[๐ ] ๐๐๐๐๐ ๐๐: ๐๐ซ๐๐ฉ๐ฉ๐๐ [๐ ]
BALL AND CHAIN (โ๏ธ): No.... no no no no...
NUTELLA (๐ซ๐ฐ): Ball and Chain..? You ok, bud?
BALL AND CHAIN (โ๏ธ): .......
NUTELLA (๐ซ๐ฐ): BALL AND CHAIN?! I'm concerned about you, bud..
BUZZSAW (โ๏ธ): *He stumbled upon the two* Umm.. what's happening over here?
NUTELLA (๐ซ๐ฐ): Oh, Buzzsaw!! I don't know, We came upon this abandoned underground.. lab, I think? And now.. Ball and Chain won't even talk to me after he freaked out for a second..
BUZZSAW (โ๏ธ): Umm.. That's weird, Well.. That's not really MY problem.. so, sayonara-
PRETZEL (๐ฅจ): *She.. stumbled upon the three of them with Green-Spotted Egg* HIIIII!!!
BUZZSAW (โ๏ธ): NOPE, NOPE, NOPE, I'm leavi-
PRETZEL (๐ฅจ): HEY!! Don't leave me... :(
BUZZSAW (โ๏ธ): ... Ugh... Fine.. whatever...
PRETZEL (๐ฅจ): YAY!! How are you two doing?
NUTELLA (๐ซ๐ฐ): Umm.. I'm doing fine, Ball and Chain's not...
PRETZEL (๐ฅจ): Oh...
GREEN-SPOTTED EGG (๐ฅ๐ข): ... *He started tapping Ball and Chain with his leg..*
BALL AND CHAIN (โ๏ธ): .... I-I... I need to go... *He started rushing in the lab..*
NUTELLA (๐ซ๐ฐ): Wait what... what do you mean?!?!
PRETZEL (๐ฅจ): BALL AND CHAIN!! WE HAVE TO STICK TOGETHER!! :( *She rushed in as well, grabbing Green-Spotted Egg's leg as well with her leg..*
BUZZSAW (โ๏ธ): Oh my gosh.. stupid Pretzel, making me follow her because I need to watch over her, I'm Buzzsaw.. Nobody tells me what to do..
NUTELLA (๐ซ๐ฐ): Actually, that's the other way around... Whenever Pretzel asks a favor from you, You try to resist.. but you reluctantly obliged with it.. *Nutella and Buzzsaw was just walking*
BUZZSAW (โ๏ธ): LOOK!! It's just... it's just.... Please shut up..
NUTELLA (๐ซ๐ฐ): Buzzsaw, I can't force you to do anything.. But Pretzel cares about you, A LOT EVEN... You can't just push her aside and treat her like a dummy..
BUZZSAW (โ๏ธ): ..... Stop trying to change my mind about her..
NUTELLA (๐ซ๐ฐ): Like I said, I can't force you to do anything since your always not listening to everyone says except Pretzel, You NEED to really just.. treat her like a loved kid, Buzzsaw...
BUZZSAW (โ๏ธ): ..... Ugh, For the last time... fine.. I WILL take care of her, but what would I get in return..?
NUTELLA (๐ซ๐ฐ): Buzzsaw, you have too many prizes on your belt, You don't really need anything..
BUZZSAW (โ๏ธ): You know what, I can't argue with that.. Fine, I will.. Just leave me alone for a second...
NUTELLA (๐ซ๐ฐ): Okay, whatever.. I just need to follow Ball and Chain..
BUZZSAW (โ๏ธ): And I need to follow Pretzel and her friend..
BALL AND CHAIN (โ๏ธ): No.... This is.... my-
PRETZEL (๐ฅจ): BALL AND CHAIN!! WE HAVE TO STICK TOGE- ... Huh? Where are we..?
GREEN-SPOTTED EGG (๐ฅ๐ข): .. *He started shivering*
PRETZEL (๐ฅจ): Oh come on, Green-Spotty! Were gonna be fine!! ^v^ Seriously though, Ball and Chain.. how did you find this place...?
BALL AND CHAIN (โ๏ธ): It's... It's... my old office...
PRETZEL (๐ฅจ): !!! Really?! How did you find this old home of yours?!?!
BALL AND CHAIN (โ๏ธ): Well.... I blocked the memories of myself being in here since.... I have been... tortured in here....
NUTELLA (๐ซ๐ฐ): *He heard it and ran to where they at* WHAT?!
BUZZSAW (โ๏ธ): *He followed* What...? I mean... Torture is kind of my thing.. But not this far, geez.. what's wrong with this place?
NUTELLA (๐ซ๐ฐ): An even bigger question?!?! WHAT EVEN IS THIS PLACE..?!?!
BALL AND CHAIN (โ๏ธ): Well, since you have.... so many questions, I have... answers... *He sat in his old chair..*
PRETZEL (๐ฅจ): Can I ask my question..? How did you even rent this whole underground base in the first place..?
BALL AND CHAIN (โ๏ธ): ... *sigh* If you really want to know, I might as well... It all started... with me and.. umm.. my.. friend, Dr. Apple.. found an anomaly here..
DR. APPLE (๐โค๏ธ): *She was fixing her paperwork on the new anomaly at the cryo chamber..*
BALL AND CHAIN (โ๏ธ): So...Where did you find this anomaly, exactly?
DR. APPLE (๐โค๏ธ): In the coordinates -9382, 945, 103,ย (Those are not real coordinates, don't try and look it up LOL) A meteor was hit on to the exact coordinates, almost about to crack.. Me, Executive Officers, and the whole Research Lab Team were looking after this mysterious meteor for 6-8 months, After those months, The meteor completely shattered, leading to this strange anomaly book that is unlike any other object I've seen.. So we put them in a cryo chamber to make sure that it doesn't escape and do more research on this..
BALL AND CHAIN (โ๏ธ): Oh... So, do you have its name or something?
DR. APPLE (๐โค๏ธ): According to Pineapple, Its name is.. "Binary Book", They're power is supernatural.. which is impossible for an object to have.. Kind of weird.
BALL AND CHAIN (โ๏ธ): Geez.. And why did you invite me here exactly?
DR. APPLE (๐โค๏ธ): Well, for 2 reasons.. 1. Because I need you to watch over this anomaly for me while I try and get the machine that Pineapple has been using for them, Don't do any stupid stuff, ok? and 2. Because we haven't seen eachother for years now since all my life, I have been here in this lab, researching..
BALL AND CHAIN (โ๏ธ): Don't worry, I promise I will not do anything stupid in this room! .. Probably..
DR. APPLE (๐โค๏ธ): You better keep that promise, Chainy. Otherwise, I might do something really horrible to you and you're not gonna like it for a bit.
BALL AND CHAIN (โ๏ธ): AH! Ok, ok! Geez.. Your intimidating..
DR. APPLE (๐โค๏ธ): I know I am, Anyway... I'm gonna go now, Like I said, You better not do anything silly... *She walked away from the room..*
BALL AND CHAIN (โ๏ธ): .. Hmm.. What is this thing?
BALL AND CHAIN (โ๏ธ): Wow.... This really looks like an anomaly right now... But ugh, I'm bored.. What am I suppose to do in here...?
Ball and Chain would go to the computer and press some random buttons like a kid would do when their parents are out doing something.. leaving the kid alone..
BALL AND CHAIN (โ๏ธ): Hmm... *He started pressing random buttons to see what they do...* Eh, this is kind of useless...ย
Ball and Chain pressed the ONE button that said "DON'T PRESS", which caused the alarm to happen, and the cryo chamber where the unknown anomaly was inside of was slowly starting to open..
BALL AND CHAIN (โ๏ธ): Uh oh... uhhhhh..... uhhhhh...-
DR. APPLE (๐โค๏ธ): !!!! *She immediately came back after leaving 20 SECONDS AGO!!* CHAINY!!! >:[
BALL AND CHAIN (โ๏ธ): Umm.. uhh.. This.. isn't what it looks like...?
DR. APPLE (๐โค๏ธ): .... *facepalm* I should've invited someone else that is not NAIVE unlike you!! >:O
BALL AND CHAIN (โ๏ธ): HEY!!! It's called "curiosity", ok?! When I see a button.. I press button, especially when it has a sign that says.. "DON'T PRESS", ok?! DON'T BLAME ME!!
DR. APPLE (๐โค๏ธ): I WOULD DEFINITELY BLAME IT ON YOU EITHER WAY, ACCIDENTAL OR NOT!! YOU DID IT ANYWAY!!! I would seriously inflict pain on you right now... but I can't... since I care about your safety.. LET'S GET OUT OF HERE BEFORE THAT ANOMALY WAKES UP!! *She grabbed Ball and Chain's arm and they both ran away..*
DR. APPLE (๐โค๏ธ): NO TIME TO TALK!!! YOU CAUSED ALL OF THIS!!! >:[[[ Your lucky that your my best friend... or else I would punch you multiple times over.
BALL AND CHAIN (โ๏ธ): Oh.. :(
BUZZSAW (โ๏ธ): ... Really, dude? It was your own stupidity that made the lab like this..
BALL AND CHAIN (โ๏ธ): LOOK, I WASN'T THAT SMART BACK THEN, OK?! Now Dr. Apple.. well.. now it's just Apple, doesn't wanna talk to me anymore after that incident.. understandably though..
NUTELLA (๐ซ๐ฐ): I.. wonder why. :/
BALL AND CHAIN (โ๏ธ): Ok, be quiet, you.. Anyways, I really need to get out of here, this brings up bad memories right now..
PRETZEL (๐ฅจ): Aww. but I want to explore more though!! O^O
BUZZSAW (โ๏ธ): NO!!! YOUR GONNA GET HU- I-I mean.. whatever, go.. I don't care..
NUTELLA (๐ซ๐ฐ): .. *side-eyeing Buzzsaw...*
BUZZSAW (โ๏ธ): .... Ugh, Whatever.. let's go, Pretzel..
PRETZEL (๐ฅจ): YAY!!! *Pretzel sat on top of Buzzsaw's Head*
BUZZSAW (โ๏ธ): ... >:[ *He eventually decided to explore more of the abandoned lab with Pretzel and Green-Spotted Egg*
NUTELLA (๐ซ๐ฐ): Umm... what about you, Ball and Chain...?ย
BALL AND CHAIN (โ๏ธ): .....
NUTELLA (๐ซ๐ฐ): Ball and Chain..?
NUTELLA (๐ซ๐ฐ): You ok, bud?
BALL AND CHAIN (โ๏ธ): No.... I'm not, I just... found this old picture of me and Apple... I can't believe my own stupidity on that incident got our friendship nonexistant now... I don't know where she is now...
NUTELLA (๐ซ๐ฐ): Aww, it's ok.. I'm sure if she ever sees this show, She might be watching you and cheering you on! I'm sure of it!
BALL AND CHAIN (โ๏ธ): I highly doubt that.. Now that.. anomaly thing.. is now on the loose and... that might be the reason why Steak is missing, THIS MIGHT BE THE REASON WHY VALENTINE IS NOT HERSELF RIGHT NOW!! THIS IS ALL MY FAULT FOR EVEN RELEASING THAT THING!!! WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME?!?!?! *He's having a mental breakdown..*
NUTELLA (๐ซ๐ฐ): !!! ...
BALL AND CHAIN (โ๏ธ): Just... just go, I'll handle this lab...
NUTELLA (๐ซ๐ฐ): Are you sure? I mean.. if we don't get gold.. One of us might get eliminated..
BALL AND CHAIN (โ๏ธ): .... *He went to an empty room where he found spares of gold that the mining crew had stored before the lab was abandoned..* Here.. The other 4 gold is from me, Pretzel, Buzzsaw and Green-Spotted Egg since they're down here with us.. Tell Gapple that I'm really busy right now..
NUTELLA (๐ซ๐ฐ): Oh... ok.. Please be alright, Your worrying me a lot now since were allies..
BALL AND CHAIN (โ๏ธ): I'll be fine.. I have something to repair... Damage already done or not, I strived to do the right thing by fixing this old lab..
NUTELLA (๐ซ๐ฐ): ... Good luck, buddy. *He got out of the lab with the stacks of gold on his head and headed back up to the surface...*
ENCHANTED G. APPLE (๐๐โจ): Oh!! You found A LOT!! Where did you find that much gold?!
NUTELLA (๐ซ๐ฐ): Oh.. well.. I'm not actually the one that found this.. It was Ball and Chain, All these 5 gold is from me, Ball and Chain, Pretzel, Buzzsaw and Green-Spotted Egg..
ENCHANTED G. APPLE (๐๐โจ): Wow.. It's great to have a pack that found gold together!! Welp, the 5 of you are all safe! But where are they?
NUTELLA (๐ซ๐ฐ): They're currently busy right now...
ENCHANTED G. APPLE (๐๐โจ): Huh.. well that's weird, A cave is not really that popular for being busy there but alright! I'll still respect their work.. Whatever their doing..
NUTELLA (๐ซ๐ฐ): .... *sigh and decided to sit for a break..*
12/16 SAFE
- ECLIPSE (๐โซ)
- MAGNET (๐งฒ)
-ย NUTELLA (๐ซ๐ฐ)
-ย PRETZEL (๐ฅจ)
-ย BUZZSAW (โ๏ธ)
- LEMONY (๐)
- COFFIN (โฐ๏ธ)
- MINTY (๐ฟ)
ENCHANTED G. APPLE (๐๐โจ): Wow.. There's only Minty, Coffin, Strawberry Milkshake, Lemony, and Anti-Depressant.. One of these five will be elimina-
ANTI-DEPRESSANT (๐): We found two gold..
LEMONY (๐): Umm.. y-yeah.
ENCHANTED G. APPLE (๐๐โจ): Oh... well, I guess you two are safe! Now it's down to Coffin, Minty and Strawberry Milksha-
STRAWBERRY MILKSHAKE (๐): I FOUND ONE!!! :DDD *She rushed out of the cave..*
ENCHANTED G. APPLE (๐๐โจ): STOP INTERRUPTING ME, MY GOD... >:< Ugh.. I guess your safe.. Now it's down.. to Coffin and Minty.. One of these two will be eliminated!! Who's it gonna be..?
COFFIN (โฐ๏ธ): Ugh.. This sucks... I'm nearing lava but I can't find any gold in here... But seriously.. what the heck is this..?
Coffin was nearing some lava to try and scout some nearby gold around...
MINTY (๐ฟ): *She was digging and digging straight down..* COME ON, GOLD!!! PLEASE!!! I'M DESPERATE!!!! >:[[[[
COFFIN (โฐ๏ธ): ... Hmm... Oh, There it is! *He found some gold sitting near some lava, He parkoured platform to platform to mine some gold and try to get back up from the surface*ย
MINTY (๐ฟ): PLEEEEEEEEEASE!!!!! *She kept digging down until... GOLD!* YES!!! GOOOOLD!!! *She mined that gold down..* NOW LET'S GET OUT OF HE- ..... wait.... *She looked up.. IT'S A LONG WAY UP* ...... Shoot.
ENCHANTED G. APPLE (๐๐โจ): Would you look at that? Coffin is the last person that has gold!! :D
COFFIN (โฐ๏ธ): Umm.. Where's Minty?
ENCHANTED G. APPLE (๐๐โจ): She's.. not here right now.. and also that means Minty has been officially eliminated off of the show!!
LEMONY (๐): !!! WAIT WHAT?!?!
ANTI-DEPRESSANT (๐): Umm.. I don't know how to feel right now... :/
ECLIPSE (๐โซ): .ฬฬ.ฬฬ ๐ฬฬ๐ฟฬฬ๐ฒฬฬ๐ฎฬฬ๐ฬฬ,ฬฬ ๐บฬฬ๐ฬฬ ๐ฝฬฬ๐ผฬฬ๐ฬฬ๐ฒฬฬ๐ปฬฬ๐ฬฬ๐ถฬฬ๐ฎฬฬ๐นฬฬ ๐ฎฬฬ๐นฬฬ๐นฬฬ๐ฬฬ ๐ถฬฬ๐ฬฬ ๐ปฬฬ๐ผฬฬ๐ฬฬ ๐ผฬฬ๐ฬฬ๐ฬฬ ๐ผฬฬ๐ณฬฬ ๐ฬฬ๐ตฬฬ๐ฒฬฬ ๐ดฬฬ๐ฎฬฬ๐บฬฬ๐ฒฬฬ ๐ฎฬฬ๐นฬฬ๐ฟฬฬ๐ฒฬฬ๐ฎฬฬ๐ฑฬฬ๐ฬฬ ๐ฏฬฬ๐ฒฬฬ๐ฐฬฬ๐ฎฬฬ๐ฬฬ๐ฬฬ๐ฒฬฬ ๐ผฬฬ๐ณฬฬ ๐ตฬฬ๐ฒฬฬ๐ฟฬฬ ๐ฬฬ๐ฬฬ๐ฬฬ๐ฝฬฬ๐ถฬฬ๐ฑฬฬ๐ถฬฬ๐ฬฬ๐ฬฬ.ฬฬ.ฬฬ ๐กฬฬ๐ผฬฬ ๐ผฬฬ๐ณฬฬ๐ณฬฬ๐ฒฬฬ๐ปฬฬ๐ฬฬ๐ฒฬฬ.ฬฬ
VALENTINE (๐):ย ๊๊๊๊ซ๊ธ๊ธ๊, That stupid menthol is out of the game, โฆโโโโฒโฒโฒ!!!!!
ANTI-DEPRESSANT (๐): Can you please be quiet..? Your like a megaphone trying to announce something stupid and utter abysmal that I don't even wanna hear it from your stupid mouth...
VALENTINE (๐): HอโฆEอโฆYอโฆ, Don't ever MฬปฬEฬฏฬซออฎอฬฬฬฬฬฆฬ อญอกอฃฬฃอฬอฬ ฬคฬฬฬอฬฬฬธฬอคฬฅอขฬฝฬฬฎฬอ ออ ฬฬฬฬฬตฬฬอฌฬอฬขSฬทฬออฬอฬทอฆอญฬฬฬอฃฬผฬนฬออฬบองฬปอฃฬฬอคฬกฬอออคอฬSฬบฬฬฃฬนฬญอฬอฬฬฬอฌฬฬฬ with me...
ANTI-DEPRESSANT (๐): All you do is be scary with your face... What else do you do...?
VALENTINE (๐): ... You have made a ๐โฅโฬธ๐โฅโฬธ๐โฅโฬธ๐โฅโฬธ๐โฅโฬธ๐โฅโฬธ enemy today, Pillface..
ANTI-DEPRESSANT (๐): Your wasting my time.. I rather talk with Lemony than talk with your organ idiotic face... *He walked away with no regret at all..*
VALENTINE (๐): ... >:[
LEMONY (๐): I c-can't believe it!! Our n-new ally is out!! Can you b-believe it, A-Anti?
ANTI-DEPRESSANT (๐): Uhh.. yeah, I guess...
MINTY (๐ฟ): Ugh... *She finally went back up to the surface..* I'm finally back up to the surface... My gosh...ย
ENCHANTED G. APPLE (๐๐โจ): .. Umm.. Minty?
MINTY (๐ฟ): Yeah..?
ENCHANTED G. APPLE (๐๐โจ): Your.. kind of.. uhhh...-
GREY CIRCLE (๐): You're eliminated.. :/
COFFIN (โฐ๏ธ): Sorry Minty, But it's the Final 17.. I'm gonna do anything to get far..
MINTY (๐ฟ): ... *sigh* I understand that.. Just.. try and don't let Valentine win.. or at least.. what's left of Valentine in there...
VALENTINE (๐): Hm, don't know what your โฎโณโฑ โญลโฆโฒ โณเธฟรษโฎ...
MINTY (๐ฟ): Ugh... But.. Coffin, I'm glad that I met you all this time in this competition!! I am a big fan of your interviews with different BFAPB characters!! It's amazing!! :D
COFFIN (โฐ๏ธ): Oh.. well.. I'm glad that your a fan of me.. Sorry that I eliminated you in the Final 17..
MINTY (๐ฟ): It's fine, It's the competition.. I know I wasn't gonna win anyway.. See ya, Coffin! ^v^ *She blew a kiss to him*
COFFIN (โฐ๏ธ): !!! *He blushed.. but then catched it..* See ya, Minty..
ANTI-DEPRESSANT (๐): Wow... uhhh...
PRINCESS CROWN (๐): My heart has been melted many times over.. This is such a wholesome moment..
ECLIPSE (๐โซ):ย ๐ฬฬ๐ฎฬฬ๐ฟฬฬ๐ฒฬฬ๐ฬฬ๐ฒฬฬ๐นฬฬ๐นฬฬ,ฬฬ ๐ฬฬ๐ผฬฬ๐นฬฬ๐ฑฬฬ๐ถฬฬ๐ฒฬฬ๐ฟฬฬ.ฬฬ.ฬฬ ๐ฌฬฬ๐ผฬฬ๐ฬฬ ๐ฑฬฬ๐ถฬฬ๐ฑฬฬ ๐ดฬฬ๐ฟฬฬ๐ฒฬฬ๐ฎฬฬ๐ฬฬ ๐ฬฬ๐ผฬฬ ๐ธฬฬ๐ฒฬฬ๐ฒฬฬ๐ฝฬฬ ๐ฬฬ๐ผฬฬ๐ฬฬ๐ฟฬฬ ๐ฒฬฬ๐บฬฬ๐ผฬฬ๐ฬฬ๐ถฬฬ๐ผฬฬ๐ปฬฬ ๐ฬฬ๐ฬฬ๐ฎฬฬ๐ฏฬฬ๐นฬฬ๐ฒฬฬ ๐ณฬฬ๐ฟฬฬ๐ผฬฬ๐บฬฬ ๐ฬฬ๐ผฬฬ๐ฬฬ๐ฟฬฬ ๐ปฬฬ๐ผฬฬ๐ฬฬ-ฬฬ๐ฬฬ๐ผฬฬ-ฬฬ๐ฬฬ๐ฬฬ๐ฎฬฬ๐ฏฬฬ๐นฬฬ๐ฒฬฬ ๐ณฬฬ๐ฟฬฬ๐ถฬฬ๐ฒฬฬ๐ปฬฬ๐ฑฬฬ๐ฬฬ๐ตฬฬ๐ถฬฬ๐ฝฬฬ ๐ฬฬ๐ถฬฬ๐ฬฬ๐ตฬฬ ๐ฉฬฬ๐ฎฬฬ๐นฬฬ๐ฒฬฬ๐ปฬฬ๐ฬฬ๐ถฬฬ๐ปฬฬ๐ฒฬฬ.ฬฬ.ฬฬ
LEMONY (๐): .. (Anti..) *She knocked him over with her leg*
ANTI-DEPRESSANT (๐): ... Ok, ok, fine.... Umm.. Bye, Minty.. I guess..
MINTY (๐ฟ): Aww, thank you Anti! :D
ANTI-DEPRESSANT (๐): .... Whatever..
And so, Minty went to the Nether Portal, officially eliminated..
COFFIN (โฐ๏ธ): ..... *long sigh and walked away...*
PRINCESS CROWN (๐): I know, It was devastating.. But the show must go on...
STEAK (๐ฅฉ): Gosh... How long do these platforms go on for...? This is insane...
Steak went from platform to platform trying to find a way out... But to no avail..
STEAK (๐ฅฉ): I just want to run my own butcher shop in the city! I don't wanna be treated like this.. goodness... gosh... Wait... who's that?
Steak went closer to the mysterious person lying on one of the platforms.. When he could see it.. He saw...
VALENTINE (๐): Ow.. my head.. Where am I?! Steak?!
STEAK (๐ฅฉ): Wait... Valentine?!
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