Exodus used his foot to close the door behind him, unable to use his hands due to them being full of bags. The bags also blocked the use of his eyes from being so tall, so he had to use muscle memory to press the second floor button on their in-home elevator. No way was he carrying everything up the stairs.
When he got off the elevator, he went towards the bedroom, finally placing everything on the floor. He sat the bags up, all of them coming from boutiques, shops and designer stores that he'd shopped in at the mall. He'd spent close to twenty thousand on Siraj alone, but also had gifts for both of their mothers and his sister in the backseat of his truck.
Today was Valentine's Day, the day he'd been preparing for ever since Siraj told him about it last week. It was hard finding plans on such short notice-and very expensive, too. Almost everything was booked up for the weekend, but luckily, he was able to find something he knew she would like.
"Wassup daddy baby?" He picked up an awake Essence, who was laying on Siraj's chest, seemingly unaware that her mother was still asleep by the way she was gripping harshly on her boobs.
"I told you quit scratching my woman chest up like that. You don't listen lil' girl." He gently nibbled at her cheeks while she held on to his beard, cooing back at him.
He chuckled, shifting the way that he held her so that he could wake Siraj up next. He grabbed the bouquet of long stem dark red roses, each with a hundred dollar bill wrapped around them.
You would think Siraj would be tired of getting roses as often as he gave them to her, but nope. She treated each bouquet as if it was his first time ever gifting flowers to her. She could never get tired of them.
"Happy Valentines Day fat ma." He left multiple kisses on her lips, of course, until she grabbed his face to stop him, which made him smile.
Siraj opened her eyes, first seeing him and Essence all in her personal space, causing her to playfully roll her eyes. The two of them had identical faces, and it blew her mind every time. It was as if she didn't carry Essence, alone, for nine whole months.
"Thank y-Exodus! Oh my god, these are sooo pretty. Aww. Thank you pumpkin." The sight of her roses made her sit up in the bed, taking them out of his hands.
"You welcome. Come on and get up so you can look at the rest of this shit." He chuckled, stepping back so that she could see everything that he bought.
"Wait, I have to go brush my teeth first." She pulled her shirt up to cover her boob as she stood to her feet, and he smiled, watching her speed-walk to the bathroom.
"Daddy got you some gifts too. You can't play with them toys yet though." Exodus squatted, going through one of the bags from The Children's Place Outlet. He was so ready for her to be a bit older.
A few moments later, Siraj came back out of the bathroom, ready to see her Valentines Day gifts. She knew Exodus went crazy, as always, and she couldn't wait to see what he had planned.
They went through all the bags together, and Siraj examined and gave her thanks for literally every single thing that he bought. She loved him so much, and also loved how he stalked her Twitter likes to know what to buy for her. It was kind of their love language.
He'd gotten her two pairs of the platform UGG boots as well as the matching Tasman slippers, a few sets from Skims, a Moncler coat, a Van Cleef & Arpels bracelet, a bunch of outfits that he'd surprisingly paired together himself, and two $500 gift cards; one to Victoria Secret/Pink, and another to Bath and Body Works.
To top it off, the first notification on her iPhone when she checked it was a direct deposit of close to a hundred thousand dollars from Exodus's account. That money wasn't even the greatest gift of all.
Exodus gave her a pair of keys, and since they were already in their new house, and it definitely wasn't car keys, she was confused. He reminded her of how the two of them had been discussing starting a new form of income, together, and Exodus wanted to show her that he was serious about it.
Yesterday he went and bought their first ever rental property, completely paid off and fully furnished, ready to be rented out as soon as Siraj signed her name next to his on the lease. The house would be the first of many, and the official start of their AirBnB and real estate business.
Before he could even show her pictures of the property, she was in full-blown tears. It made her emotional every time she realized just how serious he was about building a life with her. She was so in love with him and the way he paid attention to her.
"You gon' mess yo' lashes up with all this crying Siraj. I ain't gon' pay for you to get a fill either 'cause you just got these." He chuckled, and she did as well, keeping her arms around his neck.
"I don't know what I everrrr did to deserve you, like foreal. You make me so happy baby. I be feeling so bad because I know nothing I do could ever amount to everything you do for me-and for us, you know? I just want you to know that I appreciate and love you so much, like so, so, so much." She reached up to wipe her face, feeling him kissing the other side of it.
Siraj said that a lot, and at first, Exodus couldn't understand why. Without even knowing, Siraj healed Exodus everyday, just by being herself. And by healing, he didn't mean from terrible past relationships or heartbreaks, because he'd never really went through that. He'd never been in a serious relationship before this one.
By healing, he meant that she was helping correct mistakes he'd made within himself in the past; he was still healing from the thought of failing himself, from feeling like a disappointment and helping him reach expectations that he knew he could reach, but not by himself.
She made him a better person, whether she realized it or not. Her presence was a positive affirmation in itself. He didn't have to explain that to anyone-not even her, really-because he knew. The only thing he had to do was give his thanks to Allah for looking out for him, and for feeling like he was deserving enough to be blessed with Siraj-the literal love of his life.
"Exodus you are such a simp, yo." She laughed through her own tears, knowing that he was crying as well from how he hid his face in her neck.
"Don't cry baby. You gon' make me cry some more." She chuckled, pulling his head back so that she could wipe his tears away. He didn't say anything, but gently kissed her lips to tell her that he loved her.
She knew that he didn't really like talking when he became emotional because he already hated crying as it was. It didn't bother her at all. The mere fact that he could cry just off of loving her satisfied her in ways that couldn't be explained.
"I love you too baby." She dried his face off using her thumbs, then gave him another hug. She took Essence out of his left arm, holding her up between them.
"Tell daddy thank you pumpkin." Siraj held the back of her head, and all she did was grab at Exodus's beard, making them both laugh.
After putting all the new stuff away, Siraj got herself and Essence ready for the day since Exodus was already dressed. He told her she didn't have to go all out, so she wore a one piece jumpsuit with no shoulder straps.
She also put her nipple piercings back in for the first time since giving birth. Her doctors had told her that having them wouldn't effect her being able to breastfeed, she'd just have to take them out momentarily since the jewelry was a choking hazard, but was able to put them back in after every feeding session. After the first time she'd took them out, she just never put them back because she had kind of forgot about it.
When she had dolled up her look with some gold jewelry and of course kept her engagement ring on, she took pictures in the mirror that was inside their elevator, then posted on her Instagram.
Liked by trapoutmari and 87,267 others
thesirajalise : Happy Lovers Day. I'm engaged, btw! 😅🥰 They know now stink. @exodusb_ 🤭
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exodusb_ : Lol whatever girl ✌🏽
📌 Pinned 2,610 likes Reply
KAI : See the Van Cleef bracelet as mentioned above as one of her gifts????? Lol. Details!! 😆
While waiting on Exodus to finish changing Essence's diaper, Siraj thought about how this was her first Valentines Day in an actual relationship. She spent all the others with Emari, either on a trip or just together in the city.
They had a little inside joke where they told each other happy Valentimes Day instead of Valentines Day because Emari didn't know the right way to say it up until three years ago. That reminded Siraj to send him their annual February 14th text.
Siraj was so grateful that there was no hard feelings between her and Emari. She knew that it was possible that he still felt a way about her, but she appreciated the fact that he respected her relationship with his brother.
At times, she did still feel guilty for unintentionally leading him on for all these years, despite him telling her that it wasn't her fault and he didn't blame her for anything. She really did love him with every fiber of her being, and she hoped like hell that he knew that.
He was her platonic soulmate, and his spot could never be fulfilled by anyone else, but her heart was with Exodus and that was something she wasn't guilty about. She prayed that one day her best friend could find the person who was truly meant for him. He deserved the best of the best.
"You ready to go baby?" Exodus came downstairs with their daughter in tote, causing her to snap out of her thoughts.
"Yeah. Hi baby! You look so stinking pretty." She took Essence from him, listening to her coo in response while reaching for Siraj's breasts.
"Nah girl. Mommy got her piercings in. You on a bottle today pooh." She kissed her face, carrying her towards the front door that Exodus held open for them.
She didn't get too far out before her ass was harshly hit, and she hissed, feeling the presence of his hand still linger on her skin even after a few seconds had passed.
"Exodus don't do it again." She turned around just as he was about to, and he laughed, holding his hands up in surrender since he'd been caught.
"That shit look good shordy." He kissed her jaw, and she rolled her eyes, turning back around to put her daughter in the carseat.
"Yo' daddy better be lucky you here or else I'd beat his ass. Yep. Mommy beat his ass." She talked in baby-talk, listening to Exodus smack his lips from behind her.
When she was done buckling her in, Siraj closed the back door, seeing Exodus holding the passenger one open for her. She chuckled, climbing inside with his help even though she didn't need it.
After more than an hour of city traffic, Exodus was finally pulling in Siraj's parents house, where his parents were as well. They were barbecuing and of course watching Saturday night football, and Deborah and Sinatra couldn't wait to get their hands on their granddaughter.
It was their first time seeing in in-person since her birth, and boy had they missed her. Siraj honestly felt bad about keeping her away, but it was recommended by her doctors for at least two weeks. Thankfully, that was over, and she could now frequent her grandparents house whenever possible.
Siraj didn't even have to leave a list or set of rules because they were parents wayyy before she was, and she knew her daughter would be more than taken care of with them. The only thing she told them about was the feeding schedule so that Essence would sleep all the way through the night. She knew they had everything else under control.
By the time the two lovers were back in the car, they were running late for the plans set forth by Exodus. It wasn't anything a little extra tip money couldn't cover though, so he wasn't too worried.
For the start of the night, Exodus had booked a hot air balloon ride that took off in a small city, but toured the entire New York City skyline. It was all too beautiful, and it took a lot of effort for Siraj to hold back her tears so that she wouldn't mess up her makeup.
During the hour ride, Exodus and Siraj talked about their new business venture and the future plans for it. Siraj loved conversations like these. Exodus had the same thinking as her, so she knew this business was bound for success.
After their balloon ride, they went out for the typical Valentines Day dinner at a new spot in town called Soho Express. The chefs grilled and cooked right in front of them, and did tricks too. They even spelled out Siraj's name in fried rice.
They also tasted fried octopus for the first time, and Exodus without-a-doubt hated it. He barely let it marinate in his mouth before politely spitting it out into a napkin. It was a very funny experience for Siraj, even though she didn't like the taste of it either.
By the end of the night, Siraj was surprised that he still wasn't done with Valentines Day activities. She kind of figured what the last stop would be, which she was more than down for. Her suspicions were confirmed when he pulled in the parking lot of one of the most expensive hotels in New York City.
"You are a whore." She looked over at him as he put his truck in park in front of the entrance, seeing the smirk he wore.
He gave his keys to valet, grabbed a black duffel bag from out of the backseat, and then helped Siraj step out of the truck.
"Oh you can't talk now?" She held his hand as they walked up the steps, causing him to look down at her.
"I'm tryna put on the mysterious 'dom' act. Is it working?" He asked, and she busted out laughing, making him smile.
"Boy byeeee. You are so lame." She mushed his head away, and he laughed with her, rolling his eyes.
"You think you so funny, you ain't gone be laughing in a minute." He shrugged, stepping on to the elevator with her.
"I know it. What's in the bag?" She smirked, folding her arms across her chest while leaning against the silver railing.
"Nun' ya' business." He leaned his head down, and she tilted hers back, meeting his lips for a kiss. She stuck her tongue out before he could get carried away, and his hand went around her neck at the same time that he spit in her mouth.
"You are a whore." She repeated, and he smiled, licking over his lips before taking the bottom one between his teeth.
"Walk out towards the left." He gestured with his head once the elevator doors opened, wanting to see the view in her jumpsuit from behind.
Siraj chuckled, but did as told, heading down the left side of the hallway. She was surprised when he didn't slap or even grab at her ass; he just remained quiet behind her, and stopped her when they made it to their room, she assumed.
When the door opened, she could see the rose petals neatly littered on the floor-just as she'd done for him a few months ago. There were red balloons filling the ceiling, and more rose petals around the bed.
On each corner of the bed, there was either a hand or foot bondage, with the same rope set they'd used a few months ago. That night Siraj had plenty of bruises left on her skin as the aftermath, and she assumed he enjoyed it since this was obviously a round two.
Her breathing hitched when his arms slid around her waist from behind, and she could feel the erection of his dick pressed up against her. Like clockwork, her underwear became damp, and she bit her lip as his hands began to roam her body.
She was low-key afraid since this would be her first time having sex in a little over two months. They didn't have sex the last few weeks of her pregnancy because it started to hurt, so it had been longer than just the 4-to-6 week recommended wait time after birth.
Exodus hadn't gotten head or even a handjob from her-nor himself-during that time period either, because he didn't want to be pleased and not be able to do the same for her. It was obvious that he'd been waiting on the day that he would finally be able to.
"You getting scared?" He locked the hotel door, finding it amusing that she still hadn't turned around to look at him.
"Take that off then mama." He referred to her clothes with a light chuckle, obviously not believing her.
Siraj grabbed the band of her one piece, stopping herself before she could even pull it down. She turned to look at him, her expression softening.
"I am scared. I'm nervous." She mumbled in defeat as she walked into his embrace, and he smiled, wrapping his arms around her.
"Don't be. You know I take care of you girl." He kissed her cheek, pulling her jumpsuit down for her, which revealed her breasts that had heart shaped piercings in her nipples.
Siraj let him pull it down, and stepped out of it after taking her sandals off. He left her laced white panties on, standing back upright to take a look at her-knowing that she was already nervous as it was.
"Take them off for me Raj." His eyes met hers, and obviously she was the first to look away not even a second later.
Exodus didn't allow her to make a move before he tilted her head back, which forced her to look up at him. Her doe eyes remained locked on his since she couldn't look elsewhere, then they lowered when he gently kissed her lips.
"I just told you don't be nervous wit' me girl. We got a whole ass baby." He said, causing her face to break out into a smile.
"I don't look how I did before though. You know that." She spoke back, quieter than normal.
"What's different? What, you ain't beautiful no more?" He kissed her cheek, slowly but surely trailing his kisses to her neck.
"You don't get my dick hard no more, or what?" He placed her hand on his print over his jeans, which resulted in the pattern of her breathing changing when she felt him continue to grow from her touch.
"Take 'em off." He repeated his original request at the same time that he pulled his lips from her skin, and Siraj felt overwhelmed already. Nonetheless, she did as told.
"That's it baby. Go lay down." He chuckled, able to tell that she was still nervous. She was following directions much quicker now though.
When she was laid on her back, Exodus tied her hands and her feet to the bed boards so that she wouldn't have usage of them, and then he finally removed his clothes.
He took one of her vibrators out of the bag that he'd brought, and an immediate pout fell over Siraj's face at the sight of it. She hated toys so much, just for the simple fact that she could never take all the pleasure on her clit. She knew that Exodus was about to force her to, and she wasn't sure if she was ready for it.
"Baby will you stop if I tell you to?" She attempted to close her legs, already forgetting that they were bonded.
"You know the answer to that." He chuckled, grabbing what looked to be a remote from the bed, and she internally sighed to herself.
"Exodus I hate toys." She again tried to close her legs, looking down when he positioned himself between them.
"You don't think I know that?" He rose an eyebrow at her, and she didn't respond, just waiting for him to make his next move. He didn't make one, also waiting for her to give him her permission to continue.
"Go baby." She mumbled, and after a brief kiss, Exodus dipped his head down into her core.
He started off with just wet kisses on her favorite spots, and worked up to teasing her with just a finger. He followed up with another after the sounds of her approving moans, before finally turning her rose toy on.
Just like she knew would happen, Siraj started to squirm even more in his grip when the vibrating suction was placed on her clit, her moans growing way louder than before.
"I'm cumming. Baby please get it off so I can cu-oh my god, just for a minute. Take it off baby, please." She begged through her light whines, and the sounds of her whimpers made him do as told, momentarily.
"Cum then. Let me taste that shit." His tongue flicked over her nipple, triggering her very first release of the night. As soon as it happened, Exodus put the suction right back where it was, and replaced his fingers with his dick.
"You tight as fuck Siraj. Shit." His face immediately frowned up, unable to focus on the way she was starting to cry, and instead tried to get used to her warmth.
She listened to him groan in her ear as he pushed deeper, and that made her finally cry out, her back arching up from the bed as her second leg-shaking orgasm took place.
"Be quiet 'cause I ain't stopping. You ain't feeling nothin' yet. Stop crying." He covered her mouth with his free hand, keeping his eyes locked on hers as he went even deeper.
"You feel that shit mama? I missed you. I missed this pussy." He grunted, feeling his dick throb as it continued to surprisingly grow inside of her. He hoped she could feel it.
He uncovered her mouth a few moments later so that he could hear her in case she said her safe word, which he knew would come soon because she really did hate using toys, no matter how good it felt.
"Please get it off. I came already baby. Take it off now, please? Oh m-fuck! Exodusss get it off," She pleaded with him, but still hadn't said any sort of safe word.
"Tell me the color Siraj. What is it?" He picked up the pace of his strokes, watching as her eyes rolled back. He knew she was struggling because usually she'd be scratching up his back right now, but couldn't because her hands were tied.
"I d-I don't k-Exodus, baby I c-,"
"Tell me a color." He repeated, sitting up after feeling her clench tighter around him, signaling her third approaching orgasm.
Instead of having a specific safe word, he'd taught Siraj to use the colors red, yellow, and green like traffic lights. Green if everything was okay but felt too good, yellow if she was close to tapping out, and red if she wanted him to stop. She hadn't said either yet.
"Yellow. Get it off papa. You c-mmm, fuckkk, baby you can keep going just get it off." She softly cried to him, and he reached down, taking it off when she asked.
He also halted his movements even though she said he didn't have to, but by the way she was crying, he knew she needed him to stop. That was the thing about exploring new things when it came to sex with Siraj; he wanted her to know that despite him being 'in control', she was really the one with complete control.
Exodus didn't want her to think that she had to let him keep going-as she previously stated-just to make sure he got his nut off, when it was obvious that it was too much for her. He would wait. Patience was key, and he would have to work on teaching her, her limits. When she wanted to stop, it was okay to stop.
"I'm sorry fat ma. How you feelin'?" He wiped her tears away, seeing the small frown on her face as she tried to keep her eyes open. The remnants of her orgasm was still lingering, which caused her eyes to want to roll back.
"Fuck me. I d-I didn't tell you to stop." She mumbled, and he chuckled, reaching up to free her arms. They went around his neck as soon as they were down, and he lowered his head to give her a kiss.
As she let it deepen, Exodus's strokes returned, catching her off guard even though she'd just gave him permission to continue. She almost forgot how big he was, it had been so long. She'd missed every inch of him.
"You so pretty Siraj. You understand that? You so fuckin' beautiful man." He went deeper, loving the way her mouth fell open every time he did it.
She loved how he still reinforced her beauty to her even through sex because he knew just how much pregnancy changed the way she viewed herself. His words of assurance meant everything to her.
"Say it. Tell me what I told you." His hand went between her legs to rub gently across her clit, keeping his lips pressed against hers.
"I-mmm, fuuckk, I'm so pretty. Shit. Shit, I'm cumming!" The positive reinforcement about herself sent her into overdrive, and Exodus looked down to watch as she began squirting.
"Let me nut in you. Please?" He groaned out, and she grabbed onto his muscular tattooed shoulders as her legs trembled. He knew exactly what he was doing.
"Yes, yes, cum in me baby." She practically begged him, and didn't have to do it for long before that not-so-familiar feeling of him releasing inside of her returned. His nut painted her walls at the same time that his dick throbbed yet again, filling her up.
He held her through his orgasm, meanwhile she tried catching her breath from all the other ones he'd caused for her. She was surprised her lower half hadn't given out on her yet.
She didn't make a single sound when he went limp on top of her because she needed a break just as much as he did. Hell, most likely even more than he did. Unfortunately but very fortunately, she knew he was just getting started.
Happy Valentines Day, to her.
Important things happening next chapter so don't skim read 🤬
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