"SO IS PETER OUR BROTHER, OR YOUR BOYFRIEND? CAUSE IT'S KINDA ICKY IF YOU TWO ARE DATING AND HE'S OUR BROTHER." Morgan poetically wondered, Ramiro, sighed. If sibling night wasn't enough (Pepper had an urgent meeting, or a girls' night, Ramiro couldn't blame her either way), they also had to invite Peter Benjamin Parker.
This meant that Ramiro could forget about joining Max and Hazel in the horror movie bingeathon, which also featured inordinate amounts of popcorn, and trying to convince Giselle, Robin, and Noah to watch.
"Peter...isn't our...brother," Ramiro said calmly, dropping the welding mask over his eyes, Morgan sighed dramatically, looking up from her Five Minutes Crafts and pushing hers down as well, Peter imitating them quickly.
"But dad said he was."
"It wasn't in the will," The oldest Stark explained patiently, calmly welding two pieces of iron together. According to Hill, the Getaway Car (which Robin made them call it, pointing an arrow at Giselle's head, threatening her life unless everyone went with it) had a few 'improvements' to be made, and various weapons to be installed. "So he's not." Ramiro finished, pushing the mask off his face.
"Good," Morgan said, clearly relieved, looking up from her crafts. "Cause it would have been awkward."
Peter sighed, not liking Morgan's take on it. "Mr. Sta- I mean...Tony was...um... my role model."
Both of the Stark siblings exchanged a look. There was more to that. But Peter was ready to change the subject to movies, which was great since Morgan had a lot of criticism over Star Wars.
It was almost a relief when Hill came in, interrupting Morgan's passionate rant about Anakin and Padmee's age gap. The woman raised an eyebrow. "Did I interrupt something?"
"Yes-" Morgan started, but Peter -being the kindhearted person he was- distracted her by pointing at the screen and gasping, Morgan gasped as well and burst into giggles. Ramiro was too thankful that Morgan hadn't been pulverized by Maria Hill.
Hill's eyebrow seemed to be disappearing. "Oh really?"
Ramiro cut in before his little sister spoke. "No, just..." He waved his hand at Morgan and Peter, Peter having a sheepish look on his face, and Morgan staring at her screen, enraptured. "Had to entertain my younger sister..."
"In the kitchen?"
"Yes." Ramiro briefly wondered if Hill was here to get herself a snack, which would have been a bit embarrassing, but it would prove she was human. "Hazel and Max were having a movie marathon in the living room, Robin and Noah were training, Earl was in the library, Giselle was...wait, I've got no idea..."
Hill huffed. Turning and heading away, cursing the Stark family.
"I think she wanted a snack." Morgan decided a smug smile on her face. "Peter, I want my money, she's human."
Peter sighed, pulling out a dollar and sliding it to Morgan. "I only said she might be a weird green thingy... not that she's not human. And if you're gonna keep winning all these bets, you're gonna be a billionaire by age thirteen."
"Twelve," Morgan argued. Ramiro and Peter both snorted.
"Someone got high hopes don't they-" Ramiro started to say, but he was quickly interrupted. "There you are." He told Giselle as she approached the kitchen, "I think Hill was looking-"
"For Earl." She finished, opening her eyes, the silver flute dropping from his lips at the sight of Peter and Morgan. "Umm...Hi?"
The youngest Parker seemed briefly frozen in motion, he cleared his through, poking his gadget nervously. "Um...hi?"
Morgan gave Peter a disappointed look. "Speechless? I thought Miro was supposed to do that to you!" Her face switched to a smile as she looked at Giselle. "Hi! A pleasure to meet you, I'm Morgan, Morgan H. Stark, but Ramiro probably told you about me." She said in a modest voice which was most certainly not modest.
"Giselle, Giselle Winters." Giselle looked over at Ramiro, confused about Morgan, Ramiro shrugged, indicating that Morgan was a) a weirdo, b) a bit of a showoff, and c) over fifty percent Tony Stark.
Peter nodded, mumbling about being Max's brother and blushing as he added something about Ramiro. Giselle smiled a bit.
There was a bit of awkwardness in the air, but Morgan didn't care, introducing herself gallantly, doing so for Peter, and generally becoming the center of attention while Ramiro welded, screwed, and installed various weapons and a rather intelligent digital assistant by the name of F.R.I.D.A.Y.
It was a rare moment of quiet. Except for the occasional mumble from Peter about how complicated MIT homework was, Morgan telling Ramiro to try the pink, navy, and black wires, Giselle cursing as she fiddled with the chip implanted in her flute, and Ramiro's welding.
So the sounds of someone skidding in the hall, shouting, and breaking the silence, Ramiro wasn't surprised, not in the least.
"WE'VE GOT TO HUNT DOWN WHO?" Robin looked at Hill dumbfoundedly, Ramiro hadn't finished his projects on the Getaway Car, but Hill drove it there anyhow, breaking at least fifty laws in the process, and Noah was surprised there wasn't a police car following them.
"I'm not one hundred percent sure," Hill admitted, taking a turn so sharp that something in the back squeaked and fell over. Noah tried to see who it was, but going shotgun turned out to be a terrible idea. "But we've got a murder."
"Murder on Orient Express!" Robin gasped, and Giselle almost fell over again, both seemed a bit woozy, and Noah couldn't blame them, his stomach was regretting its choice of eating popcorn. "Who-"
The car swerved again, and Noah thought he could hear some police sirens in the distance, "Robin, do me a favor, and don't talk that much, or Agent Hill might crash the car."
"Thank you, Agent Rodriguez," Hill said testily. "As for who was killed, it was an ex-agent of ours..." Her hands gripped the steering wheel tighter. "Stark and Kemp-"
"What about me?" A mechanical voice asked. Robin yelped. "Oh... Sorry, I'm too cool for your brain to manage-"
"Zip it Stark! I'm not talking about you!" Hill told the voice, a bridge approaching.
"You named an AI after Tony Stark? Do you have any idea what a bad idea that is?" Robin shouted. A bit red in the face, Giselle didn't seem to be doing very well either.
Thankfully, the car stopped, and Noah escaped before Robin would murder Maria. Ramiro was chatting with Max and Hazel (who had had other ways of transportation, unlike the unlucky passengers of the Getaway Car), Earl was frowning deeply at his phone, putting it away quickly.
"They'll arrive here soon." He told Hill, who nodded stoically.
"Our targets are a pair of... Warriors using axes and spears- no, Barton, this isn't a joke-" She paused to glare at Robin, who seemed to be trying not to smile. "These two." She placed down two blurry-looking pictures.
"They look like Vikings or something..." Ramiro noticed. And Earl nodded.
"We've also searched the S.H.I.E.L.D files for Asgardian matching their appearance, but... We don't have anything." Earl seemed to be disappointed in the lack of information. "What we know though, is that they're not afraid of collateral damage and wounded people. From what I know, they're for hire as assassins." Earl stopped, and Noah blinked.
"I've got a suggestion."
Hill nodded at him. "Attack plan?"
Noah nodded quickly. "Barton should be at the end of the bridge as the last live of defense, Parker, Kemp, and Ivanov should mingle around, Stark, backup, and Hill..." He trailed off. Giselle coughed lightly.
"And Giselle?" Hazel prompted.
Noah shrugged. "Don't see where Winters could help." Hill seemed to agree silently, but Giselle didn't.
"With Robin," She suggested. "End of the bridge could use a few of those cables as a barrier." Her chin held high. Noah didn't like the way she was challenging the plan, and Hill didn't much either.
"Fine. But don't get yourself or Barton hurt," She said coldly. Giselle seemed insulted by the coldness, her eyes narrowed, and Robin sensed that, dragging her off quickly.
Hill glared at the inhuman. "I'm starting to regret letting her on the team."
SHORT CROPPED BROWN HAIR, STUBBLE, HULKING YET SKINNY FRAME. That was the Vikings with the spear, which Noah didn't catch the name of, but they'd figure it out quickly.
"I'd usually send in Kemp... But he's not in the right state for that." Hill looked a bit worried, and Noah could hardly blame her, the axe thrown by the blond Viking had hit Britt in the shoulder, and Noah thought he'd seen a bit of bone under the blood, but it was hard to say, and even harder to say when Robin almost puked. "We'll have to wait for interrogation."
"Mist isn't here to do it." Noah frowned. It was unlike any of the team from Madripoor to cut off contact for too long, but the last fourth eight hours had been radio static quiet, except for a brief grumble from Peter about a hangover, which Robin found disgusting and Hill disturbing.
"I can't do it." Hill added. "I've got a meeting with Fury and Dire- someone in five minutes." Noah raised an eyebrow, she didn't seem to like that someone.
"You want me to go?"
She shook his head. Glaring through the one-sided window. "No. Don't send anyone in without my orders."
Which was unlike Hill. Especially after she turned on her heel, walking off without further explanation.
It was so hard to decide who's moldboard to make.
Morgan vs Peter vs Random Vikings...a very hard choice to take. Since Morgan is an adorable little Stark businesswoman and queen in making, Peter is...Peter is enough to say, and cause Random Vikings need FCs.
Haha, I got you there, didn't I?
Nope, you get Noah M. Rodriguez, agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.
So L-O-L, you got this lovely (kinda boring but necessary) chapter foreshadowing something, and the next one is back to Madripoor's POV.
Don't worry, no more Madripoor after that. I'm tired of it too.
Next Chapter: Thursday. And yea, Peter is gonna make some more appearances, as will the youngest Stark, and the random Viking warriors.
I should explain what's up with my update schedule... Traveling and Writers Block (very contagious this time of year) but I'm getting back on track ASAP.
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