Leaning over the table, Siraj picked up a forkful of her best friend's chicken salad, putting her folded pointer finger to her mouth after taking a bite of it.
"Mmm, y'all better come over here and get y'all one of these." She mocked a TikTok video she'd seen on her for you page, causing Emari to laugh at the viral reference.
"What is it?"
"It's a chicken salad."
"From where?"
"81st Deli. Superior." She pointed at his camera since he was now recording her, before both of them laughed together.
"Man you corny as hell. Sound just like that girl from dat' video." He shook his head at her, taking a bite from his chicken salad as well.
The two of them were currently out to eat at a new restaurant that had just opened up down the street from Emari's house, spending time together since Siraj hadn't seen him the last few days.
Her man, Exodus, definitely was selfish when it came to who was able to take up her time. She barely got to spend time with her friends anymore because she was always with him now. He didn't mean any harm though, he just really enjoyed being with her.
Emari had also been flying back and forth to Atlanta to do promotions and brand deals, so she was happy that she was able to be with him today. She'd been missing him recently. She wasn't used to him always being gone like this, and when he was, he usually took her with him.
He'd been letting business and music occupy most of his time to hide the fact that he was sad about not having his daughter. He hadn't saw her in almost two weeks, which was causing him to internally shut down since she was literally his sanity.
After telling Siraj what had been going on with his baby's mother, Alaysia, she was just as upset as she was. It was a party that the whole city was supposed to be attending tonight, and Siraj had made it her business to go because she knew Alaysia would pop out.
One thing about it, Siraj didn't play about hers. She had already fought Alaysia twice, winning both obviously, but the girl hadn't seemed to learn her lesson. Each time though, she became cordial with Emari for months on end just to avoid another altercation with Siraj.
The family already didn't like Alaysia since she'd basically trapped Emari when he was only 17 and she was 25, granted he shouldn't have been tangled up with a woman that much older than him anyway. She caught a charge behind it too after Emari's mother sought legal action against her for being with her son who was still a minor at the time.
That was the reason Siraj had fought her the first time; her and Zara had actually jumped her then. Nothing was off limits in street fighting so neither of them regretted it, and would do it again if Zara and Emari's mother told them to.
Snapping from her thoughts, Siraj picked her phone up from the table once it buzzed with another notification, and she decided to check up on the post she'd made on Instagram an hour ago since that's where most of the notifications were coming from.
Liked by exodusb_ and 11,928 others
thesirajalise : New do! 😝 Thank you to my rich ass bff for paying for dat girl wig AND installll @trapoutmari 🫶🏾
View all 712 comments
trapoutmari : Anything 4 u 💙
📌 Pinned 840 likes Reply
therealzaraaa : The girls are sitting 🍒😋😋
📌 Pinned 479 likes Reply
jaybandz : Damn 😅😍
boutabagbj : Fine ass 🥴
"You look so sad, it's hurting my feelings." Siraj stood up from her side of the booth to go sit with Emari, and he chuckled, laying his head down on her shoulder.
"This shit draining. I don't be feeling the motivation to do nothin' without my twin." He referred to his daughter, clenching his jaw at the same time so that he didn't get emotional.
"We gon' get her back Mari. I can't wait to see this bitch man I'ma put my foot so far in her neck, oh my god." She was anxious just thinking about it.
She hadn't fought in a while since she had a business now, which meant she had a certain image to uphold as a CEO. As a child, she'd always been reckless, getting into fights almost everyday with her brother and best friends on her side. They were bad as hell as kids.
Thank God for growth.
"I might just jump in with you. That hoe aggravating." He shook his head, glancing down at his phone after getting a message from one of his friends.
Siraj nodded in agreement with his statement, taking a bite out of her cheesy chicken and bacon sliders. She then sighed in relief, catching a falling piece of chicken just before it could get on her clothes.
She wore a tight black dress that hugged her curves just right, stopping just above her mid-thigh. It didn't seem short when she bought it, but at times she could forget just how thick her thighs truly were which caused material to rise up higher than it should've.
On her feet were a pair of leather black Tory Burch sandals, showing off her French tip painted toenails. Her scent consisted of Billie Eilish's new vanilla fragrance, and to complete her look, she wore two Baguette Rectangular Halo Bracelets for jewelry.
She had gotten dressed ahead of time for the party since they'd be going straight there after they finished eating. They were already an hour late as it was, but block parties didn't really start until two hours after the original start time.
"You sure?" Emari held Siraj's hands, helping her stand from the booth even though she could've very well stood up on her own.
"Yeah. I'm already bloated, I don't even got enough room for it." She pulled her dress down, declining his offer of getting a dessert before they left.
Emari pulled out a crisp fifty dollar bill to leave as a tip, then grabbed Siraj's hand, letting her lead the way towards the front exit of the restaurant while he analyzed their surroundings.
Pressing the power button on her phone, Siraj declined Exodus's third attempt at calling her as they approached Emari's G Wagon truck. She had already told him that she was with his brother, so she wouldn't be able to answer his call because it would raise suspicion. He was hardheaded though.
"Who steady calling you?" As if he read her mind, Emari asked after seeing the incoming call screen, but couldn't see the contact.
"Scam likely. I'm steady decline that shit, now I feel like somebody playing on my phone." She spoke with ease, already having a lie ready.
"The one time you ain't got DND on. Nigga know you keep that shit on." He chuckled, shifting the gear into drive, pulling out of the parking spot.
"I hate notifications; the sounds and how tacky it look on my screen. Then I just don't be wanting to be bothered foreal." She shrugged her shoulders while laying her head back on the seat, low-key sleepy.
"Who all in yo' allowed thing?"
"You, Zara, and Maj. Oh and Kaila too, in case of emergencies at work or if she needs something." She told him, of course leaving out Exodus's name.
"Good 'cause I'll hate for my call to go to voicemail. Gon' fuck around and get yo' ass beat."
"Boy please. I should remove you just 'cause of that dry ass threat." She waved him off, smiling as he reached over to flick her bottom lip.
They continued to engage in conversation for the remained of the car ride, arriving to Queens almost an hour later for the block party being thrown. Almost everybody who was a somebody in the five boroughs was supposed to be coming to the party.
That meant that this would either go really good and everyone would have fun, or it would go terribly wrong and police would be assigning DOA's. Siraj hoped it went well, but regardless, she didn't plan on staying long.
"Stay behind me Siraj." Emari pulled her from walking on the side of him, and she held on to his hand, allowing him to lead her through the crowd.
"Hey Raj, you look good in that dress girl." A girl she went to college with complimented her, and Siraj sent a wave in her direction with a smile on her face.
More people spoke to both her and Emari as they walked, which surprised her a bit. Sometimes she forgot she had a moderate amount of followers on Instagram, and Emari was an upcoming rapper who was quickly gaining recognition by bigger artists.
By the time they made it to wherever Emari was taking her, she was definitely caught off guard at Semaj and Exodus both seemingly waiting for their arrival; Exodus with his signature mug on his face.
She'd told him earlier that she wouldn't be going to this party with Emari because she knew that he wouldn't want her there-not to be controlling, but just overprotective since he knew how parties in Queens could get. From the look on his face, it was more than obvious that he was upset with her.
"Hey brother," She gave Semaj a hug first, and he hugged her back, kissing the side of her face.
"Wassup shordy. I'm fuckin' wit' this." He ran his fingers through her hair after dapping Emari up, causing her to smile.
"Thank you. Hey E." She played it cool, reaching up to hug around Exodus's neck while he leaned over to wrap his free arm around her waist.
"I'ma fuck you up Alise. Where yo' clothes at and why is you up here?" He spoke so casually in her ear that a part of her actually became scared, but quickly regathered.
"You don't like my dress?" She said back, letting their hug linger a bit, though thankfully both Semaj and Emari were busy talking to one of the DJ's.
"I see you like to play. I'ma handle that." He let her go just before Emari's head turned to look at her, and she tore her eyes away from Exodus, even though she didn't want to.
"What's good nigga," Exodus dapped him up next, pulling him in for a hug to pat his back.
"Ain't shit. You good?" He snapped as they pulled apart, and Exodus nodded his head, passing him the blunt that he was smoking on.
Emari's arms wrapped around Siraj while putting the blunt to his lips, causing her eyes to go back to Exodus, seeing him already staring at her. She knew that he already hated sharing her as it was, but he had a real dislike for her and his brother's friendship. It was really jealousy, even though he would never admit that.
He didn't like the way Emari's hand rested right above her ass, or how he gently kissed her face every few seconds. His brother had always been an affectionate person, with everyone, but Exodus didn't want to see him so 'lovey dovey' with his girl.
This was probably one of the things he hated most about their relationship being a secret. Everything in him wanted to separate them, but he literally couldn't without it being questionable-especially since Emari wasn't really doing much of anything more than what he usually did.
"I love you so much but you're going to mess up my makeup." She chuckled, grabbing his face after his fourth kiss, making him smile. She was really just trying to stop his kisses because she could see that it was bothering Exodus while he spoke to Semaj.
Siraj turned her body to face the other way, looking out over the crowd to analyze her surroundings. Coincidentally, one of the first faces that she recognized belonged to Alaysia. Just her luck.
She pulled away from Emari after removing her sandals, and he stared at her in confusion, not catching on to what was happening. But then he saw her small frame tackle somebody, quickly grabbing his, Exodus's, and Semaj's attention.
"Oh shit." Semaj dropped his drink, raising from the wall that he was leaning against to go get his younger sister.
"Bitch I'll kill you. Don't touch her." Exodus was already next to Siraj, pushing a girl back just as she was about to jump in.
No words left Siraj's mouth as she repeatedly threw her fist wherever she could on Alaysia's face, her head down since her hair was being pulled. It was a shame that her fresh install would be going to waste this soon, but oh well.
"Aye, let my bitch go man." A man grabbed Siraj's shoulders, and it was a little too rough for Semaj's liking. His fist flew into the unknown man's face faster than either of them could process.
By this time Siraj's fight had jump started two other fights, and as soon as Semaj began fighting, Exodus jumped in right beside him, causing Emari to follow suit.
"Bitch get up off my hair, what the fuck," Siraj pulled her fist back before uppercutting Alaysia, given that the girl was about four inches taller than she was and was no longer on the ground.
Her second uppercut caught Alaysia off guard, getting hit right in the side of her neck after her face had already been damaged, making her slowly daze out while becoming unstable. Siraj hit her one more good time, her hair finally being released because she was sure that she'd just knocked Alaysia out.
Then her attention went to where four guys now violently fighting with her man, her brother, and her best friend. So guess what she did? Yep.
"Siraj get back man!" Semaj called to her over the loud sound of police sirens, but that didn't stop her from swinging at one man who called himself jumping Exodus with his friend since he was the biggest out of the three.
It was good that he had dreads, so Siraj pulled them as hard as she could, able to get him off of Exodus who's knuckles bled from fighting so hard. Siraj made sure to use her left fist to hit him because that's the hand that she had rings on.
"Word to ya' dead, you ain't gone play with him bitch. Emari get off of me bro," Her hands went over his arms that had locked around her waist from behind, picking her up to keep her still as Exodus went a second round with the man she was just fighting.
"We good, get my brother. We gotta go." Emari gestured towards Exodus, and Semaj spit blood out of his mouth as he went to finally break up their fight.
"Don't let me catch you my nigga. That's yo' life bitch. Fuck type timing niggas on, yo?" Exodus was pulled back Semaj in a position where his arms were lock, just because Semaj knew his best friend would fight the man until he died, and neither of them had time to catch another case like that.
"I'm good Maj. Let me go nigga." Exodus had to spit blood out of his mouth as well, rolling his eyes once Semaj ignored him. Both of them knew that as soon as he was let go, he'd pull the gun from his waist and put it to use. It was a miracle that he hadn't yet.
"You good mama?" Semaj let Exodus go once they were far enough away from the scene, checking on an obviously upset Siraj.
"I'm fine. Get out my face Maj," She used the back of her hand to wipe away her tears, not even sure why she was crying. She was pissed off, not knowing why again.
Her dress was now pulled up over her chest, revealing her stomach and the tight spandex shorts she wore specifically because she knew that she would be fighting. She didn't have time for her ass to be out in the videos that would most likely be posted all over Twitter before midnight.
They all had to quickly flee the scene before police arrived, so she was even more upset that she didn't get to talk to Exodus to make sure he was okay. Luckily, Emari was taking her to her brother's house where they would all be staying tonight.
Unfortunately, that meant that she still couldn't be around her man the way she wanted to be, and would have to wait until Semaj and Emari fell asleep.
When they got to Semaj's house, Siraj went to her room that she had over there so that she could take a shower. She seemed to be the only one still upset because the three men were already back to their regular selves. She didn't even know why she was mad because she was the one who started it all.
Around an hour later there was a knock on her door, and just by how hard it was, she knew it was her brother. It couldn't have been Emari because he had already came in there to give her a hug and tell her goodnight.
"Thank you." She took a bag of Chic Fil A from him, letting him kiss her cheek while wrapping his muscular arms around her in a hug. He smelled like he was fresh out of a shower, so she knew it wouldn't be long until he was asleep. Finally.
"You welcome. I love you shordy." He let her hold his face as she gave him a kiss on his cheek as well, and she chuckled, saying it back to him.
After thanking him again for her dinner, she was finally left alone to watch The Lorax until Exodus could come in her room. She knew that he was waiting just like she was, most likely to fuss at her for fighting.
Honestly, it was worth it though. She knew that as soon as Alaysia regained her common sense tomorrow, Emari would have his daughter back. It worked every time, and Siraj would do it over and over again if that was what needed to be done.
She fought her sleep for another half hour after finishing up her food, and eventually her room door opened to reveal Exodus's large frame. The first thing she did was hug him, and his arms wasted no time to go around her waist.
"Gimme some." He held her neck, and she tilted her head back, letting him kiss her. Apparently he wasn't as mad as she thought he would be.
"What is you fighting for Siraj?" Her neck remained in his grip when their kiss broke, his dark eyes staring into her brown ones as he waited for an answer.
"Because that bitch is weird. Mari been so sad 'cause she won't let him see his daughter. And if she wanna keep playing games with him, I'ma keep busting her ass upside her head. Let me go." She rolled her eyes, mad all over again.
"Chill out. You handled yours so ain't no reason for you to still be mad." He rubbed her back, making her reach up to hold around his neck, signaling she wanted to be picked up.
"Then yo' lil' crazy ass fighting niggas. I damn near killed that nigga for touching you. He still gon' get his when I catch his ass." He carried her over to the bed, and she smiled, amusingly rolling her eyes again.
"I know that's right. Thank you papa," She chuckled, grabbing his face as soon as she was laid on her back. She sucked his bottom lip into her mouth, listening to him softly groan at the feeling he loved most, both of them well aware that her kisses were his favorite.
"Move. You tryna fuck me when you know you showed out today. You wasn't even supposed to be up there Raj. Then you came in that tiny ass dress, knowing that shit was too small." He hovered above her as she rubbed his tattooed arms, a relaxed expression on her face.
"Exactly, so now you have to fuck me to 'handle that'." She referred to his words from earlier, laughing once a smirk fell over his face.
"Nasty ass. I'ma tear you up when we get home, but I'm not finna fuck you in yo' brother house."
"Aw, but you'd stick your finger in my pussy at my mom's? Wow. Some priorities you have." She pulled him to lay on top of her with a smile spread across her lips, listening to him laugh, and eventually laughing with him.
Bink bink bink
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