19 | Reconciliation
Kianna grabbed the plan B package out of the brown paper bag from CVS that was just delivered by DoorDash, cutting through the plastic with a pair of scissors. She talked a good game but she was not having any kids right now. She refused.
She swallowed two of the pills without a drink, then she threw the whole bag-including the CVS bag-in the kitchen trash bin. Then, she grabbed a second plastic bag containing their food from a southern soul food place a few blocks away and carried it back to their bedroom.
Judah was still sound asleep in the bed, holding Kianna's main pillow close to his body since she was no longer laying next to him. She got up an hour ago to take a shower and to toss the sheets in the trash, but she wasn't able to make the bed up because he hadn't woken up yet.
Kianna sat the food on the dresser before leaning over to kiss his cheek, cradling his jaw in her right hand. She kept kissing his face until he started to stir in his sleep, then finally, he reached up to grab her neck as he kissed her back.
"Morning baby. It's time to get up. Go take a shower so we can eat." She kissed him once more before standing back up, watching him slowly raise up out of the bed.
He released a low groan as he stretched his body out, and she smiled at the sight of him so comfortable in all of his naked glory.
When he went in the bathroom, Kianna felt on the memory foam topper to see if it was wet, and when she realized it wasn't, she put a fresh pair of sheets over the mattress. She then made the bed up with a brand new comforter set and changed the pillowcases as well.
Afterwards, she sat down on her side with Judah's weed box in her lap. She knew that he would want a blunt to smoke by the time he got out of the shower, but he didn't have anymore pre-rolls left. So, she pearled a few blunts with strawberry dream leaf wraps while he showered.
Kianna barely ever smoked before she met him, and now, she would take a few hits here and there when she felt like it-which wasn't that often. He taught her how to roll a wood a few weeks ago though, and she had to give herself props because she was damn near perfect at it now.
A little less than twenty minutes later, Judah walked out of the bathroom to see Kianna laying in the bed with just one of his shirts on, food on the nightstand with two blunts and two bottles of water sitting next to it. Talk about living the good life.
"Mmm, wassup baby?" He finally spoke to her in between giving her another kiss; a real one this time.
"Hey handsome. You smell good." She played with the band of his Calvin Klein boxers, holding a smile on her face as he continued to kiss her. He would kiss her all 24 hours of everyday of the week if she let him.
"Judah," She laughed, grabbing his face to stop him from pressing his lips against hers again.
"You having my baby or you took a plan b?" He asked, now lying down on top of her.
"I took a plan b, duh."
"You mad fake. Hypnotized me with that pussy and made me nut in you just for you to get my hopes up." He shook his head in fake disbelief, and she laughed again as he moved to lay beside her.
"I'm sorry pooh. You know I was drunk as fuck though. That was not me last night. That girl could walk past me on the street and I wouldn't know a thing." She shrugged with a smile.
"No bullshit. Henny had me choking yo' ass with my belt, man. Let me see." He grabbed her face after lighting his blunt, tilting it to the side to get a look at her neck that was all bruised up. Her wrists had the same marks on them.
"I'm sorry. I be getting too carried away." He rubbed over the belt buckle that was imprinted on the side of her neck, frowning.
"It's okay. I'm not mad." She never minded when he 'got carried away'. She knew that he would stop doing anything that she didn't enjoy the moment she mentioned it, which was the reason he made sure she didn't pass out anymore.
"You ah' let me know if you don't fuck with that? I don't wanna do nothin' you don't like, or make you feel uncomfortable." He said, basically reading her mind.
"I'm always comfortable with you baby. Don't worry. Thank you for making sure though." She wrapped both her arms around his neck for a hug, and he returned it around her waist.
"I thought you would be mad at me for taking the pill." She then said as he pulled her to straddle his lap.
"What? Why would I be?"
"'Cause you keep asking me for a baby, and I finally gave you the opportunity last night just to take a plan B. I didn't mean to get your hopes up for real. I'm s-,"
"Don't apologize mama. You ain't did nothin' wrong. I'll never make you do somethin' you don't wanna do. I just be fucking around when we be talkin' 'bout having kids, I ain't know you took that serious. I'ma stop playing like that." He cut her off before she could apologize.
"Wait, you don't want a baby?" She asked with her eyebrows slightly furrowed.
"Why you sounding like you actually want one? You confusing me." He chuckled, blowing smoke out of his nose.
"I mean, eventually I do. Are you saying you don't want any at all? You've been playing the whole time?"
"Nah mama, I'm down with whatever you want. I'm just saying, I don't have a reason to be mad about you taking the plan b. That's your choice. We can have a baby when you ready. I ain't rushing you."
"Ugh. You're so perfect. How can I say no to you?" She reached over on the dresser to grab one of the plates of food, causing a smile to grow on his face.
"I have like the worst hangover ever. I'm finna tear this up." Kianna got out of his lap, mixing her candied yams around with her fork. She also had roast with carrots and potatoes, and baked macaroni and cheese as an additional side dish.
She took a bite of a mixture of the yams and macaroni, and then fed Judah a bite of the same thing. She laughed as he immediately grabbed his plate from the dresser, ashing the blunt in his tray at the same time.
This meal and the snow that could be seen falling outside through the floor to ceilings windows in the bedroom was just chef's kiss. On top of that, she was laid up with her man after an eventful night of him rocking her world, and the D was fire.
She loved her life.
"You wanna do something today? I can plan something if you feel like going out. It's still New Years." Judah reached over to grab a water bottle, twisting the cap off.
"Not if you don't want to. I just wanna lay with you. We always going out. One day wouldn't hurt."
"Ion be wanting you to get bored. Especially since I'm always working. I been tryna ease back on that too.. I wanna prioritize us." He told her, making her head turn to look at him.
"You been thinking about leaving the game?" She asked, and her heart literally did a backflip when he shrugged. That was progress from a 'no'.
"I'm getting up there." He chuckled, referring to his age. "It's a new year, and we don't know how many more of these we gon' see, you feel me? I'm tired of wasting my days just working 24/7. I'm ready to settle down with you.. take you to see the world and shit. We got enough money to do that for the rest of our life if you down for it."
"Can you please shut up? 'Cause my pussy so sore but I'll literally bend over for you right now." She had a pout on her face as she stared at him, and now it was his turn to laugh.
"I'm being serious. I ain't saying I'ma dead this shit completely but I'ma definitely pass the torch.. My young niggas deserve it anyway." He shrugged again.
"I wanna focus on you, 100%." He added.
"That sounds like a plan to me. And I won't rush you either. Even if it takes a while, just the fact that you're thinking of about leaving makes me so happy. I love you so much Judah, for real. Like more than you know." She leaned over to kiss his cheek, and he turned his head so that it landed on his lips, making her smile again.
"I'm so in love with you. I don't know how you did it." She playfully rolled her eyes since they both were aware of the beginning circumstances, and Judah kissed her again in response.
"I knew you was mine from the get go. Even if you couldn't see it yet. I got this thing where I can get whatever I want, when I want it. Nothing off limits. Not even a lesbian." He smirked, and he burst out laughing when Kianna mushed his head forward.
"You're so annoying. You just love bringing that up. You think you that nigga but you ain't." She rolled her eyes again as he continued laughing.
"You used to diss me so fuckin' bad yo, saying you ah' never like me 'cause you gay. Now look at you, getting choked with a belt by the same nigga you used to hate. Be swallowing dick like you ain't ate in years." He wiped the tears that fell from laughing so hard, trying to catch his breath.
"You gagged me right there, I fear. I'ma just shut up. Can't even respond to that." She shook her head at herself, which made him laugh again at her awareness.
"It's aight. I know you can't help it. The dick good, ain't it?"
"Yes but you're saying it like you tried it." She rose an eyebrow at him with a grin on her face from how his laughter immediately ceased.
"You the only fag-,"
"Hey, don't say that word. I told you about that Judah." She popped him in his mouth, and he hissed, bringing his hand up to grab his bottom lip.
"How you hitting me 'cause you used to be gay and I never was? What the fuck?"
"Shut yo' ass up, boy. I'm still gay. You're just an exemption." She picked up a forkful of roast, raising it to her mouth.
"You literally can't be gay no more. I'm yo' man and I'm marrying you, so you won't even be able to be with a woman again. That basically means you straight now. I don't make the rules." He shrugged.
"Oh my god. You're right. Oh my goddd. No more bumping coochies?! My life is over. Kill me now." She pretended to pass out, letting out a laugh when he sucked his teeth.
"It ain't like you gon' miss it. I be tearing that pussy up."
"I definitely can't argue with that." She chuckled, remembering how she had to sleep with a bag of ice between her legs last night.
"But no threesomes or anything? I have to give women up completely? Ugh." She sat her plate that was close to empty on the nightstand on her side of the bed, then laid back against the pillows.
"Hell nah. I'm not sharing you. Is you crazy?"
"Are you, as a man, passing up the chance to see me in action? I can show you how I get down." She smirked.
"I can show you how I get down too. With my gun." He said, making her smirk drop.
"Lameeeee. I lowkey agree though, I would hate for a bitch to think she getting a piece of that dick. I'll send her ass up to the Lord so fast, God forgive me." She made a cross on her chest while Judah laughed again.
"Exactly." He put his plate to side, before laying down next to her, pulling her closer so that they were body to body. That still wasn't close enough for him.
"Take this off." He referred to his shirt that she wore, and she sat up for a few seconds to pull it from over her head, revealing her naked body. Kianna laid her face against his chest as his arm snaked around her neck, damn near putting her in a chokehold.
"You going back to sleep baby?" She asked, looking up at him.
"Mhm. I get tired as hell when I'm holding you. Can barely keep my eyes open."
It was literally the exact same for her. She felt so safe and relaxed in his arms; it was inevitable to become drowsy. Along with his kisses and him gently caressing her body, she didn't stand a chance.
"Baby," She called right before he could doze off.
"Wassup mama?"
"Do you think it's too soon for me to call and check on Amina?" She mumbled, watching his eyes open seconds later.
"Nah. If you miss her, go for it."
"Will you be mad if I do?"
"You think I'ma get mad over anything Kianna." He said, and she laughed because that was slightly true.
"I ain't got no reason to be mad. Call yo' friend, girl." He spoke truthfully, closing his eyes again.
Judah genuinely meant that. Yes, he was pissed off when that situation happened a week ago, but he brushed it off the same day. He didn't feel like his spot in Kianna's life was up for grabs, especially since she literally chose him over her own best friend. They were locked in for life, no matter who disapproved of their relationship.
"Thank you stinky." She gave him one last kiss before reaching up to massage his scalp to put him to sleep.
It worked within minutes. She was for sure that he was in a deep sleep when his bottom lip hung open a bit, and she took the opportunity to turn her body around so that her backside was against his front.
She grabbed her phone from where it was charging on the dresser, and she went to her contact list when it unlocked at the sight of her face. At first she thought about texting her, but she wanted to hear Amina's voice if she did decide to express how she felt.
Kianna missed her best friend a whole lot.
To her surprise, Amina picked up after just a few rings.
"Hey Mina.. do you have time to talk?" She spoke softly.
"Depends. What are we talking about?"
"I, uh, I wanted to apologize to you. And I know it doesn't mean the same, but I wanted to apologize on Judah's behalf too. You have every right to be mad at him-at both of us. I messed up. I should've been honest with you from the start; I feel like lying made this whole thing a lot worse.."
"I wanted you to know that I heard everything you said the other day. Like, it didn't go through one ear and right out the other. I heard you. And I'm sorry that I can't choose between you and him. I know I'm fucked up for that, but that's all I can do is apologize 'cause I love both of y'all way too much."
"And you, Mina, I love you a whole lot. You're my best friend and I'm sorry if you feel like I betrayed you. I feel so bad 'cause in a way, I know I did. And I feel even worse because I'm in too deep to do anything about it now."
"If you want nothing to do with me anymore, I really do understand. I just had to make sure you knew how sorry I was before you cut me off. And I wanted you to know that I love you now and forever, even if you hate me now."
"You sure is sorry, you sorry ass bitch. You are so lucky I love you, girl." Amina responded quietly, and a small smile creeped across Kianna's face.
"I don't know what that half beard ass nigga doing to you, but I guess it's none of my business either.. I'm sorry for going off on you the other day, too. I was also wrong in a way. Thank you for being the bigger person and calling me though 'cause you know a bitch real stubborn." She added, making Kianna laugh.
"Ugh. You really are. That's okay though. I'm used to it, I been dealing with this shit since 8th grade." Kianna chuckled, and Amina did too.
"I flew back in two days ago.. do you want to come over? We can watch a movie or something. And talk about the man who got my best friend to like dick after I been tried to tell you how good it was." She said, earning another laugh from Kianna.
"I'm going to send a driver to get you. And I'll order Chinese too." Kianna told her. She couldn't wait to see her.
"Oh my fucking God, Birkins!! This is insane Kianna!" Amina held up a matte pink alligator skinned Birkin bag that ran for over $80,000.
Neither of the two grew up with money-in fact, they met each other in foster care and had to share clothes with one another because they were so broke. They had about seven outfits total back then, so the fact that Kianna now had a whole shelf of Birkin bags-the most expensive purses on the market-was so crazy to see.
"You can have it if you like it. Any one of them." Kianna shrugged like she wasn't offering a free purse that was the same price as three brand new Kia K5 vehicles.
"Are you serious? Bitch. Stop playing."
"What? I'm for real. I barely wear the pink ones. He only buys them 'cause he be wanting me to wear girly stuff. I only wear my black ones. Even those Chanel bags, you can have some of those too." She pointed to another shelf in the closet of the guest room in Judah's suite, where they currently sat together, eating takeout and looking over her wardrobe.
"Oh my Godddd best friend. I could cry. Can I have this one?" She grabbed a pink Dior Small Lady purse, and Kianna nodded her head with a smile.
"Is he going to be mad that you giving away something that he bought for you?" She asked.
"No. I run him. And he'll buy me one hundred of those if I asked." She chuckled; she knew that seemed like an exaggeration but he literally would.
"I can't believe this is your life now. Like, Givenchy boots? Rick Owens? Birkins? And three fucking cars! Bitch I would've been stopped being mad if you told me 'bout all of this. You know damn well I'ma gold digger." Amina frowned, then released a smile when Kianna laughed.
"I was so scared best friend. I wanted to tell you so bad, but-you know. I was kinda ashamed of him whenever I talked to you. So I kept it to myself."
"Ugh. I'm sorry. I'm glad somebody's finally loving you right-even though he's bat shit crazy. You deserve it. If you like it, I love the hell out of it." She reached over to give Kianna a hug, which she instantly returned.
"Thank you Mina. It means a lot, for real. And I'm going to make sure he apologizes to you; a genuine apology. And I'll make him take us on a shopping spree too, with no limit. You can buy however many Chanel bags you want." She said, and Amina laughed after dapping her up.
"I know that's right sista. I'll pretend like nothing ever happened if you really make him do it. You know I been wanting a Chanel since them Amour Jayda days. That was, what, eight years ago?" She chuckled, wrapping some stir fried noodles around her fork.
"I am. And we ain't gon' pretend like nothin' 'cause I'ma make sure he make it up to you. You know I got you." Kianna held out her pinky, and Amina grabbed it with her own.
"Thanks bookie. Now, tell me, what the hell did he do to make you an ex-lesbian?! You used to drag them bitches on Twitter when they changed sexualities after being baptized and shit." Amina could barely get her words out before Kianna burst out laughing.
Her best friend was too much. She was so glad they were together again.
I was going to make Amina snake her out but I changed my mind. She a real bitch 💯💯
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