xii. gowns and grudges
"Potter! Weasley! Will you pay attention?"
Professor McGonagall's irritated voice cracked like a whip through the Transfiguration class on Thursday, and Harry and Ron both jumped and looked up.
It was the end of the lesson; most of the class had finished their work; the guinea-fowl that Matilda had been changing into guinea-pigs had been shut away in a large cage on Professor McGonagall's desk, Neville's guinea-pig still had feathers; she had been copying down her homework from the blackboard: Describe, with examples, the ways in which Transforming Spells must be adapted when performing Cross-Species Switches. The bell was due to ring any moment, and behind her, Harry and Ron had been having a sword fight with a couple of the fake wands given to them by Fred and George. Suddenly, it was not wands they were holding but a tin parrot and a rubber haddock.
"Now Potter and Weasley have been kind enough to act their age," said Professor McGonagall, with an angry look at the pair of them as the head of Harry's haddock drooped and fell silently to the floor โ Ron's parrot's beak had severed it moments before โ "I have something to say to you all."
Matilda, along with the rest of the class turned back around to the front of the classroom, each of them stifling a laugh.
"The Yule Ball is approaching โ a traditional part of the Triwizard Tournament and an opportunity for us to socialize with our foreign guests. Now, the ball will be open only to fourth-years and above โ although you may invite a younger student if you wish โ"
Lavender Brown let out a shrill giggle. Parvati, who sat in-between Padma and Lavender, nudged her hard in the ribs, her face working furiously as she, too, fought not to giggle. They both looked around at Harry, as Matilda followed their gaze with a confused expression. Professor McGonagall ignored them and continued speaking.
"Dress robes will be worn," Professor McGonagall continued, "and the ball will start at eight o'clock on Christmas Day, finishing at midnight, in the Great Hall. Now then โ"
Professor McGonagall stared deliberately around the class.
"The Yule Ball is of course a chance for us all to โ er โ let our hair down," she said, in a disapproving voice.
Matilda rolled her eyes, having to stop herself from verbally scoffing at the idea if 'letting her hair down.'
Her sister talked nonstop about the upcoming Yule ball. Of course, hoping that Cedric might ask her. The occasion meant very little to Matilda as she had much more important things to do than twirl around all night, besides, she was much too clumsy to be doing such a thing in heels and a gown.
Lavender giggled harder than ever, with her hand pressed hard against her mouth to stifle the sound. Matilda rolled her eyes once more as they discreetly pointed at the tight bun tied on McGonagall's head.
"But that does NOT mean," Professor McGonagall went on, "that we will be relaxing the standards of behavior we expect from Hogwarts students. I will be most seriously displeased if a Gryffindor student embarrasses the school in any way."
The Ravenclaws in the room laughed quietly, as they knew if any house was going to cause a scene it would be the Gryffindors.
The bell rang, and there was the usual scuffle of activity as everyone packed their bags and swung them onto their shoulders.
Professor McGonagall called above the noise, "Potter โ a word, if you please."
Matilda watched as Harry who had been on his way to leave the classroom in hurry stopped and slumped his shoulders disappointedly, and on her way out she offered him a few words of encouragement. "Good luck."
There wasn't much time in-between classes for Matilda's schedule, so once she had exited the classroom, she hurried to Herbology so that she could make it to their scheduled meeting on time.
Late was not a term ever used to describe Matilda Winters.
A few days had gone by since McGonagall's announcement of the Yule Ball and once supper had finished and the Ravenclaws were piling into their Common Room, preparing to turn in for the night, Professor Flitwick stopped them and insisted on giving his own lecture pertaining to the highly anticipated night. He insisted that ever Ravenclaw eligible should attend, making Matilda scoff and roll her eyes. Flitwick also insisted them a handful of them practice their dancing skill. Roger Davies had been paired up with an on and off again fling, Claire Morgenstern, Padma had quickly and a little frighteningly insisted her dance partner be Bentley Morgenstern, and so Asher, Bentely's twin wouldn't feel left out amongst his siblings, Flitwick chuckled and paired him with Matilda.
Matilda had been trained in dancing. There is a studio not far from where her mother lives and during the summers that she's in the muggle world she attends the offered summer classes. And because her dad was so relieved to see Matilda find a hobby other than trying to take over the world, he hired a private dance teacher for when she spends summers with him. So, Asher Morgenstern was not let down when Flitwick waved his wand and waltz music began to fill the common room.
After the dancing lesson Asher complimented Matilda on her dancing, she thanked him and quickly excused herself to bed. She feared that Asher's feelings for her would entice him to invite her as his date the ball, and she wished to remain dateless as she was not planning on attending.
Among the list of dateless and crying was Harry and Ron, having expected for girls to line up, waiting to ask them, missed most of their chances and now was left with slim pickings. And because of their picky taste or inability to talk to any female besides herself and Hermione, it wouldn't be a stretch to assume they would be attending dateless and pouting.
Matilda was always happy to get out of her Divination lessons with Professor Trelawney, she still had a tough time in believing that she was a seer of any sorts as Trelawney often expressed, and the work she felt was quite ridiculous in the sense that she would not need any of this once she was graduated from Hogwarts.
The next morning, Matilda had to wake up extra early as Professor Trelawney had scheduled their meeting for early in the morning. And while most mornings when she is to meet with Trelawney, she watches the clock, hoping that time might move just a little faster, today was much different, as when she was finished with her Divinations lesson, she would be on her way to Potions with Professor Snape.
A potions class that she not only shared with Slytherins but with Gryffindors as well. Matilda had nothing against either house, it's just when they were put together that they became unbearable because of the pointless rivalry that had been created between them.
This lesson, as instructed last week by Professor Snape, would be held in the library. Unfortunately, because she was nearby Matilda showed up earlier than usual. There had been long, wooden desks sat horizontally, each of them facing a portable blackboard, and each having five or so stools pushed under them. Matilda had found a seat at a table near the middle of the room. No other students except for one, Daphne Greengrass sat there.
As the minutes passed and the time for class to begin inched closer the stools began to fill. Harry, Ron, and Hermione raced inside as they normally do and found three empty seats in the table in front of where Matilda sat. Daisy Morgenstern was one of the last students to make her way into the library. She had decided to fill the stool that separated Daphne and Matilda, and wordlessly she pulled her parchment roll from her bag and began copying the notes that Snape had written out on the blackboard.
Matilda glanced from the side of her eye as the blonde-haired girl scribbled onto her parchment so heavily that she though the quill would break through. Though things seemed to calm down with her as class began. Daphne had offered the other girls at the table toffee treats, and Matilda would hear Daisy giggle as Daphne waited until Snape's back had been turned to slide the foil-wrapped treats down the table.
Their quiet giggling stopped when a piece of wadded up parchment was thrown up from behind them and landed in front of Daisy. With a curious but annoyed expression Daisy un-wadded the parchment.
Matilda was not actively trying to read the note, but when she turned her head to see where the paper had flown in from, the angular cursive words caught her eye.
"Are you still upset?"
She could only assume the note had been from Draco who sat directly behind Daisy and was watching her intently, waiting for a reply. Matilda rolled her eyes and it seemed as if Daisy had been feeling a similar sort of annoyance as she too rolled her eyes and wadded the parchment back up and threw it off to the side.
Draco did not quit in trying to get Daisy's attention as class went on though he was failing miserably. Matilda would have found it comical if not for being in the middle of a lesson. For with each attempt Matilda watched as Daisy grew increasingly more annoyed with the boy sitting behind her.
Finally, after yet another ball of parchment landed in front of her, Daisy had snapped. Matilda watched as Daisy made sure Snape was still busy berating Ron and Harry, and she turned around with the parchment in hand and chucked it back at Malfoy. Matilda had accidentally let out an audible giggle as the parchment ended up hitting Draco directly in the forehead. Daisy huffed and turned back around to work on her assignment.
"Are you alright?" Matilda finally questioned Daisy, a smirk tugging on the ends of her lips.
Daisy nodded picking her quill back up and beginning to write again, "Never better."
As Snape's back finally turned on them to answer a student's question, whispers once again began to erupt from the table in front of them, where Harry, Hermione, and Ron sat. It was no secret among any student at Hogwarts that Harry and Ron were struggling horrifically at finding dates to the Yule ball. Hermione though only looked bored of the boys' conversation and continued with her head down at finishing her lesson.
Suddenly, Matilda perked up, her eyes burning. She could have sworn amongst the whispers from the table in front of her, she heard her name mentioned. But once again the boys' whispers were silenced momentarily by Snape hitting them each over the head before stalking off.
This had also caught Daisy's attention as her gaze shifted between the trio and Matilda.
"Was my name just mentioned?" Matilda asked after a minute.
Daisy nodded, "I believe so."
Matilda hummed, glancing back at Harry and Ron once more before continuing to finish her report.
"Pssst! Tilly!" Ron whisper-shouted from his sport opposite of her. "Oi, Tilly!"
Matilda slowly lifted her gaze from her parchment, glowering at the red head before her. Ron stuttered nervously for a second before sitting up straight and puffing out his chest slightly. In response to his best friend's actions, Harry's eyes widened and he began to try and talk Ron back down from his next actions.
"So, you're a girl," Ron stated bluntly.
Taken aback, Matilda and Daisy glanced at one another, silently questioning if they had heard him correctly. Daphne Greengrass, a Slytherin, who sat on the other side of Daisy seemed embarrassed for the boy, pursing her lips, and averting her eyes back to the tabletop.
Harry was now practically beating Ron's arm to get him to stop, both he and Hermione looked horrified.
Matilda repeated Ron's statement under her breath before turning back to him, "Um, yes?"
"Care to go to the ball โ?" Ron was cut off by a large and heavy book slamming into the back of his head.
Snape glared at all of them, "Silence."
Matilda had just decided to go back to her work when Ron whispered her name again, "What, Ronald?"
"I need a date to the ball โ"
"Oh, I'm fully aware of that," Matilda interjected, causing the girls around her to giggle softly.
"So I was wondering if you'd like to go, ya know since you're a... girl."
Matilda's eyebrows raised so high that they almost disappeared into her hairline, before looking over at Daisy in mock-shock, "Oh, because I'm a girl."
The other girls at her table had become hysterical. Daphne had to refrain from doubling yet again over into the floor in hysterics, pinching the bridge of her nose to muffle a snort. Tracey Davis, another Slytherin who Daisy had often been seen hanging around, was holding her stomach and pointing at Ron as she wheezed in laughing. But Viola Richmond, a Slytherin student that Matilda has spoken to in the library on multiple occasions looked purely offended for Matilda.
"Oh boy, I hope you're seriously not considering that an invitation," Viola commented, picking her quill back up.
"What a nitwit," Daisy agreed.
"Well, I'm not going because I'm a girl," Matilda began to gather her things angrily after she quickly wrapped up her report, "Because this over-popularized ball encourages the patriarchal society in which us girls are told to doll ourselves up for the boys around us, and feel bad because we don't get asked. So no, I am not going with you nor anyone else who had asked me."
The class surrounding them watched Matilda rise from her seat and walk away as she wordlessly shoved her roll of parchment into Snape's hands, ignoring his questioning gaze. She was still scowling as she turned back to the table to retrieve her packed bag, strutting angrily toward the library exit without telling anyone goodbye.
Matilda sat on the velvet couch, facing the orange glowing fireplace. She hadn't planned on causing such a scene in class today, she couldn't explain what had come over her. She had already turned down Terry Boot and she had heard Asher Morgenstern was going to ask her but had thankfully been talked down from doing so by his younger sister, Daisy. She couldn't explain what it was that made her snap the way she did at Ron's proposal. Perhaps it was the way he asked her. In front of the entire classroom, having expected her to say yes just because she's a girl.
Though, she hadn't planned on attending this ball since her dad had let it slip to her and Harper that it would be happening. Matilda, though she was a skilled dancer and loved any chance at dressing up, she just couldn't bring herself to want to go to a ball. She believed that there were much more important matters to worry about than what shoes would match her dress, or how she should wear her hear. She was always thinking about the bigger picture.
"I heard,"
Suddenly, sitting down on either side of her was Padma and Luna.
"What?" Matilda questioned, turning to Luna.
Luna smiled her usual sideways smile, "Padma told me about what happened in your Potions class."
"Well," sighed Matilda, "I imagined people would be talking about it."
"Sorry," Padma apologized with a sheepish grin. "I just โ I had to talk to someone about it. And it was between Luna or Cho, and Cho's been incredibly sulky since she found out Cedric was taking your sister to the ball โ I can't deal with her right now."
Matilda rolled her eyes, though she imagined that Padma was telling the truth about Cho, she can be incredibly whiny at times, "I'm alright Luna. I just don't understand why others can't comprehend that I'm not going to the ball."
Luna shrugged with a pleasant smile on her face, "I'm fine with you not going to the ball. You and I can do something."
"Well, I'm not alright with it," said Pamda suddenly. "I need you there Matilda. I need someone to watch over me, to make sure I don't make a fool of myself. And I'm not asking my sister, she's no help in that department. I need your blunt and most of the time hurtful truth."
"You were asked?" Matilda questioned, pleasantly surprised. Last, she had checked with Padma she was sulking about going without a date. "By whom?"
Padma's cheeks suddenly burned a bright red color and she looked away shyly, "Bentley Morgenstern."
Matilda's face lit up. Since the day she arrived here at Hogwarts all Padma talked about what her crush on the other Morgenstern twin. She always feared that it was one-sided, and he would never notice her, as he never made much attempt to talk to her, even when Padma tried cornering him. She was very happy to hear that he stepped up and asked her to the ball.
"That's wonderful," gushed Matilda.
"I know," said Padma happily. "Which is why you need to come. It won't be wonderful if I make a fool of myself in front of the boy I have been crushing on since our first year."
"I've done made up my mind," Matilda shook her head. "I'm sorry, Padma."
Padma let out a loud and obnoxious groan in response and threw herself back onto the back as she crossed her arms over her chest and began pouting. But it didn't faze Matilda a bit, she was sure of her choice. There were much better and more dire things to do than to go to a ball.
At least for now...
The castle the next morning was quiet. When Matilda woke, she saw that Cho and Padma had already gone home for the weekend so that they could retrieve the dresses that had bought for the ball. At dinner the last evening she learned that Parvati would be going to the ball with Harry. Matilda felt relieved that he would have a dance partner at least. Ron remained dateless and in total disbelief that Hermione would be going to the ball with Viktor Krum, despite her constant assurance of disdain for the Durmstrung champion.
Matilda had woken to the soft humming of Luna who had started making her bed. The sun shone through the sapphire, blue curtains, it felt extra bright, and when Matilda went to look out the window, she saw that it was because the sun was reflecting off the white snow covering the grounds.
"Are you going to go outside and enjoy the first snowfall?"
Luna had already bundled herself up in a large coat, mittens, and scarf to protect her from the cold winds.
"I was actually planning to go to the library this morning," said Matilda, who did not too much care for snow. "Do some light reading."
"Have fun then," said Luna before leaving the room.
Matilda, now alone in the room stripped from her matching pajama set and began to search for something to wear that would keep her warm in the cold, stone castle. She didn't have many outfits suited for the winter months, which is why she always bought extra tights and loose sweaters to pair with her outfits on the colder days.
Like today, she chose a mini, checkered dress that one would usually wear during the scorching summer days, but under the dress Matilda wore a black, long-sleeved sweater and thigh-high socks to keep her legs warm. Before leaving the dorm, she slipped on a pair of ankle boots, deciding to not wear her usual Mary Jane platforms today, and took a large cable-knit sweater to pull over if she got cold. She left her hair down, and having forgotten to brush it before leaving the room she ran her fingers through the tangles on her way to the library.
Similar to the castle halls the library was nearly empty. Only two students sat at the long wooden tables laid out beside the tall bookshelves. Most of the students had gone for the weekend like Padma and Cho to retrieve their dress outfits for the ball. Even her sister who was never one for heels and dresses had been heard gushing over the dresses she had found and planned to try on this weekend with their mum. They had asked Tilly to tag along, even though she didn't plan on going, but she insisted that she would only become irritable after sitting for hours watching Harper play dress up.
Matilda had started browsing through the long and narrow isles made in-between the shelves. Her hands ran across the old, dusty spines of the books packed tightly into its shelf as she thought about what to read. There were so many options, she could continue reading on topics she had been studying or pick up something new. She hadn't decided yet. She always allowed the book to present itself to her.
"Psst! Tilly!"
Turning around as the whispering of her name Matilda seen Ron standing on the far end of the bookshelf. Oh, not again, she thought to herself.
"What do you want?" Matilda rolled her eyes.
Her tone surprised both herself and Ron. She hadn't tried to sound so harsh, but she supposed it was because she was still a little upset about his stunt in Potions.
"I wanted to apologize," said Ron as he carefully came to stand beside her. "I shouldn't of asked you to the ball the way I did."
"Did Harry and Hermione tell you to find me and apologize," Matilda asked.
"No, honestly, they didn't," said Ron, but Matilda knowingly refused to believe him. "My mum did."
Matilda snickered at Ron's confession. One of his siblings must have sent a letter home about Ron having no luck in finding a date. Matilda's money was on Ginny.
"She told me I should apolize and act like a real gentleman," Ron continued. "So, I'm terribly sorry about the other day, and I would like to once ask propose an invitation to you to attend the ball with me."
Matilda glanced at Ron skeptically. Never in her years of knowing him had she heard him speak so formally. He's definitely been coached.
"I'm sorry Ron, but I'm still not going to the ball," she told him. "But you can tell Hermione it was a nice proposal."
Ron rolled his eyes, becoming desperate, "C'mon, Tilly, please. I can't go without a date... I really can't."
"Oh, so I'm just the last resort?" Matilda asked becoming offended.
"Of course not, I was going to ask you first, I swear it," Ron stuttered nervously. "It's just, well โ it's just you're a bit scary sometimes, Tilly."
"Flattery will get you nowhere,"
Matilda spun around quickly so that Ron would not see the growing smile on her lips, "I think that I would not be the kind of date someone would like."
"I would like you," said Ron quickly. "I mean, I would like you as my date."
"Really? I've heard I can be a little mean," said Matilda.
Ron shrugged, grinning, "I've grown quite used to it."
Matilda turned back to the shelves, pretending to read over the titles of the book boldly spelled out on the spines. Trying her best to seem uninterested, even though in her head she was trying to convince herself that going to the ball would be a terrible idea.
Matilda spun back around to Ron who stood frozen โ stunned that Matilda agreed. He had not been expecting that.
"I'll go to the ball with you, Ronald." said Matilda.
And a wide grin appeared across Ron's face, and Matilda couldn't help her own growing smile.
"Really?" Ron asked still in disbelief. "You have seen my robes, haven't you?"
Ron suddenly became nervous again.
"I have seen them, yes," said Matilda, laughing slightly. "I do hope I can find a dress to match."
Ron's smile grew once more. He feared that his robes might cause an issue and she wouldn't want to be seen with someone who looked as much of a disaster as he imagined he would be looking. But relief washed over him when Matilda seemed not to care what he would look like wearing them.
"Great," said Ron, still grinning. "I should go tell Harry, and of course my mum, she'll be so happy. And Fred and George they won't believe me when I tell them."
Ron said a quick goodbye to Matilda and left her before she was able to change her mind about the ball. And she really wanted to change her mind. But now she couldn't โ she couldn't bring herself to let Ron down. And though it was small, and she wouldn't admit to any living soul there was a part of her that was excited to be going to the ball with Ron.
But suddenly realization struck...
"I haven't even got a dress!"
Quickly leaving the library herself without a book she began to think of ways she could get a dress. She did not want to tell her dad about her having a date to the ball. Too many questions would come with that, and she already turned Harper and her mom down, and they would have already gotten the dress by now. She began to panic and thought that she'd have to find something in her chest to wear.
Perhaps Cho had something old that Matilda could borrow. Or maybe Cho knew someone โ of course Cho knew someone who would have a dress. Claire Morgenstern.
Matilda cringed at the thought of having to ask a favor of Claire Morgenstern. The two of them were never on civil terms with one another. They always fought and agreed on very little. Though both very intelligent girls, they were the most different of the Ravenclaw House.
Though, she wasn't on bad terms with all the Morgenstern's. She was always friendly with Bentley and Asher adored her. But the two of them had already gone as well, for Matilda didn't see Bentley in his usual corner playing himself in chess.
Daisy Morgenstern suddenly came to mind. Matilda hadn't heard anything of Daisy leaving for the weekend. And so, she set off in search for the shyest of the Morgenstern siblings.
Matilda exclaimed happy to have stumbled past her, and without having to search far and wide. She was surprisingly close to the library. Of course, bundled up in a sweater while reading a muggle book.
"Oh, hello Matilda," Daisy chuckled softly.
Daisy closed the book in her hands. The Great Gatsby. Matilda was familiar with it.
"In his blue garden men and girls came and went like moths among the whispering and champagne and the stars," Matilda quoted after having caught a glimpse of the cover. "Phenomenal read."
The blonde nodded, "It is."
"I have a favor to ask of you. And seeing as your one of the many siblings of Claire Morgenstern," Matilda crossed her arms over her chest, looking down at Daisy. "I'm hopeful you'll due for this quest."
Daisy looked slightly taken aback, eyebrows raised slightly as she closed her book completely and turned her body to face the brunette standing before her, "Quest?"
"Yes, a quest," said Matilda, a loose smile hanging on her lips. "And it's time-sensitive."
Daisy could see how urgent this was to Matilda, especially since she's coming to her for help. Not that the two of them weren't friends, but Matilda would normally be seen going to Harry, Hermione, or Ron with her troubles since she's been inducted into their friend group. Daisy believed she must be last on the list of people Matilda believed to be of use for her.
But, instead of questioning Matilda's motives she nodded and agreed to help, with whatever it was that was weighing so heavy on Matilda.
"I'm in dire need of a dress for the ball."
This statement only seemed to add to Daisy's mounting confusion.
She had been sitting right next to Matilda when she had gone on her rant about the ball just the day prior. It was normal that she'd be confused by Matilda suddenly needing a dress, as she's not one to back out of her word. Though, Ron Weasley was usually an exception to Matilda's rules. And it wasn't only Daisy that had taken notice to that.
"I can get you a dress," Daisy said, standing and gathering her things.
Matilda grinned, satisfied with the answer, "Brilliant, but how soon? Again, this is time-sensitive."
Daisy opened her mouth but shut it after a moment. Seeming to take back the words she was about to say. She was silent for a minute or and two and it was only that long that Matilda could stand to be patient.
"Well?" Matilda asked, impatience now present in her tone.
Inhaling sharply, slightly bothered by Matilda's rudeness, Daisy spoke back up, "We could go to my house now if you'd like. Dumbledore let my siblings go home earlier to get some things for the ball."
Matilda's face immediately scrunched up, "Your home? Where your family is? Don't get me wrong, I'm quite fond of you, but the rest are highly questionable."
"I presume if you'd like to choose a dress for yourself." The blonde shrugged simply.
Matilda sighed softly before nodding, "I guess I'll do it."
"Great," Daisy tucked her book back into her purse and grabbed a box of candies, "I guess we'll just have to ask Professor Dumbledore."
Matilda's smile returned at the mention of the Headmaster, "I'll lead the way."
Dumbledore had greeted the two girls with a confused but welcoming grin as Matilda led the way into his office. He was delighted to her as he usually is but became even more delighted when he learned that Matilda had changed her mind and instead will be attending the Yule Ball on Christmas night. And so, it was with ease that he agreed to allow Matilda and Daisy to use his floo powder and fireplace to spend the afternoon at Morgenstern Manor.
Daisy offered to go first, as it was her house and she thought it would be best if she was the one to greet Matilda before the rest of her family had the chance. Besides, who knew which room she'd end up in at the large place.
"You know," said Matilda, as she stepped into Dumbledore's large fireplace. "I could have just apparated us there."
Dumbledore chuckled, "Not yet my dear, not yet."
And with that Matilda tossed the powder onto the ground and yelled Morgenstern Manor and clearly as she was able to, not wanting to get lost and end up in someone else's fireplace.
"Oh, I cannot wait until we are allowed to apparate!" Matilda muttered in an annoyed tone, dusting the soot from her clothing as she stepped out of the fireplace. "This method is too messy."
Matilda coughed as she landed harshly into another fireplace. Soot shooting up from the ground as her feet bounced off it. She began dusting off her skirt just as she came out from under the large fireplace. When she stepped out, she noticed just how large the manor was. Daisy had warned her, but there was a bit of skepticism that Matilda always had about her that made it impossible for her to believe someone fully.
The high, maybe 30-foot ceiling made Matilda feel even smaller than she was. It was darker than she imagined it'd be for a room with windows climbing up to the ceilings. But the curtains had been drawn and only the chandelier and a few lit candles shone throughout the large and empty room.
There was a man standing in the room with her and Daisy. Matilda stepped forward, her bright blue eyes meeting a pair of jade green eyes that were similar in color to Daisy's, but they held something much colder โ almost sinister, Matilda felt.
She stood before the tall man, face firm as she stuck out her hand, "Matilda Winters."
"Lawton Morgenstern."
The name even had an evil ring to it, Matilda thought.
Lawton's large hand enclosed around hers as she shook it. He was still taking in her appearance, Lawton pondering for a moment as to why the girl before him seemed so, incredibly familiar to him.
"Winters, you say?" Lawton asked curiously, his words slightly drawn out in his low voice as they dropped their hands. "May I ask who your parents are?"
"Rueban Winters and Zara Delaney," Matilda said proudly, a small smirk tugging at the end of her lips.
"I see," his thin lops turned upwards into a mischievous grin. "I know your father, he was in Slytherin House with me, and I know of your mother. Ravenclaw I think? Your father now works at the Ministry with me."
"Yes, that is correct." Matilda glanced at Daisy, the blonde looking skeptical as she stood at their side by the fireplace.
It became apparent to Matilda by Daisy's face that something was off.
Lawton looked down at the gold watch on his wrist, "If you girls would excuse me, I have some paperwork to attend to before work tomorrow. "Daisy, do show Matilda here your sister's pageantry closet upstairs. "Please, pick something out for yourself as well while you're at it."
Daisy's father forced a polite smile in the girls' direction before walking past them, the ends of his dark cloak swirling around his feet as he walked out the front entrance of the foyer and down one of the many halls. The sound of a door opening and closing was followed by the faint sound of a sliding latch, locking the door following.
Soft footsteps approached them from behind, Daisy glancing over Matilda's shoulder to see a young boy, maybe eight or nine, Matilda observed. The young boy hugged Daisy's waist, Daisy placing her hand atop his head to mess up the boys' unruly, curly hair.
"Fredrick, how about you say hello to Matilda?" Daisy asked him, nudging him slightly with her hip.
The youngest, or at least Matilda hoped to be the youngest Morgenstern turned shy, only nodding in Matilda's direction.
"Oh no, not another one," Daisy joked.
Matilda laughed, shaking her head, knowing that she was poking fun at her brother Asher's crush on the girl, "Can't help it I guess."
"How about you go bother Asher and Ben?" Daisy nudged her brother. "Unless you want to come look at dresses with us."
Fredrick's face scrunched up, the boy shaking his head before unlatching himself from Daisy and running off down yet another corridor in the house.
Matilda had been taking in her surroundings, the room they stood in obviously being the central living area of the many Morgenstern's. There was a large, dark, velvet and gold accented chairs with a tall glass table between them, the furniture set atop of a long and obviously authentic Hippogriff hide rug before the large fireplace. Two sets of large, spiral staircases sat on each side of the room, meeting each other at a landing on the next story. The dark stained brown banisters surrounding the landing and connecting passages were visible from below due to an open overpass, a golden chandelier hanging from a chain extending from the ceiling of the second floor.
Outside of the foyer, along the walls of the large front entrance were large tinted windows looking out onto the cast front lawn. Large, unhappy looking family portraits hung along the stone walls alongside many mounts of hunting trophies. Numerous dragons, griffins, occaamys, and crumpents among the taxidermy creatures.
Matilda quickly shuffled off the rug beneath them with narrowed and judgmental eyes. As someone who advocates for animals and fights harshly to end the violence targeted toward them, this was not a room she ever wanted to see. Daisy sighed, noticing Matilda's uncomfortable demeanor.
"I'll show you to the closet," Daisy broke the brief silence with her voice, sounding small as she turned on the heel of her sneakers.
Matilda was still looking about the room as she followed Daisy down the small hallway Fredrick had run down. She almost questioned as to why they were not taking the stairs in the foyer but refrained from questions as Daisy brought her past another threshold where a narrow staircase came into view.
The walls of the connecting halls and back stairwell were also adorned with more hunting trophies and older looking family paintings. Dark, wooden end tables sat against the stone walls with extravagant floral arrangements and enchanted nick-nacks decorating them. They ascended the first flight old, oak stairs, Daisy stopping as they reached the second story.
Matilda had been straining to peer up the stairs that kept rounding to the third story when a loud laugh echoed throughout the wing. Daisy was peering off down the hall that veered off throughout the left, watching Asher, Bentley, and Fredrick run the corridor, throwing harmless spells at one another. They were yelling and laughing so loudly that it was almost impossible to believe that there was only three of them causing the ruckus, hitting one another and the objects around them with blasts of magic.
Shaking her head, Daisy led Matilda to the first door on their right.
Pushing open the heavy wooden door, Daisy glanced over at Matilda who followed close behind her, "Welcome to maison de richesse inutile..."
As Daisy pushed the door open even further, a room of large windows covered by thick tulle curtains of white and pale blues with walls of similar tones and accents of gold and greeted them. Daisy held the door open for Matilda to step inside, both of them looking over the large room full of designer clothing and accessories, all of them wizard designed.
It was as though they had walked into a boutique at Hogsmeade.
The walls were lined with racks that held dresses of all shapes, sizes, colors, and fabrics. Shoes were displayed on either shelf against the wall or on white, square podiums throughout the middle of the room. Plush ottomans sat scattered through the room and mirrors of all heights and widths hanging on what small spaces were left between shelves and racks. An off-white panted door led into a connecting bathroom, next to the door hung a large mirror surrounded by globe lights.
Matilda hummed to herself, blue eyes darting about the room, "Some closet."
"Pick whatever you'd like," Daisy told the brunette, browsing a nearby rack for herself.
Matilda began browsing the racks of dresses, her hand trailing amongst the fabric and occasionally pulling one out to get a better look at it. Daisy would occasionally glance over, watching Tilly's face contort back and forth between looks of disgust and intrigue. Matilda hung a few dresses of different styles and colors over her left arm as she continued to look.
"Have you seen what Ron is wearing?" Matilda spoke up, noticing Daisy's silence. "It's going to be hard to find anything that comes close to matching it."
"I did happen to see his dress robes," Daisy chuckled softly putting another dress back up on the rack. "Very traditional."
"But I'm sure he'll look fine in them," Matilda tried to force her voice to sound hopeful as she found another gown that perked her interest. "I hope..."
"I'm sure it'll work out," Daisy threw a tight smile Tilly's way, before rummaging through a new rack.
Tilly glanced over her shoulder towards Daisy, "And I assume you and Malfoy will be attending the ball together?"
"Not if he doesn't get himself together," the blonde laughed dryly. "If not, Terence Higgs still doesn't have a date."
"Hmm," Matilda hummed, having never imagined Daisy liking the Higgs boy. "Terence is a nice boy. Safe choice too."
Daisy nodded in agreement, her green eyes following Matilda's frame going toward the bathroom. Matilda disappeared into the connected room with a bundle of dresses in her arms, the door shutting behind her.
After several minutes of Matilda grumbling and cursing beneath her breath as she attempted to get herself in many intricate gowns by herself, she opened the bathroom door. The sound of Matilda's small heels clicked against the floor, drawing Daisy's attention from her dress to her.
Matilda had gone through most of the other gowns, her and Daisy deeming them unflattering or unfit for the occasion. She was now down to one dress, the one she was wearing now. It was a straight silhouetted gown, and it complimented her short stature. The dress's bodice was made of ruby-colored silk, the neckline dipping into a sharp 'v' ending just at the waistline with a thin piece of fabric crossing just below the breast line the ensure the sections of the fabric stayed where they were meant to. The mesh fabric starting at the arched waistline was a deep crimson, the skirt only veered out slightly from Matilda's slender figure before the material pooled around her feet.
"Wow..." Daisy commented softly, laying her dress down over the ottomans.
Tilly tugged slightly at the bodice, making sure it covered her breasts securely, "What do you think?"
"Classy," the blonde gawked. "But enough to cause a nosebleed or two."
A laugh escaped Matilda's lips as she turned to over her shoulder, "Exactly what I'm hoping for."
"I'd say goal well achieved," Daisy nodded. "So, this dress then?"
"Well, I do have shoes that would pair perfectly..." Tilly reangled herself in the mirror as she trailed off, continuing to look at her reflection in the mirror. "Yes, I'd say this is the one."
Daisy gave her two enthusiastic thumbs up before Matilda went back into the bathroom to change back into her regular clothing. After about another minute or two of trying to get out of the dress without breaking a bone, Tilly stepped back into the room carrying the dress she had chosen in one arm and those she had decided against in the other. While Matilda hung the rejected gowns back onto their hangers, Daisy had decided on a gown of her own.
Both girls turned around as the door to the closet opened, the faces of Claire Morgenstern and another woman โ older, Matilda assumed to be Daisy's mother, pecking into the room.
"Oh, hello girls!" The older woman greeted kindly from where she and Claire stood at the end of the bed. "Your father said you and a guest was up here doing some browsing. Too bad you both missed us earlier or I would have you two shopping with us."
"Don't worry about it, Mum," Daisy told her. "We found our dresses."
"Let me see that," Claire laughed disbelievingly, stepping forward tugging the dress out of her sister's arms. "Please, Daisy, you shouldn't be so dull."
Their mom gave the redheaded a stern look, "Claire..."
"Mum," the older sister huffed, placing the dress Daisy had chosen back on one of the racks. "We got her a dress."
Daisy raised an eyebrow, looking skeptical, "You did?"
"Surprise, Daisy Dearest."
"Enough you two," their mother sighed at her children before turning to Matilda, now smiling softly. "I didn't catch your name, Dear."
"Matilda Winters," Claire finished, her green eyes now narrowed as she turned to the shorter Ravenclaw. "She's in Ravenclaw too."
Matilda rolled her eyes, she hated when people spoke for her, "Thanks for the introduction, but I do believe I can speak for myself."
Claire went to retort but was stopped when her mother interjected, "I was getting ready to start a late lunch, I was hoping you girls would stay."
"Mum, I don't think Matildaโ"
"Claire!" Daisy interrupted, embarrassed by her older sister.
Daisy's mum shooed Claire away with the rest of their bags, the redhead shooting both younger girls a glare before disappearing up the nearby staircase. Their mum sighed softly before managing another smile in Daisy and Matilda's direction.
Matilda politely smiled back at the tired looking woman, "I would love to stay Mrs. Morgenstern."
"Lovely," she grinned happily. "Daisy, Love, your dress is on your bed. How about you show Matilda around while I get lunch started?"
"Uh, sure," Daisy nodded, quickly whispering something into her mother's ear and pulling back. "Come on, Tilly."
Matilda followed, her eyebrows furrowed and draping her gown over her arm, following Daisy back outside into the hallway, "Daisy, if I might ask... What did you just tell your mum back there?"
"I told her you didn't eat meats," Daisy said, smiling back at her over her shoulder as she began to climb the stairs up to the third story.
Matilda stopped on the steps momentarily, "I never told you that?"
"You're not exactly quiet about it," Daisy responded with a slight shrug, but still have the brunette a soft smile as she continued to round the staircase up to the next story.
Again, they entered the first door on the right at the tops of the stairs and stepped into a comfortable-sized room that was painted yellow. As Matilda examined the simplicity of her room, browsing the collection of books on the shelves in the far corner of the room, Daisy picked up the grey dress bag that had been laid out on her bed.
Glancing back, Tilly had moved to Daisy's desk area and had glanced up from the fish and books on the desktop to stare curiously at the photo arranged in a collage on the wall. Her blue eyes glanced between the mix of enchanted and still photographs containing different people, different events, and different adventures. Some of the goofier ones of Estella, Fredrick, Bentley, and Asher made Matilda chuckle slightly, many of them seemed to have taken place on a family vacation to the beach or the mountains. Matilda's gaze then settled on a photo of Daisy and Draco as they balanced on the end of a small dock, Draco was laughing hysterically looking like he was getting ready to toss her in, while Daisy clung to him tightly with a horrified look on her face as she stared down at the water below. There looked to be some kind of small cabin in the background and Estella could be seen running on the shore in the background.
It could see why the photo had Matilda so puzzled, Draco looked nothing like his usual self. He was dressed in a loose-fitting sweater and jeans, paired with loafer shoes. Malfoy looked younger and lively with his head thrown back in laughter as she joked about tossing Daisy in the water of the lake.
"Huh," Matilda scoffed, looking away from the picture. "So, he is human."
"Sometimes," Daisy laughed, turning back to the dress bag still laid out on the bed.
"Well," Matilda placed her dress down on Daisy's desk and took a seat on the end of Daisy's bed. "Open it!"
Daisy laughed at Matilda's curiosity, pulling the zipper of the dress bag down to reveal a silky, pale blue material on the inside. Her brows furrowed together as she pulled the large amount of material from the bag, keeping it on the hanger as she admired the gown before her.
The pastel blue-colored covered the length of the dress, off-the-shoulder sleeves made of tulle hung from the corners of the silk bodice. Delicate bead work done in a pattern that resembled vines covered the top and sleeves, even going down the tulle skirt before ending about a foot from the hem of the dress.
"Oh, wow," Matilda commented, touching the end of the skirt as she looked at the beadwork.
Daisy blinked a few times before placing the dress back into the bag, "Yeah, wow..."
"It'll go great with your hair color," Matilda shrugged.
Daisy placed the bag on the desk next to Matilda's before sitting on her bed as well, scooting back to where she was resting back against the wall.
"You want to see something cool?" Matilda asked suddenly, turning around further to face Daisy.
She gave a curious but slightly fearful look, "Um, sure?"
Matilda balled her right hand up into a loose fist, glancing up at Daisy through her long lashes to make sure the blonde was paying attention. Daisy's eyebrows knitted together as Matilda began making small hand gestures with her left hand over her right, watching her movements intently. Slowly, feeling the fluttering in her right fist, Matilda unclenched her fist and about six to ten butterflies flew out of her palm in a cluster before separating in different directions.
Daisy watched with wide eyes as the insects fluttered about the room, all of them different shades of pinks and blues, with trails of what looked to be fine glitter following them through the air.
"Wow," Daisy whispered, smiling as one of the darker blue butterflies landed on the fabric covering her knee. "How did you do that?"
"I've been practicing," Matilda shrugged smugly, and with a wave of her hand the butterflies disappeared in a cloud of shining gold. "It isn't much but it's something."
"Well, I think it's brilliant," Daisy encouraged as she climbed back off the bed. "Come on, I'll show you the rest of the house. I have something you might find cool as well."
Matilda nodded, both girls grabbing their respective dresses and leaving Daisy's bedroom.
They walked back down to the first floor using the back staircase, leaving their gowns hanging on a rack near the front doors as they strolled down the front gallery, heading to the east part of the manor. Daisy eyed the dark oak door leading to the room Lawton had disappeared into โ his office maybe, Matilda believed, as they passed it while Matilda looked between the scenery outside of the large windows overlooking the front of the property and the ancient paintings hanging on the opposite walls.
A small smile was evident across Daisy's lips as she came to a stop in front of a set of double doors, a threshold of colorful stained glass surrounding them. She glanced back at Matilda excitedly before grabbing onto both latches and pushing open both of the heavy wood doors, letting them slowly swing open before them as the family library was revealed.
Matilda's browse rose at the sight, stepping foot inside the large room. The Morgenstern's library did not compare to the size of Hogwarts' but the size and quantity of books throughout the room was still astounding. The shelves of books lining the walls were from floor to the base of an interior balcony where a second story of bookshelves lined the walls from that floor to the ceiling.
Rueban, Matilda's father, had an in-home library in his house as well. Matilda loved it. She spent most of the time spent in the house in that library. She would refuse to leave even to eat. But this library made her father's library seem quaint and modest.
Unlike most of the manor, the room felt lighter and brighter as Matilda ventured further into the room, her hands trailing over the spines of books on a nearby shelf as she stared up at the large, glass skylight in the center of the ceiling that gave a perfect glance of the grey sky outside. There were several reading tables in the middle of the room, lined up neatly in front of familiar large windows that repeated throughout the manor. Anatomy skulls, parchment scrolls, quills, and miscellaneous books that the family had set aside decorated the tabletops.
"I could live here," Matilda stood out on the lower steps of the iron staircase that twisted in a spiral and lead up to the next story of the room as she peered at the contents above. "Just here in this..."
Matilda wasn't often jealous โ and to say she was jealous now wouldn't be the right word to describe what she was feeling. As she stood in the Morgenstern family library, she wondered why it was that her father wouldn't use the funds he makes as head of Curse Breaking at the Ministry to create a home like this one. Matilda had many times questioned him on the subject and he'd tell her the same thing every time; a home does not need to be big to be good, it needs love, without love, Matilda a house is a building not a home.
Matilda's lip twitched into a small grin as she thought about her very corny and sentimental father.
Daisy smiled softly, leaning her hip against the side of one of the study tables, "Over half of this library is over a century old. Family heirlooms and whatnot."
Now what Matilda was feeling could be described as jealousy, but not the sour kind, the sad kind. She didn't know much about her family outside of her mum and dad. Her mum's parents didn't have much to do with them as they weren't happy about Zara marrying a Slytherin. And from what Rueban has told Harper and Matilda his family died in an explosion during the war. When she was younger Matilda would press him for information, but he never liked talking about it.
"Brilliant," Matilda responded, stepping back off the stairs and looking over the titles inscribed on the spines on a shelf next to her. "But I gather you don't read much from here. You probably have already finished most of the book here you liked anyways. These are wizard authors. Usually, you're around something by Shakespeare or Edgar Allan Poe or Jane Austen... Muggle authors, you know?"
"Yeah," Daisy shrugged, giving her a tight smile. "Unfortunately, my father would kill me if he knew I owned any Muggle-made things. They're either hidden about my room, at my uncle's or with me at school."
"Well I think you'd enjoy Mary Shelly from the types of things you read." Matilda suggested with a small smile, glancing at Daisy. "She's one of my mum's favorite writers."
Daisy nodded, smiling back at her, "I'll have to remember that."
She gave Matilda a tour of the rest of the lower level including her mother's music room where a grand piano was the center piece, the game room where Asher kept most of his Quidditch equipment and there were chess tables, and lastly, the ballroom.
The ballroom was brightly lit by the large gold chandeliers hanging above, four large stone columns set through the room, matching the walls supporting the tall ceiling and the back wall of the room was almost made fully of glass window panes and doors leading to the back terrace. The room looked empty; the tables cleared of any decoration. Only large tapestries representing each of the Hogwarts houses hanging throughout the room.
Matilda's heels echoed loudly throughout the empty room, clicking against the polished granite below them as she went to study the large aquarium built into the wall, separating the ballroom from the outside corridor. There was numerous kinds and colors of coral and aquatic life inside the large tank, Matilda observed as she put her hand lightly against the cool glass.
"Not to sound rude, but it's a bit much isn't it?" She asked, looking over her shoulder at Daisy who was also peering into the tank.
The blonde nodded, her green eyes connecting with Matilda's blue ones. Daisy looked slightly saddened by the comment. Though Matilda assumed she agreed. She never thought Daisy to be one to want to live the lavish lifestyle she is meant to be living in this house. She always seemed simple to Matilda.
"Completely," Daisy answered in a quiet voice
She led Matilda across the room and towards one of the tall glass doors that led out onto a cement terrace, pushing open the pane. The terrace had a set of steps that led down onto a vast, well-kept lawn fill of miscellaneous other oddities and buildings. A stable building could be seen in the distance, horses grazing the fenced in portion of land connected to it and a hedge maze was opposite of it with a long reflecting pool yard from the entrance of it.
Matilda nodded at the sight, leaning against the door next to her, "It's pretty."
"It's a lot," Daisy laughed, sticking her hands into the pockets of her jacket. "But for now, it's home."
From behind them a small voice echoed throughout the ballroom, "Ms. Daisy, Master Lawton asked me to fetch you."
Daisy suddenly closed her eyes in a small panic at the sound of her voice. Matilda's eyes widened as she turned around, staring in horror as the small elf stood in the middle of the room playing with its fingers nervously. Matilda sucked in a sharp breath to keep herself from saying anything that might be rude.
"Thank you, Peachy," Daisy told the elf in a polite tone. "We'll be through in a moment."
The small elf nodded, smiling back at the blonde before walking away.
Matilda's face was scrunched up in disgust, watching sorrowfully as the elf rounded the corner into the hallway. She wanted to say something โ she wanted to say something so bad. But she didn't. She reminded herself that just because her parents do not practice in the horrid enslavement of elves doesn't mean every other family will follow suit. Though this moment did remind her to say a thank you to Hermione for acting against the owning of house elves.
"Shall we go to lunch then?" Matilda spoke through slightly gritted teeth with her fists clenched by her side.
Daisy only shrugged, leading the way out of the room through a nearby corridor.
The dining room was to the left of the back staircase, the French door that lead into the site of the room just across the hall from the kitchen. A long, dark wooden table sat in the middle of the room with at least fourteen velvet seated chairs aligned around it. The table was already set for eight with silver cutlery, neatly folded napkins, and pearly china sat at each place mat. A long bar with shelves of glass bottles full of Fire Whiskey, expensive liquor, and champagne was to the left of the table, and the wall to the right was several cabinets full of decorative glass pieces and dishes.
Lawton was seated at the furthest end of the table, his back to the large windows that faced the front gates of his property. Claire seated adjacent to him with Fredrick on her left. He was the first to notice the two girls entering the dining room through the side door, now mustering a polite wave to Matilda. Claire and Lawton were conversing amongst themselves as Matilda and Daisy took a seat opposite of Claire and Fredrick, sitting at the places furthest from Lawton.
Loud laughing came echoing down the corridor outside of the dining room, running footsteps alongside it. Estella Morgenstern came into view, her speed slowing as she entered Lawton's sight. Her brunette hair was frizzed, falling into her face that had a mischievous smirk across it. Estella rounded the table, taking a seat on the other side of Fredrick, pulling her hair back out of her face using a scrunchie she had on her wrist.
"Hello, Matilda," Estella greeted with a soft smile.
Tilly gave her a smile back, "Hello."
"What were you giggling about, Ella?" Fredrick asked, eyebrows raised.
Estella smirked, "I put pop rocks from Fred and George in Bentley's chemistry set."
On cue, there was loud echoing of popping sounds from upstairs, almost drowning out the mixture of profanities and hysterical laughter that followed. Matilda withheld a laugh of her own as Bentley shouted Estella's name from upstairs, averting her eyes as Lawton narrowed his eyes at her. He stood from the table, his eyes still on Estella as he left his place to see the extent of what had happened.
Claire leaned forward to look around Fredrick to Estella, "Weasley pranks again, Estella?"
"How about you keep that large nose of yours out of other's business?" Estella retorted with narrowed blue eyes.
Daisy snorted a laugh, placing a hand over her mouth to muffle the rest of her laughter.
Matilda was very much enjoying the entertainment that was the Morgenstern's banter, watching with a small smirk as Claire became lost for words.
Claire huffed upon catching Matilda's amused gaze, sending a quick glare the girl's direction before turning to look down at the pink polish coating her nails.
Daisy rolled her eyes at the redhead's rudeness while Estella sent Tilly an apologetic look.
"Estella Joy Morgenstern!" Asher's wheezing laugh was heard before he came into sight, entering through the side door. "You're so dead when Ben gets ahold of you!"
Matilda turned in her chair as the loud boy entered the room.
"You're lucky you only got his cauldron and not his vial sets hi Tillyโ there would be no hope inโ" Asher stopped dead in his tracks, doing a double take at those already seated at the table. "Oh, um, hello Tilly."
Matilda gave him a polite wave in response.
Asher gave her a small smile, sitting in a chair on the other side of Daisy. Daisy smiled at her older brother softly, patting him on the shoulder. She and most everyone at the table knew that Asher was slightly bummed that Matilda had decided to go to the ball, finding out through his friends that Ron had been the one to successfully ask her.
But he was not blind. He knew that if anyone was going to take Matilda to the ball, it was Ron Weasley.
"Just think Asher, if you weren't so weird and loud, you might have a chance at getting a good girlfriend," Claire chuckled to herself still picking at her nails.
Sudden confusion crashed over Matilda. She had counted nearly ten girls who was crying in the bathroom stalls because they weren't going to the ball with Asher Morgenstern.
"Girlfriend?" Asher shot her a confused look. "Aren't I taking your friend to the ball?"
It was true. Since Cho had found out Cedric was taking Harper, Claire had convinced Asher to ask her, and to make it seem genuine. And he did just that.
"You had little chance with anyone else."
Matilda coughed, shifting in her chair uncomfortably.
"So, Daisy, how's the ball thing going with Draco?" Asher turned in his chair to face his other sister. "He won you over yet? Or is he still being a clueless git?"
"I'm not sure if git is the best word to use for him," Matilda mused, earning a laugh from the blonde boy on the other side of Daisy.
Claire looked at Daisy with a confused face, "How do you put up with people insulting your friends?"
"I'm sorry I have standards," Daisy said calmly. "Like you always say I should have. Or is it different now because Tilly is the one doing it?"
Estella looked between the two fuming sisters, clearing her throat, "Let's cool off..."
"Yeah," Asher put a hand up to silence Claire's oncoming response. "I was just teasing, geez."
A small laugh escaped Matilda's lips, causing her to cover her mouth with her hand. She had been watching the family argue, both amused and intrigued at the drama surrounding the siblings. Asher seemed visibly delighted by her response, smiling widely as Daisy merely smirked at her older brother's light pink cheeks.
"I just don't see why she wouldn't stand up for her friend, Asher," Claire continued to argue.
Asher looked bored, resting his chin in his hand, "Just give it a rest, Claire."
"No, that's not what friends do!"
"And you're talking about loyalty, why?" Daisy asked in a similar tone to Asher's. "You are aware that you're one of the flimsiest people I know, right?"
"Flimsy?!" She shrieked. "I have better things to do other than have my nose stuck in some book and stringing a boy around like aโ"
"Whoa, whoa!" Bentley walked into the dining room from the back corridor with his brows raised. "Both of you! We have a guest, don't we? Act like it."
Claire crossed her arms over her chest as she mumbled, "Daisy started it."
"What are you?" The blonde spat. "Two years old?"
Tilly nodded, "sure acts like it."
Claire's eyes narrowed, "I don't recall asking for opinion, Matilda!"
"You don't have to ask for it for me to give it, Claire," Matilda grinned a sickly, sweet smile. "Thought you were smart enough to know that by now."
"I'll have you knowโ"
Lawton interrupted Claire as he cleared his throat loudly, standing in the doorway holding a colorful foil packet in his right hand, "Estella, where did you get these?"
Estella stuttered out incoherent syllables nervously.
"Fred and George Weasley," Claire blurted out.
The other Morgenstern siblings looked at the redhead with wide eyes.
"Weasleys?" Lawton stared down at Estella as he returned to his seat but refrained from going on a rant as his eyes fell back on Matilda. "I suppose we'll have a talk about this later."
Estella looked at Daisy with frightened, sad eyes, while Claire smiled sweetly at her father. Bentley looked embarrassed as he sunk lower into his chair opposite of her and stared at his empty plate. Asher only rolled his eyes at the redhead and smiled pitifully toward Fredrick, who now looked incredibly lost at their bickering.
"Lunch is ready," Mrs. Morgenstern announced as she and two-house-elves carried in platters full of food toward the table.
Matilda visibly tensed at the sight. And the other Morgenstern's watched with wide eyes as she stood from her seat and assisted Peachy, who was struggling to carry her tray. Matilda sat the metal platter in the middle of the table before seating herself back in her chair. Daisy grinned at her, while the others looked stunned at the gesture. Claire seemed to be especially shocked at the motion.
"That was quite... kind of you Miss Winters," Lawton said in a hesitant tone.
Matilda found it particularly odd that Mrs. Morgenstern sat at the other end of the long table, so far from the rest of the family. She also caught the impressed look that Mrs. Morgenstern sent Daisy from her seat, which Daisy merely shrugged at and chose a sandwich from the tray in front of her.
"These sandwiches look lovely, Mrs. Morgenstern," Matilda complimented, putting one on her plate as well as a salad bowl.
"Thank you, Dear," Mrs. Morgenstern grinned. "And please, call me Alivia."
"And you guys can call me Tilly," Matilda stated.
Asher laughed, mouth half full of food, "Half of us already do."
"Asher do not talk with your mouth full," Alvia scolded. "It's not attractive."
"No, it isn't," Matilda mused, the statement earning an eyeroll from Asher.
"So, Tilly, what house are you in at Hogwarts?" Lawton asked curiously as he sliced up part of a chicken breast on his plate.
"Ravenclaw," Matilda answered, picking at her salad.
Lawton raised his eyebrows, "So you know my three eldest well then?"
Matilda looked between Claire, Bentley, and Asher, "Yeah, you can say that."
Bentley snorted a laugh before looking at their father, pettily sneaking in a sideways glance at Claire, "Did you know Matilda is not only the brightest witch of her year, but the brightest witch currently enrolled at Hogwarts?"
"Is that so?" Lawton asked, raising his brows with an impressed expression.
Claire jabbed her fork into her salad, "I'm sure that's a bit of a stretch, Bentley."
"It's not," said Matilda proudly. "I've been told by the Headmaster himself."
Lawton nodded his head as Alivia spoke up, "How did you become friends with Daisy, may I ask?"
"Mum..." Daisy whined softly.
"We share mutual classes, some in which we sit together," Matilda answered, glancing toward Daisy. "I also didn't know how many other people that could help me get a dress on such short notice either."
Alivia smiled at the brunette, "Wonderful."
"Who knew our Daisy wasn't so much of a loner?" Claire giggled.
"Girls," Lawton warned.
"Rather be alone than be around you," Daisy muttered, now picking at her food.
Lawton's eyes snapped in her direction, "Daisy Grace, enough."
"I'd appreciate if you not only put the blame on me," Daisy did not meet her father's eye.
Claire snickered, "It's usually your fault."
Asher looked at the redheaded in irritation, "Would you leave her alone already?" Haven't you already embarrassed her enough, Claire? What more do you want?"
Matilda leaned closer into Daisy, "I'm used to only having dinner with one sibling. This is far more entertaining."
"Why are you always sticking up for her, Ash?" Claire seethed at her brother.
"Because she's not the one doing anything wrong, Nitwit," Bentley interjected. "Now, please, can we eat and stop making a huge scene? Daisy's not the only one being embarrassed."
"Quite right, Bentley," Lawton dabbed his mouth with a napkin. "So, Tilly do you have any siblings?"
"Yes," she nodded. "I have two. An older sister and a younger brother."
"And do they attend Hogwarts?"
Matilda nodded, "My sister does, she's a Hufflepuff, but my brother isn't of age."
"A Hufflepuff?" Alivia asked. "She might know my nephew, Cedric, then."
"She knows Cedric alright," Matilda mused. "They're close friends. I feel like I know him from as much as she talks about him."
"I take it she fancies him?" The older woman asked curiously.
"You could say that."
Lawton went on to ask about the children's plans for the ball. Asher and Bentley told him about their dates and that they already have their dress robes ready to take back to Hogwarts with them. Estella beamed about her new dress and that Dean Thomas had asked her to go with him. Claire bragged about being escorted by the handsome Cormac McLaggen, whom Matilda slighted as being more useful for arm candy than anything else.
Matilda withheld her larger opinions about the event but expressed that she was satisfied with her dress and looks forward to her date. She even thanked Claire for allowing het to look through her things. Daisy on the other hand, shrugged and vaguely spoke of a date of some sorts. Lawton did not seem impressed that his daughter was not specific about who her date would be.
"You've got your dress then?" He asked her.
"Yeah," Daisy nodded. "I did... thanks Mum."
It wasn't long after that, that lunch ended, and Daisy was quick to get Matilda back to Hogwarts.
When they arrived back at Hogwarts Matilda could tell through her uncounted apologizes that she was mentally drained. Matilda could only imagine the exhaustion that would come with five other siblings. She could only deal with Harper on good days.
"I assure you, I had a good time," said Matilda, her dress draped protectively over her arm. "It was all quite amusing."
Daisy thanked Matilda for being so understanding but she, not for the life of her, believed that Matilda had a good time. No one had a good time at Morgenstern Manor. Not even the residents.
When Daisy excused herself to the dungeons Matilda began making her way through the entrance hall when she had bumped into Harper who looked to be on her way to dinner. She was especially chipper, Matilda could only assume it had something to do with Cedric and her dress.
"Matilda," Harper stopped. "What in the world are you up to now?"
Matilda shrugged, just then remembering that she was holding a gown on her arm, and that is surely what Harper was referring to, "Oh, I had to get a dress. Decided I'm going to the ball after all."
Harper hummed as she ran the expensive material through her fingers, "and what, or who, made you change your mind?"
"I'll tell you, but I swear if you laugh, I'll hex you into tomorrow, Harper," said Matilda warningly. "It's Ron. I'm going to the ball with Ron."
Harper grinned knowingly, "I think that's wonderful."
Matilda blinked, unable to say anything as she was too shocked. She had expected some kind of teasing from her older sister.
"Uhm, thank you... I guess."
Matilda excused herself, promising to get pictures with Harper before the ball to send to their mum and dad. Once safely back in her room she laid the gown onto her bed, and Padma shot up from the bed she had been lying on, working on Charms homework.
"You've changed your mind about the ball!" Padma exclaimed excitedly.
"Yes," said Matilda shortly.
She hung her dress in the wardrobe beside her bed, careful to not wrinkle it, before beginning to get into her night clothes.
"Ron Weasley asked her," Cho cooed lovingly. "Guess we all knew that was coming."
"Really?" Padma asked pleasantly surprised. "Ron Weasley?"
Matilda rolled her eyes doing well to keep out of the conversation and seem uninterested as she prepared herself for night time and crawled into bed, taking a book from the top of the stack on her nightstand and began to try and read. But the coming thoughts of the ball and Ron Weasley sent butterflies fluttering all about her stomach and kept her from being able to concentrate.
It certainly would be a night to remember.
Matilda's described outfit
AN:// nope. no pictures of Tilly's gown... yet!
Also, sorry, but yes, Matilda will be going to the ball with Ron. Only a few will appreciate it.
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