11 | Maintenance Day
"Oh goodness, sweetheart. She is adorable! I've been waiting on your call. I missed her little face so much and it's only been four days since we last phoned." Nonna Mae spoke over the zoom call on Namiko's phone, staring at Naia.
"Isn't she? And she's actually playing now. When we took her to the park, she didn't even want to be around the other children." Namiko smiled at Naia playing with Shaniece's two youngest daughter that were around the same age as her.
Namiko and Naia were currently over Shaniece's house to take her up on the promise that she made yesterday at the Super Bowl party, saying that she'd install a wig on Namiko for the first time and do her first set of lash extensions. She was a licensed esthetician that did lashes from home as her main source of income, and she also knew how to do hair because she always did her own.
They went to the nail shop together this morning with their daughters as a mom-daughter date and it was so fun. Oh, how Namiko missed having friends. Shaniece was so understanding and extremely accommodating with her autism, too; that made her really happy.
Now, back at Shaniece and Jamell's house, Namiko was phoned by the Prime Minister because her grandmother wanted to see Naia again. They were all so happy that she had her back, regardless of her being the first Queen to have a baby out of wedlock.
"Queen Namiko, when do you two plan to return home?" The prime minister asked, sitting next to Nonna Mae.
"Oh. Um, I'm not sure. We have court in two weeks but I—I met someone down here and I'm not sure if I'm ready to leave him yet. Maybe I can stay until Springtime? Two more months?" She asked hesitantly, tilting her head to the side.
"Ah, Queen..we need you here as soon as possible." He told her, watching her expression drop with a sigh pushing through her lips.
"But—the calls have been working well. And you are the Queen so neither of us can actually tell you that it's a must for you to come back. It is only a suggestion that we can make. If you want to stay until March, you are able to do that, Queen Namiko." He added, causing her smile to instantly return.
"Please be careful my love. We need you home in one piece. I love you both very much." Nonna Mae blew a kiss at her with her trembling hand, making her smile grow further.
"We love you more! And thank you so much Prime Minister. I love you as well."
"I love you back, Queen Namiko." He chuckled, and then the both of them waved at her before the call ended.
"Bro that shit is so fucking cool. I got a real life Princess Tiana in my chair right now." Shaniece said as she hot combed the front part of Namiko's lace.
"I can't believe this isn't normal for you guys. I learned about you all's president in school and I thought he was just like me. But you guys have a Congress and senators and mayors that all run small parts of the country. It's just me doing it by myself now."
"Oh so it's kinda like the United Kingdom there, right? 'Cause Queen Elizabeth the only queen I knew."
"Sort of. The UK is actually governed by their Parliament and their Prime Minister, so Queen Elizabeth doesn't have ultimate control. She's kind of just their image, if you get what I mean. Just the face of the government. I make all the laws for my kingdom now. It used to be my dad before he passed away." Namiko explained to her.
"Is it hard?"
"Definitely. Especially since I have Asperger's, it makes it hard for me to understand why most things work the way they do. The prime minister helps me a lot though and my mother did as well. It took me almost four years to finally become Queen because there was so much I had to learn."
"Aweee. And you are doing such a good job, Nami, for real. Like not that being autistic is an insult or anything but you can't even tell you have it. You defying the odds fasho." Shaniece took a step back to look at the finished product of her work, and Namiko laughed when she screamed in excitement.
"Bitch you look sooooo goodddd." She covered her mouth as if she was amazed at her own work.
"Thank you sooo much..bitch?" She returned it with confusion and enthusiasm in her tone, making Shaniece bust out laughing.
"No. You gotta let it roll off yo' tongue. Just like how you say girl—like, girl boo. Or ok girl. Or girl, please. Just replace it with bitch. Try again."
"Sorry bitch." She said, then joined in on Shaniece's laughter. "I can't get this cursing thing right for the life of me. Oh my goodness."
"It's okay girl. Yo' manners still cute and stuff. Let me take some pictures of you." She gestured for her to stand up, wiping away the tears that fell from laughing so hard.
"Are you going to post them on your gramsta?" Namiko asked while posing.
"My Instagram, yes." She laughed again. "Did you finish making your page?"
"Yep. You are still my only follower." She let Shaniece fix her hair over her shoulder to show off the color pattern.
"I got 148,000. Trust me when I say yo' page 'bouta blow up. You literally the baddest bitch I ever met." And she wasn't exaggerating at all. Namiko was beautiful.
Liked by mellbandz and 709 others
xoxoniecey_ I'm so obsessed with this damn girl! & this color looks so good on her 😫 @namiiileiii
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namiiileiii Thank you 😀❤️👍😻😘👩🏾❤️👩🏽👩🏽🤝👩🏾
mellbandz Queen Nami 👸🏽
tianicole_ Omggggg 😍😍😍😍😍
"700 likes and 80 comments in two minutes! Girl they finna eat yo' ass through the phone, watch." Shaniece passed her phone to Namiko to show her the post.
"Awww, everyone's so sweet. How do I tell them thank you? Do I just add more comments like how I did the first one?" She asked, wanting to express her appreciation.
"When you want to reply to a comment, just press that button right there. You don't have to reply to everybody though. And look, this how you put stuff on your story which is mainly what people look at. Post some pictures and videos on there." Shaniece began to show her how to use Instagram, which wasn't that much harder than TikTok—the app that had become her favorite.
She was slowly gaining followers on there, too. All she did was post selfie videos of herself and video blogs of her adjusting to life in New York City. Apparently that really entertained people. And thanks to TikTok's flagged feature, she never saw any of the hate comments.
By the time Namiko and Naia left Shaniece and Jamell's house an hour later, the post had climbed to fifty-six thousand likes. Shaniece even told her that if her popularity continued to grow, she could get paid just for being pretty. That didn't sound like a bad idea at all.
"Thank you so much! Here is your tip! I'm sorry, I don't have any smaller bills." Namiko gave the Uber driver a hundred dollar bill, and the Hispanic man tried his hardest to tell her thank you with the very little English he knew. He even gave her a hug. That made her happy because she absolutely adored hugs.
"Be careful mommy." Namiko helped Naia walked up the stairs, not wanting her to trip. She would've carried her but her baby weighed way more than what her arm could stand.
After locking the door behind them, Namiko sat Naia down at the Minnie Mouse children's table in the kitchen so that she could eat a lunchable. They'd been exploring different food with her to see what she ate and so far, this was the only thing she would agree to eat. There was still hope that she'd venture out and try more, though.
"Can mommy have a kiss please?" Namiko squatted on the side of her after pressing play on Bluey on Isaiah's iPad that was slowly becoming Naia's.
She turned her head to press her whole face against Namiko's cheek before she began to hum, and Namiko smiled at her version of a kiss. It was her new favorite.
"Thank you baby. I be right back. I need to get out of these jeans." She stood back up, heading towards Isaiah's bedroom at the back of his house.
She removed her jeans when she got there and folded them up before placing them neatly in the bag that held her dirty clothes. Since she was already by the tall mirror hanging on the wall, she pulled all of her hair on one side over her shoulder and posed for a picture.
"Namiko what I tell you 'bout leaving and not telling me where y—," Isaiah stopped talking when she turned around to look at him, and her face lit up as she watched him size her up.
"Do you like it? I asked for blue since it's your favorite color." She ran her fingers through her hair then moved her arms to be around his neck when he approached her.
"You so beautiful mama. Give me some." He lowered his head in front of her and his hands roamed to her butt as their lips met for a kiss. She hissed in his mouth when he slapped the spot he held, instantly pulling her head back.
"Isaiah that hurts. Stop it." She reached behind herself to grab his hand when he did it two more times, leaving his red handprint behind on her skin.
"Look what you did! Oh my god. Isaiah!" She frowned after seeing it in the mirror, only for him to grip the same spot again.
"What I tell you about leaving without telling me where you going?" He asked, showing no reaction to her frown.
"I just went to see Shaniece. Why would you spank me? I am an adult." She pointed to herself before letting her frown slowly fade away as he continued to stare at her with a look she couldn't decipher.
"I texted you to tell you where I was so I didn't think you would still worry. Are you upset?" She hated when anyone was mad at her but especially him even though he had yet to feel that way.
"Nah. You look good doll face. Where yo' pants at?" He kissed her once more and chuckled when her arms wrapped around his neck again.
"I took them off because I want to change clothes before we visit the clinic. And my butt really stings Isaiah. Did you have to hit it so hard?" Namiko asked while looking up at him, and he kissed her bottom lip that stuck out much further than her top.
"Mhm 'cause you don't listen. I like how you looking though. You so pretty. I love when you pout like this." His hand lowered to rest between her legs, and she bit her bottom lip before he could kiss it again.
"Are you only saying that because of what I said last night?"
"No. I'm saying it 'cause I love how you look. I love your face." He lightly gripped her middle area and then let her go to prevent his dick from getting too erected to where it would be hard to make it go down.
"How you feeling 'bout last night? You left without waking me up this morning. I didn't get to ask."
"Oh, I'm fine. You were right. My cycle started. So, just forget that whole ordeal ever happened. K? K." She looked at the door when it opened, and Isaiah laughed at the shift in attitude since last night.
Naia ran to Isaiah once she laid eyes on him, wrapping both of her arms and legs around his calf muscle to squeeze it. Namiko's face lit up when he picked her up to hold her against his chest, clearly missing her as much as she did him.
"Wassup baby? I missed you too." He kissed her cheek, chuckling at her hand that went to cradle the side of his face like Namiko's always did.
Namiko adored their relationship. It made her heart so warm.
He was always the first person she wanted to see when she woke up, she wanted to lay next to him when they all napped together, she made him hold her all day and she was always showing him the videos of Ms. Rachel that she watched on the iPad.
And Isaiah was always there to do whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted it. He would sleep on the ceiling if she asked or reach up and grab a star out of the sky for her if she pointed at it. Namiko was so appreciative of him because they'd never even had a conversation about him playing the role of a father—he just did it as if it was second nature.
It didn't even hurt Namiko's feelings that she practically preferred him over her even though Namiko was the biological parent. She loved to see it and it honestly made her fall in love with Isaiah more. She had no intention on becoming pregnant any time soon but she would give this man a set of triplets in one go if he asked.
She loved that he loved her daughter. Although it wasn't required, she was so glad that he wasn't the type of man that wanted to date a mother but felt no obligation to care for her child as well—whether financially or emotionally/mentally. He was a real man. She was blessed beyond measure.
Isaiah gave Namiko his insurance card so that she could copy the policy number onto the intake paperwork that she was currently filling out in the waiting area of Pediatric & Adolescent Medicine clinic. He added Naia to his health insurance plan three days ago because he got amazing benefits and knew that it would make her first doctor's visit completely free.
They were here to get Naia an allergy test and a routine check-up to make sure that she was healthy—which it would be a shock to Namiko if she was, given her prior living arrangements.
"Should we do this part?" Namiko quietly asked him, pointing to the box that needed to be checked if they were wanting a vaginal examination done.
"What do you want to do?" He asked back.
"I want to do it but I'm afraid." She told him truthfully.
"Of the results or the process?"
"Both." She sighed, twiddling with her trembling fingers. It would kill her if her baby had been sexually assaulted or abused in any way. She'd already done a small check herself, just to make sure there wasn't any bruising or things of that nature but a medically trained gynecologist would be able see things that she couldn't.
"The vaginal exams don't require any penetration, if that's what you are worried about. She'll just look around but she won't put anything in her."
"Aaliyah had one?" Namiko looked at him again and referred to his late daughter, curious with how familiar he was about the exam.
"Yeah.. she had a bad rash that wouldn't go away no matter what I tried. Turns out she was just allergic to the Huggies diapers. They only pulled her labia back to look around but that was it. And they ask each step of the way and you can stay in the room."
"Ok. What do you think? If Naia was yours, would you let them do it?" She didn't want to make the decision on her own.
"Yes. They can see tearing that we might not be able to see." He told her, and she nodded before using the pen to check the box. She trusted his opinions more than her own.
"I'm all done now. Do I take it back?" She asked, and once he nodded, she stood up to take the clipboard up to the front desk. Then, she took her seat next to him again to wait to be called to the back.
"I'm glad you found me and not a creep or nothin'. You put way too much trust in me." He spoke humorously when she sat back down.
"Me too. I don't realize how much I depend on you at times. I told my Nonna and the prime minister that I wanted to stay with you until springtime; I was supposed to go back after the court. But I know that I'll miss you." She reached up to rub his eyebrow, laying the hairs in the same direction.
"I forgot you gotta go back and run a whole kingdom." He was upset at the thought of her leaving even if it wasn't for another two months.
"You can come with me if you'd like. We are missing a King anyway." She playfully tilted her head to the side.
"Is that your way of proposing to me?" He asked, and a smile grew on his face at the sound of her laughter.
"Yes. And the song that'll play will be, mhmmm, mhmmm.....so this is love, mhmmm. So this is loveee.. so thisss is what makes life divine," She rubbed her nose against his while singing the song from Cinderella.
"I'm all aglow. Mhmm..and now I know. And nowww I knoww the key to heaven is mine." Namiko held his face, smiling at the way he stared at her as if she had the singing voice of an angel.
"So? What do you say? You do or you don't?" Her head tilted the other way.
"I do baby..I do."
Ion pay fa shit it's all on my readers BITCH #maseratimami #theroofmissing
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