22 | Accidents Happen(ed)
A small frown spread across Kianna's face as she began to twist in her sleep, trying to find a more comfortable position. She reached to grab Judah, then let out a frustrated groan when she realized he wasn't beside her.
Since the day they landed back in the states a little less than two weeks ago, there wasn't a day that she woke up in the morning and he was still there. He would silently leave around five in the morning and wouldn't be back until around four or five in the afternoon and she hated that.
She knew that he was working this much because he was tying up loose ends, but she wasn't used to him leaving her by herself for so much of the day. That along with her pregnancy hormones had her emotions everywhere. She wanted him here with her.
"Come home." Was the first thing she said on FaceTime when he answered her call on the second ring.
"You know I can't mama. I got you some breakfast in the microwave and I left some money on the dresser so you and Mina can go do someth-,"
Kianna ended the call before he could finish, and then she powered her phone all the way off. She did the same thing to her other phone and her iPad, and then she irritably stood up out of the bed, rubbing underneath her growing baby bump.
"It's just mommy today, again. We gon' have to find you a new daddy. One that actually loves us." She talked to her belly as she turned on the sink in the bathroom, grabbing her toothbrush.
"Quit playing with me Kianna." Judah's voice could be heard, and she looked up at the almost unnoticeable camera with a frown on her face.
"Shut up. Stop watching me, weirdo." She rolled her eyes, opening the tube of charcoal toothpaste.
"You shut up. Quit telling my baby that. I'm not playing with you." He said, and she ignored him with another roll of her eyes.
"I'ma be on my way in a few minutes, aight? I'm sorry mama. You know I'm tryna wrap this shit up."
"No. Stay where you at 'cause I'm going to Mina house. And I'm spending the ni-,"
"Man quit playing with me Kianna. I just said I'm finna come home."
"And I said what I said, too. Now shut up talking to me." She said again, spitting toothpaste out of her mouth.
"Stop talking to me like that. You only talking big shit 'cause I'm not in front of you lil' girl. That's aight though. I'm on my way. You getting beside yourself and I'm finna come handle that." He told her, and she dropped her Cetaphil facial cleaner to climb up onto the counter, then she ripped the mini camera out of the wall and threw it in the trash bin.
"Didn't I say shut up talking to me? Oh ok then." She mumbled to herself, going back to her skincare.
When she finished freshening up, she went into their bedroom to find something to wear because she wasn't playing with him. She was about to go pick up Amina so that they could go shopping, and then she would stay the night over her house. See how he likes waking up by himself.
"Kianna," Judah spoke from the camera in the bedroom, and she didn't even bother to acknowledge him.
Her outfit of the day was a Jean Paul Gaultier jumpsuit that had a naked woman's body print on the front and back of it, giving the illusion that it was actually Kianna that was naked, although she wasn't.
She paired it with matching Chanel sandals and a similar colored bag, then went on to do her hair. Luckily she had tape ins and all she had to do was brush them out. She ignored Judah's attempts to talk to her as she packed her purse, and when she was done with that, she went to the front of the suite.
On the kitchen island was three large stacks of cash waiting for her, but she only took two of them since the third couldn't fit in her purse.
"Mama wait for Rico to get there." Judah spoke from the living room camera, obviously following her around the house.
"So you was lying? You not on your way?" She gazed over at the camera, and she could hear him sigh from the other end.
"Kian-," He couldn't even say her name all the way before she was out the front door. Now she had an attitude, and the only thing that would cure it was donut holes and a pig in the blanket, so that's where she'd stop at first.
She rode the elevator down to the parking garage, and then walked over to her Mercedes Benz AMG Coupe. She put her belongings in the passenger seat, and powered on her second phone so that she could use it for Bluetooth, and to send a text to Amina to tell her to get dressed.
She wasn't worried about him being mad that she left without her security because Rico would find her in no time from the tracking devices Judah put on all three of her cars. The times she called herself sneaking out alone, Rico would be behind her vehicle within minutes. She loved and hated it at the same time.
"That smile on your face, makes it easy to trust you.." Kianna sung along with Miguel on Party Next Door's Break From Toronto, driving out of the parking garage.
She couldn't wait to get to the donut shop. Those pig in a blankets were literally screaming her name.
Traffic wasn't bad at all since it was only nine in the morning, which made her happy because she was already irritated and she didn't need New York City's crazy drivers to add on to that.
"Good morning and welcome to City Donuts; what can I get for you today?" A voice spoke from the drive thru speaker.
"Hi, can I please get a dozen of the mini donut holes with sprinkles, and three pig in a blankets with an apple juice to drink."
"Alright, your total is 12.37 at the window."
Kianna pulled around, paid, and got her food minutes later. Now, it was on to Amina's house so they could go shopping; which was both of their favorite hobby, especially since it was never their money that was spent. Judah sent Kianna with his black American Express card every time.
Now driving on the expressway, Kianna listened to Ms Lauryn Hill while simultaneously eating her food. Consider her attitude gone; completely vanished. She blamed it on the baby growing in her belly.
Her eyes went to her rearview mirror as a black truck moved over from the left lane to behind her in the middle lane. She sat up in her seat to read the license plate, and her eyebrows furrowed once she got a glimpse at it. It wasn't familiar at all.
She tried brushing it off because it could've been anyone, really. She merged over to the right lane, and she knew something was wrong when the truck cut another vehicle off to get directly behind her. The first thing she did was tell Siri to start recording a voice memo on her phone, then she put it down in her cup holder with the speaker facing up.
Reaching underneath her passenger seat, she pulled out a Glock 22 .40 caliber and placed it down in her lap. She could barely switch the safety off before her car was smashed into the concrete road block on the shoulder, sending her body forward against her steering wheel that immediately released the airbag, knocking the wind out of her chest.
She could feel blood leaking from her head and her arm, where a piece of glass from the busted windshield was lodged into her skin. She was trying to focus on not passing out while also attempting to pay attention to her surroundings the way that Judah taught her.
"He said not to kill her. Perché cazzo hai colpito la sua macchina così forte?" A voice approached her car, speaking a language she didn't understand.
"Shut the fuck up. I know what I'm doing." Another voice said before her crushed driver side door was pulled open with a crowbar.
Kianna looked out of her passenger window, only able to see the arm of someone who held a machine gun. On his hand was a broken skull tattoo with some sort of calligraphy above and below it, possibly in the same language that he previously spoke in.
Just as she tiredly turned her head to look at the person who opened up her door, she felt a sharp pain in her stomach. Her mouth fell open in shock, looking down at the handheld machete that was now piercing through her body, right above her belly button.
"Nessun mio nipote porterà il sangue di Judah East." He leaned over to talk in her face, and Kianna positioned the gun in her lap upwards, letting off a shot that sent a fatal bullet right through his chin.
"Che cazzo hai fatto?!" The second man yelled in shock, barely able to complete his sentence before Kianna shot him in the middle of his neck, causing blood to splatter everywhere.
She dropped her gun as her vision became blurry, and she lost consciousness seconds later.
Judah signed his name at the bottom of a contract, stating that he was putting up his drug territory in southern California up for sale. The contract would then be placed on the black market, and the highest bidder would take over his ports there. He was posting it for 2.3 billion dollars, which was a lot, but the location was definitely worth it.
A deep mug plastered on his face once his office door was slammed open, and in rushed Shelly and Traydon.
"Y'all better have a good fuckin' reason f-,"
"Boss, it's Kianna." Traydon cut him off before he could finish, and Judah's expression immediately went flat at the urgency in his tone.
"Somebody smashed her car, man. She in the hospital; they saying the baby ain't make it." Shelly revealed.
Judah's mind blanked as he tuned them out, trying to process the information that was just dropped into his lap. His already red eyes burned with tears, and he stood up out of his seat, pushing past them to walk out of his office.
He didn't bother to take the elevator because it took too long and clearly he didn't have time for that. He ran down seven flights of stairs, and Traydon and Shelly were right behind him, ready to help in whatever way they could.
It only took them ten minutes to arrive to the emergency room because Judah drove on the shoulder, weaved in and out of the light traffic and ran red lights the whole way there.
"I was too late, Boss. I'm sorry." Rico was outside of her hospital room when they got to the floor she was on, and Judah ignored him as he walked inside, closing the door behind him.
His heart sunk in his chest at the sight of her laid up in the hospital bed, and not for any good reasons. He thought he'd only witness her here when she gave birth to their child; the child they weren't even having anymore.
He knew she was medicated to ease the pain of her wounds, so she was probably in and out of sleep. He couldn't remember how long Shelly had said she'd been here because he could barely breathe correctly on the way over.
Judah pulled her blanket back and lifted her gown up, looking at the white bandage wrapped around her stomach. Blood had seeped through the cotton material, but not an overwhelming amount. That seemed to be the only major wound she had besides a few minor cuts and bruises.
"I'm sorry." Her quiet voice mumbled, making his head instantly raise to look at her face again.
"Nah, nah, don't apologize mama. You good. Don't say sorry." He leaned down to kiss her face, and she sniffed, placing her hand over his that rested on her stomach.
"But the baby.."
"I know. We can have more babies. I can't get another you though. I'm just glad you safe. You ain't got no reason to apologize." He assured her, and his heart broke as he watched her eyes gloss over with tears.
"I left the house so mad at you. I didn't mean it." Her voice cracked, and she broke down in tears when Judah wrapped his arms around her for a hug.
"I know. It's okay. I should've been at home with you and none of this would've happened. I'm sorry my baby." He rubbed her back, listening to her quietly sniff as her cries calmed down. He brought her so much comfort.
Within minutes Kianna was back asleep, but Judah held her for a little while longer to pray over her, and to thank God for allowing her to still be here with him. He'd never been so afraid in his life. He didn't know what he would do if she died today; it killed him to even think about that possibility.
He laid her down against the pillows and dried his face up before walking outside of her room where Rico, Shelly, and Traydon still stood, waiting for him to come back out.
"I'm sorry boss. I was on my way to h-,"
"You good. I don't fault you for nothin'. What happened?" He stopped Rico from apologizing while simultaneously clearing the lump from his throat.
"It's her daddy people." Shelly told him, causing an instant mug to replace his expression.
"She recorded a voice memo on her phone, we had Leo pull it from her iCloud account 'cause her phone busted. He translated it too, 'cause they spoke in Italian. Listen to this." Rico passed him his work iPad, and Judah pressed play on a video recording.
"He said not to kill her. Why the fuck would you hit her car that hard?" Voice one said.
"Shut the fuck up. I know what I'm doing." Voice two responded.
"No grandchild of mine will bear the blood of Judah East." Voice two spoke again, and then a gun shot went off.
"What the fuck did you do?!" Voice one shrieked while cocking what sounded like a machine gun, and then another shot went off.
"She shot them?" Judah spoke with confusion as the voice recording ended.
"She killed them." Shelly enunciated her actions because although he knew that Judah had been training her, none of them believed she had it in her to do something like that.
"Deadass?" He glanced through the glass window at Kianna as the three of them nodded in confirmation.
"Luckily-well, not that lucky but lucky-nobody called 12. I pulled up like three or four minutes after everything went down and got both bodies. They in my truck right now. I ain't get to clean up the blood though 'cause I had to get her to the hospital, but I sent a team out to handle it." Rico told him.
"Boss, they killed the baby. The crash ain't do it.. when I got there, it was a machete in her stomach. I had to pull it out of her so the hospital ain't ask no questions. That's why one of them niggas said something about a grandchild; Lucci sent them to kill only the baby 'cause he didn't want you to be the father." Rico added, swiping over on the voice recording to show a picture of the machete that was used to stab Kianna.
Lucci was the nickname that Kianna's father had in the streets when he was around, but his real name was Matteo Luciano. And apparently, he was still around-and was very much alive and still conducting business as usual.
That didn't put an ounce of fear in Judah's heart, really. If anything, it just pissed him off because this man didn't even know him on a personal level to be making the decision of whether or not he'd be the father of Kianna's child. Hell, Matteo didn't even know Kianna.
He wanted to dive into this headfirst and just kill whoever got in his way, but he knew that he had to have an actual plan when dealing with someone of Matteo's status. And for the first time in his life, he didn't even know where to start with said plan.
"I 'preciate y'all for being here. Somebody call Mina and send a truck of security to come up here. Y'all good to go." He dapped each of them up, and after giving their condolences, they did as told and left the hospital.
Rico stayed behind though, guarding the door until more security came to take over. Judah appreciated him more than he knew.
He sat down in the chair next to her bed, grabbing her hand in his. He kissed the back of it, and she began to toss in her sleep for the second time. He let out a low chuckle when her eyes opened again, meeting his seconds later. It was as if she was fighting the medicine running through her IV.
"I heard you out here laying niggas down mama." He rubbed her hand that he still held, and she lazily smiled with a slight shrug of her shoulders.
"My baby daddy taught me well." She said, making his smile return.
"I'm proud of you beloved. You know I'ma get shit taken care of for you. I ain't leaving yo' side ever again. I swear on everything I love." He kissed the back of her hand again, then leaned up to kiss her cheek.
"I know baby. I love you so much."
"I love you more than life."
See! No baby bitch. Now shut up!!!!!
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