tdc → nine
the death cure
chapter nine
❛❛ it stops when we find the cure ❜❜
Everything was starting to overwhelm Poe. He felt nauseous as he, Newt, Gally and Nico entered the grounds of WCKD building, heading towards the garage. Meanwhile, Thomas took Teresa to the front entrance and the girls, Brenda and Leigh went to look for transportation.
Everything was planned. If by some miracle they could pull this off. There was definitely no guarantee that everything will work out.
As they entered the garage, Newt had left to meet up with Thomas and Teresa. Gally, Nico and Poe strolled around the parking garage, keeping any suspicions from WCKD guards. Poe once gave a light nod at one of the guards, which the guard reluctantly responded while giving Poe a strange look.
"Seriously, Poe?" Gally whispered harshly.
"Sorry, he wouldn't stop looking at us," Poe said as the three boys kept walking.
Not long before they spotted Teresa with two guards walking with her, the two guards were Thomas and Newt. Gally, Nico and Poe walked side by side toward the entrance into the building with Thomas, Teresa and Newt in the hallway and the three boys joined them into the hall.
Teresa has the door open which lead to the stairways. Before they went further down the stairs, Gally halted by the wall that had some sort of breakers. "Hold on, hold on. I can get in here" it was part of the plan to hack into the building, Gally said Lawrence's men will hack and infiltrate WCKD.
Poe walked up the stairs to see if there were guards in the upper levels. Thomas told Teresa to stay put on the staircase, "Gally, throw me the walkie" Gally tossed the walkie-talkie to Thomas, caught it before he left to check down the below levels.
Poe walked back down the stairs, as he joined Newt, the boy pulled up his mask then let out a few coughs. His face seemed to be covered in sweat. "Hey," Poe grabbed his shoulder. He saw that Newt was looking down towards Teresa. She was also looking at him as if she already knew what was going on with Newt. "Come on" Poe nudged him to follow. He led him up the stairs, "Sit down here" he gestured at the second staircase where Teresa won't see them.
Newt sat down, put his helmet down on the floor then coughed out few more, Poe pulled his mask up over his head as he stood over Newt, rubbed and patted his back. His skin looked almost different, Poe noticed how Newt's skin was getting a little pale, he was noticeably feverish.
"Frypan, we're in, how're you doin'?" Thomas was talking on the walkie.
"Yeah. I'm getting there" Frypan responded back as he was climbing up the very long ladder that was tall over the buildings. "Tell Minho and Anton "Hi" for me" he continued to climb.
"Hang in there, buddy," Thomas told him.
Poe went down the stairs to check if Gally was finished, he had just opened up the breaker, "This will work" he claimed.
"Brenda, what's your status?" Thomas called through the walkie.
Somewhere in the garage, Brenda and Leigh stealth around the area, they both halted in front of a bus, hiding, Brenda reached for the walkie, "Status is, we're working on it" she responded.
She glanced around the bus while Thomas replied, "Copy. Just make sure you're ready on your end"
She and Leigh moved toward the buses that were lined side by side. "Don't worry. You know we're gonna be there" She and Leigh jogged to the between the buses.
Gally placed a device into the breaker that was beeping almost rapidly. "All right, let's go" he closed the breaker before the Gladers and Teresa continued down the stairs.
On their way to the chamber where they're supposed to be holding Minho and other Immunes. They ran a few more staircases and few halls, on their way, they encountered the guards, Poe stunned at least two guards. The Gladers were jogging down the hallways before finally finding the chamber where they were holding Minho.
When they find Minho and the Immunes, Gally, Newt and Nico will take them back to the garage where Brenda and Leigh will meet them with transportation. Poe and Thomas were planning on taking Teresa who will lead them to Anton.
Before Teresa could open up the door, the door already opened by a guard, surprising him and Thomas, Gally and Newt quickly reacted by shooting their launchers at the security guards.
Once they all got the security down, the Gladers started looking and unlocking every cell in the room, freeing the kids. When Poe looked into one of the cells for Minho, he wasn't in there but only three young frightened girls who couldn't be more than fifteen-year-olds. "Its all right" he took his helmet off, "Come on, let's go, you're all getting out of here"
More kids got out of the cells, Nico and Newt huddled the kids all together while Gally interrogated one of the guards about opening up the vault.
The Gladers continued to get the kids out and gathered them all together, there may be about thirty or more of them.
"Guys" Gally called from the vault, "This may take some time"
Thomas was pacing around the room before realizing that Minho wasn't in either of the cells. "Shit. He's not here" he approached Teresa. "Where is he?"
Teresa gazed around the room, she was confused and hinted a slight shock when she realized that Minho wasn't here. "I don't know— wait... let me—" she approached one of the computers and began to look for Minho. Poe walked around and moved to her side to see. Minho's info card and a photo of the former Runner popped up. "Somebody's moved him up to the medical wing," Teresa said.
"And Anton?" Poe asked, "Where is he exactly?"
"He's on the same floor with Minho. Poe— that's on the other side of the building" she warned and at the same time, worried.
"Okay" Thomas nodded, "Take us to him then. Right now"
"All right, I'm coming with you" Newt grabbed his helmet off the counter.
"Newt, no, you're not" Thomas retorted,
"Newt, he's right," Poe said, "You have to stay here, wait with Gally for the serum"
"I'm going where you're going, okay?" Newt said to Poe, "Minho comes first, remember?"
"Just go!" Gally urged them, "We're wasting time. I'll get the serum. We'll meet you out back"
Poe let out a sigh in frustration while Thomas responded, "Okay, fine. Let's go. Come on" he, Poe, Newt and Teresa were leaving the room.
"Hey, Greenie!" Gally called, Poe and Newt were putting their masks back on, "Good luck"
Nico was by the exit of the chamber, looking out for any guards. "Coast is clear, guys," he told them. "Be careful, you shanks"
"Yeah, we'll see you soon," Newt said while Poe just exchanged a nod and then left the area.
They went back to where they came from, the same hallways and same stairways. They were heading for the main lobby where Thomas and Teresa came in from.
Before leaving the stairway, into the parking garage, Newt needed to stop for a quick moment to catch his breath while Thomas and Teresa went out the door. Newt pulled his mask up again to let out another few coughs. "You're all right" Poe put his hand on his shoulder. "This will be all over soon"
Newt nodded, grabbed Poe's arm, squeezing it, it hurt Poe a bit, Newt loosened his grip before going out the door as he pulled his mask back on and Poe followed him. "You all good?" Thomas asked them.
"Yeah, let's keep moving" Poe replied.
Before Poe ahead, Teresa grabbed Poe's arm, "Poe, there's something you have to know, I need you to listen for a moment—"
Poe brushed her hand off his arm, "We don't have time for that, we need to move fast. Whatever it is, save it for later"
The stress became unbearable that his chest began to pound in anxiety, he tried to focus on getting his friend back. Every guard they passed without them suspicious just stressed him out more rather than bringing him into relief.
Teresa led the boys across the lobby, walking toward the elevators. "What floor are they in?" Poe asked Teresa quietly.
"All right, you guys go with her," he told Newt and Thomas. "I'll take the other lift"
"What are you talking about?" Newt asked.
"There are three WICKED uniforms following Teresa around, don't you think that's a little too suspicious?" Poe said, "Go, go. I'll meet you guys up there"
"Okay" Thomas nodded, he nudged Teresa to keep going while Newt didn't move for long seconds until Thomas nudged him, "Come on, let's go"
Newt hesitated before finally went to follow them as Poe parted from them. He found another lift on the opposite side, pressed the top button, across on the right side were Teresa, Thomas and Newt, waiting for their lift to arrive. Poe's lift arrived just seconds later, he went in, pressed the twentieth floor and took a moment for the doors to close. Meanwhile, Teresa, Thomas and Newt's lift finally arrived and they went in. The door closed on Poe and there was a split second that he saw someone rushing to Teresa's lift.
The elevator lifted, Poe leaned back against the hall, exhaled as he took a few deep breaths in and out. He has made it this far, he was getting close to his friend, so many things he would like to share with Anton, so many things to tell. "I'm almost there" he murmured softly, "almost there" he let out another sharp breath before the elevator stopped and had reached his floor.
He stepped out, looked left to right, he turned right, looked for the elevator where Newt should come out of. He found it and walked toward it, he stopped at the side of the lift to wait for them. It didn't take long, the elevator arrived and Teresa was heard speaking softly before she stepped out first. Teresa walked by Poe as she eyed at him, already knowing that it was Poe. Behind her was Newt then Thomas. He followed them.
Thomas walked ahead, passing Teresa and lead the way. "Thomas, you have to listen to me" Teresa began, "Getting that serum won't save Newt. It might buy him some time, but—"
"Just ignore her" Newt gave her a slight push forward to walk quickly. "She's trying to get inside your head"
Teresa shrugged off Newt's grip twisted around as she turned to Poe, "Poe, listen. You know what's going on out there." Poe grabbed her arm to keep her going ahead. "People are dying. The world is dying. There's something in Thomas's blood I don't understand"
He's aware of what's happening, he already knew that so he brushed her off. Thomas halted at the transparent door. Poe nudged Teresa forward. "Go. Open it"
Teresa has the door open then turned back to Thomas as they went inside. "If you let me run some tests. I promise I can protect you"
Poe instantly pulled his helmet off, infuriated, dropped it on the floor as he twisted around, "Yeah? Like you protected Anton? Like you protected me back in the Scorch? Or before you sent me into the Maze?"
"What are you doing?" Newt hushed.
"Poe, come on" Thomas tried to pull him away.
But Poe shoved him off, turned to Teresa, "How many people is it gonna take? How many more people do they have to round up, torture, kill? When the hell does it stop?"
"It stops when we find the cure" Teresa answered.
"There is no cure!" Poe snapped in anger. The way Teresa looked at Poe, like as if she was hurt.
Before anyone else could say anything, Poe saw someone ahead, "Don't waste your breath, Teresa!" It was Janson, draw his weapon and aimed at them. Poe pulled up his launcher, so did Newt while Thomas pulled up his pistol. "They made their choice long ago."
"Drop it, kid!" Another set of guards came from their right and left, surrounding them, Poe aimed his weapon at their right while Newt had their left.
All of sudden, Thomas pulled Teresa and draw his gun on her head. "Back up!" He warned, "Tell them to back off. Tell them to back off!" Poe had a feeling that Thomas wouldn't dare to shoot Teresa, he knew him he was better than that.
"Hey, Thomas, come on. It's me" said Janson. "I've known you longer than you can remember. You're not gonna shoot her"
"You don't think so?" Thomas warned.
"Okay, go on then" Janson raised his gun, not aiming it at them anymore, and then lowered his weapon. "Shoot her. Prove me wrong"
Thomas was stepping back slowly, forcing Newt and Poe to slowly step back as well as they kept their weapons drawn.
"Shoot her" Janson demanded.
Obviously, Thomas hesitated. But all of sudden, Teresa reacted by twisting around, then shoved Thomas back into the hallway, bumping both boys back and then pulled the switch down. Triggering an alarm and the door to close between the boys and Teresa.
"Clear, clear!" Janson shouted then started shooting. Teresa ducked down to dodge the bullets. But no damage was made on the door as it was bulletproof. Janson pounded the door and looked at the boys.
Poe was worried for a moment there that they might get in, but if they did, they would've opened the door already. It seems that the Gladers were trapped, but somewhere in the area they're in, Anton and Minho could be anywhere, and they're close of finding them.
Poe's glance met with Teresa, she gave him a concerned look, he wasn't surprised with her actions anymore, he saw something like this coming, he wasn't sure if she was protecting them or betraying them once again.
"Come on, let's go" Thomas nudged both boys, he lead the way to the right hall, Poe pulled off his helmet and dropped it on the floor as he followed Thomas, and Newt was right behind them.
Now, they look for Anton and Minho.
Ugh, I tried to resist where Poe snaps at Teresa
instead of Thomas on that "there's no cure"
scene because of that poeresa video? XD
I really did originally stuck with Thomas for
that scene then I thought of that video *L
Anyway, shit's about to get intense in the
next chapter :)
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