"Everything is fine." -Mika Love
Author's note: I exist. Fear me. I tried to male the angst angsty,but not that much. Please give me imput!
Thoughts: I wonder how they're doing?
Messages: <I wonder how they're doing?>
Mika: They/Them
'Straw or Luci' (username):
Tags: Fluff and angst
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Mika was sleepy. They felt like they were about to fall asleep on their desk. But they can't do that,their mom would have them busted. Mika dozed off. They were searching for themes for their Discord account. They had changed it three times. But they wanted to find something cute. They were on Pinterest and decided to search for Project Sekai pfp. They happened to find a transmasc/nonbinary nene edit.
"Nene's hair is so pretty here..." they whispered alone in their room. While it was not a personal headcannon of theirs,they thought the edit was cute. "Hmm..." Naturally,they decided to put their second favourite pjsk unit as their background. They chose the little background of Mizuki's card, where Mizuki's friends were plushies. "Cute..." they listened to the ShizuAiri cover of Romeo and Juliet on their headphones peacefully.
They went to the new discord server they joined. A Project Sekai server. They thought the aesthetic was cute, and they wanted to discuss ships. They took a breath. Being a coward,they 'courageously' sent some cute fanart of Mizukana and wrote:
<Mizukana's too cute :3>
They looked at their bright screen,getting used to the light shining from it. They didn't even expect someone to answer at this hour unless they were from a different timezone,but someone responded quite quickly. <YESSS!!! FELLOW MIZUKANA SHIPPER!!!> Mika felt quite happy for some reason. What a strange feeling.
Some random person just answered, and they felt happy about it. "Huh." They typed on their keyboard. <ABSOLUTELY, MY BRETHERTON!!! IT'S tied with ShizuAiri> they saw the person's username typing. Yoru_Ai is typing. <I love Mizukana. It's way too underrated. But I prefer Shizumafu more, tbh> <That's a cute ship too! And yes,Mizukana is too cute and wholesome> Mika decided to look at this person's profile.
Yoru_Ai Cutesyegg. What a cute name. Thought Mika. They proceeded to read this guy's bio. They/He/She. Call me Straw or Luci
Beep,beep. I program stuff,I guess. Bye <3 (Fandoms below). They had a lot of fandoms in common,and Mika thought the cutcore aesthetic was adorable. When they finished reading,Luci sent them a message. <May I introduce you to the great ship known as Airinene?> Mika's response was quick and swift. <Yes.> They proceeded to talk about Airinene,Straw showed Mika the pixel fanart they made. Mika thought it was absolutely gorgeous.
<You made this?>
<IT'S GORGEOUS!!!> Mika felt a bit more energetic.
<Oh, please,it's not that good>
Mika typed quickly.
<Yes, it is! Say it's good! >:( >
< >:O >
Looks like I made a friend. I'll ask them.
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It was a normal day,besides them waking up dizzy again. Except it wasn't cause today was the day Mika started their first day as club president, and they were excited. They kind of didn't want to get their hopes up. They got up after spending all night searching for their theme and reading fanfiction.They barely brushed their hair,then went to the bathroom to brush their teeth and think. I mean,baking is nice. But everyone in school is either already in a club or not interested. Plus, no club gets members on the first day! Except for the sports club... but hey, their club president is popular! And I have no friends... They put their books in their backpacks. They looked at the time. They were going to miss the bus. "Shit." They calmly yet hurriedly put their uniform on and ran to the door.
On their way to school,Mika realised they had forgotten to pack their food,at least they didn't forget their water again. "Dammit." Thankfully,there was a bakery on the way to school that just opened up. Mika decided to let their sweet tooth win. I guess I have to walk to school today. They made their way to the bakery. Yes,you could purchase food at school and get a drink from the vending machine,but Mika really liked baked treats. They'll sacrifice the bus for good dessert. Mika noticed the line was short. What a shame. They thought with their usual emotionalless looking face. Usually,Mika would ask for apple pie at any bakery they visit,but since they were going to school,they decided to get a croissant.
In the line,the thought about discord. Their Mom searched their device because they've been 'acting bad', so they have to be careful this week. You know,hear her footsteps and do what she wants. It feels bad,but it's usually bad anyway. Might as well shut up.
The line moved quite quickly.
"Hi,hun! What can I get you?" The owner greeted Mika. He had a cute pink tag that said Charlie,he greeted everyone with a petname. "I,uh- one apple pie. Uh,pe-please!" Mika cringed at their stuttering. They accidentally ordered apple pie,but they had plastic utensils. Which would be the next thing to poke at Mika's anxiety. Their volumes changed while taking."Of course!" Despite his calm and caring aura,Mika gets quite nervous asking random people for stuff. Despite it being their job. "Here you go!" He handed them pie."Thank you." They bowed their head for a second and hurriedly left. Not because they were late,but because they didn't know how to talk to people. And then they realised they had to come back for utensils. So they ran back in.
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They went to school early. They sat in the hallways, trying to avoid people. They felt that would be awkward. "Hmm." They leaned on the wall. They felt that bringing in a pie to school was a bit much,but they just decided to eat in silence. They took a bit out of the pie. It was delicious. This is awesome... they thought their mother had the best apple pie,but this is so good. They were about to eat the whole thing,but they stopped themself, and put the pie in their backpack. Mika took out their phone. Oh,Luci messaged me... I kinda want to eat pie with them...
<what are you doing? I'm so boooooored...>
<I'm at school. It's fine,i guess>
Five minutes later,they got a response
<guess we're both bored. u know what?>
<I have not been given enough attention and love, and I am going to make it everyone's problems.>
< Should I be scared?>
<yes. You goober.>
< I don't know if I should be offended or flattered>
<How dare you?>
<I said please>
<Understandable,have a great day,sir.>
<*Chivalrous bow*>
<Gotta go. The bell rang>
<see ya,dummy :3>
<You too,you fruity sir :3>
<Bye <3>
<COME BACK!!! >:(>
2 minutes before Luci left
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After school,Mika was going to meet some new members. If anyone signed up, that is, and oh,they were going to meet the new advisor. They were told that it was some kind guy. They nervously packed their bags and texted their mom.
< Hey,mom >
< I have club activities, so I'll be home later >
Mika had informed their mom of them being club president yesterday.
< OK,have fun,sweetie! >
< Thanks, mom >
They looked at the time. "I'm going to be late." They got up and ran.
They were on their way to the school kitchen,but they felt dizzy. Then they accidentally got up too quickly. "Dammit..." they forgot they're never supposed to do that. Sometimes, they think they have some sort of condition,but they don't want to trouble people. It's especially harder when they're so forgetful.
They opened the door,out of breath. They felt heavy,but also..light? Their feet felt like they were floating. "Hello,there! Are...are you all right?" They recognised this person had brown hair. Looks like...uh...what was his name? Charles,right? Maybe they were trying to distract themself. They tripped. "O-oh!" He caught them. "I'm fine!" Their breathing looked better,but they certainly didn't feel better. They smiled to ease the person's worry. It's not like they were hyperventilating,they just saw black a couple of times. No big deal! "Let's go to the nurse's office! It'll be fine,promise." He put their hand around his shoulder and walked them to the nurse's office.
No. They didn't want to cause a problem. Crybaby. They're gonna call me mom. What am I going to tell her? This didn't help them at all. Their mind flashed back to all the times their mom called them sensitive. When she said they should stop making such a scene and calm down already. That's why they didn't tell her when they woke up like this. Breath,Mika. You're her little boy. They opened their eyes. They were at the nurse's office.
"Hey,lay down! The nurse will be there in a bit. Do you need to chat? Do you feel better? I can distract you." He put a reassuring hand on their shoulder. "U-uh." They managed to stutter out some words. "Sure..." they awkwardly accepted. They thought of responses ahead of them to make sure personal questions were properly answered and no more worry or 'potential' nagging from their mother. "Do you have an idea why you're dizzy? Do you take good care of yourself? Good sleep,hygiene,and activity?"."Oh,uh."
The question was oddly specific,and it became more specific as he continued. Yet,he still made sure not to ask to private of questions. Impressive...very kind. But... I wonder if it's all fake. "Well,I.. don't get much sleep,but I just need a little improvement. I'm okay with hygiene,and I could use a bit more activity." They answered truthfully,yet hesitat. They truth wasn't the entire truth.
"I see. Can I recommend some tips for sleeping? Also,maybe go on walks. Maybe go with your friends,you'll be more determined to go if you two or more have a schedule. Especially if they need exercise as well! Oh,sorry,I went on a tangent. Do you want those sleeping tips,hun? Oh,also, do you want me to keep calling you hun?" It seems he's trying to be extra soft with them. He told them everything he knew,it was a long list. "That's it! Sorry,was it long,hehe. I talked your ear off,didn't I?"."No,not at all. I appreciate it." He smiled,Mika attempted to return the kind smile. They believed him,they really did. It felt sincere as well. They usually feel empty,but for some reason... they felt quite happy. He's really kind. "Thank you,Charles."."Don't worry about it! I..uh..it's Charlie,by the way. It's OK." Shit they forgot his name.
Their worst nightmare.
They chuckled awkwardly. So did Charlie until he changed his tone into a happy chuckle. It's probably trying to make them feel better. They nurse then entered her office. "The nurse is here!" Charlie got up. "I'll go tell them to call your parents,okay,hun?" Mika's eyes widened momentarily,the nurse didn't even notice. Mika's face changed in the speed of light. "Yes,thank you." They answered in a monotone voice. "Alright,then." The nurse didn't do much,some of the same tips Charlie gave,but less. And Mika didn't trust the nurse as much. They didn't feel as safe with her. Not because she was worse,just not as kind as Charlie,very impressive considering the fact she was also very kind.
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Their mom showed up with a smile, which didn't ease their worry. Their mom and their nurse talked. "Alright,Mika,hun. Let's go." They were hoping that conversation wouldn't end. They went outside of the school. It was the first day of the club, and I'm not even there. Are there even new members? Either they're distracting themself or they're being distracted. As soon as they left the school,their mom's face fell into stone. Help. She (Mom) was quiet,but Mika knew better. "I-I..." Mika attempted to make conversation. Their mom looked at them,almost mad. "I love you." Their mom was still quiet.
"What happened." There it was. The question wasn't bad,but they knew what was coming. "Nothing,we just chated, and then the nurse came." "What did you chat about?"."Well.. I asked him for tips." "Tips? For what?" "Just..sleep tips and for when I get dizzy again." Their mother groaned. "Mika,I don't need them to think somethings wrong with you. They'll think I'm a bad mom and look at you. Nothing's wrong with you." "Well...my sleep isn't exactly that good. Maybe those tips will be good for me." "Mika,do you know how many kids would want what you have? I need you to stop complaining. There's nothing wrong. I know everything."."But,mom. If you could just listen?!"."Do you have no respect for me?!" Mika shut their mouth. They didn't mean to raise their voice,if anything,their voice was at a normal volume since they're so quiet.
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They laid in bed. Their breathing slowed down. It's fine. They wanted to cry, scream,and shout and tear their pillow apart, including themself. But they didn't deserve that. Everything is fine,just like their mom said. They thought of picking up their phone,but if their mom caught them...they were being paranoid. They couldn't even check,they put the notifications on silent. They put a hand on their chest. They were hanging on tight to it. Tears fell down their face.
Everything is fine.
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