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📖 ▬▬▬▬▬▬ chapter one — bella swan
𓂃 ོ☼𓂃 IT COULD BE WINTER, spring, summer or autumn, the weather never stopped Teagan from surfing. It could be raining, sunny, windy, hailing, she still opted to do what she loved most. Her life was already miserable as is, from her alcoholic father she kept on the down low to her twin brother she watched slowly ruin his life day by day, she needed a little bit of glee in her life.
Teagan always felt like she had to protect her family, her friends, everyone. She was never one to be warmhearted, or loving, or possibly even romantic, but she always knew when it was right to stand up for her loved ones, no matter who it was against.
But, sometimes she just needed a break from it all. Her father was passed out drunk on the couch, and her brother always took her to the beach down at La Push considering she didn't have a car. She was clad in a black bikini, the straps tied into bows with a pair of dark blue denim shorts — which were slightly ripped — pulled over her bikini bottoms.
Teagan skipped down the staircase with her surfboard tucked under her arm, her brother stood at the doorway in a similar outfit — a grey tank top with a sun outline in the middle, along with dark green cargo shorts which reached down to his knees, only those weren't ripped — and he also had his own lilac surfboard tucked under his own bicep.
They didn't say anything to each other, careful not to wake their snoring father in the living room. Sober or not, he was always an asshole.
The older Crowley twin pulled open the door, holding it for her to exit the house but as soon as she stepped onto her porch in her black slip—on sandals, she felt every goosebump rise on her almond skin. She shivered, her free hand immediately reaching up to rub her upper—arm as if it was heated, as if it would be of any use.
"Jesus, fuck, it's freezing." Tyler spoke up, his teeth beginning to chatter together as he closed the front door as quietly as possible. It was like that almost every morning, they'd step outside to head to La Push before school practically unclothed and he'd always mention how cold it was even though they both knew how undeniably chilly it was in Forks.
"Run." Teagan told him and both ran towards Tyler's van, the two quickly chucking their surfboards into the back before climbing into the front. She let out a slight laugh as Tyler started up the engine, the van beginning to move along the icy roads, heading towards La Push.
They walked along the beach after arriving, both holding tightly onto their surfboards in the windy weather, "Guys!" Quil Ateara's voice sounded out from across the beach and they both looked over, grins making their way onto their faces at the sight of their best—friend running towards them in the sand, his own surfboard tucked under his arm.
"Quil Ateara? Is that you?" Tyler joked once Quil stopped in front of them, and the long—haired boy nudged his arm, letting out a laugh.
"Shut up. You saw me yesterday." Quil rolled his eyes and Teagan furrowed her brows, looking between the two, confusion evident in her expression.
"Uh... you guys saw each other yesterday without telling me?" Her jaw reached forwards, her face scrunched but the boys hardly took her seriously, both letting out laughs.
"Yeah, I went shopping with his mom. She taught me how to make cinnamon buns." Tyler explained and her eyes lit up, she was always a sucker for cinnamon. That fact only made every Christmas day all the more harder to get through.
"He's such a grandma." Quil teased, the corners of his eyes creasing with happiness. If he could be anywhere in the world, he'd always choose to be with the Crowley twins.
"But, hey, we get sweet treats out of it. Race you to the water!" In just her bikini, she ran through the sand towards the crashing waves and she shivered once her feet reached the cold water, though she was too used to the cold temperature that she wasn't even bothered.
"That isn't fair, Tea!" Quil yelled, kicking at the water as soon as his reached it and Tyler fell behind, laughing uncontrollably, "The water's too cold!"
"Deal with it." She replied with a snort, climbing onto her surfboard just before the waves approached. They spent an hour doing what they always did almost every morning in the cold weather, but that never stopped them, even through rain, snow, hail, they'd always surf together as if it was their lifeline.
𓂃 ོ☼𓂃 A COUPLE OF HOURS LATER, Teagan climbed out of Dorothea Bardot's car, taking in the cold air as her hair blew through the wind. She shivered like clockwork, her hands immediately shooting to her arms as she closed the passenger door.
Dotty rounded her car and stood beside the wavy—haired girl, texting on her cell, a chai latte in her other hand. Teagan assumed she was talking to Paul, her boyfriend, the giveaway being her reddened cheeks but she didn't speak on it, letting her have her little cute moment.
Jupiter Jones, the mother of the book club, jumped out of Emmett Cullen's jeep across the lot and her slender legs rushed over to her best—friends, stopping just in front of them. Teagan couldn't help but smile at the redhead as she approached.
"Guys! Today's the day!" Junie's ecstatic voice pulled Dotty's eyes from her phone whilst Teagan continued to shiver. It was her fault, she decided to wear shorts despite Forks never having an even slightly warm day... ever.
"Huh?" Dotty stared at Junie with an incredulous look, taking a small sip of her latte.
"The day for what?" Teagan added, pulling her jacket tighter around her frame and she brushed a strand of her hair behind her ear, her brows knitted together in confusion.
Junie sighed in response, clearly a little in disbelief as she pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose, "I've literally been talking about this for weeks! Bella's back!"
Neither of the girls seemed even remotely interested or bothered about Jupiter's cousin's return to Forks, "Oh." Dotty muttered, nodding and Teagan had to hold back from letting out a snort at her nonchalant response, "Is it just me or is it extra... bleak today?"
Teagan followed her gaze, her dark eyes scanning around the parking lot but she saw nothing different from any other day. She crossed her arms over her chest, shivering once again, "Uh... it's always this bleak."
"I think it's beautiful." Junie chirped in, and her enthusiastic response caused Teagan to smile. After watching her father drink himself almost to death everyday for the past week, she appreciated a little bit of happiness, she appreciated her best—friends.
Dotty pulled her Burberry jacket closer, seemingly cold too, "You're insane, Junie."
"I just think it's extra pretty today because my baby cousin is home." Junie replied with a slight shrug. Teagan glanced at her sneakers, rubbing her arms as she shivered for the hundredth time that morning and goosebumps rose on her legs, what did she expect?
"If you think grey is pretty, then sure!" Teagan joked, a soft laugh escaping her lips.
"Shouldn't we be heading in? I've got calc in a few and it's all the way in the second building." Dotty explained after checking her watch that hung from her wrist.
"I have to do morning announcements but I was going to wait 'till Bells got here to show her way to the office." Junie explained, her voice moving fast and Teagan couldn't help but wonder how she spoke so fast yet so friendly.
The tanned girl tugged at the sleeves of her thin khaki jacket, shifting on her feet, feeling the numbness in her soles, "Well, you have fun doing that. I'm freezing."
A loud, earth—cracking noise shrieked through the busy parking lot and Teagan winced, all eyes glued onto the orange Chevrolet that pulled into a free parking space nearby Tyler's van, "Yay! It's Bella!"
Dotty and Teagan both watched as Jupiter run off towards her cousin giddily, tackling the younger girl in a tight embrace. The Bardot girl turned to the Crowley, raising a brow, "Are we following?"
Teagan turned to look at her, her eyes widened and she shook her head lightly, unsure of what to say. She fixed her bag strap as the two friends began to walk towards the school, passing Jupiter and Bella, who were both heading to the reception.
"You want a lift down to La Push today? Paul's got a scrimmage later so I'll be heading down after school." Dotty offered, her binder hugged close to her chest and Teagan's eyes lit up in excitement, her usual nonchalant mood now enthusiastic.
"Um, yes!" She replied eagerly without hesitation, smiling from ear—to—ear, "Just as long as I can fit my surfboard into your car,"
"You know..." Dotty winked in her direction, "...got a new bungee cord, so we can connect it to the roof."
Teagan's jaw dropped in shock, now glad she didn't have to always rely on Tyler for a ride to La Push, her lips curling into an even wider grin, "Now this is why I love you, Dot." She held back from throwing her arms around her right there and then, knowing that would be a little too much... for her, anyways.
"It's no biggie." Dotty shrugged, and the two girls continued to talk as they entered the school, strolling down the hallways towards their first period classes. Teagan had swim class, she was the team captain, everybody loved her in that class unlike her math class...
Let's just say, she wasn't the best at math.
𓂃 ོ☼𓂃 WHEN TEAGAN ARRIVED AT LUNCH, all of her friends were already seated at the table except for Jupiter — Dotty, Angela, Mike, Jessica, Eric and Bella Swan, Jupiter's cousin. She rushed over to the table with furrowed brows, clearly frustrated about something and her eyes scanned the busy cafeteria for her brother, only to find him to be absent.
Teagan threw herself down into an empty chair, placing her bag onto the floor by her feet with a heavy sigh, "My coach is such a bitch." She muttered, all eyes around the table on her, worried looks on some of their faces.
"Um... hi?" Bella Swan spoke up, unsure of who the wavy—haired girl was, or why she was at the table, assuming she was one of their friends.
"And this is Teagan Crowley, you met her brother, Tyler, earlier." Jessica introduced with a smirk on her lips, leaning closer to Bella in her gossiping mode.
Teagan didn't say anything, reaching over to Eric, who sat beside her, taking a carrot stick from his plate and she bit into it, sending Bella a small, awkward smile.
"What did your coach do anyways?" Dotty spoke up, turned to Teagan as she began to eat from her packed lunch, a salad with strawberries and feta. Teagan was always the one to steal food from everyone, her father was incapable of keeping a full fridge and she had to sign up for school meals — she definitely wasn't doing that.
Teagan let out a groan, swallowing the carrot in her mouth, "He told me to do five laps around the pool because I forgot my goggles. I slipped." She rolled her eyes at the memory, she shuddered, never wanting to relive that embarrassment ever again.
"He sounds horrible." Bella hummed quietly from across the table and Teagan nodded, lifting her knee up from under the table to show everyone the fresh bruise forming on her knee.
"Yep." Teagan scoffed, lowering her foot back to the ground.
"Are the teachers on something today? My French teacher is having us write a five page essay on the difference between masculine and feminine words. Five pages!" Dotty raised her voice, clearly annoyed and Teagan shook her head in disbelief, quite disgusted by what their teachers put them through.
"They seem overtly friendly to me." Bella chimed in, pausing for a moment, "Speaking of overtly friendly... where's my cousin?" And that question sent a shiver up Teagan's spine, and not just because of the cold.
"Probably with her boyfriend doing God knows what." Teagan replied, her eyes glued to the table in front of her.
"Boyfriend?" Bella's ears perked up and Teagan could only glance over at Dotty, silently begging for assistance.
"Emmett Cullen, you'll meet him soon enough." Dotty shrugged, unbothered about the entire situation.
"Who are they?" Bella asked, almost like clockwork.
"The Cullens." And with Jessica's reply, Teagan immediately knew a gossip session was due. She glanced over at the double door entrance to the cafeteria leading to the courtyard, and her eyes immediately locked onto Jupiter's frame walking beside Emmett.
"And Junie." Teagan added. She didn't like the Cullens, well, except for Alice, the only bearable one. Emmett just pissed her off sometimes, some of the things he said and did concerning Jupiter made her mad, and worried for her best—friend.
"See the big one over there." Dotty pointed over at Emmett Cullen discreetly, joining in with the gossip, "That's Emmett, Junie's man." Junie was holding Emmett's free hand, his other hand occupied by his bag of boiled eggs, making Teagan scrunch her nose up.
"I still think he's terrified." Teagan added, shuddering as she pulled her eyes away from the Cullens.
"The weird one is Alice and Jasper is the one who looks like he's in pain." Jessica gossiped, pointing at the pixie—like girl and the blonde boy, the couple walking side—by—side towards their table at the back of the cafeteria.
"Just tell us you're jealous, Jessica." Dotty rolled her eyes and Teagan snorted at her bluntness, throwing the remainder of Eric's carrot into her mouth, "Alice is probably the nicest one."
"Dr. Cullen and his wife adopted them." Angela spoke up, and Teagan smiled, knowing she was the sweetest out of the group except for Jupiter.
"And they're all together except for Jupiter and Emmett?" Bella asked and Jessica leaned in, a smirk on her lips.
"And Rosalie, the bitchy looking one." Jessica added and Teagan furrowed her brows, sending her a glare.
"No need to be rude, Jessica..." Teagan trailed off, narrowing her eyes at the brunette in disgust.
"She's actually really nice." Angela chimed in, now all eyes on her, "She's in my art class."
"Anyways, it's not the weirdest thing." Dotty spoke, turning back to Bella, "I'd be more concerned if they were actually related." Before anyone could respond, Junie came bouncing over to the group.
"Hi, guys! Long time, no see." Junie greeted and everyone smiled over at her, her happiness contagious.
"The prodigal star returns." Jessica commented.
"Hey!" Teagan grinned up at her best—friend, her hardened expression now softened.
"What are we talking about?" Junie asked, plopping down in the empty seat reserved for her between Dotty and Teagan.
"The golden family." Dotty responded with a roll of her eyes and Teagan laughed, their reactions making Junie frown.
"They're not that bad, guys." Junie looked over at Bella with a gentle smile, "If you have any questions about them, ask away."
"Who are they?" Bella asked, pointing over at Rosalie Hale and Edward Cullen, who both entered the cafeteria side—by—side.
"That's Rosalie, Jasper's twin sister and the copper—haired boy is Edward." Jupiter explained with a smile but Teagan couldn't look in their direction, their presence alone sending a shiver up her spine. She'll always feel uneasy around them, no matter how much she tried to be civil, or to come around.
"He's a total prick." Dotty spoke up, referring to Edward.
"I will admit, he's the one I'm not the closest to." Junie told them as she took a bite out of her apple and Jessica nodded in agreement.
"And apparently none or the girls are good enough for him." Jessica rolled her eyes, and so did Dotty for different reasons, but Teagan saw that as her opportunity to use her sense of humour.
"Actually, he asked me out at the start of the year." Teagan lied, teasing the girl, whose eyes immediately widened in surprise and disbelief.
"Oh, yeah. On hands and knees and everything." Dotty played along, causing Teagan to snort.
"I heard he bought her roses." Jupiter added, and that was the cherry on top. Jessica was completelt and utterly jealous, her eyes narrowed.
"Don't worry about it, boo." Teagan shrugged, picking at her nails with a cheeky smile towards her friends.
"Anyway, I'd stay away from him if I were you." Jessica tried to ignore the previous conversation, rolling her eyes and looking in Bella's direction.
"They mostly keep to themselves anyways." Dotty added.
"I wasn't planning on it." Bella glanced over her shoulder at the Cullens, who were now all sat at the table behind them and Jupiter looked at the two girls, clearly not believing her cousin whilst Teagan just squinted her eyes at Bella, watching her intently.
Bella was weird, Teagan knew that for sure.
@amxliewrites — © 2025
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