Exodus leaned over in the deep freezer, grabbing one of the packages of Siraj's frozen breastmilk. Each time he opened the freezer, there was more and more bags of milk. He didn't understand how she could make them so fast.
He knew that he was about to have his work cut out for him because his baby hated drinking from a bottle, but Siraj was currently asleep and he didn't want to wake her up since he knew how tired she was.
After warming the milk in a bottle in T microwave, Exodus put some on his own tongue to see if it was too hot or not hot enough. It was the perfect temperature, so he took the bottle back towards the bedroom where both Essence and Siraj were asleep.
He didn't want to wake Essence up either, but Siraj had her on a strict feeding schedule that way their sleep schedules would align. It was working out nicely so far.
"I know you don't wanna be up fat ma. Daddy sorry." He chuckled, putting her bottle in her mouth before her cries could get too loud. She still whined as she drunk from it, not seeming like she was enjoying it.
Her cries gradually became louder, and she stopped sucking from her bottle, which caused it to just hang in her mouth. Exodus wiped the spilled milk from her cheek and neck, removing the bottle at the same time.
Exodus climbed back in the bed, and hovered over Siraj while carefully pulling her right boob out of her tank top. He latched Essence onto her nipple, immediately soothing her cries, making him shake his head at her dramatics.
He made sure Siraj remained asleep as Essence helped herself to breakfast, gripping on Siraj's chest with satisfied sighs leaving her mouth every so often.
Laying on the side of Siraj, Exodus remained in that position for a little over thirty minutes, which was how long it took for Essence to partially drain her mother's breast. It would refill on its own within a few minutes, but by the way Essence let her go, Exodus knew she was done eating.
He laid his baby on his chest, softly patting her small back with his hand in order to burp her. Her tiny hands groped at his skin, and she remained quiet underneath his touch; besides the small, almost inaudible and occasional sighs that came from her.
"Damn." He chuckled, finally getting a louder-than-normal burp from her a few minutes later. The movements of her hands stopped, and he realized that she had fallen back asleep.
She was only supposed to sleep for another two hours, and then she would have to be up for a few more until nap time. The two parents were so thankful that she adhered to the sleeping pattern nicely.
Exodus reached over to pull the cover back over Siraj so that she wouldn't get could, but took notice of the way her breasts were now leaking. He raised up from the bed to put Essence in her bassinet, and then he walked over to the dresser where a set of clean pumps were.
When he walked back over to her, he saw her swell her breasts had gotten within just a few minutes of Essence no longer being on them. He knew that they needed to drain as soon as possible, or else it would start to hurt Siraj.
He placed an automatic breast pump on each of her nipples, and after making sure she was draining, he went to go grab some storage bags that would later be placed in the freezer.
Surprisingly, Siraj remained asleep throughout the process. She usually woke up from the feeling, but she had stayed awake all last night getting the house together from the crazy week they had. They'd been home for four days now, and the house had gotten a little out of control as they adjusted to parent life.
After doing the pump and rest technique that Siraj taught him, it amazed him to see that she had a total of almost seventeen ounces of breastmilk to drain. He put the bags in the freezer, then came back to gently wipe her off with baby wipes.
Knowing that she would be hungry when she woke up, Exodus went ahead and ordered her breakfast through Doordash, getting her an omelette and waffles from iHop, and got himself the same thing.
He had some time to spare before the food arrived, and he was about to pass it by taking a shower, but knew he wanted to take one with Siraj. So, he woke her up.
"Good morning mama." He kissed her cheek, feeling her arms go around his neck as he picked her up.
She laid her head on his shoulder while he shifted her in his arms, carrying her towards the bathroom. He placed her on the toilet so that she could relieve her bladder, and then he tilted her head back to kiss her.
"Move. I haven't brushed my teeth." She chuckled, knowing he didn't care regardless of if she had or hadn't. He proved that he didn't, kissing her in her mouth anyway.
He waited patiently for her to finish up her morning routine, before they got in the shower together. His arms immediately wrapped around her body, making her smile. It surprised her how much he loved hugging her because she knew it was uncomfortable for him, given he was a literal foot taller and had to lean over to give her one.
Siraj stayed in his embrace as he caught her up on what he'd completed in the last hour of being awake, and her stomach growled when he told her what he'd ordered her for breakfast.
"I'm so lucky to have you. Imagine waking up to breakfast, the baby fed and put back to sleep, and my boobs pumped? Wow. Are you God?" She chuckled, her smile spreading further once he laughed.
"That ain't nothin' compared to carrying a baby for nine months. I gotta make it up for the rest of our life." He shrugged with amusement, and she shook her head at him.
They continued talking throughout the course of their half hour shower together, and then they got out and went their separate ways. While Siraj stayed in the bedroom to complete her post-shower routine, Exodus went to go get their breakfast as well as put up the groceries that Siraj made a delivery for last night.
Parenting was so easy with Exodus as a partner. It seemed like they were still in the puppy-love stage of their relationship too since the very beginning of it was kind of rocky. She hoped that this wasn't just a phase, and that they worked this well for the remainder of their lifetime. She loved him, so much.
"You look pretty fat ma." Exodus told her when he walked back in the room, seeing how she was staring at her body in the mirror.
Unfortunately, Siraj didn't get that immediate snap-back reaction after giving birth. She wasn't expecting it so soon, but she honestly wished it would happen a lot quicker. She hated this version of her body, even with Exodus uplifting her everyday.
Of course the extra skin that was now on her stomach didn't bother him, and neither did the way her boobs partially sagged. He loved her 'mom-bod'. It was the aftermath of her carrying his baby full term, and made him even more attracted to her, especially mentally.
"You gone cry, ain't you?" He stood behind her, and she shook her head no, even though a visible pout rested as her expression.
He took the coconut oil out of her hands, gathering some up on his. Then he wrapped his arms around her from behind, rubbing it on her stomach for her while repeatedly pressing his lips against the side of her face.
"I love this shit. You still look as good as you did before, you hear me? And I'll still fuck the shit out of you like this too." He kissed her earlobe, and she laughed at the last part, making him smile.
"Ugh. I can't even be sad around you. Geez." She chuckled, putting her arms over his.
"Ain't no reason to be. You fine as fuck Siraj. You know I wouldn't lie to you shorty." He slapped her ass after letting her go, biting his bottom lip. Her ass had also gotten bigger from her pregnancy, and he was loving it.
"You mad annoying." She joked, but was very appreciative of his words. He definitely made her feel better about herself and she was grateful for that.
Siraj then walked over to her baby's bassinet, wanting to pick her up and kiss on her so bad, but didn't want her to wake up until it was time for the next feeding. So instead she gently kissed her cheek, smelling that fresh new-born scent. She still couldn't believe Essence was no longer inside her belly.
When she finished giving her baby some loving, she went in the living room with the baby monitor to go eat breakfast with Exodus. The scent of her favorite strawberry cheesecake waffles was the first thing that caught her attention when she rounded the corner.
"Thank you pumpkin." She grabbed her bag of food from the table, and kissed his cheek once she sat on the side of him.
"You welcome. It's some syrup in the other bag." He told her, to which she responded with a nod. She turned her body to face him and sat with her legs folded up, then she pulled the throw blanket over herself.
"What you doing?" She looked down at his MacBook Air with him, but couldn't really see what he site he was on.
"Sending that last deposit to Angela. She said we can start furnishing as soon as next week." He said, pressing the log in button for his bank website. He hated doing wire transfers on his phone because he swore someone would hack him-as if they couldn't do the same task on a computer.
"I'm sooo excited. Every time I talk to her, I be wanting to cry." Siraj poured some syrup over her waffles, making sure they were fully coated.
Their new house would have six bedrooms and seven and a half bathrooms, a livable attic, a basement with a built-in bar even though they rarely drank, a three car garage, and a garden landscaped backyard with an in-ground pool and hot tub combo.
Instead of buying a house from the market, Exodus and Siraj had theirs built from the ground up. It had been in the works for almost the entirety of Siraj's pregnancy, and was finally almost done. They were hoping to have it done before she gave birth, but the snowy winter conditions extended their original plans.
The cost of building it costed a whopping 1.8 million dollars. Even though Exodus debated against it, the two of them both contributed to the overall price. After it was fully furnished, the house could eventually sell for over twenty million dollars.
Siraj and Exodus didn't plan to sell it though. They'd built it specifically for the house they planned to raise their family in. Both of them wanted a big family, too, so they made sure there would be enough living space for at least four kids.
The new house was in Staten Island, which was about a forty-five minute drive away from where they currently lived in Manhattan. Luckily, it was only twenty minutes away from where the majority of their family lived, so they wouldn't be too far.
"Me too. This shit lookin' good as fuck so far. I like the front yard a lot; the neighbors too. Everybody shit all trimmed and neat. You think they host cookouts and shit, or that's too deep in the trenches?" He asked, and she smacked her lips, earning a laugh from him.
"We can do our own cookouts, and invite them too why you playing. Aw, like in the movies! And we can give them those baskets to like meet them, officially." She suggested, feeding into his idea that she considered stupid at first.
"If they all white, I ain't giving them shit. I hope most of 'em black."
"You're racist."
"So. Ion want them calling the police when we throw get-togethers at our shit. They better be the type to just join in." He chuckled, scrolling through more of the pictures that their contractor, Angela, had sent them.
"Ouuuu, you gon' be grilling and stuff while the babies play at the park. I can see my daddy and Baba watching football on the patio couch, and Zara fighting with Mari at the bar!" She talked about the build of their backyard, genuinely excited.
Exodus was really Mr. Make It Happen during the whole process, too. He asked her about all that she wanted to be built for the house, and even drew up some plans with her to give to Angela. Everything she wanted done was coming to life, just how she had hoped.
"I love hearing you talk about the future. You really see that shit wit' me and I love that." He looked over at her, making her smile. She really did want everything with him.
"Obviously. Ain't nobody else for me to see nothin' with." She lifted a bite of her cut up waffles to him, watching as he ate it off of her fork, then kissed her lips.
"Exodus all you do is kiss me. Start giving me high-fives or something." She held his face in her free hand, and he laughed, pulling away from her.
"Shut yo' lame ass up like you don't be like 'gimme a kiss'. That's why we got a baby now."
"No we got a baby 'cause you acted like you couldn't pull out then bought me some fake ass pills. I bet those wasn't even plan B's, 'cause how the fuck we got a whole kid now? Those were probably ibuprofens like ah' mufucka'." She sucked her teeth, earning yet another laugh from him.
"Nah on god them was plan B's yo. Them shits costed $60 a piece and I bought two of 'em. Maybe baby E was just meant to be." He shrugged, eating another bite of her waffles.
"Mhm, whatever. Maybe trapping me was the plan from the beginning."
"Guess you'll never know." He shrugged again, and she amusingly rolled her eyes in response.
"It was worth it. I loved being pregnant. I loved getting nutted in too. A win is a win." She turned the conversation vulgar fast, to which he laughed at.
"You'll be winning again in five weeks, don't trip." He put his MacBook to the side, and pulled her legs in his lap to take its place.
Though they weren't technically planning, both of them wanted their kids to be close in age. Siraj wanted to be pregnant again as soon as her six weeks was up, and Exodus wanted her pregnant again just as fast. Then Siraj wanted to wait a little while before the third one.
She had always wanted a big family because of how big hers already was. She wanted her kids to have the feeling too, with a bunch of siblings instead of just one-though she loved the hell out of her only brother. She hoped her kids would be as close as her and Semaj.
"I really do love you Exodus. I can't to see where we are in a couple of years." She laid her head on his shoulder, becoming sleepy again after finishing her three waffles. She didn't think it was enough room to digest her omelette right now as well, so she would be saving that for later.
"I love you too. I don't think I understood the true meaning of 'love' 'til I met you. That shit sound corny as hell, but I think about it all the time." He told her, and she looked at him, waiting for him to continue.
"When I proposed, I told you how I loved my ma 'nem too, but that shit don't compare to how I love you. It's hard for me to explain what I mean. I literally breathe every breath for you. It's like my whole world revolve around me and you. And Essence." He added his daughter, still low-key in disbelief that he had one.
"And when I'm with you, I can't feel or see shit else. Can't think about shit else. It really just be me and you. Sometimes I don't feel real, it be seeming like I'm in a third-world or something, 'cause I don't understand how somebody could make me feel the way you do." He expressed.
"Do you ever wonder how we ended up together? I feel like we're so random. My crush on you was so random, but now we have a baby and we're building a house. And I don't remember ever praying for love like this; being a city girl been my dream since I was 17." She chuckled, and he did as well at the last part.
"Sometimes. When I was in jail reading mama 'nem letters and shit, I prayed for Allah to change my life around. Like every other nigga locked up, I realized that ain't a place for me to keep ending up at. Maybe you were the change I asked for." He lightly shrugged.
Reaching up to hold his face, Siraj pulled him down a bit, pressing her lips against his. She was so in love with him, she couldn't reiterate it enough.
During times in the beginning where they frequently argued, Siraj swore her and Exodus would only last a couple of months; like a fun, spontaneously dangerous type of thing, the ones who weren't supposed to be together but felt so good together.
At one point she even thought that Emari was the one she was supposed to end up with, but she was oh-so glad it didn't play out like that. Exodus's love was the only love made for her, and everything in this world was him, to her. Love truly was a non-understandable thing.
"Thought you said I kissed you too much?" He smirked against her lips, and she laughed, wrapping her arms around his neck in a hug.
There's only 7 chapters left. I wanna just drop them all but that be fucking my analytics up 🙄 Niggas think they ain't gotta comment no more when I do that and ion like that. What author y'all know update everyday tho???? Mhm bye
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