BROOKLYN DIDN'T BELIEVE THAT STEVE ROGERS KISSED PEGGY CARTERS NIECE. It was creepy, cause Sharon Carter looked quite like him and very little like Peggy. She had a bland American accent that sounded sassy even if asked something very simple, and wavy blonde hair, and brown eyes that looked like the only thing she and Peggy had in common.
"Lizzie!" Sharon said with a grin, hugging Elizabeth, who seemed a bit embarrassed, Nick looked up to the ceiling as if wondering why he signed up for this. Keefe snickered silently, Florence covered her mouth, terrified by the name, and Peter snorted with a roll of his eyes.
"Lizzie! Ronnie! Shay-Shay! Eliza!" He mocked. "No Petey?" The speedster added innocently.
"No Petey," Sharon responded with hostility, Peter and she briefly glared at each other before she snorted, elbowing the speedster. "Maxwell."
"We've got a new Maxwell now," Elizabeth added, crossing her arms, she sighed. "As you know-"
"Florence." Sharon said with a smile, Brooklyn suddenly felt the need of running away, going to Sharon was a risky game that Peter persuaded them into, something about 'she doesn't know we know.' Right now, with Sharon's fake smile of friendliness, Brooklyn would have rather slept in a dumpster.
She was even more scared when she realized Sharon wasn't going to hug her for being Bucky's father's brother's great-great-granddaughter.
Nick refused to introduce himself, instead, his eyes narrowed at Sharon. He had spent the plane ride there testing Peter and Florence, which were the only ones who let him, Brooklyn refused politely, and Keefe shook his head, explaining that he was allergic to weirdoes with Rogue and Xavier's powers (nobody but Nick got it who those were), and Elizabeth glared at him with the energy of an infinity stone.
"This is Keef-" Elizabeth started, but Keefe being Keefe, interrupted with a grin.
"Keefester Walker Ian Gandalf Greywind Jon Snow Spring." He listed off. "Also known as the Spectre, mutant extraordinaire, favorite X-Men are Scott and Storm, then again, who doesn't like those two? Proud honorary member of the X-Men and the Outlaws, part of the Protectors, and brother of Brooklyn Prudence Mary Sue Spring."
Brooklyn's brain hit the freeze button, it was like eating too much ice cream at once, Peter frowned like he didn't see that coming, Nick was stiff, his eyes flickering between Sharon and Brooklyn, but Elizabeth didn't acknowledge the clear lies and that the introduction was off rails. Keefe gave Brooklyn a look, and she looked briefly confused.
Oh yeah...he's covering for me.
Very irritating cover...but she could go with it.
"Brooklyn, Brooklyn Madelyn Spring. And my brother," She paused to elbow the smirking mutant "knows too well I don't have three middle names." Brooklyn crossed her fingers behind her back, hoping Sharon didn't know about her actual surname. Sharon seemed to be okay with that, smiling with less fakeness. Mission accomplished.
After Nick finally muttered a Nick, Sharon guided them in, Brooklyn was half tempted to send a picture of the Mona Lisa to Sam, but he'd freak out, and then he'd tell Bucky, and then trouble would ensure.
And unlike Hill, he wouldn't ground her by taking her spy gear, he'd take away her privileges of staying past bedtime, saving the world, and throwing knife practice based on his ex-girlfriend.
"You seriously did that?" Elizabeth's voice came with a snort, something similar to a smile on her face, Sharon laughed as they passed through a room lit with dark blue neon lights, a sketch illuminated in the pane.
"I never say no to a dare...even if the dare is taking your drawing of Natasha Romanoff and putting it in my gallery..." Sharon seemed to frown. "Also, someone tried to buy it...how do you say about ten thousand?"
"Bid higher," Peter advised sarcastically. "Or just sell it, and then you can move out of your crappy apartment-"
"Hey! It's not that bad Maxwell! The one in Romania was worse!" Elizabeth complained, and the three started bickering. Keefe's eyes looked like they were bugging out, Florence had a shocked look, and Nick appeared to be taken aback, terrified by all the noise, and also confused.
"I'm sorry...but is Mist laughing?" He asked them in a low voice, Keefe nodded, unbelieving of the phenomenon.
"Hey! I'm dead, not deaf!" Peter shouted, which made no sense, especially when Sharon called him a 'sokovian bastard.'
Elizabeth glared at both of them. "You spent too much time with Parker, didn't you? Always fangirling over Pietro Maximoff..."
Florence's kind confusion seemed to melt away into something more dangerous, a warning look as if to say: Badmouth the guy I met for five hours and fell for and I will kill you.
Keefe leaned to Brooklyn, which was relatively easy since none of them were particularly tall. "Why does she have that face like she wants to say: Badmouth the guy I met for five hours and fell for and I will kill you?"
"Cause she fell for him in under five hours," Brooklyn responded. And Keefe nodded wisely like she just said something of enormous wisdom, he snorted.
"Teenagers these days...falling in love in one movie..." He shook his head while Sharon repeatedly poked Elizabeth, badgering her about a certain Grant.
"You still didn't-"
"Shut up Carter."
"-manage to get that thing running-"
"Highly confidential Mrs. Rogers."
"-calling me that will not help or deter me, as I was saying-"
"It does help me."
"-oh zip it, did you manage-"
"FitzSimmons are rambling about Frankenstine." Elizabeth finally stated. "I've got nothing, Phil isn't there to help out, Swift retired about seven years ago, Klein can't, and Bruce Banner flew off. And it's none of your goddamn business, Sharon Amanda Rogers."
Sharon's mouth fell open,
Nick covered his face. "Why can't we just do our mission and leave..."
"Our mission is intel," Brooklyn explained, determined to sneak in a few more fancy words like intel. "We've got to gather reconnaissance about the Power Broker, the judge, jury, and executioner of Madripoor, rendevous with a few Agents S.H.I.E.L.D that will be sent here as reinforcements-" Brooklyn paused, Keefe's eyes were glazed over, and Nick had a blank face like he was attempting to process what she just said. "We've got to learn things, and it takes some time."
"Why?" Nick asked, looking at Brooklyn carefully like she was an interesting puzzle forming before him, which made her slightly uncomfortable.
"Because the Power Broker is a criminal under the name of a ruler." A quiet voice remarked, Brooklyn jumped, grabbing onto the closet thing to her (Keefe) and then squeaking as something grabbed her (Still Keefe.)
Someone snorted. "Scared you?" Elizabeth asked, something like a smile again on her face, Florence looked terrified but retained her composure. Nick didn't even wince, he just stared at Elizabeth disdainfully.
"Weren't you entertaining Sharon?" Florence asked bitterly, Elizabeth's smile dropped, changing back to a cold expression.
"The things you say in her own home..." Elizabeth plucked something out of a flowerpot showing it to Keefe and Brooklyn before squashing it.
Keefe crinkled his nose. "Bug?"
"Bug." Elizabeth agreed. Florence frowned.
"So...it's...Othello?" The young woman asked, with a look on her face as if she was saying a very clever joke, Peter grinned, not seeming to get it.
"Oh yeah? The game? Yeah, I'd love to play it with you once-"
"She's talking about the play, you brainless roadrunner." Elizabeth rolled her eyes. Peter looked extremely insulted and attempted to give her the finger, but Nick cut in.
"Sorry to bother your important code..." He said, his dark eyes flickering over Peter with disdain. "But would it be a problem if I checked what's wrong with your friend?"
Elizabeth made a contemptuous sound. "Good luck she's gonna- Urgh..." She shuddered. "Sharon's a bad influence."
"Indeed," Peter agreed cheerfully. "Now, about roomies, I call dibs on Flo-"
"No!" Brooklyn, Elizabeth, Keefe, and Sharon all shouted simultaneously. Sharon raised an eyebrow. "No girls and boys sleeping together. Unless it's those two..." She gestured to Keefe and Brooklyn and then focused on Elizabeth. "Also, I've got to talk with you Mist."
Elizabeth gasped, and Brooklyn instantly knew it was fake. "How did I get in trouble again?"
"Your presence," Sharon said with a smirk and a wave of her hand. Keefe suddenly loudly excused himself and Brooklyn, shouting that they had an online class on biology they had to attend, and rushed off. Brooklyn followed him cautiously, debating between attempting to save Florence and escaping from Sharon, but Nick sealed her decision after quietly inquiring why Sharon had a gun in her flower vase, Brooklyn darted after Keefe and then realized she was lost in a creepily large penthouse with too many large windows.
Once, Brooklyn would have marveled at the beautiful dark purple sky, navy blue waters, and the other part of Madripoor shining through a thin layer of fog. But now, her brain was stuck on the idea someone would shoot the window, the glass shattering in millions of shards, causing more damage than a thousand knives-
"Helloo?" Someone trilled, Brooklyn jumped for the second time today and then gasped in relief. Keefe raised an eyebrow. "You okay Prudence?" He asked innocently.
Brooklyn gave him a stern look. "If I kill you, it's your fault." She told him, trying to sound intimidating, but it only made Keefe crack up. "And don't call me Prudence-"
"Prudence Prudence Prudence!" He sang, still laughing. "And stop trying to sound like a creepy murderer or a S.H.I.E.L.D agent with nuts mafia best friends-"
"That's oddly specific and rude." Brooklyn tried to glare at him, but once again failed, cursing the fact she wasn't scary enough.
"I've picked a room," Keefe said in a rather superior manner. Brooklyn huffed as Keefe rambled on about the place he'd picked. And her tuning out again. Bucky cooly always forgot to talk about Madripoor, she had to rely on Sam's information (which sometimes got a bit wonky, cause she douted the fact that he was dressed up in a burgundy suit) and on S.H.I.E.L.D agents that let things slip. Being here though was a bit scary and exciting, like finding an angry but adorable cat on your balcony, or-
"COULD YOU STOP FOR THE LOVE OF GANDALF THE GRAY!" Keefe appeared in front of her, and Brooklyn stifled a scream.
"What is wrong with me think-"
Someone coughed. Nick was staring at them again, Keefe stuck out his tongue at the older mutant, who didn't seem to change his expression. "Rogers found a lead." He didn't seem to like the lead much though, especially when he made a 'urgh' sound. "And Hill wasn't kidding when she said you'd need dancing shoes."
I had to break this chapter into two parts.
Cause nobody reads 3000+ words. And cause I had to.
Probably wondering what the hell is wrong with Elizabeth and Sharon, and why everyone's so dumb they can't figure out the PB is Sharon.
The joys of pre-written chapters...
Next update: FRIDAY. Cause reasons, cause I enjoy suspense.
Any theories yet?
I'm reading A Series Of Unfortunate Events rn (aka the book which is always slipping easter eggs) and I kinda took some inspiration from there (In case you didn't realize, Giselle was based on Violet Baudelaire. If you don't know what I'm talking about...well...watch it, or read it...both work.)
And don't blame me, naming someone Prudence is a Keefe thing to do.
And if you don't get the Shakespear thing, great, I didn't either. You have AlvyParker_SpiderRed and amethystlakes to thank.
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