09 | Beggars Not Choosers
Judah watched as Renee and Kara fought one another, leaning against a water pipe with a blunt in between his lips. Both of them had drew blood already and were beyond tired, but neither one of them were ready to give up yet.
He thought it was kind of funny that Renee had just got out of the hospital from the injuries she sustained after hitting Kianna a few weeks ago, and now days later, here she was getting injured all over again just to prove her loyalty to him.
She didn't even know why she was fighting Kara, she was just doing it because he told her to. He didn't promise her anything in return either; no money, no forgiveness, no anything. She clearly had no love for herself.
"Aight y'all good." He chuckled, watching Kara fall after being punched in her neck, causing her to lose consciousness for just a few seconds.
"Watch out." He gestured to Renee, who immediately stepped to the side as he approached them.
"I-I-I'm sorry." Kara stuttered from both fear and her shattered teeth at the bottom once he stood in front of her.
"Next time you feel like you gotta warn my baby 'bout me, I'ma kill you. Take this as a warning, you hear me? You know I don't fuck around like that Kara." He looked down at her, watching her nod while she shielded her face in case he was about to hit her.
"Yo, take both of 'em to the hospital. Get they ass cleaned up." He ashed his blunt on the wall, hearing the guards move to grab them as he made his way to the elevator.
He pulled his phone from his pocket once he stepped on, seeing the time that read 7:51am. It was a shame that he had to go and prove a point this early in the damn morning. If only everybody could just act right so that he could sleep in past noon.
The elevator carried him up from the basement to the ground floor, where he got off to go talk to the man sitting at the front desk of the lobby.
"Good morning sir. Is everything alright?" The man named Travis greeted him, standing up from the desk when he realized who it was.
"Yeah. Have somebody send some breakfast up. Some of those ultimate loaded omelets. No pork."
"Of course sir. Any sides or drinks for you and the missus?" He referred to Kianna.
"Sweet white rice and apple juice." Judah passed him a fifty dollar bill, and he bowed in thanks before taking it, heading through the door that said Employees Only' to get to the kitchen.
Judah got back on the elevator and rode it up to the 27th floor, got off, and finally approached the door to his luxurious suite. He typed in the six digit pin on the lock pad, then walked in and locked the door behind him.
He could hear sounds coming from the TV in his bedroom, which meant that Kianna was now awake. He made sure the TV was off when he left an hour ago.
When he opened the door, the TV was playing The Lorax, but Kianna wasn't watching it. Her head appeared to be under the covers, so she probably turned it on for background noise. Unlike him, she couldn't go to sleep when the room was silent and dark. She needed the TV to be playing something.
"Wassup mama? You up?" He climbed back in the bed with her after removing his hoodie, being left in just his boxers and sweats.
"No." She mumbled, looking up from her phone when he took the cover off of her head.
"Let me eat some pussy. I miss you." He kissed her lips that spread into a smile after realizing what he said.
"Uhun 'cause you like sneaking off and leaving me in the bed by myself." She held his face as he continued to kiss hers.
"I was taking care of somethin'." He chuckled, being vague on purpose. At least he stayed true to his word; he said he wouldn't touch Kara, but he never said he wouldn't get someone else to do it.
"And whatever you was taking care of made you wanna come back and give me head?" She propped her head up in the palm of her hand, looking at him with a smirk on her face.
"Nah. Yo' face did. Shit make my dick hard as fuck." He gave her another kiss, and this time she kissed him back but pulled away before he could take it too far.
"You so nasty boy. Shut up." She smiled, wiping her Aquaphor off of the side of his mouth. Her smile spread further as his eyes remained on her, staring her down.
Thankfully, the doorbell ringing caused him to take his eyes off of her. Kianna hated when he stared at her because he made her so nervous without even trying. He was just so intimidating. She loved and hated it at the same time.
A few moments later, Judah walked back in the room with a tray that held their breakfast on it, making her sit up in the bed. She was starving.
"Did you pay for this or do they bring breakfast to all the tenants?" She gave him yet another kiss in appreciation as she took her plate from him.
"Neither." He gave her two bottles of apple juice, keeping the third one for himself.
"So how'd you get it?" She asked in genuine curiosity.
"I own the building mama." He sat back down in his previous spot, and her jaw fell open in surprise.
"Mhm. This one and 25 Park Row."
"So you can just, like, go anywhere in this building? Like you're the manager basically?" She opened a pack of syrup with her eyes on him.
"Basically. But I'm like the manager's manager. The building in my name and I pay the taxes on it type shit." He clarified for her, smiling at the look of shock on her face.
"Wow. Do you own any other buildings or houses besides these two?"
"A couple. I own my mama 'nem house, they stay down in Staten Island. I bought Eli a house in Newark. I got a few trap houses in the Bronx; and you already know 'bout my warehouse. I own a McDonald's and a Wingstop in the city, too. Oh, and I got a vacation home in Aspen and LA. That's it I think."
"That's so cool Judah. You just naming them like it's some regular every day shit. All those assets, you should be proud of yourself. That's some big shit. Like so big that I can barely believe it." She chuckled, twisting the cap off of her juice.
"I only be hearing about your drug dealing and stuff. I didn't even know you had businesses outside of that. I guess that's my fault though, since I don't know you and stuff." She repeated the line that he often said, nudging his arm.
"We got time to get to know each other. Don't trip."
"So tell me something else then. Like, why does Elijah have a room here if you bought him a whole house?" She asked, being her usual nosy self.
"'Cause he always at my shit even though he got his own. Nigga 30 years old and be talkin' 'bout he hate being grown, so he come here and make me take care of him." He shook his head as he and Kianna shared a laugh.
"And what about his son, Isaac? He comes over here often?"
"Yeah, that's my boy. I love being his uncle. It's like raising my lil' brother all over again. He be at our ma 'nem house a lot, too. Eli baby moms drop him off either over there or over here when she go to work 'cause she don't fuck wit' her people." He told her.
"Is Eli and her still together?"
"They say they ain't but she live in that house with him and she be beating up the bitches who be tryna get at him, so I think they still go together." He shrugged.
"You cool with her?"
"Fasho, that's lil' sis. I tried paying her so she ain't have to go to work but she a teacher and she love that shit, so she ain't take the money. I be tryna keep everybody in my family home-like, not out at the same place everyday 'cause ion want them to become a target and people know where they be at, feel me?"
"Yeah. That's sweet of you. I mean, it wouldn't be necessary if you weren't a criminal, but still sweet nonetheless." She said, a smile gracing her face as he laughed again.
"My ma' say that same shit every time we talk. She hate this shit as much as you do, but she don't know how far this shit go with me. She think I'ma corner boy or something." He chuckled, sitting his empty plate down on the nightstand.
"Does your dad know?" She asked, watching him nod his head.
"I go to him for everything. Any time I need help figuring something out, I go to him. So I gotta tell him everything. He don't like it either, but he know I'ma grown man and it's a lil' too late to try and change shit around. So he just helps me as much as he can."
"Aw. The way you talk about them makes it seem like you really love them. Was your childhood good? Because I'm assuming it was, you know, with your loving parents and all. So how did you get here?" She referred to him being so deep in the drug game.
"My shit was aight. We was poor as hell but we had each other, ate dinner as a family every night type shit.. When I hit middle school though, I started seeing the kids who were actually rich financially and not rich in love, and I got jealous. I started stealing they shit-shoes, backpacks, shit like that. Ended up in the wrong crowd-you know, typical cliche shit.."
"By the time I got to high school, I had joined a gang. I was fighting damn near everyday, selling dope out my backpack when I was 'posed to be in school-started chilling with the big dawgs, learned the game and shit.. Then I went to jail for a murder charge 'cause I shot a nigga who was tryna steal my stash from me, and got connected with some even bigger niggas while I was locked up."
"Shit just been up ever since. I'm just another statistic outta Harlem, feel me? I just went a lot farther with this shit than the rest of them 'cause just a few bands wasn't enough for me. I needed millions. I done hit the billion mark by now though, 'wit all my assets and shit."
"If you could go back and change anything, would you?" Kianna sat her plate down as well, moving to cuddle up underneath him. She loved hearing him talk.
"Change it? Nah.. I'm satisfied with my life. My people living good and I can buy them whatever they want whenever they want it, and that's all I ever wanted to do. Even when I die, they ah' be set for life. My nephew great-great grandkids gone be set. So nah, I wouldn't change a thing."
"You don't want any kids?" She asked, and he turned his head to look down at her.
"Not from me. I didn't mean it like that. I'm just saying, you said your nephew's grandkids instead of your own child." She rolled her eyes at the look on his face, making him smile.
"I wouldn't mind a kid or two. I ain't never tried settling down before though, and shit, I'm already 34. I'm damn near too old to start having kids now." He chuckled with a light shrug.
"You ain't too old. I think you'd be a good dad.. they say it takes either a woman or a kid to bring out that side of a man, you know? The calm side. The side that doesn't kill people." She flicked his bottom lip, causing his smile to grow.
"Shid, I be calm with you. Ion need no kids. You enough for me right now." He looked down at her, watching her brown eyes lock on his.
"Yeah? You keep talking like that and I might give you one." She held his face, and he reached down to grab her neck as they shared a kiss.
"That ain't no threat. I'll put one in you soon as you give me the green light." He let go of her bottom lip, and she rolled her eyes with a grin on her face.
"I still don't know what makes me any different from the other girls you've dealt with. I don't even like men; I didn't even like you until a few days ago. Took that mouth for me to get all the way on board." She rubbed over his lips as they shared another laugh.
"I don't know what it is either. I could ask you the same shit. Getting yo' pussy ate ain't un-gay you. Something else did. What was it?" He returned the question with a smirk.
"Nobody pays attention to me the way that you do. You consider me; you always thinking of me.. I love that. You make it easy to like you when you're not being violent." She moved her hand back to his chest, putting her gaze on him again.
"I'm sorry I ain't what you want me to be. I'm cool with just being with you 'til you get tired of me though. I'm down with whatever you down with." He kissed her forehead, feeling her arms wrap all the way around him to hold him close.
"Don't talk like you not enough. That's not what I meant; it's just-this is abnormal, you know? I'm too comfortable with a murderer and I just wish we could've met with different circumstances. 'Cause I like you a lot..."
"I like you more. I'm sorry mama." He kissed her lips twice more, and she held his face as the last one deepened.
Kianna climbed on top of him when he refused to let her lips go, and his hands lowered to be under the cuff of her butt. She moaned in his mouth when his hand came down roughly on her skin, leaving behind that now familiar stinging feeling.
"Stop it. I don't have any pants on Judah." She reached down to rub the spot that he hit, which was all skin since she was only wearing boxer brief panties.
"C'mon. You want me to beg for you to sit on my face? Let me kiss it." He gripped the same spot, and she bit her bottom lip with a smile.
Kianna raised up off of his lap, pushing her panties down. When they were completely off, she climbed back on top of him, moving to hover herself above his face. This was her favorite position, and one Judah's as well.
He guided her to slide herself against his tongue before fully sliding it into her opening, which caused her to let out a moan. Then, his moan came next when she rested all of her weight on his face, sitting down directly on his mouth.
"Man what is you doing?" He groaned out in both frustration and pleasure once she lifted up, both of them hearing voices from the front of the apartment at the same time that the door shut.
"You know I'm loud Judah. Shit. Shit, baby let me up." She grabbed his arms that locked around her waist after he pulled her to sit back down, and he smacked his lips when she got off of his face.
"Uncle JJ?! You home?!" A tiny voice yelled through the hallway, and Kianna smiled at the sight of Judah running his hand down his face.
"Hold up Yak." Judah called back, then he turned his head to look at Kianna to make sure she could see him roll his eyes.
"Sassy. Mad 'cause you can't eat no pussy." She laughed, pulling her panties back on as he headed towards the bathroom.
"I was 'bouta eat some ass so talk what you know and yo' hair might grow." He said back, only making her laugh harder.
"You can't be talkin' 'bout no hair growing when that beard missing whole ass patches." She pulled on a pair of sweats, and Judah held his middle finger up since he couldn't talk due to the fact that he was now brushing his teeth.
"If you would let me eat some pussy, my shit ah' start growing." He wiped his mouth off with a napkin moments later, then he walked back into the bedroom.
"I got you later daddy." Her words made him stop in his tracks, and she fell out laughing when he did a slow turn to look at her.
"Is you serious? I just got this shit to go down. And you just think that's the funniest shit you ever heard, huh?" He grabbed his dick that had an immediate erection, rolling his eyes at her.
"Come put these groceries up fuck nigga!" Elijah called from the front, and Judah chuckled, thankful that his hard-on was going back down.
"Come on lil' girl." He gestured for her to get out of the bed, and she did as told, wiping her tears that fell from laughing so hard.
"Keep playing like that, watch yo' ass end up pregnant for real." He warned, and she innocently smiled like she didn't know what he was talking about.
Judah held her hand to lead her to the kitchen where his brother was, and as they entered the front of the apartment, they could see Isaac trying to put new batteries in the PS5 controller in the living room.
"Uncle JJ!" Judah's eight year old nephew, Isaac, ran towards him for a hug.
"Wassup baby boy?" Judah swooped him up off of his feet, and Kianna smiled at how his demeanor softened even more at the sight of his nephew.
"Wassup KJ. Was y'all sleeping?" Elijah gave her a side hug, to which she returned.
"Heyyy. And no, we been up. You need some help?" She pointed to all the groceries on the island counter, and he nodded because he definitely didn't feel like putting them up by himself.
"That's my baby. Kianna. She go by KJ though." Kianna could hear Judah introducing her, making her turn around.
"KJ and JJ. That was on purpose ain't it?" Isaac asked, making the both of them laugh.
"Your uncle ain't tell me that was his name. I think he just wanted to be like me." Kianna said as Judah put Isaac back on the ground.
"Somethin' like that." Judah kissed her cheek, grabbing the 48 pack of water bottles just as she reached for it.
"Since you his girlfriend now, does that mean I can have a cousin soon? 'Cause I'm tired of being by myself." Isaac spoke with dramatic exhaustion in his tone, and Kianna laughed again while Judah rolled his eyes.
"Yeah, does that mean he can have a cousin KJ? Nigga been ready to be an uncle too." Elijah added, opening a pouch of golden Oreos.
"Not y'all already tryna sit me down and I ain't even a girlfriend yet."
"Uncle JJ, what you waiting on? We waiting." Isaac pulled his headset on, leaving one of his ears uncovered.
"It's comin'. Trust." He answered Isaac while looking at Kianna, who just smiled with a shrug of her shoulders.
Period my girl meeting the family and stuff 😍 y'all ain't met y'all man family yet. Matter fact, y'all ain't even met y'all man. Clock that!! 🎀🎀
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