"You are something else Ivy Hargeeves"
"Lutherrrr" Ivy called out from the other side of the door in a sing song voice.
"Wakey wakey eggs and bacey" Klaus chimmed in. Luther exciting his door with a sheet wrapped around his waist.
"Oh there's the man. Someone pulled the whole disappearing act last night. What mischief did you get into?" Klaus asked him.
"What? I didn't" Luther said with a head shake.
"No? Maybe we should ask her. Hi, good morning, gorgeous. Hungry?" Ivy asked as she looked past Luther at the blonde lady putting her clothes back on, in his bed. Luther hurried and shut his door as Klaus and Ivy giggled towards each other.
"Oh cmon don't be so shy big guy you needed it. Not a lot of ladies on the moon I assume and all that pressure rested on those big, hairy, shoulders" Klaus giggled.
"Ooooo did you get it in with one of the green people? Or where they not on the moon this time?" Ivy asked with a exciting nod.
"Klaus, Ivy. Enough" Luther scolded him as the two giggled once again but then gapped at him and shared a look.
"Wait is this like... is this your first..." Klaus said as Ivy dropped her jaw.
"No way" she whispered in suprice as Klaus spun in a circle and rang his bell.
"Wohooo he popped his cherry" Klaus grinned as Ivy let out a gasp and gripped onto Klaus .
"Now you're gonna have to marry her" Ivy joked as Klaus laughed along side of her.
"Would you both keep your voice down" Luther growled at them.
"Hey you know I remember my first time.... wait no, no I don't. Ivy? Care to share?" Klaus trailed off as he faced Ivy, who rubbed her chin dramatically.
"Hum, hum you know I think maybe sixteen, possible seventeen. One of the two" Ivy nodded her head as Klaus did too.
"You guys! What is it?" Luther glared at the two not knowing what they needed .
"Oh yeah important family business. Meet us downstairs okay? And Luther, no diddy dadaling" Klaus joked as he waved his bell again .
"Maybe try putting on some pants before you join us though, yes?" Ivy joked with a giggle as Klaus threw his arm around her and the two walked off.
"There we go... this'll fix ya" Klaus smiled as he poured Luther some more coffee. He was currently having his first, and what seemed to be his last, hang over.
"Ivy? Can you hear me?" Ben whispered as he sat next to Ivy.
"Jesus i'm going insane" Ivy whispered as she sipped her coffee.
"I'm right here you know" He whispered as she shook her head.
"No you're not" she whispered back, not wanting her brother's to think she was insane.
"How'd you sleep?" He asked her.
"Pretty well. Was hoping i'd stop hearing all these voices but nope" Ivy rolled her eyes.
"Ivy? Who are you talking too?" Five asked as he entered the room, making her jump.
"Morning" she smiled before handing him her half empty coffee cup. He sipped it then gagged.
"Jesus, who do I gotta kill to get a decent cup of coffee?" Five glared at no one in particular as he sat the cup down.
"Can we get started please?" Luther said as he closed his eyes.
"Have you seen any of the others? Diego? Allison?" Klaus asked. Ivy than became alarmed.
"They didn't come back last night?" Ivy asked as she sat up straight. Klaus shook his head.
"I'm gonna head over to the gym" Ivy said as she went for the door but Klaus stopped her.
"Wait wait wait family discussion first missy" He said as she sighed and leaned against the counter.
"I'm sure they are okay" Ben reassured her as Ivy smiled slightly.
"Now listening up. There is no easy way to say this so i'm just gonna spit it out" Klaus signed dramatically .
"This is a bad idea" Ben said.
"Yeah" Klaus said as he trailed off.
"Klaus? What did you need to tell us?" Ivy asked as she snapped her fingers at him.
"I conjured Dad last night" Klaus said as the three siblings gapped at him.
"I thought you said you haven't been able to conjure anyone in years" Luther pointed out as Ivy's eyebrows browned.
"Yes but i'm sober. Tada. I got clean yesterday to talk to someone special but then ended up having this conversation with dear ol daddy himself" Klaus said sadly as Ivy smiled widely.
"Aw Klaus! I'm so proud of you" she smiled as Klaus grinned at her.
"How long do you think it'll last?" Ben asked her as Ivy giggled.
"Who knows, well let him figure it out" Ivy answered as she leaned closer toward the way she heard his voice come from.
"Does anyone got some aspirin?" Luther asked with a huff. Ivy frowned.
"Top self next to the crackers" Five answered him quickly.
"Hey! Klaus is talking to us right now! You guys can at least acknowledge him" Ivy said loudly with a glare. Ben went to put a hand on her shoulders but just sighed as he watched it pass right though.
"Fine i'll play. What did the old man have to say?" Five asked as he sighed and gave a fake smile.
"Well he gave me the usual lecture on my appearance, how i'm too close to ivy, and my failers in life blah blah blah. No surprise there, even the after life couldn't soften a hard ass like dad, right? But, he did mention something about his murder or lack of because..." Klaus trailed off.
"Wait for it" Ben said as Ivy gave a small drum roll.
"He killed himself!" Klaus explained with a fake sad look.
"Oh woah, makes since" Ivy said as she giggle.
"I don't have time for your games Klaus" Luther said as he stood up. The phone rang just as he did.
"I'll get it. You two stay and listen to him, okay?" Ivy said as she walked away to answer the Academy's phone. By the time she returned she was in a rush and grabbed Diego's keys off the counter.
"I'll be back. I love the three of you. Make sure Luther drinks a lot of water okay?" Ivy said as she kissed Fives head and then Klaus's.
"I'll talk to you soon Ben" Ivy said as she looked around not knowing where he was.
"Be carful" he told her as she nodded.
"Wait what?" Five asked confused as he gave her a crazy look.
"Where are you going?" Klaus asked as she went toward the door.
"To get Diego" she yelled before darting our the door and to the police station.
"Good luck Diego" The detective smiled as he walked out of the room that had Diego's cell in. The second he walked out, Diego's ears parked up as he heard a moan in pain and a few what seemed to be slaps. He saw a dark figured flying around from outside of the door until the retreated and the door opened again. Then Ivy entered, smiling widely in Diego's direction.
"Ivy?" Diego frowned his brows as he watched her smile and hold up the keys.
"I came to get you out. Figured this way would be better then just bailing you out" Ivy giggled as she went to unlock the cage. Diego watched her with a chuckle.
"You are something else Ivy Hargreeves" he said to her with a grin and a chuckle again as she pulled the door open.
"So i've been told" she said before the two embraced each other.
"Thanks for coming" he whispered.
"Duh." Ivy hummed
"He's not dead right?" Diego asked as he looked at the detective in the hallway.
"No, just knocked out. Cmon, we gotta go before they wake up" Ivy said as the two walked through the passed out bodies on the floor.
"Look" Five said as him, his twin, Diego, and Klaus entered the bar. Luther's head looked up and rolled his eyes in there direction.
"Leave me alone" He growled .
"Drinking a little hair of the dog are we? Hum" Klaus said as he looked down at Luther.
"Leave me alone" Luther repeated.
"Give us a minute" Diego said as he waved the other three off.
"Okay cmon maybe they'll brue each other to death" Klaus said as him and Five walked off. Diego's gaze feel onto Ivy this time.
Ivy sighed before pulling the bottle of aspirin out of her pocket and siting it down on the bar table softly before walking off to join her twin and Klaus. After a few minutes, Luther shot out of his chair.
"You should have lead with that Jesus Christ" Luther said angrily as he ran out the door. Diego stood up.
"Seems like that went well" Ivy said to him .
"Not the time Ivy" Diego said as he wrapped a arm around her as the two, along with Klaus and Five followed Luther to the car.
"Hey can you go any faster?" Luther asked he he leaned over the seat and tapped Fives shoulder.
"Ask me again and i'll burn you with the cigarette lighter" Five said as he kept his gaze on the road. Ivy smiled to herself slightly at his comment. A few minutes later, the five siblings showed up at Harold's old house as they ran inside. Ivy gasped as she turned her head quickly at the sighed of Allison's throat cut open as she bleed out of the floor.
okay so i wanted to really rant about this scene. I personally am such a slut for Allison. I love her so much and I did cry so hard when this happened. I thought she was dead. Now let's talk about Vanya *unhumamd sounds* I had my moments where I wanted to hold her in my arms and kiss her large forehead but oh my god she was so dramatic this scene. "YoU rUiNeD mY LiFe" like really honey? She was four and was most likely scared out of her mind of their crazy ass father what was she gonna do say "nope dad i'm not rumoring Vanya even though i'm still a toddler and don't have a clue how to use my powers and don't know why you want me too." She was most likely taught to not back talk. And little miss Vanya decided to what? Oh yeah cut her throat and then regret it. Like tf you thinks gonna happen when you wave the violin stick, push her out the door? nope
okay rant over thank you if you read all this
Also! Ahhh Ivy can hear Ben! Tada! It'll be talked about more and I want to put in one more flash back episode with Diego and Ivy because uwu. Now lemme say the Eden Cupid (plays young Allison) is by far one of the most gorgeous humans i've ever seen in my life.
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