"Jane, wake up!" Chuck shook my shoulders. I groaned and opened my eyes. Chuck and I slept in the same corner again. "I got delivery!"
"From?" I sighed and sat straight up, stretching my arms.
"I don't know. Alby told me to give it to you!" Chuck handed me a pile of clothes with a note on top of it.
"Looked like you needed this." I read out loud before putting the note away and going through the clothes. Three T-shirts, one sweater, one pair of wide shorts, and some wide pants. A bit surprised I looked at Chuck.
"Okay, okay. I get it. I'll turn around so you can put on your secret lover's clothes." Chuck grinned annoyingly and turned around so I could put on one of the grey shirts. Chuck turned around when I told him to. "They're a bit big, don't you think?" He looked at the shirt.
"At least they're clean." I shrugged and started walking towards the kitchen. Chuck immediately jogged after me. I felt fluttered by someone giving me clothes and kind of wondered who they were from.
"What do they smell like? Vanilla? Maybe Newt gave them to you." Chuck suggested, trying to keep up with my pace. "Or sweaty? 'Cause then it could be everyone's."
"Or maybe they just have some extra clothes in the Homestead, Chuck." I sighed as Frypan handed me a plate. I quickly thanked him and sat down across from Newt. Chuck joined us too. "And no, they don't smell like vanilla or sweat. Just clean soap."
Newt stared at my shirt, his face expression unreadable. "Why the shuck are you wearing Minho's shirt?"
My eyes opened wide and my whole face turned into a deep red.
"MINHO?" Chuck blurted out. "MINHO! IT WAS HIM!" He screamed enthusiastically. "You got a secret lover!"
"This is Minho's shirt?" I stammered, looking down at the clothes.
"Yes," Newt replied, not seeming very happy. "Why are you wearing it?"
I blushed deeply. "Alby gave it to Chuck, and Chuck gave it to me."
Shocked by the fact Minho had given me clothes, I started eating. I thought he hated me. Maybe he did, but at least he gave me clothes. "Where is he actually?"
Chuck looked up. "You're gonna give him a thank you kiss?"
"What? No! I'm saying thank you without the kiss, Chuck." I quickly said. "He's still not my friend."
"He already left into the maze." Newt snapped.
I had to try being a Track-Hoe, which meant I had to be close to Newt. It made me a bit nervous, though I didn't understand why. Another boy, who was blonder than Newt helped me with everything. Zart.
"So can I try being a Runner?" I asked Newt as I planted some stuff in the ground.
"No." He simply replied.
"Why not?"
"I won't let you go into the maze." Newt blurted out.
"Because you're the Second-in-command and think you can decide everything for me?" I snapped.
"You won't give up, will you?" Newt sternly looked up from his work.
"Of course not! I want to be a Runner." I looked at Newt, who was frowning. I noticed he did it a lot.
"It does mean you have to work with the one and only Minho." Newt grinned.
I hesitated, but then thought of what Newt was doing. "Nice try, Blondie! Even Minho won't stop me."
"You sure have some confidence." Newt sighed. "And why do you call me Blondie? I don't like it."
"Then from now on I will call you Blondie, Blondie." I glanced at Newt. He sighed again and kept working. "So, what do you think? Can I be a Runner?"
"I'll think about it," Newt grumbled.
Of course, Minho wasn't there at lunch. I wanted to thank him for the clothes, but he was in the maze all day.
After having lunch with Newt and Chuck, I had to work with the Med-Jacks in the Med Hut, which was located close to the Homestead and kitchen.
A dark blonde-haired boy opened the door for me and introduced himself as Clint. There was another boy with shorter hair and dark skin. Jeff.
"I'm Jane." I quickly introduced myself.
"Nice to meet you." Clint motioned for me to sit down. "Okay, so what we usually do every day is wait for someone to get injured and treat them."
"Okay." I nodded and sat down. "So all you do is wait?"
"Basically," Jeff said with a chuckle. "But soon people will come in. Mostly we get Builders and Slicers. Nothin' bad."
Jeff was right. Not even ten minutes later, Gally the Builder walked into the hut. He accidentally hit his finger with a hammer and had to get it bandaged. My task.
"Hey, Greenie." He grumbled and sat down. Great mood.
"Hi." I gave him a nod and started treating his finger. Just when I finished the last things on Gally's finger off, ten more boys had appeared in the Med Hut, all waiting in line.
A bit overwhelmed I started working on the fifth boy that day. Sweat dripped down my forehead and my cheeks were slightly red. Every single boy that I treated kept staring at my face the whole time, making me quite uncomfortable.
When finally, at the end of the day Jeff and Clint were cleaning up the last things and I thought to finally escape, two people walked into the Med Hut. Minho and a boy I didn't recognize.
A blonde boy with blue eyes wrapped one of his arms around a limping Minho, who groaned and bickered until he saw me. The boy sighed loudly and rolled his eyes.
"What happened?" I tried to be nice.
"Scratched my leg on the wall. Nothin' worse, just a little deep on my knee." Minho made himself a lot more comfortable on the chair than he should have.
"You hurt your knee. It's not like your whole leg is cut off." I snapped when the boy almost lay down on the chair.
Minho sighed again as he rolled up his pants so I could treat whatever happened to his knee. "You sure had it busy today." He commented.
"Mhm," I replied, trying to concentrate on Minho's knee. Then something popped up in my mind. "Thanks for the clothes."
"Clothes?" Minho stammered. "What clothes? I didn't give you any clothes. That was someone else."
"Newt said this is your shirt." I motioned at the clothing I still wore.
"Of course he did," Minho mumbled. "You stink, so I thought to give you something clean since I smell way better than you." He quickly defended, his cheeks turning slightly red. "So that was the reason. You stink."
"Then you better show me where the showers are someday if you even have them. Y'all stink too." I snapped, offended by Minho. No one said I stink except for him, so maybe it was a lie or he was just the only one who was honest.
"Sure sure." Minho grinned.
I put some disinfection on a cloth and rubbed it on Minho's wound. It must've burned a lot, because Minho clenched his jaw, revealing all the veins on his neck, and tried not to make any noise.
I kept going, almost smiling. "Can't you do it a little faster, Shebean?" Minho asked through his teeth. I chuckled and removed the cloth off his knee before bandaging it up.
"All done." I sighed.
Minho inspected his knee. "You could've done it a bit neater, Shebean. I'm seriously hurt here!"
"I'm not a Med-Jack, idiot." I snapped. "Next time go to Jeff or something."
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