"She's power mimicking"
"Shit, Mom! Mom!" Diego yelled as the four of them now got outside.
"Mom! Cmon" Ivy tried as Klaus also joined in. Grace blew them a kiss before the house feel. taking her with it.
"Mom! Ivy, Klaus come here help me search" Diego yelled as Ivy continued to cry. Klaus let go of Ivy for a second as Ben began to talk to her..
. Klaus then went to Diego who was still yelling about Mom.
"Diego. Stop, stop" Klaus said calmly as he grabbed his arms as Diego pushed him off.
"Let me go! What are you doing!" Diego yelled at him but Klaus pulled him away from the mess.
"Just stop stop. She's gone" Klaus whispered.
"What? You wanna wa-wa-walk away from this?" Diego studdered catching Ivy's attention as she walked forward and squeezed his shoulder.
"What about Pogo?" Diego asked toward Klaus, still wanting to look for them.
"He didn't make it" Luther said as he appeared next to them with Allison by his side.
"What?" Ivy asked in a soft voice as she could literally feel her heart breaking.
"Vanya killed him" Luther informed her.
"But Vanya wouldn't-" Diego began but Luther cut him off.
"No I saw it. Just before we got out" Luther signed.
"Mom and now Pogo" Diego whispered as Ivy frowned sadly.
"Guys!" Five yelled, running up to them.
"Where the hell have you been? I nearly died trying to find you, asshole!" Ivy yelled as she ran up to him and hugged him as he pulled her close to him.
"This is it. The apocalypse is still on, the world ends today" Five said to his other four siblings while he held Ivy close to side .
"What? I thought you said it was over?" Klaus asked confused. Ivy pulled away from Five and wrapped her arms around herself as she watched him show a news paper.
"I was wrong, okay? This news paper I found in the future the day I got stuck. The headline hasn't changed" Five told them.
"No that dosent mean anything. Time could have been healed since that news paper came out this morning" Diego said.
"You're not listening to me. When I found it, I assumed this place came down with everything else. But here we are, the moons still shining and the earth is in one piece but not the academy" Five said as he showed the newspaper again.
"I'm confused" Klaus said as him and Ivy shared a look.
"Then listen to me you idiots! Vanya destroys the academy before the apocalypse. I thought Harold Jankins was the cause but he was the fuss, Vanya is the bomb. Vanya caused the apocalypse!" Five yelled. Ivys eyes widened slowly as she let it sink in. The same violin playing girl who Ivy use to tell all her secrets too and share everything with was what had caused the end of the world and tried to kill Ivy moments before.
Helicopters sounded over them, making all of the Hargreeves look up.
"We have to find her" Ivy whispered. The helicopter got closer.
"We got to go now. Re-Group at the superstar!" Luther yelled as Five and Ivy ran off one direction while Allison and Luther went the other and Klaus and Diego went another along with Ben.
"Look I hate to be the one to say this but everyone needs to be prepared" Luther said to them as Ivy frowned.
"For what? To do what?" Diego asked.
"To do whatever it takes to stop Vanya" Luther said to them as Allison hit him in the arm.
"Screw you Luther! We're not killing her" Ivy glared.
"Ivy, were you not there? She tried to kill you" Luther said to her as he pointed a finger.
"So what? She's still Vanya, I still love her" Ivy said in all seriousness.
"We may not have a choice!" Luther yelled .
"Bullshit, there's always options" Diego said from beside Ivy.
"Yeah like what?" Five asked .
"I don't know" Diego shrugged.
"Look, whatever we decide we need to find Vanya and fast okay? She could be anywhere" Luther said annoyed.
"Or here. Look at this" Klaus said as he held up a news paper with Vanya's violin school on it. They had a performance tonight .
"That's right. Her concert is tonight" Diego nodded as they all looked down at her picture.
"Hello. I hate to intrude but my manager says if you're not gonna bowl you gotta leave" a preppy blonde, who clearly worked there, said.
"Screw your manager" Ivy glared at her. Ben gave a snort.
"Sorry about her" Klaus nodded toward he girl who faked a smile and walked away. The manager at the desk sat some boweling shoes on his desk with a glare as Ivy glared back and moved her finger,,making a small plant on his desk hit him in the face.
"Who's turn is it?" Diego spoke up.
"Oh you mean.." Luther trailed off as he threw a large ball across the room. Ivy held up a hand to him as he sighs before fist pumping her much smaller fist.
Allison wrote on her notebook and tapped on it to get their attention. It read "she's our sister".
"We're the only ones capable of stopping this. We have a responsibility to Dad" Luther said.
"To Dad? Nah I've had enough about-" Diego began but Luther cut him off.
"He sacrificed everything to bring us back together" Luther glared.
"I'm with Luther" Five stated.
"Of course you are" Ivy mumbled.
"What's that suppose to mean?" Five glared as she stood up quickly.
"Oh just that clearly everywhere theres a douch bag there's always a prick too right?" Ivy glared at him.
"This is not the time" Five glared at her.
"We can't hurt Vanya" Ivy took a step forward but instead she felt a tug and was now standing infront of Five.
"What the hell" Diego said loudly as he just witnessed Ivy space jumping.
"What the hell" Ivy whispered.
"Did she just-" Luther began.
"You just spacejumepd. How the hell did you do that?" Five asked as she shook her head.
"I-I don't-" Ivy began but Klaus then spoke up.
"She was emotional!" he yelled out as everyone gave him a weird look.
"So?" Diego asked him.
"Um hello. Emotional mind connect. She was upset when she all of a sudden could hear the dead, just like me, and she was angry with Five when she space jumped, just like him" Klaus said as he laughed and pointed at the two.
"She's power mimicking. Ivy this is a good thing if we can get you to Vanya you can-" Luther started but Allison hit him again and held up her note book that said "Too dangerous" .
"Back off Luther. We're not using Ivy, now let's focus of how to stop the world from ending so we can actually then help her okay?" Diego spoke up as he slapped Ivy on the back slightly.
"You guys, we can't give Vanya a chance to fight back. There are billions of lives at state, we're past trying to save just one"Five stated .
"Hey, you guys you know, maybe I can help" Klaus pointed out.
"Now is not the time" Luther rolled his eyes in his direction.
"No let him finish. He saved my life today" Diego said as Ivy grinned over at Klaus.
"Really?" Ben asked .
"Is that true?" Luther asked as he looked over at Klaus .
"Yeah I did take credit for it. In fact the real hero... is Ben" Klaus smiled softly.
"Seriously Klaus?" Five glared over at him.
"He's telling the truth. Earlier Ben was talking to me" Ivy nodded as she sat up slightly.
"Yeah and he punched me in the face. And earlier at the house he was the one that saved Diego's life" Klaus said with a nod.
"You are unbelievable Klaus" Luther now said in shock .
"You want proof? Is that it? Okay i'll give you proof. Show time baby. Catch!" Klaus said as he threw a bowling ball in the air toward Ben's direction, but cringed as it just past right through him.
"Is there any way to silence that voice in your head that screams out to be the center of attention?" Luther glared.
"Oh that's rich coming from you, Mr Lets bring up ever chance we get how Dad sent me to the moon. Besides, I can hear Ben's voice" Ivy said toward Luther with a nod.
"So what? You always hear voices because you never sleep" Luther said to her with an eye roll.
"I sleep" Ivy argued.
"You know I liked you a lot more before you got laid" Klaus stated as Allison's face dropped and Luther looked embarrassed for his life. Ivys mouth feel as she put a hand over her mouth to stop a giggle from escaping. Klaus then noticed the looks on all their faces and began trying to cover his tracks.
"Which was a complete-it wasn't his fault. Because he was ridiculously high, right? And the girl.. she thought he was a furry" Klaus said as Ivy giggled and looked away.
"Stop Talking" Luther glared over at Klaus as Allison walked away.
"Allison" Luther ran after her.
"Excuse me? Excuse me? It's my son Kenny's birthday today and ughhh wouldn't your son be happier playing with kids his own age? Assuming it's okay with your two Dads" a red head lady spoke as she looked at Five then over at Diego and Klaus. Ivys eyes widened as Klaus looked over at the two of them while Diego just looked in shock.
"I'd rather chew off my own foot" Five
glared as the ladies face feel and she walked away, clearly weirded out.
"Oh my god" he said under his breath.
"You'd be lucky to get me Diego" Klaus said.
"Five. Where's Five?" Luther asked confused as he walked in moments later.
"He left" Diego shrugged.
"Oh for the love of... where'd he go?" Luther asked with frowned brows.
"Didn't tell us" Diego shrugged again as Ivy leaned her head onto Allison's shoulder as she smiled softly and wrapped a arm around her .
"Well we're not waiting around for him. The concert starts in thirty minutes" Luther said.
"Alright so what's the plan?" Diego asked as he looked at Luther along with the other three.
"Ugh well..." Luther began .
"So much for being leader right?" Ivy asked with a a eyebrow raise as Allison patted her shoulder.
"Well I think we go to the Eggeres Theater" Luther nodded as Ivy frowned her brows.
"That's a location not a plan" Diego said. Luther looked around .
"What is that all you got? Look you wanna be number one fine, but you're gonna have to get us on the same page because right now we're all over the place" Diego glared as he lowered his voice and put a finger in Luther's face. Ivy smirked as she looked at Allison, who gave her a stern look, but Ivy couldn't wipe the grin off her face.
"You're right. We need a plan" Luther nodded but then all of a sudden they were being shot at by guys in mask. All the siblings hid behind the counter quickly and shielded their heads.
"Who the hell are these guys!" Diego yelled over the loud noise.
"Maybe they're here for Kenny's birthday!" Klaus yelled back.
"No i'm pretty sure they're here for us" Luther said as he bent down, trying not to get hit. Diego then sat up and threw his knife at one of them, knocking them out. Music then began to play as the body fell limb. As Luther grabbed a bowling ball, Ivy summoned her planes that now wrapped around her body, waiting for her motion for them to attack.
Luther threw two balls as Ivy now stood up and waved her hands, letting her plants wrap around three shooters and squeeze them until she heard the cracking noise. Diego threw a few more knifes as Luther threw a extra ball then Klaus threw Kenny's cake at one of them. Ivy turned quickly as she let her plants wrap around a guys arm and pulled it out of socked. She winced and then turned away, rushing to Allison's side do make sure she was alright.
"They're blocking the exit!" Klaus yelled .
"So what's the plan now Luther?" Diego also yelled from behind the counter. Allison tapped Ivy as she pointed toward the bowling lanes. Ivy grinned at her as she yelled out to her brothers.
"The lanes! You guys! use the lanes!" Ivy yelled as she sprinted forward along with her siblings as the plants followed after her quickly. They all ran down the lanes, before Klaus dove forward and crashed into the pins, making the strike. Now on the other side, the siblings all looked at each other to make sure they were all there.
"Let's go"
Luther said as they all ran out the building and toward the Violin concert.
Next chapter is my last one for season:((( but Ivy's for a new power! If you don't understand it she's basically being able to copy anyone's power as long as she can find a way to connect emotionally with them :)
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