SCOTT pushed against the door, food in one hand and keys in the other, a smile spread across his face as he expected his mother on the other side.
However, his smile turned grim at the grizzly sight instead.
The creature stood before him, hunched over and chin doused in gritty blood. Bones snapped underneath his teeth and dull crunching drove chills up his spine.
"Close the door, you're bringing a draft in." Richie turned his head to the side, bone fragments littering his bottom lip. Skin white with a mixture of fear and disgust, Scott watched as Richie calmly slotted the mortuary tray back inside.
Richie would've expected him to puke. Or run in the other direction. But Scott stood there, aimlessly, staring towards the bloody stains on his chest and a traumatised glint in his eye.
To be honest, it was creeping Richie out.
"What.." Scott swallowed down the lump that had formed in his throat and coiled. "I'm gonna throw up."
Richie wiped his top lip with the fluffy collar of his shirt and ignored his disgust. "Well, come on in." His maniacal laughter broke through the friendly tone. "I don't bite" Richie promised, twisting two fingers into a pinky swear. "I'm already full."
"That's Derek's sister."
"Half of his sister." He corrected. "And she tasted great," he leant forward to wink. "If you know what I mean."
As Scott looked at the maniacal clown, he knew that for once Stiles Stilinski was speaking the truth.
"You're the one that's been killing people"
"Correction, eating people."
"Eating people as in cannibalism?"
Before the boogeyman could answer an impatient Stiles Stilinski barges in, before he can speak his piece he blurts something else out as he looks toward the grinning cannibal. "Jesus, that's one big forehead"
The grin fell from Richie as he looked angrily at the human boy, "Didn't anyone tell you that it's rude to judge people for their appearances"
"Says the one who eats people" Scott butts in.
"Yes, exactly, I don't judge, I just eat." The clown crosses his long arms looking at the two teenagers.
"That doesn't make any sense," Stiles replied rolling his brown eyes at the creepy clown.
"Creepy werewolf guy says what?"
The door opens as both the teenagers scream in fright, afraid of another creepy creature
As they both turn their head towards the opened door Melissa McCall looks with disappointment and tiredness at the two troublemakers.
"I don't even want to know." The tired parent sighed, before opening the door completely and ushering the two boys out with one look but not before looking back at the place where the boogeyman took place just not a second ago.
THE BEAST lives out of the raging storm in the dead of night . The ravenous, blood-sick creature searches for its sacrifice
Through the hideous darkness, it lurches, driven by death itself. Only the satisfaction of slaughter will cause it to return from which it came.
Keep your light on as long as you cause when it cuts off, so does your head.
The boogeyman waits under your bed.
The campfire was filled with youthful gasps as their camp leader turned off his flashlight.
It was a small school trip where they would learn about all different kinds of stuff that lives in this world deep in the forests.
"This is why children, you should always be kind to your parents because otherwise..The boogeyman will come and get you" The camp leader laughed jokily.
Some of the kids were frightened but some of them were excited to finally hear a good scary story.
"Now, go to your assigned tents and go to sleep."
"But what about the boogeyman?" A small voice asked,
"He isn't real violet, you got nothing to worry about." Her friend said next to her.
"But isn't that what happened with Suzy?" Violet asked as she looked toward their teacher.
"Come on off to bed now."
The boogeyman chuckled as the child pulled their covers over their head. "Go ahead, pull the cover over your head and hide under them, I don't care."
"It'll just be much more easier" He giggled stalking the campsite.
The next day police tape was surrounding the tree of the forest where the small campsite was built.
Bodies littered the area and all of them were dead.
Except one.
Sheriff Stilinski pulled the axe out of the teacher's face and asked "Who was it?!"
"The boogeyman..."
Updating after like literal months lmao sorryy
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