, haunted by memories of the raw and painful experiences from the past. However, she did what was necessary for the sake of her career, didn't she? There was nothing inherently wrong with it. Besides, she had successfully suppressed those haunting moments, ensuring they wouldn't disrupt her present life.
"Oh, I would love to, Ahyun. I would love to shut up, but I have got you one proposal," Norton grinned at his own vocables." "Spend a night with me, or a day. Anything."
She felt the weight of his voice again, like those hits in boxing, each hit making her feet tremble in fear and disgust. The preliminary disgust dribbled down her spine, suffocating her core.
"Get out, Norton, right now." Her hands grabbed at his elbow, tugging him all the way to the door, her body and mind ready to push that man out of her sight and her office.
Instead, she felt a pull at her own before being pushed on to the door, her back colliding with it in a harsh catch.
"This place is mine now, Ahyun. So, you are the one to leave."
He pushed his body into a closer proximity, trying to peel away her scent, his nose bugging at the alcove of her neck. Her eyes widened in stupefaction, horror, guilt, pain; a commotion of every tainted emotion.
"You are joking. What kind of sick joke is this? I-I bought t-this place from-"
"My wife, I know. I know what you did and how. So, the choice is still yours. What say?"
She wondered what kind of a sick joke human kind stemmed from. Looking around her, she felt lost. How many times had she seen someone be this cruel to someone else when it was actually easier to be nice? How many times had she been pushed down, only to be told 'It will make her stronger'?
She looked up to face him, her eyes locked into his, brimming with tears. "How do I know this is the last time?"
"I will give you all the papers right now. Never cross your path again." The fact that her plea was rewarded with this emotional outpouring from Norton only further highlighted the unreasonable nature of his tale.
"How do I believe you?" And he insisted again that he would hand over the papers to her only if she would trust him this last time.
"It is your call, Ahyun. You are at stake, not me."
The Scent of Betrayal
Ahyun gazed out the window, her eyes locked upon the tempestuous sky. Remorse, it thundered through the scorched heavens in a mass of black tempest puffs, like the pale horse of the plague unfettered. The rain dropped in massive torrents, relentlessly pummelling the soil in an apparent never-ending storm. Perhaps the gods sought to purify this earthly realm, hoping to rid it of its foul stink, the lingering odour of anguish.
She knew Jin was due home tonight. Her husband to be. Yet, a stranger's touch lingered upon her skin, marking her with each shade of agonizing pain - the gripping blue of bruised skin, the envious green of jealousy, and the colour tainted with unfaithfulness that clung to her like a bad omen.
Ahyun allowed him to paint her with every sinful hue-his calloused fingers leaving trails of their deceitful encounter. A disgraceful stain she would bear once again. Her integrity tarnished by the mere thought of a fleeting night spent with someone beside her dear Jin. The scent of another man would cling to her, and she knew Jin would detect it too, confirmation of her betrayal.
Yet perhaps it was necessary for her to go through this charade one more time. To feel the full weight of guilt and shame. The rain continued its relentless assault, and she let it wash over her. The tears flowed freely now, mingling with the raindrops upon her skin.
Ahyun willingly surrendered herself to him, shutting her eyes as he guided her deeper into the unknown. Into the storm. She was ready to face the consequences, whatever they may be. Whatever she deserved. The thunder rumbled ominously overhead.
The fumes had caught up right at the old fireplace in the Kim house. After the significant snowfall yesterday, the woods were still damp in the blog. Snow had fallen all day today, covering the streets. And it snowed joyfully.
"I do not really understand why you invited me, Seojin?"
Tobias didn't really expect this sudden invitation for the preparations of the former's wedding.
Standing on his toes, Seojin was busy fixing the fairy lights on the wooden book racks. He quietly stepped down, taking the next wire from Tobias's hands, "I am getting married in seven days, Tobi, if I can call you that," his eyes hesitant, "And, I never really made any friends except you and Sejinni. You both are my only friends."
He chose his words with care.
The timid glances stolen post the little confession had somehow lightened the mood. Tobias smiled some more. He was a man with a big appetite for love, and Seojin had a lot in tow.
"A little to the left, a little more," he gestured, staring at the decorations hanging on the wall, and Jin ceremoniously made the adjustments.
It took the duo a few more minutes before he quickly settled up on the floor, looking around the house.
"It looks lovely, Seojin," Tobias said, widening his grin.
"Will Ahyun like it?"
Tobias stared at the man, selfless much or perhaps selfish in a weird way, but he was focused on what his fiancé would like or not.
"Obviously she will, Jin."
"Absolutely, she will love it!"
The shining doe eyes of the man left Tobias speechless. He just had this human detecting aura in him. The ones who passed through the invisible gallantry were awarded with his friendship. Others, though, would face the coldest stature.
"I want to make her the happiest, Tobias," Seojin finally said. "Her and Sejinnie. I want to be happy with the family we are left with and the family we are making."
Tobias nodded, understanding the weight of Jin's words. He had watched Seojin and Sejin's journey closely, witnessing everything they had endured.
"It was so hard. I saw Sejin go through so much before Appa died. He did things to break him down, to shatter his morals, but my brother kept quiet. He let things happen until one day, our father died."
The memories flooded back; the pain rekindled within Jin's chest. He had always been the older brother, the protector, but he couldn't shield Sejin from the torment inflicted by their father. And even after their father's passing, the scars remained.
"It was so hard for me. I was too young to fight all that, to fight my father."
He confessed, tears streaming down his face by now. "I knew Sejin would finally be free of all the harm, but then his death left me too broken to be the pillar of strength he needed."
Tobias placed an understanding hand on Seojin's shoulder, offering comfort in the only way he knew how.
"You don't have to carry it all, Seojin. You've always been there for Sejin. It's time to let others support you in return. You deserve to be happy too."
Seojin looked at Tobias through teary eyes, "Ahyun was the only person for whom I punched Sejin, so I was pretty sure she was the one. I want to keep her the happiest alongside my brother."
The prolonged silence, post the innate conversation had left Tobias wondering, did he by chance misjudge this Kim. Ahyun had cheated on the man, and it wasn't hidden. They were in the same high school, same subjects. He knew the deal of Sejin and Ahyun pushing the boy to spell his guts out, but the office Ahyun had bought recently, it garnered enough unnecessary attention with theories of her cheating on her boyfriend with the owner doing roundabouts.
Something inside Tobias had instated this heavy ordeal, itching him until he spoke up, "But she cheated on you, Seojin, why?"
"Families can hurt you Tobias, it is fine. It really is fine."
Yeah, Sejin is a bit sick in the head. :)
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