✧0.3| Alignments & Requirments
"That's some creepy business you've got there, Evie." Dean Thomas spoke as Evie snapped her notebook shut with a grin, just getting done telling him everything he needed to know about his zodiac and why he was certain things along with what he needed to look for in the future.
"Brilliant, isn't it?" Evie asked him with a flirty look, it was just a natural thing for her to do, Evie had a great deal of love for watching people turn a bright red for the smallest of things, "Seamus? Your turn?"
"Merlin no, you keep that to yourself." he said worried as Dean and Evie laughed at his expression before the door opened, in walking the trio that set up the meeting in Hogsmeade in the first place.
"Um, hi." Hermione spoke awkwardly as it fell silent over the large, yet so small all at once, group, "So, you all know why we're all here. We need a teacher, a proper teacher. One who's had real experiences defending themselves against the dark arts."
"Why?" a boy Evie wasn't aware the name spoke up from the crowd.
"Why?" Ron asked him with a look of disbelief and angered tone, "Cause you know who's back, you tosspot."
"So he says." the boy spoke while nodding toward Harry.
"So Dumbledore says." Hermione corrected him with a knowing look.
"So Dumbledore says because he says." the random boy spoke once more while motioning toward Harry who stared awkwardly.
"His name is Harry James Potter, not he." Evie corrected the boy as she made her presence known in the group, "And he's a Leo meaning he was a protector in his past life, so watch yourself, unknown boy."
Harry cracked a blushy grin at her words while Dean and Semus cheered for her. Hermione cleared her throat with a grin as the boy in the front row fell silent at Evies snap.
"If Potter could tell us more about how Diggory got killed." a new boy, one that was seated next to Ginny, spoke up with curious eyes.
"I'm not gonna talk about Cedric so if that's why you're here you might as well clear out now." Harry threatened as he rose to his feet, "Come on, Hermione, lets just go. They're only here because they think i'm so sort of freak."
"Is it true you can produce the Patronus Charm?" Lunas soft voice spoke up from behind Evie as everyone turned to look at the platinum haired girl with wide eyes.
"Yes!" Hermione announced as Harry fell silent for a moment, "I've seen it."
"Blimey Harry, I didn't know you could do that." Dean said with amazement eyes toward the Potter boy.
"A-And he killed a basilisk, with a sword in Dumbledore's office." Neville spoke up with a red face, making sure not to make eye contact with others.
"Third year he fought off a hundred dementors at once." Ron added in with a grin, a proud look as he glanced toward Harry.
"Saved me from Death Eaters outside the Yule Ball last year." Evie spoke up, though she'd made Harry swear to secrecy on that, she felt as though it was more then important to tell the others now.
"Well with your gint of of date you had.." Ron trailed off with a knowing look as Harry pushed his shoulder slightly.
"And last year he did really fight of you know who in the flesh." Hermione said with a knowing look toward them while Harry nodded quickly at her words.
"Right. Look, it all sounds great when you say it like that but the truth is most of that was just luck. I didn't know what I was doing half the time, I nearly always had help." Harry listed on as the light coming from the window lit up his pale skin is a obnoxiously beautiful way.
"He's just being modest." Hermione said with a scoff toward the group.
"No, Hermione, i'm not. Facing this stuff in real life is not like school. In school, if you make a mistake, you can just try again tomorrow but out there... when you're a second away from being murdered or watching a friend die right before your eyes... you don't know what that's like." Harry spoke to the group in a serious yet heartbreaking voice.
Evie watched sadly as Harry looked down before he took a seat in the chair sadly. Evie had a strong urge to join him if it weren't for Hermione speaking up, "You're right Harry, we don't. That's why we need your help, because if we're gonna have any chance at beating... Voldemort."
Evie whistled and clapped for Hermiones courage to say his name for the first time.
"He's really back?" little Colin asked as he hugged his jacket closer to his body. Harry nodded as he dropped his head again.
"Harry! Harry! Hey!" Evie yelled as she chased the boy out of Hogsmeade after signing her name with his usual following duo.
"Evie, you-" Harry began as he turned to see her fall face first into the snow with a huff.
"I'm okay, all good, the cold is good for your skin anyways." Evie spoke as Harry helped her to her feet as she began to brush the snow off her body.
"Did you sign your name?" Harry asked her with a clear of his throat, sticking to brushing off her shoulders and that was it.
"Oh, yes, of course. I was wondering if I could help you with something." Evie offered with a wide eyed look, the two walking in sync together down the snowy trails.
"Sure." Harry spoke to her, taking any advice at this point.
"Last year, before Draco and I attended the Yule Ball, I was in dying need of a quiet place so I could memorize his birth chart before but my obnoxious roommates wouldn't stop talking about their stupid and pathetic excuses of dates." Evie rolled her eyes at the memory, speaking so fast Harry barley caught what she was saying, Evie took a deep breath before she went on, "So I was roaming the halls, so annoyed and desperate, and then I saw it!"
Evie circled Harry quickly to grab hold of his shoulders as they fell to a stop, she'd made sure to keep him completely still and focused. Harry flushed at their closeness, swallowing hard as he stared straight across at Evie.
"What you see?" he questions her, flushing harder when his voice cracked.
"The Room of Requirements." Evie said with a evil smile and wide, intrigued eyes.
"You have to really want in there, like with all your might." Evie pep talked Harry as they walked into the darker part of the hallway, "Imagine everyone agreeing to give you their time of birth if you can get on the other side."
Harry nodded before he let her words sink in as he looked at her oddly. Evie sucked in a breath and shook her head, "Never mind, it's a astrology thing."
Harry shut his eyes as he tried to focus on the room of requirement, only failing as his mind went a million other directions. When he opened then he only found the wall blank, groaning annoying. Evie sighed as she circled around him once again, only this time taking hold of both his hand.
"Clear your mind first. Watch, deep breath i'm for four." Evie said as she sucked in a breath, squeezing Harry's hands to insist on him doing the same, "Now out for four."
"I have a lot on my mind." Harry admits, taking notice of how cold Evies hands were. He hadn't held hands much with people but he shook quite a few and he's never once felt someone have as cold of hands as Evie did.
"I know, and that's not your fault." Evie reassured him with a soft look in her eye, "You are a Leo after all."
Harry found himself laughing at her astrology joke which made Evie smile considering not many people did.
"Try to focus on something that soothes you. For myself, the constellation in the sky. Now, tell me yours." Evie insisted Harry to do, knowing she could get the Room Of Requirements to show but she'd hoped Harry would be able to.
"Quidditch." Harry answered her before adding in, "Quidditch practice, not the games, those are far from relaxing."
"You're pretty good out there, when Gryffindor plays Ravenclaw, I wrote a cheer for you guys, just wasn't sure if I should use it." Evie admits, and for the first time, though she'd made him do it multiple times, Evie blushed.
"I'm sure it's brilliant." Harry said as Evie cleared her throat, looking away for a moment, as if she was humiliated or embarrassed to show any form of someone else having a effect on her. And this was true, while Evie loved making others blush and fall at her feet, she hated feeling it in return. She didn't know why, it just scared her in a way, made her feel as though she would explode of joy or get to emotional attached to someone.
"Try to picture yourself on the field, just you, the smell of the grass and the cold wind in the middle is spring." Evie said as she squeezed his hands, shutting her eyes with him as the two sat there for a moment. Evie could feel his hands loosen in hers every few seconds, indicating he was relaxing and clearing his mind. When the Ravenclaw opened her eyes once again, the large door appeared. Before Harry could open his eyes, Evie latched onto his hand and yanked him in.
"What am-" Harry began as he adjusted his glasses, blinking at the large, dark, and dusty room, "Woah."
"Isn't it lovely?" Evie smiled as she looked up at the room, lost as to why she ever stopped coming here in the first place, "It's a nice place for your teaching instead of that god awful tiny room is Hogsmeade."
"Does anyone else know about this?" Harry asked her quickly, before he had the chance to get attached to the four walls.
"Oh, no, just me." Evie said with a small smile, pulling a few sheets off things around the room, "It will only open if you really want it to, you have to want it bad enough."
"Why'd you say it?" Harry asked her suddenly as Evie turned to find him starring at her, "To the group, about the Yule Ball... you made me swear never to tell anyone."
"I was just..." Evie trailed off as she swallowed and casted her eyes down for a moment, "It looked important for the others to side with you, I just wanted to help."
"Why didn't you want anyone to know before? Are you protect him? Draco?" Harry questioned as Evie looked at him oddly as she blinked behind her long eyelashes.
"No, he didn't have anything to do with that." Evie defended the Malfoy boy quickly before going on, "I'm not a Leo, Harry. I don't want all the attention on me, better yet I do not want to be questioned everywhere I go, you know what's that's like."
Harry was silent, he did know what it was like and he was far from a fan of it. In his eyes he was just angry, not at Evie but at the death eater, that he knew had to be Lucious Malfoy, he was angry that Evie was bleeding out on the snow while he gets to live his days free. The silence between the two soon became awkward, like they both wanted to say something but they didn't.
"I think this place will be good for everyone." Harry spoke as he met Evies soft eyes, watching the faint smile spread across her peach colored lips.
"Me too." she agreed while nodding for him to follow her out.
kylie speaks
i'm like
with evies
story line.
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