🕯 ▬▬▬▬▬▬ chapter two — conflict !
☥🦇 ݁ ˖ִ ࣪ School was boring, anyone could admit that miserable truth and some would say pointless considering the amount of successful people in the world who never had education in the first place. But, it was necessary for Skylar, she was convinced she couldn't get an average job without a degree for whatever reason, it could possibly have something to do with Jack's forceful words about passing high school.
Despite that, she willingly over—studied anyway, dedicating her entire life to her school work. So, when Jasper Hale began to start conversation in her art class earlier that same day, she didn't engage much in it, focusing her entire attention on catching up... thanks to her brother for moving them right in the middle of the semester.
She wasn't too stoked about making friends, her main goal was to get through her classes with straight A's. Nobody could blame her, 8/10 friendships are usually fake but that was just her right of opinion.
Thankfully, Jasper didn't speak to her much for the rest of the lesson but she did notice his creepy smiles towards her every so often which she didn't mind too much, it did weird her out in the slightest though. She forgot about it quickly in her math class and Jasper had vanished from her mind completely as she headed to the cafeteria.
Lunch was going to be awkward, she even debated not eating at all and hiding out in the library, but her confidence was high that day which was unusual for her, she was one to keep to herself and avoid every sign of confrontation possible.
She entered the cafeteria, her head held high and when the door closed quietly behind her, it was if it wasn't as quiet as she had interpreted, all eyes suddenly on her. It took every ounce of strength left in her to not run back out of those double doors to hide in the library like she imagined she'd do. Skylar let out a heavy sigh before walking towards the food counter, picking up a white ceramic plate.
There wasn't much of a selection to choose from, half of the options being thrown into her invisible trash can due to the internal vomiting she was engaging in just from the sight of the food. Near the end of the long counter was fruit, a bunch of colourful fruit and she smiled slightly, making her way over to place the items onto her plate.
Eyes were still lingering on her, many more than she expected and when she turned, facing towards the tables filled with groups of students, her eyes widened. It was definitely intimidating and Skylar couldn't take the rude stares any longer, so she went to wave when a hand wrapped around her elbow, a presence moving up to stand beside her.
"Take a picture, it'll last you longer!" A sweet voice erupted from the random girl who'd accompanied her in front of the dozens of students and Skylar turned to look at the girl, her lips immediately upturning at the sight of her... her.
She was the girl in Jasper's sketch and she was impossibly prettier than any portrait, her hair short but just long enough to cover her ears. It was a dark—brown colour, much like her own and her eyes were slender, and golden. Golden like Jasper's eyes. Her skin was pale, ghostly pale and she had very pixie—like features, she looked like a fairy, a whimsical one.
The fairy smiled beautifully, holding onto Skylar's arm as if she'd suddenly disappear if she let go, "Sorry, am I making you uncomfortable?" She quickly pulled away, her voice switching from a cheeky tone to a concerned one, her slim eyebrows pinched with worry and her perfect lips turned in the opposite direction.
Skylar didn't even realise that she was staring at the girl in such a way that made her worry, and so the aforementioned brunette shook her head quickly, waving her free hand in dismay, "No, no— Not at all." She smiled softly at the slightly shorter girl, who immediately giggled, wrapping her small hands around Sky's elbow again.
As much as the Blossom girl didn't want to make any friends in Forks, she just couldn't find it in herself to inform the sweet girl of that fact.
"Goodie! I'm Alice, but you can call me Ali if you'd like? I've always wanted someone to call me that." Alice pulled Skylar along, the two strolling through the noisy cafeteria at a slow pace and the older girl couldn't help but smile.
"Nice to meet you, Ali." Skylar went to open her mouth again to state her name but her plate was taken from her hands, along with her backpack from her shoulder and she instantly went on defence mode, kicking the body over with as much strength as she could possibly muster. Alice let out a squeal, whilst the culprit groaned loudly, Skylar's eyes widening in shock.
Now, everybody was definitely staring but she didn't care, all she cared about was having her belongings back in her graces and maybe she took it too far, maybe she over—reacted. She didn't give two shits about any of the maybes, it was their fault.
On the floor was a tall boy, rather slim yet toned, muscular even and he heavily resembled Alice — bright, golden eyes, pale skin, perfect—like features — only his hair was lighter, a golden brown and he held an expression of one that was embarrassed unlike Alice's enthusiastic one.
Her fruit was scattered across the ground, her apple rolled under a table nearby and her juice carton further away in the corner, collecting cobwebs. Nobody spoke a word except for some whispers in the background as Skylar and the boy stared at one another, both holding strong glares.
Their intense eye contact was broken when a voice spoke up, somebody approaching the scene, "Oh, Edward Cullen, what's happened now?" An old lady rushed up, pushing the rimming of her glasses up her nose as she held her hands out for the boy, helping him up.
Once he was dusted off, she turned towards an angry Skylar, not needing to ask to know that she was the culprit for why her favourite student was thrown onto the ground. She placed her hands on her hips and tutted, looking between the two when Alice perked up, jumping onto Skylar's arm again, "I just want to give my input as a first—hand witness, he started it."
Edward turned his head to look at her, his back currently facing Skylar and he held a glare, a rather irritated one which didn't intimidate neither of the girls.
"As a second—hand witness, I'd also like to say that he started it." A male voice from a nearby table spoke up and they all looked over at him, the boy was burly, you could tell he was tall even when he was sat. His hair was short, spiky and dark, his skin a deathly pale colour and his eyes gold, and she assumed they must all be related in some way.
His arm was raised in the air but when the lady sent him an unamused stare, he lowered it, his smile faltering and the girl beside him... the beautiful girl beside him... slapped his arm, trying to stifle her giggles into his shoulder.
Her hair was blonde, she reminded Sky a lot of Jasper, resembling him a lot more than the other golden—eyed bunch. They both had strikingly similar features, the only difference was that the blonde girl had a unique beauty spot on her face, above her lip, only adding to her gorgeousness.
"Well, Edward, if you began this... I don't know what this was, then you must apologise." The lady spoke in a stern tone towards the tall boy, who rolled his stunning eyes in annoyance and breathed a heavy breath in for the first time in what seemed like years when his eyes widened in shock.
He never breathed often, expecting to be engulfed in a dozen different intoxicating scents of blood but this time he wasn't. It was as if there were no humans nearby, as if his teacher wasn't holding onto his forearm, as if he was all alone with this girl with the delicious scent. Though, it wasn't delicious in a way where he wanted to rip out chunks of her neck, no, it was delicious in a way where he wanted to cuddle her all night long, purposefully breathing just to smell her scent again. It was delicious in a way that he wanted to keep her clothes to wear on him every moment of every passing day just to have her scent on him.
She was far from intoxicating like the rest... She smelt astonishingly luscious.
☥🦇 ݁ ˖ִ ࣪ Relationships were horrific, always ending up in heartbreak or even arguably worse: death. But, death was a complicated thing. She constantly worried about her death having no meaning yet she didn't allow anybody into her life, cutting them off at her first chance.
Relationships were hard, she was unable to wrap her mind around how people could stay in a relationship with someone when they know their partner is cheating so obviously. People were confusing creatures, that was a fact, even Skylar herself was confusing.
Her eyebrows scrunched, her eyes narrowing in the slightest as she entered her new house — it will never be her home — and she spotted her brother sat in their living room, a tanned girl, black hair and dark eyes, sat in his lap, her legs propped up across the armrest of the couch.
Skylar closed the front door, alerting them of her presence and they both snapped their eyes over at her. The woman moved to jump up from Jack's lap, her eyes wide with worry but he pulled her back down, rolling his eyes away from his younger sister.
"She's just my sister, don't worry." Jackson muttered to her and Sky smiled momentarily towards the girl, who smiled back in return. She was quite literally gorgeous, her lips plump and not a single pimple in sight, but she was nowhere near as heavenly as the siblings she'd met at her school not even an hour ago.
The younger Blossom headed up the stairs which were directly in front of her, separating the kitchen from the living room. She ignored the loud, irritating noises coming from below her bedroom and began to unpack her belongings, folding her clothes into her new drawers and assorting her books on the bookshelf.
She was in her bedroom, decorating and organising for an approximate time of two hours, the sky now a midnight blue, the stars beginning to shine through the clouds and the moon hanging high in the sky, just visible through her white lace curtains. She jumped at the sound of yelling from the bottom of the stairwell, her door opened just a crack, only making her brother's voice louder.
"Skylar, Rachel's made dinner! Come down now or starve! I don't care..." Jackson huffed near the end, shrugging as he approached the table and much to his predictions, Skylar never arrived at the dinner table to eat the food the pretty stranger — Rachel — had prepared.
Skylar was one to overthink, so there was no doubt that she felt bad for wasting the food but she couldn't stand being in the same house as her brother, never mind sitting at a table and eating dinner with him and his new girl—toy, acting as if they're a happy little family when in reality, they're the complete opposite.
She stood in the centre of her room, light purple slippers with silver stars clad on her fluffy sock—covered feet. She wore a black shirt, long—sleeved and slightly cropped, revealing the drawstring of her basic grey pyjama pants.
Her arms were crossed over her chest as her eyes flickered around the room, rather proud of her interior design skills and she spun around in a circle, assessing the other side of the white—walled room. Just as she finished the judging of her masterpiece one would call a bedroom, as if on cue, a light knock erupted on the opposite side of her due and she instantly knew it wasn't Jack, who would've barged in without any notifications whatsoever.
The door opened just a crack and Rachel, the girl from earlier, poked her head around the corner, a sweet smile creeping onto her lips at the sight of her new "boyfriend's" sister, who she found mesmerisingly beautiful, "Hi, I brought your food up for you." She opened the door wider as Skylar stood still, not moving in the slightest with her eyes still glued to Rachel.
A plate of spaghetti bolognese was held in her outstretched arm, and finally, Skylar moved from her doll—like state, taking the plate from Rachel's perfectly manicured hand with a hint of smile on her lips, "Thank you." The younger girl placed the dish down on her desk which was sat by the door and Rachel nodded, a grin of accomplishment slapped on her face.
"It's no problem, I just assumed you didn't want to sit down at a table with your asshole of a brother." Rachel joked, laughing a little under her breath, her energetic personality contagious as Skylar chuckled, placing her fingers on the edge of her desk, her fingertips tapping the wood which was painted over with white paint.
"Yep." Skylar popped her 'p' before staring down at her fidgeting hands and Rachel noticed the shift in mood, instantly knowing it was time to make her exit, allowing the miserable girl her peace.
"I hope you enjoy! Bye." Rachel waved, watching with a smile as Sky sent her a tight—lipped smile in response, gently closing the door directly after with a feeling of achievement.
Skylar was confused, per usual, she never expected her brother to pick such an enthusiastic girl to manipulate, he usually chose the boring, quiet ones who would never complain about anything, allowing him to cause harm to them without so much as a tear.
But, Jack's choice in girlfriends were the least of her worries, she was much more concerned about how status at her school, not that she was bothered what others thought of her, but she couldn't handle another year being bullied because she stood up for herself.
And that was the moment she decided to never enter the school cafeteria again to save herself the chaos.
Only... the chaos followed her.
@amxliewrites — © 2024
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