I woke up this morning is Charles his arms. My favorite way to start my day. especially since I've vacation for the coming 4 months. I grabbed my phone from the nightstand and pulled the charger out. I opened it and saw notifications that were absolutely out of hand. I clicked on instagram and saw my 736 followers made place for 89 thousand followers. How's that even possible to reach overnight?! I was tagged in a million photo's and video's. Video's of the livestream where Charles was talking and signing and captions were variations of things.
Omg look how cute they're!
If he wanted to he would🤍
No but the way they look at each other is so cute!
I want a relationship like Charles and Lowen :((!
Those were just a few examples. I was dm'ed by multiple people some were negative but most of them positive. Charles was looking on my phone too and saw how many notifications I had. He kissed my head and I felt him get out of bed because of the movements of the bed. I watched my tik tok notifications where I also found a lot video's and after a while I climbed out of bed as well. I changed into some shorts and a cute top before going to the kitchen. I didn't see Charles so I assumed he was in the bathroom. I opened the fridge and took out a pack of half full yoghurt. I placed it on the counter and then grabbed two banana and some blueberries. I placed everything in 2 bowls and swirled some honey over it as well. I placed a spoon next to the bowl for Charles as I grabbed mine and walked to the balcony. I sat down as the morning sun softly shone on my face. It was already a comfortable kind of warm as I started eating my yoghurt. After a few minutes the door opened and Charles came out with his bowl of yoghurt and sat next to me on the outdoor couch. We always eat in silence because like I said before... eating and signing is hard. After we had breakfast we got ready as we would spend the day on Charles his boat. I pulled on my bikini and grabbed some other things I wanted to take with me. I pulled on a pair of shorts and a shirt to cover up a little and then lastly pulled on my shoes. We made our way to the harbor as paparazzi was literally everywhere. Charles held my hand tightly until we made it into the secured area from the boats and yachts. We walked to his boat and like the gentleman he is he gave me a hand to climb on. He made everything ready and then we went out on sea. After we were sailing for 1,5 hours he stopped and anchored the boat.
-don't want to be too close to Monaco. Paparazzi would find us too easy and I like some peace from time to time.-
-I could understand that.-
He kissed my lips softly before pulling his hurt off and laying next to me on a towel. We just laid in the sun for hours and from time to time we did move around the boat.
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𝐅𝟏𝐰𝐚𝐠𝐬: Charles being spotted with his new girlfriend Lowen🤍! They were spotted outside of Monaco on his boat together laying in the sun.
Lowen Gastaud is 26 years old, originally from France but lives in Monaco and just graduated to be a doctor. She's deaf and they're just so sweet together. More about Lowen on her page ;))!
Both of our phones were blowing up with these kind of photos and posts but really we didn't care. We just wanted to relax but apparently not happening. After we saw those things we both pulled on our shirts and shorts and then sailed back to the harbor.
-sorry that we got interrupted.-
-you couldn't know that they would literally search us on the ocean. It's not your fault.-
When we arrived back I gathered our stuff while Charles made sure the boat was all good and secured. He grabbed my hand as we walked back to his Ferrari and opened my door for me as we were once again gathered by the media. When I was sitting he closed my door carefully and then made his way around the car. He sat down behind the wheel and drove us to his house.
-ready to go to Azerbaijan tomorrow?-
-I'm excited to see you race.-
-I already hoped so.-
I smiled widely at him as we walked into his apartment. We sat down on the couch together and watched a movie. After the movie was done I kissed Charles his cheek and grabbed my keys. I pulled on my shoe and I saw in the corner of my eye that Charles was looking at me.
-are you really leaving?-
-well I need to pack my suitcase if we're leaving tomorrow right?-
-are you staying here tonight? So we can go to the airport together?-
-if you want me to stay over I'll stay over.-
-I always want you to stay here.-
-I'll be back in a few hours then. Need to make sure my apartment is all good.-
-alright. Text me when you're home please. So I know you're safe.-
-don't worry I'll be safe.-
We waved softly at each other as a bye and then I opened the door and walked outside. I was engulfed with flashes and I was feeling overwhelmed. I felt someone's chest against my back. I looked up to see Charles had followed me outside. He covered my eyes a little from the flashes and with a hand on my back he gently pushed me through the crowd. He walked all the way with me to my apartment. At some point we lost the media luckily.
-sorry for all the media.-
-you can't do anything about it. Thanks for helping me. I didn't know how I should have handled that. I saw their mouths moving but I can't hear them so it's useless.-
-I know. Well let's go pack your suitcase.-
(1044 words)
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