"There was four of us asshole"
"I mean, do you really think Mom would hurt Dad?" Vanya was the first to speak as all the siblings now gathered around the small tv to watch as Grace poisoned Reginald.
"You haven't been home in a long time Vanya. Maybe you don't know Grace anymore" Luther spoke to her, making Ivy role her eyes.
"Non of us have been home in a long time, Luther" Ivy snapped at him, making Luther look away as Vanya gave her a tiny smile, which she returned.
"If he was poisoned, it would have shown in the cornars report" Diego chimmed in. Ivy looked at the side of his face as he spoke.
"Yeah well I don't need a report to tell me what I can see with my own eyes" Luther said back to him.
"Maybe it was just a coincidence that his heart attack happened the same time she brought him his nightly tea" Ivy said, getting a eye role from Luther.
"Are you serious right now?"Luther glared at her.
"Maybe all that low gravity in space messed with your vision " Diego said calmly, making Ivy hide her smile as he stepped forward and rewinded the tape .
"Look closer, Dad has his monicale. Dad stands up.. Monical gone" Diego stated while stepping back.
"Yeah!" Klaus shouted making Ivy look over at him.
"She wasn't poisoning him... she was taking it. To clean it!" Diego said ,making Ivy nod.
"Then where is it? No, i've searched the house including all of her things, she dosent have it " Luther said.
"You went through her stuff? Seriously Luther, have some respect" Ivy glared at him.
"That's because I took it from her" Diego stated as he looked away, not meeting any eyes. Ivy looked over at him with frowned brows, "After the funeral"
"You've had the monical this whole time? What the hell Diego!" Allison shouted.
"Give it to me" Luther stated.
"I threw it away" Diego stated casually .
"You what?" Luther glared, making both Klaus and Ivy laugh as they looked at each other .
"I knew if you found it on Mom you'd lose your shit. Just like you're doing right now" Diego pointed out.
"Diego you are such a-" Luther began but Ivy slapped him with her vines.
"Ivy!" Allison shouted as Luther glared at her.
"What! He's such bullshit! It's a stupid monical and like Diego said, he'd lose his shit! Maybe Diego was just trying to save yet another fight!" Ivy shouted as she took a step forward.
"Everyone calm down. Look, I know Dad wasn't exactly a open book but I do remember one thing he said. Mom was designed to be a care taker but also as a protector" Vanya stated as they all took deep breaths and looked at her.
"What does that mean?" Allison spoke up as she faced her sister.
"She was programmed to intervene if someone's life is in jeopardy" Vanya answered, making Ivy look away.
"Well if her hardware is degrading then we need to turn her off" Luther stated.
"Hell no!" Ivy shouted as Diego added in a "wow wow wow wow!" loudly.
"She's not just a vacuum cleaner you can throw in a closet! She feels things, i've seen it!" Diego shouted.
"That's messed up Luther. She raised us, was the only reason any of us ever felt half way normal! It's murder no matter how you look at it. You really want that on your conscious?" Ivy now shouted as she stood next to Diego and threw her hands around angry.
"She just stood there, you guys, and watched our father die!" Luther stated angry.
"I'd do the same thing if I was her" Ivy said as she rolled her eyes.
"Ivy!" Allison shouted.
"What Allison? He deserved everything that was coming to him. He treated Mom worse then any of us" She shouted as she stepped forward but Klaus held her back.
"Im with Luther" Allison stated with a shrug.
"Oh, surprise, surprise" Diego rolled his eyes .
"Shut up" Allison glared.
"That's how you wanna go about this? When we all know you and Ivy will team up along with Klaus. That's how it's always been our whole lives, the three of you always go against us even if it's the wrong decision!" Luther yelled as Ivy slapped him with her vines, this time drawing blood.
"There was four of us you asshole! Maybe we should walk outside and look at that statue that YOU destroyed one more time to refresh your memory!" she shouted as she pushed in his chest, which didn't move him. Diego reached forward and pulled her backwards. They all looked over at Vanya as she seemed stuck on what to pick.
"Yeah she shouldn't get a vote" Diego said with a eye roll again.
"I was gonna say I agree with you and Ivy" she stated, making Ivy grin slightly.
"Okay she should get a vote" Diego shrugged.
"What about you stonner boy? What do you got?" Diego said as he looked over at Klaus, as did Ivy .
"Oh so, what you need my help now? 'Oh get out of van Klaus. Oh, welcome back to the van'" Klaus stated as he mimicked Luther's voice.
"What van?" Allison asked.
"Jesus can't you grow up! We're not thirteen anymore , non of you have ever treated Klaus the same as the other!" Ivy shouted as she pushed Luther again.
"Ivy stop it, I don't wanna hurt you" He stated and grabbed her shoulders.
"Get your space hands off her!" Diego yelled as he pulled Ivy away from Luther as their attention went back to Klaus, who stood with a scowl in the corner.
"I'm with Diego and Ivy because screw you!" Klaus shouted, making Diego point a finger at him and Ivy to let out a "wo wo!"
"And if Ben were here.... he'd agree with me" Klaus stated , making Ivy look away at the sound of his name but frowned her brows when Klaus made a sound toward thin air. Had Ben been here right now?
"So that's four" Diego stated.
"It's not final. Fives not here" Allison said with a shrug.
"We would still win either way" Ivy stated with a eye roll .
"The whole family has to vote, we owe each other that" Allison said to her as she looked away .
"We should wait" Vanya stated as the other walked off. Ivy then noticed the beautiful woman standing behind them .
"Mom? " Ivy asked as she walked over toward her with Diego following .
"How long have you been standing there?" he asked her softly as the two looked at her carefully.
"You all seem upset. I'll make cookies" Grace smiled widly and headed off to the kitchen .
"I'm gonna go talk to her for a little bit. You gonna be okay?" Ivy asked as she looked at Diego .
"Yeah you go ahead. Well talk tonight okay?" he asked her making Ivy nod and walk off toward the kitchen.
"Mom?" Ivy asked as she peaked her head into the kitchen to see Grace adding some chocolate chips into a bowl.
"Oh Ivy, you know I can't let you taste the batter anymore. You got so sick last time" Grace smiled as Ivy grinned and sat on the counter infront of her.
"I was seeing if I could help you" Ivy
said as she put her hair behind her ears as Grace smiled.
"You can stir" She handed her the whisker and sat the bowl in her lap.
"Hey I missed you. I know I haven't been home in a whole... i'm sorry" Ivy stated as she mixed .
"Oh that's quite okay, I know you were busy" Grace smiled as she pulled out a pan .
"I made you a few skirts if you'd like to see them in a little bit" Ivy shrugged with a smile as she tasted the cake batter sneakingly.
"Yes of course" Grace smiled as the two went back to baking .
"How will the Umbrella Academy ever become an effective triangle if we can't even leave the house on time for a mission!" Reginald shouted over the loud alarm signaling them all that they had a mission.
"Behind you!" Luther stated as he jumped over his father shoulder and hurried off.
"Come along children! Come along!" Dad shouted once again.
"I can't find my domino mask!" Allison panicked as she searched through out her room.
"Needed a little TLC after last mission" Grace smiled as she handed Allison her mask.
"Thanks Mom" she grinned and ran out the door .
"Ready to go?" Grace asked as she looked into Luther's room as he was in mid push ups. He gave her a thumbs up and a smile as she walked off.
"Where's my knifes!" Diego shouted as he ran through the house.
"Did you check the attic!" Ivy yelled to him as Grace passed Vanya's room while she played her Violin.
"Sounds lovely Vanya" Grace smiled sweetly while peaking her head in.
"Thanks Mom" Vanya grinned as she went back to playing. Loud laughing was heard, making Grace turn her head in Klaus room and sigh as he jumped up and down on his bed while a small fire was going infront of him.
"Ugh Klaus!" Grace scolded as she threw a wet rag on the fire, making it burn down quickly.
"Thank you mother" Klaus stated as he flopped down on his bed.
"Boys will be boys" Grace said as she walked out his room but was once again stopped by Ben.
"Oh Ben"
"It's stuck" he stated while pulling on his zipper. Grace fixed it quickly with a small smile. He grinned.
"Guys, wait for me!" Ben shouted as he ran down the hallway. A loud scream made Grace jump slightly.
"Help! I'm stuck in my vines! I'm dying! I'm dying!!" Ivy yelled as
Grave rounded the corner to see Ivy rolling on the ground with green vines wrapped around her body.
"Ivy, are you okay, dear?" Grace asked as she hurried and pulled the vines off of Ivy and pulled her up with her.
"Thank you Mom" she smiled as Grace put a hand on her check.
Ivy frowned as she heard the gun shots from upstairs. She'd been eating cookies in the kitchen moments before but was now sprinting up the stairs to see what had been happening. Ivy saw Diego fighting a large man in a child's mask as she gasped.
"Another one?" the other masked shooter yelled as Ivy moved her hands, making the Vines flay out the walls and grab the big guy and throw him over toward the lady, who now shot at her. Ivy dropped to the floor before rolled to be shielded by the wall. The shooters ran down the stairs as Ivy walked toward to staircase to look down as she saw Diego move, signaling them to shoot at him. Ivy gasped as se sent her vines flying once again as they hit the taller ones gun out of his hand. Luther then came through and threw the smaller one into the hallway.
. The bigger one trailed after as Ivy ran to Diego's side.
"You okay?" she asked him worried and looked him for injuries as he nodded. Allison then appear and kicked the bigger one and tried to fight him off but he managed to wrap his hand around her throat and lift her in the sky. Ivy sprung forward and wrapped both of her vines around his feet, causing him to face plant on the ground and let Allison go.
"You okay?" Ivy asked as she ran to her sisters side but the guy had grabbed her leg and pulled her down , getting a yelp from Ivy in return.
Allison was about to jump in when Diego ran forward and kicked the guy who managed to get his hands over Ivy's mouth. He wasn't moving though. Luther came over angrily and threw the guy across the house as Ivy gasped for air. Allison pulled her up and patted her back slightly.
"Who the hell are these guys?" Allison yelled as she looked at the three.
"You're welcome" Luther said over to Diego, who was still catching his breath.
"I was doing just fine" Diego stated.
"Oh yeah you really-" Luther began.
"Shut the hell up! Both of you!" Ivy snapped at the two as they both shut their mouths before the small one started shooting again. Allison, Ivy, and Diego ran as Luther stayed behind to fight the bigger one.
Now in the basement, Ivy currently was hiding behind the counter as the smaller masked female walked down stairs. Ivy caught sight of Allison grabbing a pole stick before hitting her in the leg, causing the lady to fall down. Allison walked near her, The unknown lady hoped up and started swinging the broken pole stick toward Allison , which caused Ivy to jump out ontop of her and to spin around. The mask lady threw her on the pool table where Ivy kicked her in the face and then tripped her with the vines.
The lady swung her leg around quickly, tripping Allison who fell next to Ivy on the table.
"You wanna rumor this psycho?" Diego asked as he came around the corner.
"I don't need to because this bitch just pissed me off" Allison glared before swinging around with a glare.
"We just want the boy" The lady said, her voice was deep.
"Yeah you'll have to kill me first, dumb bitch" Ivy glared before throwing herself off the table and ontop of the lady who feel on the floor again. She kicked Ivy in her ribs, making the smaller girl fall over but getting a kick in the shin making her fall again. Ivy crawled back ontop of her as she signaled her vines to wrap around the lady's next.
Just as they had, the lady swung her leg around Ivys neck, causing Ivy to hit the ground hard and her vines to slip , letting the mask lady stand.
"You're in deep shit now" Diego said as he began hand to hand contract with the lady but getting kicked away in the end. He landed next to the game table where he pulled out one more pole stick and swung it again.
"You alright?" Allison asked as she came to Ivy's side but all Ivy managed to do was smirk in Diego's direction as he began fighting the lady again. Allison then noticed a small knife sticking out of one of the smaller tables. The two sisters hoped up, allowing Ivy to kick the lady as she went to run away from the three as Allison handed Diego the knife.
"Get her" she smirked as Diegoswung the knife, letting it curve and puncture the lady's ass as she fell on the stairs. Ivy smirked over at Diego who smirked back.
"Cmon" he told the two as they all walked after the lady.
The three had made it to the living room to see number one groaning on the ground.
"Luther!" Allison yelled as they all went to his side to help him up.
"You've gotta lay off the fast food buddy" Diego groaned as Ivy nodded in agreement.
"Can't imagine what the moon offered you" she told to him as they got him off the ground finally. They all looked up to see the lady from before wave eviley before pulling the chandelier string, causing it to fall.
"Get out of the way!" Luther yelled as he shoved his three siblings out of the way and allowed the chandelier to fall on him.
"Luther!" Allison yelled as she watched in horror. Then a gun shot rang through the air, making Vanya cover her ears. Diego looked up to see the lady before had just fired a gun before running off. As he moved his gaze, he now noticed Ivy look down at her stomach where blood began to seep through.
"Ivy! Ivy!" he yelled as he ran over to her.
"It's okay-" as cut herself off by coughing.
"You can do it. You can heal yourself remember, look give me your hand" he said as he took her hand and held it to the gun wound as she nodded. Luther then began to move, causing all their attention to turn to him. He'd stood up from the chandelier, which ripped his shirt in the process, revealing a lot of hair on his skin.
Ivy's mouth dropped as she saw how much her brother had resembled a ape and knew it had something to do with one of their fathers syrums. He looked around at his siblings, clear embarrassed washing over his face before darting up the stairs.
"Did you know?" Vanya asked Allison, who shook her head.
"Deep breaths" Diego whispered,catching the two sisters attention .
"Oh my god Ivy!" Vanya yelled as she ran to her sisters side as did Allison.
"Get Pogo, that bullets needs to be taken outta her. She's not gonna be able to heal herself for much longer" Diego said as Allison ran off.
"Take her, I have to check on Mom!" Diego said loudly to Vanya.
"Wha-Diego she needs us!" Vanya yelled as she took Ivy into her arms while Diego was already half way up the stairs.
"Vanya" Ivy whispered as she coughed again.
"I'm here" Vanya told her.
"Do you remember... when we were younger. You use to play violin for me when I was sad?" Ivy asked through deep breaths.
"Keep on breathing Ivy" Vanya told her as she rocked the girl back and forth in her arms.
"Do you remember?" Ivy asked her again with a uneven breath.
"Yeah yeah I remember. I remember it all" Vanya said as she sniffles as Ivy's breath became more and more uneven.
"There's something I need to tell you" Ivy whispered as Vanya nodded.
"I know" she whispered before Ivy took one last breath before she feel faint in Vanya arms.
"Ivy, Ivy! No Ivy! Wake up! Allison! Allison hurry up!" Vanya yelled some more as she held her non breathing sister in her arms.
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