"CHARLES! Hurry up! We're gonna be late."
I pulled on my heels and then looked in the mirror. I adjusted my dress and did some final touch on my hair.
"Yeah yeah I'm coming."
Charles had already pulled on his shoes and was doing his hair in the bathroom. He walked out after a few seconds and then I grabbed my tiny little black bag and we walked to the front of the hotel. I saw my dad dressed similar to Charles just a little more for his age. I gave him a hug as we greeted each other in German. I greeted Susie as well with a hug and then we walked to the restaurant my dad had booked us a table at. When we arrived there I looked around quite amazed. The restaurant was black with white tables and decorations and on the ceiling it looked like a clear night with stars. I could see Orion... my thoughts were interrupted with Charles his hand on my back. I looked at him and he smiled softly before we walked after my dad and Susie. We sat down at a table and I sat across from Toto and next to Charles. Charles was needy like always and his hand was on my thigh the whole time.
Lowengastaud uploaded a story
We talked with my dad and Susie the whole evening and I found myself enjoying it. Not only just because I finally found my dad back but also because I could finally hear again. I didn't realize how empty my world had gotten by not being able to socialize until now. There are so much people who don't know sign language. I don't blame them because I was one of them once too but you don't realize how empty a world can be without somebody to communicate with. I was lucky I found Charles.
"How did you two even meet?"
I looked up from my main course and into the eyes of my dad. He had a friendly smile on his face as he looked between us. I looked to Charles and he looked at me before we looked back to my father who was carefully waiting for an answer from either of us.
"Charles came up to me when I was sitting on the Ben h watching the sunset in Monaco. He started talking to me but I didn't understand it because I was deaf of course. He took the time to sit down with me and communicate over texting. Over the next weeks we kept texting and he learned sign language for me in that month. We went out for the first time then. He made me feel really special because no man had ever tried to learn my language to only take me out for one date. Charles wanted to... so he did."
"Oh my... that's so sweet of you Charles."
Susie was first to reply as my dad looked down on his plate. He was cutting a piece of his steak before looking up into Charles his eyes. His face stern as he had collapsed his hands under his chin and his elbows on the table like we were talking about business.
"So Charles... what makes you think you're good enough for my only daughter? Or rather what makes you special from others?"
Charles his eyes widened and he looked to my side. I looked from Charles to my dad before Susie spoke up.
"Toto behave yourself. He's the reason you found your daughter in the first place."
"I know I was only joking."
My dad laughed and Susie shook her head disapprovingly with a little smile as I giggled softly at the fact he would scare Charles like that for fun. I heard Charles sigh next to me.
"I was scared for my life all of a sudden."
We all laughed a little more before the subject blew over and a new one arrived taking all of our interest again. The night went by so fast for my feeling because it felt like I've been knowing all of them for so long. When we finished dinner we walked outside again and I could feel that my heels hurts my feet. I took them off and held them in my hand as I was walking on my bare feet right now. Somewhere in front of a club there was glass shattered all across the floor and Charles stopped walking as he walked next to Susie and I walked next to my dad.
"Low. Come here."
I walked towards him and in a swift move he lifted me up from the ground and carried me over the glass piles easily. After he placed me down I pecked his lips and smiled at him as we intertwined our hands together and walked after my dad and Susie who were walking next to each other right now. We walked the last part of the walk and then arrived at the hotel. We said bye to each other when the elevator opened on our floor. We walked through the corridors and then arrived at our room. I opened the door and we went inside. We made ourselves ready for bed and then when I was about to lay down on the left side of the bed I was picked up and thrown onto the right side of the bed.
"What's that for? I always sleep on the left side."
"Yeah because that side is the furthest away from the door. I sleep closest to the door."
"So you can run away easier from me?"
"No so they grab me instead of you."
I giggled softly but Charles looked me dead serious in the eyes.
"You're kidding right?"
"No. Just die if it happens. The chance is small but that's beside the point isn't it?"
"You're so cute."
I wrapped my arms around him as my head laid on his toned stomach. He rested against the head board a little as he smiled at me. His hand played in my hair as I our eyes just looked into each other. Just those tiny moments that make total sense for some reason and I don't understand why it does make sense. Those little moments are special to me. I love them because I think it's shows that we really needed to meet each other. After a few seconds we dimmed the lights and took a new position to sleep in. He was spooning me as his nose was against my back and I could feel his breathing pattern through my shirt as his breaths were warm as well. His arm draped over my waist as his hand made small circles on my stomach as he had lifted my shirt a little bit to do so. I felt myself grow sleepy until I was soaked up by the black hole of sleep.
(1152 words)
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