Before you decide to move forward, please have a look at some rules and instructions which are genuinely very important to be taken into consideration.
| I M P O R T A N T |
♕ The most important rule for everyone participating in these awards, which would be taking place every four months, is that in any case of Username/Book Title change, you have to inform us through the pm of this community within 24 hours of change.
♕ The second thing which we want to inform you all is that the admins of the community, i.e. Psr1403 & RRao_13 would also be participating if they feel like, similar to all other communities. But, we promise that no kind of biasness would take place in their case and all the results would be publicly displayed.
♕ If you ever feel or notice any kind of biasness or any kind of malpractice taking place, you are requested to inform us politely through the pm of the community and it'll definitely get entertained within 24 hours. Please don't create any kind of nuisance or spreading of hate in the comment section.
♕ The last thing which we need to clear is that once you enter in the first edition of these awards, it is NOT compulsory to enter into all the editions. You can do so whenever you feel like and in whichever genre that interests you.
| R U L E S F O R |
| P A R T I C I P A N T S|
1) As the first step, it is necessary for the participants to follow the community FamiliaDeYUDKBH and then as the judges are announced, you'll be required to follow them as well which will be counted in your final result. If you are already doing, please unfollow and follow again which helps us to keep the track of the participants. Make sure to give a permanent follow and not to unfollow after the awards.
2) Giving this book a shoutout with the book link is a must. Make sure that you make an announcement and not just put it on your message board.
3) Adding the book in your Library is for your benefit and adding the book in your Public Reading List would be beneficial to us for reaching out to mass audience. Hence, you are required to do both the things.
4) One account can enter in as many genres as they want and with as many books as they want. The second password would be Suman.
5) All of us out here are humans and have a life outside Wattpad too, so the foremost thing we expect from you is patience, politeness and an understanding nature. Your forms and doubts would be responded to within 24 hours.
6) Your book must have a minimum of five chapters excluding the Author's Note, Cover Chapter, Prologue, Character Sketch etc., if it's a short/long story. Incase of One Shots/ Two Shots/ Three Shots/Four Shots/ Five Shots, they should be completed.
7) Book language should either be English or Hinglish.
8) Bribing is clearly and strictly prohibited. Any such action noticed would lead to straight disqualification and the user would be blacklisted.
9) You can also enroll as a Judge if you wish to, but not in the same genre where you are participating.
10) Please be polite towards the judges and fellow participants. No kind of hate speech or comment section fights would be tolerated and the person getting indulged in the same would be straightway blacklisted.
11) Mature books are allowed for sure, but make sure your book does not promote or romanticise abuse, rapes or any other type of harrasment. The community has the right to disqualify your book if any such traces are found in your book.
12) Forms should be filled up in a single comment and in the correct order. Violation to this will lead to confusions and hence your form might get rejected.
| R U L E S F O R |
| J U D G E S |
1) As the first step, it is necessary for the judges to follow the community FamiliaDeYUDKBH .
2) Giving this book a shoutout with the book link is a must. Make sure that you make an announcement and not just put it on your message board.
3) Adding the book in your Library is for your benefit and adding the book in your Public Reading List would be beneficial to us for reaching out to mass audience. Hence, you are required to do both the things.
4) One judge can enter for one genre only as we don't want delays in results. The second password would be Suman.
5) All of us out here are humans and have a life outside Wattpad too, so the foremost thing we expect from you is patience, politeness and an understanding nature. Your forms and doubts would be responded to within 24 hours.
6) You must know to read and understand both English and Hindi.
7) We expect complete non biasness from your side and our Detectives along with the admins would be there to keep a check on you and also to see the kind of relationship you share with your assigned accounts.
8) Bribing is clearly and strictly prohibited. If you are found to be involved in any such action, it would lead to straight disqualification and getting blacklisted. If any participant even tries to do so, you are expected to inform us immediately.
9) You can also enroll as a Participant if you wish to, but not in the same genre where you are judging.
10) Please be polite towards the participants and fellow judges. No kind of hate speech or comment section fights would be tolerated and the person getting indulged in the same would be straightway blacklisted.
11) You should respect the subjectivity of thoughts and ideations and must know how to give constructive criticism.
12) Please don't back out once you have entered and be punctual with your judgements. Also, if we send you any message, you have to reply within 12 hours.
13) Forms should be filled up in a single comment and in the correct order. Violation to this will lead to confusions and hence your form might get rejected.
14) You'll be submitting the judgements to us either through Instagram or through Discord. For sharing the judgements through Wattpad, you'll have to do it via a Google/Word Document.
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