13 | Good Gyal Gon' Bad
"Ok one more time Nami. C'mon." Namiko's newest friend that she met through Shaniece, Zaria, pulled her closer as the countdown on TikTok started rolling.
Namiko started doing the dance with her for the third time but forgot it again halfway through so she turned around to shake her butt the way that Zaria and Shaniece taught her while laughing at her reflection.
"Bae that ass sit up better than two bunk beds!" Zaria played with it in the camera, making her laugh harder.
"That shit there homemadeeee," She backed up closer to the phone, putting her hands in the air while her butt moved in a circle to the beat.
"Namiko!" Shaniece screamed in disbelief, and she fell out laughing once again.
"I keep forgetting the dance. After I shake my legs I'm done." She said dramatically as the video ended, sitting down on the couch between Shaniece and another friend of hers, Rae.
She'd been invited out to a galentines day outing with Shaniece and two of her closest friends as well as each of their kids since they were all mothers and she was currently having the time of her life. She never realized how fun it was to have genuine friends.
This morning, Shaniece did her hair again, this time in a slightly curly and dark colored wig. They went on another nail date as a group and Rae did her makeup while Zaria picked out her outfit for the day. Girlhood was such a beautiful thing that she would never take for granted. Namiko loved this.
"Yo' legs gon' be shaking from the ass whooping you get from Zay when you get back home with your new piercings and tattoo." Shaniece pulled her shirt back up to cover her own freshly pierced nipples—their last activity of the day.
"Oh, please." Namiko waved her off. "I am grown. And he's going to love the piercings 'cause he love being back there anyway." She referred to her new back dermals; the cutest piercing she'd ever seen.
"He be eating yo' butt ain't it sista? It's so big and you so pretty, I probably would if I was him too." Rae looked over at her, and Namiko laughed as she nodded to answer her first question.
"He be begging to do it because I really don't get the hype about it. I only let him do it twice though. A wet butt is so annoying." She chuckled, looking down at her phone to see how her Instagram post was doing.
Liked by dreamchasinzari and 52,019 others
namiiileiii My friend took the cutest off guard of me! 😍😊❤️ The food was delicious at this restaurant as well. I even got a free dessert! 😃
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realzayb My baby 🖤
⮑ namiiileiii You are my baby! 🥹😘😇👩🏽❤️💋👨🏾♾️
xoxoniecey_ My fav girllll 😍😍😍😍
"That's how I feel too. My nigga love that shit—no pun intended." Zaria raised her hands in surrender which caused the group of girls to laugh together.
"Right! I literally poop from there. Why would you want to lick it? I mean, I keep it clean but it's a butt for Christ's sake." Namiko shook her head in displeasure, before adding. "It do feel good though."
"What! Heard that!" Rae gave her a high five, earning another laugh from Namiko. That was one thing she couldn't deny. That man sure knew how to use his mouth.
Speaking of, almost two hours later, Namiko and Naia finally returned home to find him in his office, finishing up a Zoom call with a colleague of his. Without a care that he was working, Naia ran towards him and used his leg as an aid to climb into his lap.
"I see your daughter is ready for you to dad. I'm surprised mine haven't came in here and did the same. I'll let you take care of that." The friend laughed at Naia pulling on Isaiah's face, clearly needing his attention.
"I 'preciate that man. Talk to you later." He nodded in the camera, and the man waved goodbye before the call dropped.
"Yep. She's ready for you to 'dad'. She tired of me." Namiko leaned down to give him a kiss, and he smiled against her mouth as he returned it.
"Wassup baby? What you want?" His arm wrapped around Naia to hold her, lowering his head to greet her with a kiss on her cheek as well.
"You look good mama. You brought me the food you ain't finish eating?" He rubbed her thigh, enjoying the way the leather jumpsuit looked on her.
"Yes honey. You are like my personal garbage disposal."
"I would be if you ever ate yo' food. You take one bite and be done." He stood up with Naia in his arms to follow Namiko out of the office, in the direction of his bedroom.
"True. Here's your card back." She pulled it out of her pocket and handed it to him.
"How much you spend?"
"Only 37 of the dollars and 12 of the cents. Niecy paid for my nails and my toes. I had so much fun." She pushed the door to the bedroom open, stopping in her tracks at the set up in the room.
'Will you be my Valentine?' was spelled out in pink capitalized letter balloons across the wall on left side of the room and there were bags from H&M, Tiffany&Co, Pandora, Victoria's Secret, Best Buy and Saks Fifth Avenue. In front of everything was four big bouquets of flowers; two of them were red roses and the other two were mixed florals.
"Oh my goodness. Who did this for you? Are you sneaking around on me?" Namiko turned around to face him with a frown on her face, and Naia turned to look at Isaiah with a stale look as if she knew her mother was crazy.
"No crazy girl. I did it for you." He chuckled, watching her mouth form an O shape before it dropped into a small pout.
"Awwww, baby! I didn't know that we were supposed to exchange gifts on Valentine's Day. I'm so sorry. Wait—I still have time to put something t—,"
"Valentine's Day is a women's holiday. That's why everything pink and full of love like you." He kissed her forehead, cutting her off before her anxiety could cause her to go on a rant for being unprepared.
"Oh, really? That's so unfair..but this is—wow! It's all for me?"
"Nah it's some stuff in there for Nyny too. And that basket hers. Here mama." Isaiah put Naia down in front of it, ripping a piece of the clear wrapping paper to help her open it.
"You are the best. My favorite gift is the way that you love her. I appreciate you so much Isaiah." Namiko wrapped her arms around him in a hug, and her cheeks turned red with blush as he kissed all over her face.
Naia pulled on the leg of his sweats to get his attention, making him squat down near her again. She sat in front of him on the floor and pointed to the basket to tell him that she wanted him to open it for her. So, he did it and gave it back to her when all the plastic was off.
"She don't be liking the way certain shit feel. She almost cried touching this." He chuckled, balling up the plastic to throw away.
"I'm the same way but only with metal. That's why I don't use real forks or spoons. If it touch my teeth I would literally fall out and die." Namiko sat beside Naia, opening the Best Buy bag because she a feeling her iPad was in there.
"Noted. That's why you bought them plastic ones from the store?" He asked, and she nodded her head. He would make sure to keep them stocked for her now that he knew.
"Oh my goddddd, I knew it! My iPad!" She shrieked in excitement before her eyes went wide. "Two?!"
"You couldn't pick a color and neither could I." He shrugged, smiling at how happy she looked with her yellow and pink iPads.
"Namiko what is that?" His smile immediately disappeared as he grabbed her wrist, seeing the ink behind the Saran Wrap that was wrapped around her forearm.
"My new tattoo. It's my baby's name. Do you like it?"
"Shaniece is such a bad influence. Ion even know why I introduced you to her." He shook his head in pretend disappointment, making her laugh.
"She is not. You are the one who said that I can do whatever I want now because I'm not in San Senova. This is me doing what I want. And look, unzip me." She turned around so that her back faced him, and he dragged the zipper down towards her waist.
Namiko pushed the top of her jumpsuit down and covered her chest with her arm, then used her free one to pull it down off of her waist to show him the diamonds pierced into each of her back dimples.
"They look good baby. Ian never seen this placement for dermals before. You like 'em?" He leaned down to kiss her crack that was showing, then he laughed at how she immediately pushed his head away.
"Yes. I can't wait to get charms to go on top of the diamonds. The piercer said that I should wait six weeks to do that though. I think it's still cute like this." She pulled her jumpsuit back up and turned around so that he could zip it closed again.
"You showing out. I like it though. You ain't a good girl no more huh? What's next?" He kissed her cheek from behind, and she smiled with a shrug of her shoulders.
Isaiah then leaned over to grab the bag from Pandora and took the small box out that contained a Heart of Rose Princess Wishbone stacking ring set, and he opened it to show her the two rose gold rings inside.
"That is gorgeous! Oh my goodness. Are we supposed to get rings on Valentine's Day?" Her face lit up again, grabbing his hands that held the box.
"Nah..I just wanted to make it official with you. We ain't dating no more. I'm ready for you to be mine."
"Wait—no more dates? How come?" A frown replaced her smile, and he chuckled at how serious she was.
"I meant we ain't dating without the title no more. Will you be my girlfriend now? And I'll still take you on more dates." He added just to make her aware, and she quietly screamed in excitement as he slid the rings on her finger.
"Of course my honey. I love itttt." She held her hand up to see how it looked on her finger, and Isaiah leaned down to give her a kiss that she smiled into.
"Girl move. This is my man—my boyfriend. He can kiss me." Namiko frowned down at Naia who pushed her away from Isaiah before tugging on his sweats again so that he'd pick her up.
"Don't talk to my baby like that. Finish opening yo' gifts so we can go." He mushed Namiko's head to the side, and Naia giggled at her rolling her eyes at the both of them.
Namiko's head laid on Isaiah's right shoulder while her daughter laid on top of him on her back, watching the movie being played on the big flat screen TV mounted against the wall in the living room of Isaiah's house.
All three of them were tired after being out all day, enjoying the activities that Isaiah planned for their Valentine's Day. The holiday being celebrated throughout the entire day for both Namiko and her daughter made her really happy. She could never show Isaiah how appreciative she was of the safe space he put her and Naia in.
Now, they were cuddled up on the couch together, currently watching The Croods on Disney+. Namiko didn't know how she'd ever survived without an app like this. Back at the castle, the only channels they had on the TV was the news and a few soap operas. If she wanted to watch a Disney Princess movie it had to be on DVD. She didn't even know other movies like The Croods existed.
It made her upset that she'd have to leave all of this behind in a few weeks. To tell the truth, she didn't even want to be Queen of San Senova anymore—a position she'd trained practically her whole life to be in. She would 100% trade the royal life for something simple with Isaiah and Naia. It hurt her feelings that she couldn't.
"What you thinkin' 'bout mama?" Isaiah asked, realizing that she was in her head about something when she stopped rubbing his chest.
"What am I going to do without you when I have to go back to San Senova? Without Shaniece and all of my new friends? What will my baby do without you? You're her favorite person now." She said with a heavy, genuine sigh pushing through her lips. She was sad now.
"I thought you missed home?"
"You are my home Isaiah. Not New York itself..just... you." She rested her hand on the other side of his neck, and he turned his head to gaze down at her.
"So don't leave me then." His voice was soft, and she didn't even attempt to look up at him because she knew she'd cry.
"You know I have to." She mumbled quietly.
"Dada!" Sandy raised her arms in the air for Grug to pick her up on The Croods, and Naia turned her head to look at Isaiah.
"Dada!" She screamed just like Sandy did while putting her arms up, and Isaiah's eyes widened while Namiko instantly sat up from lying on his shoulder.
"Naia! You did it!" Namiko tackled her in a hug, causing her to fall out in giggles as she tickled her sides.
"Oh my god, she actually did it. She did it.." She then covered her mouth as the tears she previously tried to hold back fell from her eyes.
"Good job mama. I'm so proud of you." Isaiah lifted her up into the air, making her laugh harder as she began to constantly repeat the word to herself in a barely audible voice. Isaiah didn't realize that he was crying until Naia wiped his tears away with a curious look on her face.
"Shit. I haven't heard that in so long, man." He used the knuckle of his index finger to swipe under his eyes to stop the tears, and Namiko leaned over to kiss his cheek while pulling his hand down so that the tears would fall freely.
"Dada." Naia rested her whole face against the side of his and began to hum, her way of giving him a kiss like Namiko did.
"I can't. I can't just—take her away from you. How am I supposed to make it work Isaiah?" Namiko sniffed, wrapping her arms around his neck for a hug, which he wasted no time to return. Now his feelings were hurt as well.
"It's aight. Don't cry Nami. We gon' figure it out. Stop crying." As if he wasn't crying as well. Clearly the tears weren't ready to stop for either of them.
"She is so fake. She couldn't even say mommy first and I say it to her everyday." Namiko said with an obvious attitude which made Isaiah laugh, forgetting that they were even sad for a moment.
"Nah, she real. Dada baby know wassup. I'm so proud of you girl." He lifted her up again to kiss her forehead, making her grab his face with both of her small hands.
There was no way Namiko was leaving him. She wondered if she could convince him to live in the castle with her. To her knowledge, nothing was keeping him in New York other than his job, and if he moved to San Senova with her, he'd never have to work another day in his life.
And since she had a private jet at her disposal, they could fly back into New York every weekend if that was what he wanted. They really could figure it out, just like he said a minute ago.
First, she wanted to take him there just to see what he thought about it. She would make it a vacation trip and invite Shaniece and his best friend, Jamell, too. She could show them her life and how it was being Royalty just like they showed her how it felt to be normal in New York City.
An hour later, Namiko phoned the Prime Minister via zoom to tell him that she needed the jet to come and pick them up. She knew that he was awake because there was a 12 hour time difference between San Senova and New York, which meant that it was currently a little past noon there.
"Queen Namiko, what a pleasure. Is everything alright?" He bowed in the camera to greet her while she waved back at him with a smile.
"Yes. I want to come home soon. As in, like, maybe a week from now. And I'm bringing guests. Will you prepare the plane for me, please?"
"Why, of course. What date and time would work?" He grabbed the notepad off of the desk in his study to write it down.
"Thursday around noon so that it'll be day time in San Senova by the time we land. At the same airport that I flew into before."
"I will take care of it today, Queen Namiko. Your grandmother will be delighted to see you and the Princess."
"Likewise! I miss her so much. And I miss you as well, Mark. Thank you so much for supporting me. I wouldn't have even been able to get her without your help. I really appreciate you and I can't wait for you to meet her." Namiko genuinely expressed her gratitude. He'd always been the support system of the Sato family but after Namiko's father passed, he sort of became that figure to her.
"It is always my pleasure. There is nothing that I wouldn't do for you, Queen Namiko. I will have your back no matter what. I apologize if for a moment, it did not seem that way." He referenced the situation with her manipulative mother, Kamila.
"All is forgiven. I know that I told you not to, but have you visited mother recently?" She honestly wouldn't mind if he had. She often found herself wondering how she was doing.
"No ma'am. No one has. The kingdom has been spreading rumors about her sudden 'disappearance' though. Perhaps when you arrive, you can call a press meet and greet to address the situation." He suggested.
"I think I will. Can you have them put it together for me, please? But don't let the residents know of my return yet. I don't want to overwhelm my baby with all of the cameras and whatnot. I will introduce her when I tell them about Mother."
"Of course, Queen. I'll be there to assist you all back to the castle."
"Thank you so much Prime Minister."
I miss y'all man. Y'all invited to the castle... y'all gotta come by y'all self though.
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