BROOKLYN FELT SOMETHING WAS WRONG THE SECOND SHE STEPPED INTO THE PLACE. And it wasn't that she was past bedtime, she was underage at Sharon's art gallery party, and the fact there was no ice blue-eyed agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. Peter and Florence were also missing, which was probably why Keefe insisted to hold her hand. Which Nick seemed to think was overkill. And Brooklyn agreed. "I don't need you to 'protect' me, whatever that's supposed to mean."
"I'm a Protector." He replied in a matter-of-fact way, "It's my job to protect the ones close to me."
Which was briefly heartwarming, until he explained that, in distance, Brooklyn was the closest to him. She calmly distanced herself from both of the boys, while Keefe started an argument over icee, in which Nick seemed to believe that Blue Icee was superior to Lemonade.
Brooklyn didn't even know what those were.
"I'm sorry ma'am, are you lost?" A guy asked kindly, he didn't seem too threatening, with curly black hair, gray button-up, and massive round glasses, but Brooklyn apologized and said she was looking for her aunt, quickly rushing off to see if there was anyone familiar.
Good news, she found someone, bad news, Peter seemed to be trying to have a moment with some girl.
"Excuse me," Brooklyn said promptly, interrupting Peter's serenade about the beautiful dame. Peter glanced at her.
"Hey Brooks, do you mind...giving me a second with Sunny over here?" He asked, she glared at him.
"Yes, I actually do-"
"Oh look!" He gasped, which was totally fake. "That's Elizabeth over there, why don't you go bother her?"
Brooklyn turned, looking for a blonde, but it turned out that Peter had sped off with his new girlfriend much to her distaste. She pushed through the crowd, noticing small things: All the guns had the safety on but loaded, knives hidden in belts, a brown-eyed woman at the bar carefully polishing a glass while another one slipped something in her pocket...
And also a woman with jet-black hair, giving a blonde who was chatting with Sharon Carter a suspicious look.
The idea seemed preposterous, but Brooklyn approached her. "Lovely weather this morning, isn't it?" The girl asked cheerily.
The woman smiled, apparently enjoying the question. "Yes," Her eyes glanced over Brooklyn, seemingly knowing the right answer. "but I always carry an umbrella."
Brooklyn didn't see an umbrella hidden under the woman's black uniform, so she went with the code. "I suppose you can't be too careful." She admitted.
"Best to be prepared for a shift in the wind."
"Mist?" Brooklyn peeped, the smile disappeared from Elizabeth's face, and she made a disgusted sound.
"I hate this place-"
"There's something going on-"
They both paused, both frowning. "Something's not right." Elizabeth deduced. "What do you think?"
Brooklyn crossed her arms, taking one more look around the room. "Too many people, at least forty percent of them are armed, the bartenders are slipping chemicals to each other, and...well... Some people changed their hair color." She raised a questioning eyebrow. "Part of the disguise?"
"Someone confused me for Sharon." The level seven answered. "Not fun, especially since he almost shot me."
But Brooklyn's gaze strayed to a familiarly ugly face, someone who was supposedly dead, at least twice, who was whispering something to a dark-skinned woman who glared at him distastefully. Both of them slipped out of the crowds.
The spy didn't even realize she was following them until someone coughed. "And where does Miss Prudence Spring thinks she's going?"
"To kill you," Brooklyn said half-heartedly, not in the mood to be distracted. "Keefe, I'm on a mission," She whispered.
By some miracle, Keefe got serious, after the five-second recap of 'a guy that is most definitely rumlow is going with some lady through a secret-looking passage and I'm going after them' Keefe decided to tag along, both sneaking through the twists and turns, the party's music seemed to become further and further away.
"This way," Rumlow grunted, the woman sighed, following him with distaste. Keefe vanished, and Brooklyn focused to be as quiet as a whisper of wind, a mime, or the Winter Soldier sneaking into the kitchen at midnight for a snack.
Also known as Really really stealthy.
A few twists later, Rumlow pulled back a curtain, jamming a code in the keypad, the woman's eyes strayed to the other part of the room. Brooklyn somehow couldn't seem to picture her face right, sure, she didn't have anything to cover it, and yet, her features seemed blurred. "Are you done?"
"Yeah your majesty," Rumlow said with a mock bow, the woman glared at him. The wall suddenly split a crack in the middle and started flowing back, like a fan.
Brooklyn looked at Keefe, gesturing for the door. "Come on, judging from the model, we've got fifty-second to get in before it closes-"
"And where do you two think you're going?" A voice hissed, Keefe screamed silently, and Brooklyn flew into action, punching the jaw of the man, who groaned. "I hate this universe..."
Brooklyn threw another one, and suddenly the man caught it, a pair of brown eyes glaring at her. She felt her cheeks heat up. "Um...sorry Nick."
It seemed like Madripoor was a bad influence on her...making her more aggressive than usual.
Keefe clapped soundlessly, taking great delight in the embarrassment of Brooklyn. "Encore! Encore!" He hissed.
"Oh shut up..." Nick said with a groan. Brooklyn's mind went blank for a second, and suddenly she tripped, Keefe glaring ta Nick violently.
"You were holding her hand, you nincompoop! That means you get the magic scan of her-" Keefe began to accuse, but Brooklyn darted through the hole, pushing it from closing.
"Keefe! Hurry up!" She hissed. Nick inhaled, apparently tired of chasing them, Keefe went invisible again, a small brush against the wall was the only thing detectable about the strawberry blond. "You too, you're coming now," Brooklyn told Nick, who sighed, muttering about being tired of this shit already before going in, quiet as a shadow.
Great, Brooklyn was getting tired. She slipped in.
But something was off again, like how there were beautiful oak walls, perfect for a ballroom, the crystal chandelier lit with candles, the balcony above the dance floor, and the whole royal look of it.
Indeed, more things were off. Nobody was there, the room was so quiet that she could hear Nick breathing, and...
"Do you see Keefe anywhere-" Brooklyn began to ask, but a click of a gun confirmed her fears, she turned slowly to see Rumlow's grinning face.
"I was starting to think you wouldn't come for your little friend." He said, in a tone that indicated he just said a joke. The woman seemed to be holding the air at gunpoint, but the air didn't whimper or mumble curses.
"Now...put your hands down slowly...and wait for your fearless leader to come to pick you up."
You're all wondering how the Helheim Rumlow is alive right? Of course, you are...I don't blame you.
And also why the hell Peter was running off with a girl that isn't Florence...But she fell first, he fell harder *yeah yeah yeah* And he's not in love yet-
Without further ado, I present to you Sharon Amanda Roge- I mean Carter! And yes, I based the middle name on a headcanon.
Yes, I'm a pain, and now you've got to fill in the opinions on Sharon...
I can't cram everyone in the Cast.
Next update: MONDAY. And yes, we're switching from Madripoor to... other team (I'm a great person, aren't I?)
What do you guys think of Keefe/Brooklyn/Nick? NIck's the responsible guy here, Keefe is the chaos, and Brooklyn is the boss (most probably.)
And...late update cause I was traveling...
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