".....I'll actually do it."
That phrase kept going through Jungkook's head throughout the rest of his detention. He couldn't tell if he was in shock or just straight up insane for imagining something like that. Yes, it was probably just an effect of his wild imagination.
Mr. Kim hasn't even looked his way in 30 minutes, if you were even just sexually attracted to someone you would probably look at them once. But nope, he has just been reading a book with his tie undone.
Jungkook couldn't help but wonder how someone with such a dominating aura could could look so adorable. The teacher had a small pout on his face that showed how interested he was in the book. He decided to draw again him again, especially with the possibility he won't be caught this time.
He sat there drawing for 30 minutes before Mr. Kim gently tapped the top of his head. The teacher looked down at the drawing and picked it up slowly while Jungkook looked down.
"I'm sorry, I know it's bad.."
"No Jeon it's good, like really good."
"You aren't weirded out?"
"No? Why would I be?"
"Because I draw from reference...and you were my only reference..."
"Hey, it's ok. I'm not weirded out. I draw things the same way so I get it."
"You do...?"
"Yes. In fact..."
Mr. Kim trailed off and went back to his desk. He grabbed the book he was looking at and brought it back over to Jungkook. He opened a page and pointed at the picture Jungkook should look at.
"It's me..."
"Yea, you weren't the only one with nothing to do."
He took the book away from him and slowly ripped out the page. He signed it before handing it over to him. Jungkook smiled at the picture and ripped his own picture out of the book.
As he was signing it he looked up and noticed Mr. Kim was extremely close to him. He stopped what he was doing as he stared. He saw those blue eyes up close and it made him feel a bit weird inside.
Everything about him was beautiful. His stunning raven black hair that looked so soft, those beautiful blue eyes that looked like an ocean, slightly tan skin with no hint of acne anywhere, a sharp jawline that could cut you if you touched the wrong spot, plump pink lips, a small mole on his nose and cheek, in all he looked perfect. He was Jungkook's dream guy.
Soon Jungkook's eyes widened feeling a pair of lips on his own. He couldn't believe it. His teacher was kissing him and he was enjoying it.
He slowly pulled the man closer and ran his fingers through his hair. Out of nowhere he pulled away leaving Jungkook stunned.
"I'm sorry....you can go now. I have a class to get ready for.."
"Oh...yea, see you in PE I guess.."
Jungkook grabbed his things and left the classroom, leaving the drawing he made of his teacher. The teacher rested a hand on his desk and rubbed his eyes.
He couldn't believe he just did that. He just couldn't help it. That boy was staring at him with those big, innocent eyes, and slightly parted pink lips. He just made him to frustrated after the little comment that came from the boy earlier.
"Yo! Taehyung!"
"Shit Yoongi Hyung, you scared me."
"The hell is on your mind? I've been saying your name for 5 minutes."
"Oh...nothing, I'm just tired."
"I'm calling bullshit. Come on, I'm your best friend tell me."
"Slow down. One word at a time."
"I...kissed one of my students."
"Oh my god Tae, really? This is seriously your first day and you couldn't keep it in your pants."
"You did the same damn thing so you can't say shit."
Yoongi sighed. "How far did you let it go?"
"It was just a kiss, his lips tasted like cherry..."
"God damn Taehyung, you shouldn't have remembered what it tasted like. Just pretend like it never happened, you can't risk losing this job. Hope no one looks on the looks at the cameras."
"I fucked up...."
"You don't say. Come on, you have to get dressed for PE."
"Fuck, you're right. See you later Yoongs."
Yoongi waved as Taehyung ran out of the room to get changed.
Meanwhile, Jungkook was grabbing his gym bag from his locker, the thoughts of what happened earlier still fresh in his mind. He ran a finger over his bottom lip and smiled remembering what it felt like.
When he got into class he saw his french teacher in a white t-shirt, black shorts, and white sneakers. He sighed and started to turn around, maybe he could skip PE. A part of him hoped that Mr. Kim was just the girls teacher so he wouldn't have to deal with him, but the guys did workouts in the actual gym. He kind of wanted to see him do the demonstrations.
They sat down on the gym floor to listen to what the coach had to say. Jungkook looked over at the man who just kissed him not to long ago and licked his lips. He knew the man was beautiful, but he didn't know his arms were toned as well.
Was there anything about him that Jungkook didn't like? The answer as of right now is no. The same thoughts were in Mr. Kim's head, but he would never act on those urges.
"Ok everyone. As many of you know Mr. Shin has taken leave for his broken arm and won't be back for a while. So, Mr. Kim will take over until then. I'll let him introduce himself now and I will take the girls to the track."
Jungkook sighed and rubbed his eyes. He really didn't want to deal with this man right now. His teacher saw how annoyed he looked and mentally sighed. First day and he already has one person hating him. But, he had to smile. After all this was a PE class.
Once the girls were out of the class he put his phone down on the table and went to the front with a smile on his face.
"Hello everyone, my name is Kim Taehyung, you can just call me Mr. Kim, today we will be going to the actual gym and you'll have access to all the equipment. While we are there, since I am a qualified physical trainer just ask me for any help on basically anything, the only thing I won't help with is spotting."
He noticed a person raising their hand and called their name. "Yes Mr. Choi?"
"What is spotting?"
"Well, it's when you're lifting weights and someone sits on your lap to stabilize you to make it easier to lift the weights, they will also count how many times you lift the weight for personal goals."
"And why can't you help with that?"
"I'm legally not allowed to. Because it would involve me sitting on your lap, it's too inappropriate."
Jungkook rolled his eyes and mumbled 'so is kissing your student' under his breath. The class got up and walked over to the gym across the street.
Once everyone was inside Mr. Kim did roll call to make sure everyone was there. After that was done he let everyone loose and grabbed his water bottle.
He noticed Jungkook failing with the weights and went over to help. Even if the boy hates him he still is his teacher. He watched Jungkook's technique for a bit then tapped him on the shoulder to catch his attention.
Jungkook put the weight down and looked over to see the one person he didn't want to see. "What is it."
"No need to be like that, I'm just telling you that your whole technique is wrong. I just want to help."
"Thanks, but no thanks."
"Look, you don't need to be this upset over a stupid kiss."
"Right, just leave me alone. I'm not upset about that."
"Then what is it?"
"I don't see how I need to tell you anything about my life. You're just my French and PE teacher, nothing important enough to tell my personal problems to."
"Stop being a brat over something that shouldn't have happened in the first place."
"Exactly it shouldn't have happened. So stop talking about it. Pretend like it never happened, after all it was 100% meaningless to you."
"No, I don't care. Just let me lift in peace."
"You don't understand."
"I understand plenty, something happened, you were frustrated and I was the closest thing you could take it out on."
"What? You think I'll just do that to anyone?"
"Well if the shoe fits."
"Unbelievable. One damn mistake and I'm suddenly the bad guy in the situation."
"A teacher kissing his minor student kind of does make you the bad guy."
"Well you shouldn't have pulled me closer, you shouldn't have made that comment when I asked you for a simple phrase either."
"Well it's your fault for acting on it. I didn't mean to say that to you and you know that so why is it a bit deal!?"
"Because.....you know what, just give me the weight. I'm starting to get a headache. I'm trying to be your teacher and I need you to let me do that."
"Fine. Just hurry up."
"Thank you."
Mr. Kim took the weight from him and started demonstrating how he was supposed to do it. When he was doing that Jungkook found it hard to pay attention. His mouth started going dry when he saw his teacher flex his muscles. They were absolutely beautiful.
He loved watching him lift it over and over again. Not for learning how to do it, but for the experience of seeing this. He knew damn well there was a six-pack under that shirt and a small part of him wanted to see it.
He absolutely hated this man for being perfect. Even his smile was pretty, is there anything imperfect about him? Jungkook couldn't find anything.
"And that's how you do it."
"O-Oh...ok thank you."
"No problem."
Taehyung handed the weight back to the blushing boy and walked off, obviously noticing and tent in his student's pants. But of course Jungkook hated him enough as it is, so it was stupid to let it get anywhere.
As soon as he left Jungkook started doing exactly what he remembered Mr. Kim showing him. He even tried to flex in the same ways his teacher did.
Once he sat down for a break he finally started thinking again. Jungkook couldn't believe he got hard over the mental image of his teacher shirtless.
"Fuck...what are you doing to me Kim Taehyung..."
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