tmr → twenty-one
the maze runner
chapter twenty-one
❛❛ good luck against the grievers ❜❜
Many Gladers went on Gally's side and believed what happened last night was entirely Thomas's and Teresa's fault. Poe can't really blame them but he is aware that ever since those two arrived, things have change and the Glade fell apart.
Gally swore if they join Thomas, they get banished with him.
After Poe learned Alby was one of those who were taken by Grievers, Poe couldn't mourn for the guy even though he wanted to. The remaining Gladers have taken the last remaining food, rationing them, even from the crops, they gathered all the supplies and the weapons. They were preparing for the next night, it is likely that the Grievers will come back, the next night and the next until the very last Glader.
Thomas and Teresa were in the Slammer together, the guy was going through the Changing and will likely wake up within a day. As what they've guessed, after they gave Alby the serum, he woke up the next day.
In the early morning, Poe couldn't find Newt anywhere, the Second in Command who was supposedly taken the leader role after Alby but unfortunately, Gally had taken over and had overpowered him. When Poe found Newt, he found him sleeping in the Deadheads near the graveyard, curled in a ball, using his arm as a pillow, it was a long night for Newt. Poe left then came back with a blanket and tucked him. Poe left him but told Bark to stay with Newt despite Poe had an urge of wanting to stay with Newt until he wakes up. Poe couldn't imagine how Newt was feeling, it hit him that Newt have known Alby from the start, and that's a long time for them to known each other.
Around noon, Poe was by the Homestead with Teo and Anton, sitting as they waited for Thomas to wake up while Chuck and Minho were at the Slammer. Newt had finally woke up and went straight to the Slammer to see if Thomas have woken up yet while Bark went back to Poe.
Anton was sleeping on the grass behind Poe and Teo, the kid has been sleeping the past hour until there was Newt waving from outside of the Slammer, signalling that Thomas was waking up. "Come on guys" Teo tapped Anton's knee. Winston and Teo went ahead to the Slammer while Poe waited for Anton to get up.
"Come on, Anton" Poe helped the boy to get on his feel as he got up groggily.
Newt was already explaining what happened since Thomas passed out after he stung himself on purpose. "—he said we had a choice. Either join him... or get banished at sundown with you"
Thomas pulled himself up to sit up, "And others have agreed to that?"
Teresa answered this question, "Gally has everyone convinced that you're the reason all this has happened"
Thomas paused, took a breath in, "Well, he's been right so far"
Everyone's head were up as they expressed confusion and stunned looks. "What the hell are you talking about?" Minho asked.
"This place is not what we thought it was" Thomas began, "it's not a prison. It's a test. It all started out when we were kids. They would give us these challenges and they were experimenting on us. And then people started disappearing. Every month, one after the other, like clockwork"
"They were sending them up into the maze" Said Newt.
"Yeah. Not all of us" Thomas met Poe's glance.
"What do you mean?" Newt asked.
Thomas didn't answer for a moment. "Guys, I'm one of them" the Gladers gave an shocking expressions at Thomas. "The people who put you here. I worked with them. I watched you guys for years. The entire time you have been here, I was on the other side of it... so were you" he looked at Teresa then shifted his glance out and looked at Poe. "And you"
Poe felt like a punch went onto his chest as he shifted around, turned his back as he felt disbelieved. His friends were looking at him in disbelief. This is why he felt he was so different from others. He had so many questions.
"What?" Teresa was shocked.
"We did this to them" Thomas told her.
"No" Teresa denied tearfully, "that can't be true"
"It is" Thomas affirmed, "I saw it"
While Poe was gazing ahead in disbelief and never noticed Newt was looking at him.
"Why would they send us up if we were with them?" Teresa asked.
"It doesn't matter"
"He's right" Newt said, Poe finally met his glance, "it doesn't matter. Any of it. Because the people we were before the maze don't even exist anymore. These Creators took care of that. But what does matter is who we are now and what we do right now. You went into the maze and you found a way out"
"Yeah but if I hadn't. Alby would still be alive" Thomas added.
No one responded briefly. "Maybe" Newt admitted, "But I know if he were here, he would be telling you the exact same thing... pick your ass up and finish what you started. Because if we do nothing, then that means Alby died for nothing and I can't have that"
Poe felt somewhat relieved and felt his heart warming. Despite of who he was before, he was glad that Newt thinks that Poe's past don't even matter. But Poe was still curious of why he was sent up here months before Thomas and Teresa. He still had questions.
"Okay—" Thomas let out a soft relief sigh, "but we gotta get through Gally first"
After they came up with a plan, they planned on doing so when Gally banishes Thomas. Chuck and Anton were told to gather food and water, Minho went to gather weapons and Poe helped him to find weapons. They are aware that when they go into the maze, there will be Grievers waiting and they may have to fight their way through. Anton convinced Frypan to join along, and Teo had persuaded Winston. Hopefully more Gladers will join along if the plan goes well.
Before sundown, before the doors that were supposedly closed, Poe finally had a chance to confront Thomas before Gally comes to get Thomas. There wasn't anyone at the Slammer besides him and Teresa.
Poe realized he and Thomas have never had a conversation before, he was curious to know his own history or who he was before. Poe squatted down by the Slammer, "I hope things goes as we planned, hopefully more will join along"
"So Gally is not suspicious so far?" Thomas asked.
Poe shook his head, "I don't think so" Thomas slightly gave a nod. Poe gazed around, to see if anyone was coming or if anyone was near but there wasn't. "So... we were one of them, huh?"
Thomas nodded, "Sadly, yes" he looked at Teresa for a moment then shifted his gaze back at Poe. "You're wondering... I take it you have questions"
Poe nodded, "Yeah. I don't even know where to begin"
"I never mentioned this to others but, our names aren't even our real names. Just stupid nicknames that the Creators gave us"
Teresa looked confused, "What?"
"Yeah, they just named us after some famous people in history like Thomas as in Thomas Edison. Teresa for Mother Teresa. Newt for Isaac Newton, Teo for Theodore Roosevelt... Poe for Edgar Allen Poe"
Poe furrowed his brows, "Thats... stupid"
Thomas sighed, "From what I saw in my memories... I don't really know who you were or what your job was. But I just remember that you were in charge with the some sort simulations you gave to these kids, you gave them the tests and all that. I remember you designed the maze"
"No shucking way" Poe was disbelieved.
"You designed the Grievers and everything else, I just know that you were important to the Creators"
Poe needed to sit down and he did. He dropped onto his butt as he rubbed his head in astonishment.
Thomas got up, his hands reached for the wood and peered out. "You aren't supposed to be here. They never meant to sent you up here, apparently something happened and they blamed you, so that's why they sent you here"
"Why?" Poe turned to look at him, "What did they blame for?"
Thomas didn't respond, that odd look he gave, Poe couldn't tell if it was guilt or blame. Before Thomas could answer, there was Gally calling "Hey!" Poe gazed back and see Gally with two other Builders approaching. "Not to late to join them, Poe. What do you say?"
Poe glared at Gally, he didn't respond at all, he said nothing as he got onto his feet, faced Gally for a brief moment before walking away. He went to go look for Anton and Teo to get ready. When he shifted his glance over his shoulder and saw Thomas trying to put a fight before being knocked unconscious.
Poe found Anton, Teo and Chuck at the Blood house, they already had packs all packed up and wooden spears and anything they could use as weapons. "Alright guys, it's time. Let's go"
Anton, Chuck and Teo grabbed a pack for each and carried the extra ones. Poe pulled a pack onto his back and two wooden spears. He gazed over the fence and saw Teresa being tied by the pole. Poe gestured Teo, Anton and Chuck to go. The four of them left the Blood house and Poe called Bark to follow.
"Are you listening to this?!" Teresa said aloud, "Why are you all just standing there?! He's crazy!"
That's it, Teresa, Poe cheered in his thought. Poe halted Teo, Anton and Chuck to wait for another moment. Poe gazed over and found Newt's gaze, finding his hand under his arms telling Poe to wait.
"You shut up" Gally demanded.
"If you stay here," Teresa kept on, "the Grievers are going to come back. They're gonna come back, and they're gonna keep coming back until you're all dead!"
"Shut up!" Gally yelled, "Tie him up!" The two Gladers near Thomas were hesitant. "Do you hear me?! I said tie him up!"
As those two Gladers went to pick up Thomas, that's when he surprise attacked the two and grabbed the wooden spear from one of them. There was Newt attacking a guy from behind and then Minho attacked as well. Poe, Teo, Anton and Chuck went rushing to Thomas. Everyone stopped and those who were on Thomas's side were by the doors. They all drew their weapons at Gally's side.
"You're full of surprises, aren't you?" Gally said.
"You don't have to come with us" Thomas had his spear drawn at Gally, "but we are leaving. Anyone else who wants to come, now is your last chance!"
"Don't listen to him, he's just trying to scare you"
"No, I'm not trying to scare you. You're already scared, all right. I'm scared" Thomas stated, "But I'd rather risk my life out there than spending the rest of it in here" there were Gladers on Gally's side exchanging glances. "We don't belong here. This place isn't our home. We were put here. We were trapped here. At least, out there we have a choice. We can make it out of here, I know that"
As it all went silent for a moment. Winston came, followed by Jeff. Few more came to Thomas's side. There was Jack, then to Poe's surprise, even Nico came and exchanged a guilt look to Gally. "It's over, man" Nico said softly, "this place is done" Gally look disbelieved as he watched his friend joining Thomas. Poe gave Jack an extra spear while Teo handed the extra to Nico. There were nearly twenty of them now who wanted to leave.
"Just come with us" Thomas begged Gally.
Gally didn't reply, he was still reluctant and doubtful. "Good luck against the Grievers" he replied.
"Gally, come on" Nico said.
"Goodbye, Nico"
Poe felt a nudge from Teo's arm against his arm. It was time to go. Who knows what awaits in the maze for them. They expected Grievers for sure.
They ran most the way to the way out. The entire time while Poe was jogging behind the group, he was in pain, he was still heavily limping, he felt his foot is about to sprain itself or break itself off. Teo and Newt were supporting him to run most of the time and he kept falling behind.
They only stopped once for a quick break to catch on their breaths, they were halfway there, everyone were sweating and panting. Taking quick gulps of water out of the canteens.
"You okay?" Teresa approached Poe.
He was sitting on the ground as he checked on his leg. He noticed that it was starting to bleed through the bandages, "Yeah"
"I'm sure once we survive through this, we'll get you help right away" Teresa promised.
Poe glanced left to right to see if anyone besides Newt, Minho and those who heard Thomas's story was near. Only Bark, Newt and Teo were near. "Crazy, isn't it? About how we were one of them. Kinda makes you wonder how we knew each other before all of this, you know?"
Teresa weakly nodded, she was glancing down at his ankle, checking on it. Poe grabbed his canteen and took a gulp of the water. "Maybe we were lovers" she joked.
The joke made Poe choked on the water instead and instantly coughed the water back out.
Teresa softly giggled. "Sorry"
"All right, lets move!" Thomas announced from the front who was leading the group.
Teresa helped Poe to get back on his feet before Teo came and asked "You ready, mate?"
Poe nodded.
They continued running the rest of the way, the pain was even worse that he couldn't take it anymore, he wanted to stop and give up. He did stop before they even reach the Griever's home until Minho assured him that they were nearly there, so Poe kept going.
They weren't nearly there at all, Minho was merely giving Poe some motivation to keep going. But when they reach the area with the Blades, they had to go around to get to the opposite side where the Griever's home was.
Poe was relieved that they finally made it, everyone were heaving heavy breaths, Poe heard Nico muttering to Jack, "I'm gonna work on my cardio when we get out of here" Jack was nodding as he agreed.
Poe was behind the group with Teo and Winston as they were catching their breaths. They glanced to the front and see Thomas by the corner. He had an anxious look on his face when he took a glance down the corridor.
"Is it a Griever?" Chuck asked.
There multiple sighs of fright. They knew there would be a Griever waiting for them before they even left the Glade. "You take this, Chuck" Minho pulled out the key and hand it to Chuck, "Stay behind us"
Chuck reluctantly grabbed the key. "It's okay" Teresa told him as she tied her hair back in a messy ponytail, "just stick with me"
Poe grabbed Anton's shoulder and spoke to him softly, "You'll stay with her and Chuck, all right?"
Anton didn't look at him, he nodded shakily in response. Poe nudged him to go front with Chuck and Teresa and he did.
"Once we go through, it will activate" Thomas instructed, "the door will open. We stay close, we stick together. We get through this, we get out now. Or we die trying... ready?" Thomas stomp his spear on the ground as he began to step back to the corridor. Everyone pulled out their weapons, getting themselves ready. Poe exhaled sharply as he stood on his both feet and attempt to avoid the pain. "All right. Let's go!" Thomas bellowed.
Originally this chapter was meant to be the last but the chapter was getting way too long with over 5300 words so I've decided to split the chapter in half and publish the last chapter later :)
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