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MOUSETAIL HURRIED TO the camp, desperate to get back before anyone realized she was gone. The dark storm clouds overhead made her doubts even worse. But then, the moon was hidden. The cats trying to get Dovesong and Moonclaw back would have a better chance if the MoonClan cats were just as strong as regular cats. It would be an even battle.
ย ย ย But Mousetail also believed along with the rest of her Clan that when clouds covered the stars, StarClan wasn't watching. So now, the cats had no StarClan to guide them. They were alone. But she still desperately hoped that they could get Dovesong and Moonclaw back safely.
ย ย ย When Mousetail hurried into camp, she glanced behind her nervously, expecting to see that someone had followed her for some odd reason. But when she wasn't looking in front of her, she crashed into another cat. The scent of Lynxstar flooded over her. Her heart lurched. She would have to explain what she had been doing. She looked at her mother, shaking with fear.
ย ย ย "And what were you doing out there?" Lynxstar asked, narrowing her eyes at her daughter.
ย ย ย "I-I had to make dirt," Mousetail explained quickly, her pelt hot with embarrassment and shame. "But I went the long way to stretch my legs. Being stuck inside camp has made me exhausted." Technically, that wasn't a lie. She was exhausted from being stuck in camp all the time.
ย ย ย "So you say." Lynxstar's mew was skeptical. "I can scent the rest of the four Clans on you. You've been missing for nearly half the night. Tell me the truth."
ย ย ย Fox dung! I should have been more sneaky about it. "I . . ." Mousetail trailed away, looking up at her mother fearfully. What would Lynxstar say when she found out that Mousetail had been on a dangerous mission? Would she punish her? "I don't know how to explain."
ย ย ย "Mousetail," Lynxstar sighed, her gaze softening. "You're a warrior now, but I'm still your mother. You can tell me anything. We can go somewhere private if you don't want to talk about it here."
ย ย ย Mousetail sighed, knowing that she could never lie to Lynxstar. She was her leader and her mother. It seemed wrong. "Fine. I wanted to save Dovesong. I've been worrying about her every day and every night. I haven't even had time to think about the kits. Just Dovesong. So I set off to gather my friends from different Clans so we could save her. And I met them at the Gathering island. And now they're going to attempt to save her."
ย ย ย "Mousetail!" Lynxstar gasped. Mousetail felt small all of a sudden, as if she were a kit being scolded for misbehaving again. "You put other Clans in danger by doing this. Do you remember who is holding Moonclaw and Dovesong captive? MoonClan! They're going to die because of your poor choices."
ย ย ย "I know, but they were all willing . . ." But it wasn't true. They weren't all willing. She felt so ashamed and so small all of a sudden, but then, with self-reassurance, she straightened up and reminded herself that it was for Dovesong. "This is Dovesong we're talking about! She could be hurt. She could've died . . . she could be dead! Lynxstar, don't you care?" Then she immediately turned her gaze to her paws, feeling hot with shame. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have talked back."
ย ย ย Lynxstar let out a long sigh, pressing herself against her daughter and curling her tail over her spine comfortingly. "I'm not mad. Come with me. Let's talk about this in my den."
ย ย ย Mousetail nodded, not saying anything, and followed Lynxstar into her den behind the waterfall. When they came inside, she sat down beside Lynxstar, whose tail was still curled around Mousetail. "Now. I understand that you were worried about your sister. I am, too. But that, what you did, was dangerous."
ย ย ย
ย ย ย "It was for the best. No one was doing anything, and I was scared. Like, scared. I didn't want anything to happen to Dovesong. She's my best friend! I can't let her suffer just because I'm expecting kits. That seems like a lame excuse," Mousetail explained bravely.
ย ย ย Lynxstar blinked at her for a long moment. "That makes sense. I couldn't give up my leadership just because I was expecting you and Dovesong. And it did seem like a lame excuse. So I won't punish you unless I know a cat that you recruited was hurt. It was a brave thing you did," she added. "I couldn't have done so myself. You would make a fine leader." She touched her daughter's cheek with her nose fondly.
ย ย ย Did she mean it? No, Mousetail was just desperate for something good to happen. Owlheart was the deputy, not her. "Thank you."
ย ย ย Lynxstar's blue eyes glittered, though there was hardly any light coming into the den. In fact, it was even darker than the rest of the camp because of the thick, rushing curtain of water next to them. "Anytime. You seem exhausted. You should go to your nest, so shall I."
ย ย ย Mousetail dipped her head. "I am. Thank you. Goodnight." She stood up and prepared to leave the den.
ย ย ย "Goodnight, Mousetail."
ย ย ย Mousetail dreamed of Dovesong. She dreamed of her future kits, too. She was filled with shame for not thinking of her kits this whole time, when any motherly queen would only be thinking about her kits in her free time. But then, she was more desperate to get her sister back than she thought she was.
ย ย ย In her dream, the air was dry and cold, but beautiful brown, red and gold leaves layered the ground and sunbeams danced on the ground. The sky was clear and the sun shone as bright as it did in greenleaf, though it barely radiated any warmth. Mousetail was curled around her kits. Five of them. They were all strong and healthy, and they tussled together in the safe curve of her belly. They were still very small; they were only born a quarter-moon ago.
ย ย ย "You must be proud to have such beautiful kits," purred a voice behind her. Mousetail looked over her shoulder to see Dovesong coming to her side. Her heart leaped with joy. She was here! She felt like the happiest cat in the world.
ย ย ย "I am," Mousetail purred back as Dovesong settled down beside her. They touched noses in greeting. "I haven't told you their names yet, have I?"
ย ย ย "No," Dovesong agreed. "What are they?"
ย ย ย Mousetail looked fondly at her kits. "Honeykit, Snowkit, Leopardkit, Violetkit, and Doekit. Skystorm named Snowkit and Leopardkit, and I named the other three."
ย ย ย Dovesong purred again. "Those are beautiful names. They'll make the Clan proud, I know they will."
ย ย ย Mousetail woke up in the dark den, but faint sunlight streamed inside. It was dawn, but there was drizzling rain outside. She had felt warmed by her dream, but when she woke, she knew it was just a dream and she felt sad again. But then, it felt so real. Was the dream a sign? A sign to tell Mousetail that Dovesong was alright and her kits would be strong and healthy when they were born? Was she really going to have five kits?
ย ย ย But, knowing that she had an extremely desperate personality, Mousetail knew that she was just hoping that it was a sign. She wasn't a medicine cat. She couldn't interpret signs like they could.
ย ย ย She also knew that it would be safe to tell Badgertooth. Perhaps he would know something about her dream. He would know if it was a normal dream or a prophetic one.
ย ย ย She hauled herself out of her nest, struggling against the thick air and the weight of her kits. She left the den and padded across the clearing to the medicine den. She looked inside. Spottedsong was awake, but she looked half asleep. When she saw Mousetail, she opened her eyes all the way, now looking fullyย awake. "Are you looking for Badgertooth?"
ย ย ย "Yes," Mousetail answered.
ย ย ย "He's in the back of the den. I'm not sure what he's doing, though." Spottedsong's voice was tainted with concern.
ย ย ย "Thanks. You sound like you're doing better," Mousetail pointed out, realizing that Spottedsong sounded more sure of herself and her eyes were clearer than they had been before. "Are you feeling better?"
ย ย ย "Much. Thanks for asking." Mousetail's friend's eyes gleamed.
ย ย ย "Good morning." Badgertooth strolled out from his den and greeted Mousetail. "Can I help you with something?"
ย ย ย "I had a dream last night," Mousetail blurted immediately.
ย ย ย Badgertooth tipped his head to one side. "What kind?"
ย ย ย "Well, I thought it was a normal dream at first, but when I woke up, I realized it was so real. Is that normal, or . . . ?"
ย ย ย Badgertooth looked genuinely surprised. "Depends. What was it about?"
ย ย ย "Well, my kits were there. Five of them. And then Dovesong came, and we were just having a normal conversation about the kits, and then the dream ended. But after I woke up, I thought maybe it was a sign that Dovesong would be safe and my kits would be fine," Mousetail explained, suddenly feeling like a mouse-brain when she said the words out loud. "Ugh, that sounds so mouse-brained."
ย ย ย "No, not mouse-brained at all." Badgertooth studied Mousetail as if she were a strange new herb that could be dangerous or helpful. "Just . . . interesting. I don't know if I can answer that question unless I saw it for myself, and obviously that's not going to happen. But sometimes cats have dreams that seem real. It might have just been a normal dream."
ย ย ย Mouse dung! Mousetail cursed. "Okay. I'm sorry for invading your time."
ย ย ย "Don't apologize. It's curious that you think it was a sign. StarClan doesn't send signs to warriors, but then, I guess it's possible. I'll think about it. Thanks for stopping by."
ย ย ย Mousetail dipped her head and left the den. She spotted Hollyfern emerging from the warrior's den and decided that it was a good idea to tell her what was happening. She padded across the clearing to her friend and walked by her side. "Good morning."
ย ย ย Hollyfern looked at her with surprise. "Good morning. Did something happen? You seem . . .ย troubled."
ย ย ย "I am. And I wanted to tell you something," Mousetail explained.
ย ย ย "Tell me about it over fresh-kill later. Owlheart wants me on patrol. Sorry!" she called over her shoulder as she hurried after the gathered cats at the entrance
ย ย ย "Don't worry about it!" Mousetail called back, even though she was disappointed that she had to wait for Hollyfern to get back, and she was also longing to go on patrol like every other warrior. But this way, if Dovesong came back, she would be there to be the first to greet her.
ย ย ย Mousetail was sharing fresh-kill with Hollyfern. It was dawn. Mousetail had expected Skystorm and Cloudsky to come back by now, and hopefully with Dovesong. But she had seen and heard nothing, and she got more worried by the heartbeat.
ย ย ย In the meantime, Mousetail and Hollyfern murmured nervously to each other over their meal. Mousetail had told Hollyfern about what she had done the night before, and Hollyfern had looked distressed. "All we can do now is pray to StarClan that they come back safely," Hollyfern mewed, her green eyes dark with worry.
ย ย ย "Yes. I would expect that they would be back by now. It's been nearly an entire night," Mousetail told her.
ย ย ย "Wow. Yeah, that's a long time. I really do hope they're okay," Mousetail fretted just as the cats around her murmured nervously and curiously. She and Hollyfern looked toward where their Clanmates were looking and saw Skystorm, Cloudsky, and Dovesong flanked in between them. Mousetail jumped to her paws, her heart nearly bursting with joy, and rushed toward her sister.
ย ย ย "Dovesong! Thank the stars you're okay." Mousetail pressed herself against her littermate and touched her nose with hers happily and in greeting. But when Dovesong didn't answer, she murmured, "Hey, are you okay? You can tell me anything."
ย ย ย Dovesong looked at her somberly. Her eyes were clouded with grief and misery. Her shoulder had a terrible gash in it, and her chest had a couple small scratches on it. But she was clearly unbothered by it. "I don't want to talk about it."
ย ย ย Mousetail's heart sank. She felt guilty for thinking, I would think she would be happier to be here again. But she guessed that something tragic had happened. There had been a battle, after all. She felt even worse for thinking that she had made a mistake by organizing the rescue party. Someone must have died. "Let's get you to the medicine den. Badgertooth has been fretting about you all the time."
ย ย ย Dovesong looked at Mousetail with gratitude and endearment. She nodded and followed Mousetail to the medicine den. "Dovesong! I see the plan worked," he added, looking at Mousetail.
ย ย ย "How did you know?" Mousetail asked. How did anyone besides Hollyfern, Skystorm, and Cloudsky know about the plan?
ย ย ย "You're predictable." Badgertooth shrugged.
ย ย ย Mousetail's paws shuffled on the ground. That's not good. Is that how Lynxstar figured out what I was doing last night? "Shall we get going?" she asked, changing the subject.
ย ย ย "Sure. Come with me." Badgertooth flicked his tail and led the two she-cats into the medicine den. Spottedsong lifted her head when they came in.
ย ย ย "Dovesong?" Spottedsong mewed, sounding confused. "Is my mind playing tricks on me again, or is that actually her?"
ย ย ย "Yes," Mousetail responded. "But I'm guessing some things happened when she was out." She turned to gaze at Badgertooth. "She hasn't said much since she came back."
ย ย ย Spottedsong's eyes widened.
ย ย ย Badgertooth looked at his former apprentice, his blue eyes darkening with concern. "What happened?" he asked gently.
ย ย ย Dovesong looked at him, clearly struggling to decide if she should say anything. "Nothing I want to talk about," she muttered.
ย ย ย Badgertooth looked at Mousetail and then back at Dovesong. "Come with me. Let's get your shoulder treated."
ย ย ย Dovesong limped after Badgertooth when he turned toward the herb store.
ย ย ย "Should I go now?" Mousetail asked, suddenly feeling sad at the thought that Dovesong was so sad, even after coming back. Something terrible must have happened if she was this sad. And the battle must have been brutal.
ย ย ย "If you want. Maybe Dovesong will finally start talking when you're gone, but sure," Badgertooth meowed in response.
ย ย ย Mousetail sighed softly, glancing at Dovesong fondly over her shoulder before leaving. She hoped that next time she talked to her littermate, she would be more happy and talkative. But then, maybe not.
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